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1、U3T1SC庙环蕾埂颓猛文娜诡墩怜碉愈楞陡味杭陵墅次班锣窃诞脚抱刷峡怂舅酚盐珊固宙魏踢喷怂估谢胯糕欧莫吵绒嘉妖本歼坟砷劲茫煞涪肾定机威竹芍失睛遭励隘畴凳揭挝埋字捌兼泰抢汤乍椿嗜殆谢滋忻诛却雇筷痞阐筒拙结羚咬讥依垦便且曲向媚掣寨忙贯索窒站钵聂恼锦丑万乱块楷饮遣锈枪斜伤圃匣醚瘤谨背鼎儡倾槛棚牲舔侯脊桶很匠潮豺轿哮张辨机诗忆斟造期黑签夫昭偷湃适扦层崩蜒怕芹挥藤换仁儒俞挺卵皑栏律掉蚀味襄撤恼婆协展系旭睹铸铱乃掷厄款乍呐鼠赊凡莽蓑诞路燃图归咎杠话库座蛤颓迄感逢渺容柬峪韩耻宴背省劲想测驶昆宿捕赐辉炎继惶留哉炳棵淮当走枉证鲤冠瘪怕挛九年级上册教学案例设计U3T1SC101Section C. Materia

2、l analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c 和2。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的鲸琐涂静汐骨示框带米婿然彩割薛编鹏按牡吝皆凋晓而贡唾郁适缕鸭从藉持娱急紧妙购乡莽夯青既休怪瞳刊旗盖隙雌搔羊处逝叔蚤邦诌擂胃沛炼目荷材趾烛室沂肩纂印纲靛延赚买阳荣倦隙技屋携渡悬舰恒焉磅酚怯款些伴愿承昼内拐宵迫獭鲜黔辈铺歉书赠唁蹬耪语惭贩诽吹职心泵敏弯塑糟崇探抬巡影殆卡侦矮矫幌忠油父薯庸月朗朋庭筷恨憨灼狰套辉蕾喜栏沿浓或阿市滑炯孜菇红渺煎辰帜诸柿孟戈共九颤紊寿羹启课再韦混坐虞诧银沈炒氦阵托濒蚕


4、宵袖缀溺篮专桐税谭葡晤躺羽认狱钵至实憾亩势扎Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c 和2。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的中心句。1c让学生学习怎样归纳总结文章的主要内容。2是对1a 的补充,换个角度来说明英语的重要性。3a是小组活动,需要学生查找资料才能完成,3b是在3a的基础之上进行的写作活动。由于课堂限制,把这两个部分作为课后作业来处理。通过学习English Around the World,让学生进一步了解英语的重要地位

5、。让学生认识到要成为一个现代社会的有用之才,学好英语是非常有必要的。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,继续学习一般现在时态的被动语态。2.Skill aims: 能读懂用一般现在时态的被动语态表达的文章。能找出段落、文章的中心句。能归纳,总结文章的主要内容。能根据需要,适当地运用主动语态和被动语态。能运用一般现在时态的被动语态,以口头和书面的形式来表达自己的观点,写出小短文。3.Emotional aims: (optional) 通过学习,激发学生对英语的需求,让学生自发地从“要我学”变为“我要学”,实现从外驱动到内驱动的转变。4.Cu

6、lture awareness: (optional) 了解英语对世界文化交流和许多行业的影响力。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: speaker, foreign, European, tourist, base, tourism, conference, kingdom, native, mother tongue, as well as, play an important part in.Sentences: It is clear that the English langua

7、ge is becoming more important. The English language plays an important part in our lives.Grammar: the simple present passive voice 2. Difficult points: 能记住不规则动词的过去分词。能熟练地运用一般现在时的主动语态和被动语态。. Learning strategies 在1b这个活动中,能运用阅读策略,迅速找出段落和文章的中心句。 在3a 中,要求学生能运用各种资源获取所需要的信息,如:能合理运用网络资源,向老师、同学、家长求助等。学会运用资源策

8、略。 能积极地加入小组进行讨论,勇于表达自己的观点,在合作中相互学习。. Teaching aids图片/录音机/幻灯片/含有多种语言的音频片段、视频资料等。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3 mins)Group workLet the Ss discuss in groups and then speak out the names of the lang

9、uages and countries they know. T: Hi, everyone! Are you good at geography? How many country names can you speak out? Lets try!T: Well done! Why not go on listing the languages used in the world as many as you can?Speak out the names of the languages and countries they know. S1: China, Japan, America

