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1、精品Jack Ma Davos 2021 interviewC: Wellcome Jack MaM: thank youC: We ve all become very cognitive Jack and his story and when Alibaba went public with the largest IPO in history, we knew a lot more about him, so I want totalk about his personal story, I want to talk about how many timeshe tried andfai

2、led, and what kept him going, I want to talk about where he is today and how he got here and where he is going and how expects to get there and if he gets therewhat will it all mean for him and for the people that he wants to inspire, so, beginwith this question, though, Jack, why are you back at Da

3、vos.M: It s a long break for seven y ears, I think my last time trip here was 2021, but Iwas coming for your to find one for young global leader for tomorrow, and I thinkremember I never heard about a Davos when I came, but when I came out I and aSwitzerland, so many young people demonstrate was suc

4、h a horrible scene that Iwas a net and ask them who wanted to do it, they say NT globalization and as whygrandmas this is a great thing, why people and you know don t like it, and then wecome all the way for two hours here, there s some Russian gone there s a peoplechecking out the all go is that th

5、eres follower zap reason, were going to go inthat, but when I joined the fun at the young global leader, I was thrilled by so many ideas for the first of three four years, I ve learned what doe s the globalization mean, what is the copper to citizenship mean, what about social responsibility-可编辑-精品m

6、ean, how all these new ideas and see so many great leaders talking aboutleadership and that benefit a lot and a year 2021, and 2021 when the financial crisiscame, I think about it go back to work because we can never win the world bytalking, so go back to spend seven years, now I come back, I think

7、it s time to dosomething return, so I learned so much, let s talk about years ago so why I shouldnot talking to young global leader of today shelling with them how we gone.C: Through that was the thing, letstart with w here you are today just how big isall about, how many people come every day, I me

8、an people come in a week how fast is it growing.M: yeah, we have for over a hundred million buyers visiting our site shop in our siteour everyday, and we create a hundred million and everything we created 14million jobs for china directly and indirectly, and we grow from 18 people to 30000people, me

9、eting people in my apartment to now, we have a full big camperscompared to 15 years ago, we were big but compared to 15 years later with to a baby.C: And a big will you be 15 years from them.M: I think 15 years ago, I told my team that 15 years in the past 15 years we go fromnothing to this size, an

10、d 15 years later I wanted people see know about alibaba notop up, because it s already everywhere, I want 15 years ago when we talk aboutwhat is e-commerce why small business can using this e-commerce this internet-可编辑-精品can do business cross the nation, and I hope 15 years later people forget about

11、e- commerce, because they think it s mega electricity nobody think is a hightechtoday, now this is something that I don t want 15 years later we still walk on thestraight talking about why and how e-commerce can help people.C: Talk about the IPO you did it exceed your expectationsM: well, it s a pre

12、tty small IF2S0.C: yeah, two largest not to do in the history, number two was Chinese bank.M: Thank you, I remember your tooth and while we went to raise some five minutesremaining venture capitalist daughters in the USA and got reject, and I say we comeback raising some a little bit more, but I thi

13、nk it you know what we think moreabout is for 225 billion dollars how we can spend the money efficiently, becausethis is not the money visit the trust from the world, the trust from those people theywant you to better jobs to help more people, they want have a good return. So Ithink give me more pre

14、ssure because when our market cap is bigger than IBM orsomeday were bigger than Walmart, we are one of the top 10 15 largest market capcompany in the world, I told my team and myself is that ture, we re not that goodbecause years ago people say a lot about the models terrible dose not make moneyhave

15、 this and that all the big bad things, because emma-based bsetbteart,terygoogle is better and theres no such model like alibaba in the USA, so I told myselfand people, we will better than people thought, but today when we got that big-可编辑-精品size I said no, we re not that good as people thought, we w

16、ere just a company 15 years old, average age is twenty-seven twenty-eight year, so young people were doing something that human being have never tried.C: so. What I want to talk about the future, let me take you back to谈未来3:32 Compared to 15 years ago, we are big; but compared to 15 years later, we

17、are still ababy. I think 15 years ago, I told my team that . in the past 15 years, we grew fromnothing to this size, and 15 years later, I want people see no about Alibaba, no Taobao, because it is already everywhere. 15 years ago, when we talked about what is e-commerce, why small businesses can us

18、e this e-commerce and this Internet and do business across the nation; and I hope 15 years later, people forget about e-commerce, because they think it is like electricity nobody think it is a high-techtoday. I dont want 15 years later, we still walk on the street, talking about why and how e-commer

19、ce can help people.2 .谈遭拒8:25 I think we have to get used to it. We are not that good; even today, we are still having a lot of people who reject us.3 .谈学英语9:51 I dont know why at 12 or 13 years old, or that time, I suddenly fell love into that language, English. And theres no place where you can le

20、arn English at that time; theres no book, English books. So I went to the Hangzhou Hotel, now called the-可编辑-精品Hangzhou Shangri-la Hotel, because that was the hotel . that can receive the foreign visitors. So every morning- for 9 years- I showed them around as a freeguide, and they taught me English

21、. And I think that changed me. I am 100% madein China; I never got one days training outside China.So I think that was the 9 years - these Western tourists opened my mind, because everything they told mewas so different from the things I learnt from the schools, and from my parents. Sonow I have had

22、 a habit whatever I see and whatever I read, I use my mind to think about for 2 minutes.4 .谈资金(18:26 )(I have never got money from the Chinese government.) I wanted it in the beginning, but later I dont want it, because I think that if the company is alwaysthinking about picking money off the govern

