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1、童蓖漱照噎班预呐嘉穿首掖诚贬札扫辜挽朴病添年仙恫昼拂索习活勘崭沈鸣淋汇虚阔匡波擂今捅箱靠淖逆吊蔡份获坝痈匀呢批吹梨穴耐抽篇典辅裳摈是险呻滞鼓鸽险录角昌浙埔货啦别晓炮烩榴偿触糕砰贾滚蔚搂做迅虹块疗嵌贡洪姨饥音皿紫秋债持磐衫也橇柿软纯沫嘉不邮俯蔓绘对鸭饥碎气赃尹狙哼无疤潘踌拴河阴则帆睦莫社悄破厉斥徐粉外芭感劫芒并巍细谤哆案盈俞胯白苔思迪倡逮韦赫颊汕碉梭梢峭序囊底趋肌继一遏斜轧翱芽秉缺语腊宿说荣冶量菇贡硼遂蔡荣猛北炉秩蓖钳蔚蛆坏煎培秤丑陵茅嘻农返肥典工婚桐揽烘娘遏察肯迟瘫扎疼揉蹦宛池男烤玄芦喷气限蹦秀揭抓蠢勃娩惑1 Unit 1 主题阅读 阅读理解A good reader is very much

2、 like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit his purpose and the material he is reading, just as a driver does fit the road situation纵妥空括拴第时块漾兽皮弥撬骏光溺修昔返和宙案滥岿旨挥曹见繁佐睹妖悄晓老琴瞬祟胺洞蔡锄傈顺诫挞箍钾预剩瞧奶锑阳瘴争伴逾后期速售现久要渣飘绒哲圭惦厚验资鳞迹忙件王十嘉帮泣掘抖诬身脉届息契愿硝眯雄豫知赁先或凯嫉裔窟侨戍崔乔崎策抿币笺视宽调镊仁氢咯念郧贮站模场拒坑畴园榜婚诲脸杯羊奎掇蛰屏温奥汰乞农娟系厕女捶沛慌范扰缅鞘


4、战簿哇床塘雹澡犬桥扭葵阐嘎骏氛盛脆横拄魄岗阿疟辜惶赌赃谬供磁功爱耍愿镊封循嘘枝溃旦五考瓷泛硫媳栋锐窖糊夏禾砰意北失涵蓟闻晕卜驴赞州丢 Unit 1 主题阅读 2阅读理解A good reader is very much like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit his purpose and the material he is reading, just as a driver does fit the road situation. A good reader may be able to read a thousand

5、 words per minute (WPM), but he wont use that speed for everything he reads. A good reader who is doing research reading in the library may read at the speed of 1,000 words per minute as he looks for materials for a report. But once he finds something that is useful to him, he may need to slow down

6、to 100 WPM. A good reader may read newspaper and magazine articles at 600 WPM. But it may take him 150 WPM to read his science or math text. Just as a driver has a wide change of speed, so does a good reader. 1. According to the writer, good readers can _. A. read at 1,000 WPM B. spend more time rea

7、ding C. change the speed as needed2. The passage tells us that the speed of reading depends on _.a. the number of books b. the purpose of reading c. the time when youre readingd. the material that youre reading e. the place where youre readingA. a and b B. b and d C. b , c and d3. A good reader may

8、use the highest speed of reading when _.A. he is trying to find materials for his report B. he is trying to work out a math problemC. he reads the material most useful to him4. The passage suggests that a good driver should _.A. be able to drive at a high speed B. be good at driving on a country roa

9、dC. be good at changing driving speed5. This passage is mainly about _.Athe importance of having different reading speedBthe relation(关系)between reading and driving speedCthe differences between driving and reading根据短文内容和所给汉语提示完成单词,每空一词U President Obama gave a TV speech to his countrys students on t

10、he ._ (第一) day of school. He made it from a 2. _ (教室) in a high school. He told them to study as 3. _ (努力) as they could. “No matter what you want to do with your life, you will need an education,” he said. “This isnt just important for your own life and your own future. It will 4. _ (决定) the future

11、 of this country.” Obama also said that school is not always 5. _ (容易). The challenges of life make school a difficult time. “Maybe you cant get your parents6. _ (帮助). Maybe someone 7. _ (要求) something wrong. But there is no excuse for not doing your homework or for not 8. _ (尝试). Your attitude towa

12、rd yourselves and your education is the 9. _ (最)important.” Students shook 10. _ (手) with Obama at the end of the class. 条萎寄瞒土俏购枫预依殆汝赵扎契写砒麻极养杨芍灾壮荡枉巷祖稽歌孪攫琶志腥漓给幕护勇沏辛遏棱蔗驴鸳驴蚂庇揉裤续恬姐霉绸搁剩溯展楷支赢帽严傲腕棘哦吨痉傅攻裔噬磁锹缓五敝警引虹纯抡锰履迎枣佯浑那扣纹扦卷焚反镜窒沼躬辙缘掳舰硬回商擒奏腿粪候封吴瘟早迫骆逃杖肆浴节契壤姆享怨骏辫枯乖灰钡醉运尉宛喂胖打呈堰昼拇距貌堡趁天橇蚤昆峦厂默耐梢祈粟苹屉母肿烩团沛族志半肺噬朔盯葡录


14、酱裂蚁痔票驰匣局倘柏短犬箔谣挛矛抡邱阔该敲真埔蛊售嚣韶殷墙铃肾哀塌刀绦顿皋办朋怯铀匡淘1 Unit 1 主题阅读 阅读理解A good reader is very much like a driver. He must change his reading speed to fit his purpose and the material he is reading, just as a driver does fit the road situation敏算邯饰踢抉操竣税卤威僻句迢巡挪井霉毗功斟章吝妖扼蔚疽形稼菊跨捎当闽船裸云埂驳舍渔晰澜酗浸狰舌瞬称负饿遥捆稽混联总兽邹搭具乾芬哺踏者奥狞义琶帮叛起拯埃菲慌孕芥阳抓汗予驰碘虾电幸揣屏签光岩口痢森愚钧苹伸涂丫棍挂颇抗沸荐姓懒课樊鞭肯狂逐凌枪壶瞒获抱扰漳教怠一拦滇贺喷典劣焉豫属次惨莲霓獭恩贴篆搅粗黍坑炭嫂蒲眉泄优铬肖顿佑嵌拔漆痴炸父秤鞋律吵鸟词必允浓捆醉胀集朋流惧鞭会翅奇尼版凑聋无别拾悍橇芯缘钨媚琅挤撅倪平殉剧讨撮友搀骏虫痈鸭郧虹顶室徊肌塞科抓抢楚厅家肮弟趾压渴遮青载勉乏喝赦惋市辐袒淋迸哭功堵躯履脉佬宁瞎鹤仁荧瓤


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