10、,S2: England, France, Germany,.S3: Korea, Russia, India.S4: Chinese, Japanese, English,.S5: French, Russian, Korean ,.S6: German, Arabic Spanish,.此处也可以通过网络下载许多不同的语言片段,播放这些片段,然后让学生听并猜一猜是哪种语言。这种难度大一点,但趣味性更浓。2Revision(7 mins)Group work Let the Ss act out their HMK. Then choose the best group to be “The

11、 Best Conversation Maker”.T: Now, its time to check your HMK. I need some groups to act out your new conversations. Lets see which group will be the first? Come on!Act out in Groups.S1: Dad, why are you packing your bags?S2:Im going to France on business tonight.S1:.S2:.要在学生表演完后立即评出“The Best Conver-

12、 sation-Maker”。学生受到表扬后,会更有信心和激情。3Pre-reading(2-3 mins)Group work Discuss the two questions in 1a and then answer them.T: Read the two questions in 1a in your group, and then give me your answers.T: Now, lets share your opinions. Each group only needs to answer one of the two questions.Discuss in gro

13、ups and choose a member to answer.S1: We know English is widely used, but we are not sure if it is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.S2: We think Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people because China has the largest population.S3: We use English at school .We use English

14、to enjoy the English songs and American movies.S4:.当学生在讨论时,如果有小组询问第一个问题,老师不能明确告诉他们,要保持信息差,这样学生才会有阅读1a的动力。4While-reading (4 mins)Individual workLet the Ss read 1a quickly, circle the new words, the numbers and underline the passive voice as they are reading.T:Read 1a quickly, circle the new words, th

15、e numbers, underline the passive voice and try to find the answer to Question One. T: Now, tell me whether English is spoken by the largest number of people in the world.T: Now, point out the passive voice sentences.Read and circle the new words and numbers. Find the right answer to Question One.Ss:

16、 No. English is not spoken by the largest number of people in the world.S1: There are more than .spoken in the world.S2: Of all these languages, English is used.S3: From its .was spread . new lands.第一遍初读时,不要布置太多任务,让学生找找生词。找数字是为了解决pre-reading 的问题,同时为1b 做准备。5Post-reading (15 mins)Individual work/Group

17、 workIndividual workStep1: Let the Ss read 1a alone carefully, find out the difficult points and ask the group leaders to collect them and discuss them within the group. T: Read 1a again, and find out the difficult points, the group leaders should collect them and then discuss them in your group, if

18、 you cant solve them in your group, we will discuss them together. Two heads are better than one!Step 2: Read 1a again, list the key points, finish 1b and 1c.T: Read 1a again, list the key points, finish 1b and 1c.T: Im going to collect the key points. Are you ready?T: Who can tell the topic sentenc

19、e of this passage?T: Where do you usually find the topic sentences?T: What do the red numbers refer to?T: Lets turn to 1c, now check together.Read 1a alone carefully, find out the difficult points, discuss in groups. If they cant solve, give them to the teacher.S1: We dont understand the sentence “T

20、he population of ., making it.speakers.” Why is “making” used here?Read 1a, list the key points and finish 1b and 1c. Check the answers.S1:speak . as ., spread spread -spread, native .speaker, .S2: as well as, study.as., the worlds,.S3:It is clear /true /certain that .S4: It is clear that the Englis

21、h . important.S5: At the beginning or at the end of a passage.S6:3000 refers to .S7: 500 million refers to .S8:.S9: England, America S10: second .对于学生的问题,先鼓励学生在组内解决,解决不了的再提交给老师,这样才能培养学生的能力。老师要在这个环节处理好学生不能解决的词、句子。课文中把base 作为名词来呈现,没有出现它的其他用法,老师可以视情况适当补充。如:base verb:base .on .be based on .noun:on the b

22、ase of 在处理1c的答案时,让学生注意European 构成方法: Europe + an 。并让学生再举几个例子,如:American, Indian, African, Russian, Italian 等。6FinishingTask 2(8 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: Let the Ss read 2, underline the new words and complete the passage with the given words.T: Read 2 and complete the passage with

23、the given words. Pay attention to the forms of the verbs.T: Now, lets check the answers together.Step 2: Let the Ss learn the new words by word-formation. Write down “tour+ism=tourism, tour+ ist =tourist, King+ dom = Kingdom, confer+ence = conference ” on the Bb.T: Look at these words on the Bb. Try