23、ments pocket, that company is a rubbish. Think about how can you make money from the customers and the market,and then help the customers succeed. Thats our philosophy. (I think the relationship with the government for us is very interesting.I learned that you should never rely on government organis

24、ations to do e-commerce. And I startedthe business, and I told the people in my team that being in love with the government; dont marry them; respect them.)5 .谈一切皆有可能(25:11 )In the beginning, I thought. when I was young, I said everything is possible. Now Iknow not everything is possible. You have t

25、o think about .you have to consider-可编辑-精品about the others. you have to consider about the customers, the society, your employees, the share holders. there are so many things.! think, if you continue to work hard, theres possibility. If you dont do it, nothings possible; if you try to do it, at leas

26、t you have the hope.6 .谈阿甘(33:16 )I learnt so much about the Hollywood movies, especially the Forrest Gump. (I like Forrest Gump because he is) simple, and never gives up. People think he is dump, but he knows what he is doing.This is the guy we should learn from. Believe what youre doing, love it w

27、hether people like it or dont like it; be simple. And I like the word, Life is like a box of chocolate - you never know what you are going to get. I told my people in my department 15 years ago, guys, we have to work hard, not for ourselves. If we can be successful, 80 per cent of the young people i

28、n China can be successful. We dont have the rich father, or powerful uncle. We dont get one dollar from banks, or one cent from the government. Just work as a team.7 .谈希望(34:49 )I worry about that today, a lot of young people lose hope, lose vision and start to complain. We also had the same period

29、because it is not a good feelingto berejected by so many people; we were also depressed. But later we found that the world has a lot of opportunities (it all depends on) how you see the world, andhow you catch the opportunity.8 .谈英雄35:40 -可编辑-精品Movie probably is the best product that can help Chines

30、e young people to understand.because one thing I told the Chinese people.my friends, is that in an American movie, all the heroes - at the beginning, they looked like the bad guy.But when terrible things were coming, they became the hero and finally they all survived. In Chinese movies. all the hero

31、es died. So because only dead people became the hero, nobody wants to be a hero. So I want to change the Chinese definition about the hero. I want to say that today, we have so many heroes LIVE in this world.9 .谈太极36:52 I love taichi. Taichi is a philosophy about the yin and the yang. Taichi is abou

32、t how you balance. Like competition.people say when I competed with eBay you hate eBay. And I said no, no, no, I dont hate eBay. It is a great company, you know, they come, I go. Taichi is about that you fight here, I go over there; they put on the top, I go the down. Right so? It is about BALANCE!

33、You are heavy and I am small, you know, when I am small, I can jump; and when you are heavy, you cant jump. Taichi is about philosophy. I use the Taichi philosophy in the business- Calmdown; theres always a way out. And keep yourself balanced. Because business is a competition, and competition is a

34、fun. Business is not like a battlefield that you die and I win- even if you die, I may not win. Its about fun. So Taichi gave me a lotof inspiration.10 .谈改变38:24 -可编辑-精品First, I think many years ago, I want to change the world. But now I think, before Ichange the world, we change ourselves. Changing

35、 ourselves is more importantand easier than changing the world. And second, I want to improve the world. Myjob is to make sure that my team is happy. Because if my team is happy, they can make my customers happy; Our customers are all small businesses; when they are happy, we are happy.11 .谈女性38:56

36、About women.one of the secret thoughts about Alibabas success is that we have alot of women. Because in this world. if you want to win in the 21st Century, youhave to make other people powerful, empower others, make sure that the otherpeople are better than you are, and then you will be successful.

37、So I found that women.they think about the others more than they think about themselves.Women think about the kids, husband, parents much more than the men. And they use the friendliness.12 .谈中国经济放缓40:45 I think slowing down is much better than keeping on that 9 per cent. China today isthe second la

38、rgest economy in the world. Its impossible to keep 9 per cent of thegrowth. If China still keeps the 9 per cent of the growth of the economy, there mustbe something wrong. Youll never see the blue sky. Youll never see the quality.China should pay attention to the quality of the economy. I think.just

39、 like that ahuman grows - this body can never grow, grow, grow.at a certain time, the-可编辑-精品growth of the body will slow down. You should grow your mind, grow your culture, grow your value, grow your wisdom. I think China is moving to that direction.13 .谈首富42:00 I was really not happy in the past 3

40、months when people say Jack Ma is the richest people of China. 15 years ago, at my apartment, my wife.at that time, one of the 18 founders.I asked her: Do you want your husband to be a rich person . I said not a rich person in China, or a rich person in Hangzhou. or do you want your husband to be a

41、respected person? She said: Of course, respected! Because she never believed, and I never believed, that we would be rich people. We just wanted to survive. I believe when you have 1 million dollars, thats your money. When you have 20 million dollars, you start to have problems; you start to worry a

42、bout inflation, worry about which stock to buy- the headaches come. When you have1 billion dollars, thats not your money- thats the trust the society gives on you.They believe you can managethe money, use the money better than thegovernment, and the others. So I think today, I have the resources to

43、do more things. With the money we have, with the influence we have, we should spend more time on the young people. And I would say, some day I will go back to teach, go back to school, spend time with the young people, and share with them what Ive done. So the money is not mine; I just happily have

44、the resources. And I want to do a better job. Like Forrest Gump, we never give up, and we keep on fighting. We keep changing ourselves; we dont complain. Whether you are successful or not successful when you finish the job, when you make a mistake or if you fail, if-可编辑-精品you always complain the others, you will never come back. If you only check yourself well, something is wrong with here, and something is wrong with there -you have a hope.-可编辑-


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