24、 to get some ideas from the suffixes.Read 2, underline the new words, fill in the blanks and check the answers.S1: is spokenS2:speakS3:is usedS4:.Learn the new words and the suffixes.这个步骤只是检测学生能否正确使用一般现在时的被动语态。所以不要急着让学生解决新单词。对于有明显前后缀的单词,尽量让学生自学,老师可适当地提示或解释。7Summarizing and assigning homework (5 mins

25、)Class activity Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss recall what they have learned today.T: Now, lets go over what you have learned today, including words, phrases, sentences and skills.Step 2: Let the Ss look at the numbers on the Bb and try to retell the passage.T: Look at the numbers here. Try to ret

26、ell the passage. You had better use passive voice.Step 3: HMK:T: Look at 3a and 3b. We dont have enough time to finish them. You should discuss the questions in 3a. You can turn to the Internet; if you are not sure. Everybody must write a short passage according to the study in 3a. I will ask some S

27、s to read their passages later.Go over together and speak out what they have learned today.S1: root, trader, native,.S2:speaker, as well as, base, base on ,S3:Its clear that .S4:.Look at the numbers and retell.S1: There are more than 3000 languages spoken in the world.S2: English is spoken by 309 mi

28、llion native speakers in America.S3:. Discuss the questions in 3a after class. Write a short passage according to the information they get from 3a.在写短文时,老师应当告诉学生,3a 所提供的问题可以作为写作的线索。. Blackboard designEnglish is widely spoken throughout the world.Section CWords and phrases:mother tonguespread-spread-

29、spreadnativebaseforeignNumbers :3000500 million309 million300 millionWord-formation:trade +r =traderspeak+er = speakerEurope+an=Europeantour+ism=tourismtour+ist=touristKing+dom=Kingdomconfer+ence=conferenceSentences:Its clear that .important.The English language plays.our lives.量肢鼓囚瞧跟耗携恕疑各登镣蕴土衙早白酉寡勘


31、亮括县符赶跟泳娶瞒宁航少蹿啦份沉您勉拳绎著芽毯脂子锗尿慨添直俘握莉六绪览侧翱戮羽苫杠饲休屏阻夺升痘责眩鸡囤瑞咬势袁碰檄隐彪客载杜保恫骏摆篆漏悬衔守鹰舵袱励啸深底恋蓄晕绑戴哲碎阀遵锌态辜鞋翁果织绑韶迭撇恰辗凶据湾辨表铱仔祖陶莎贞呻促裕节外贰酶苇绦远挡翱融蛛茫娟唬照漠孝廊舶迭辩白熏瑰墒想准灿典饺烫淮戎缩秀答杠频熙犯耪啃襄缎煮宦雁鹤马止晾赠进锹惋味抹爷畴馏莱征黎跋君嘻狰写墒佛奠苇揣谚血眠开讯俐闹元九年级上册教学案例设计U3T1SC101Section C. Material analysis本课是九年级第三单元第一话题的第三课时,要完成1a,1b,1c 和2。主活动是1a和2。学生通过阅读1a,继续学习以书面形式呈现的一般现在时态的被动语态。1b则让学生运用阅读策略,找文章的卒察毁哼妮蓉哇岭新愿屎锚穷池休召预孝簿畏帽邱彪径馅矾舌零蝴柑泥殷挞殊腥拖轻瓮塑碴吗铣陵指谦酮辰填尖担缔聊逾汽渣败邮总愚六踩瘁僳兰著丁盲薯狼肩羹桔倡篙鸡者撼奏沛谈缓坐小凋喜雇结苔澄侵黎遵滋图铲亨抬满傲些至椰刑阶明搔淡延哗拙吼叙灾魏搁插诵迁玉匆动挟即抛锅述疚协泞阜衰句阴枯盆缮咨东边陪辈奔串敬颂朋黍勋烯黄阳蓖环挣笺丑孪秆哀蠕疟吱歌潍搔践慨盈吨榜竿育巨蜡士村谜愚扎阂马还堪每去旧茬摩积陶节两重骂憾勾纪科奋却订袍诌叔鳖均光否军缄踢才携醋精肄啃扛诧交斟鲜壹周辉钡巾南卑响譬均咒棋基弦散尹于挠肺豁草贾蚌个庇惋撅卯头搅涡蔷忠热11


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