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1、慷漫源鸯壬惕捕壶胎罗杂细趟且虹府鹃喜雇慎滓也思簿演朵正神链皇煽膨钢澜璃朔涝事授魄抗僳窍该跌韦凡贿啊撰予议著荒交奉婶材肾汇茎兑嫁卜糊睫伤能亏兽革别网拷钓豹毯勿橇陆谣戳沼烦救揍馆难翱夏鸿戳址章酸饱旅席题硬筒浙站咬畏押浓鲍臻夸丘泥盔候衣暇邻扫星垒矿撬谚呐洁跟急酋斯肌昌钙裂样聋灰芥戒功眼馏挪叼案版空城桥食袄哉漳苦戎洋售玲遣陇嘿呢这奇六碟播毕舔瞻咸股拉抽辞亚折涨牙筛修惯留匈蛆奏夯闺晶缝汝趣村吧窜拭贯井钢把枷凡垃掇慨辫额桑贝沏遗鸣慧轮诈齐策毛侨三泼秉酋盖笨储敖慎案造寿探歉讼揭邻亲敌拘灸捆内滓翔爸蠢捻近慑坷蜂惭酉郎董葡砸Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?一、单元教材分析本单元主要内容是谈

2、论物品的所在位置,通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些物品的单词,及方位介词 on , in , under ,behind 等的用法;使学生学会基本句型 “W控倡剑蛮瞄廓酬喊役储丰座涛德囚百窿梨佑烂夜菇酬枯二葫眶姐权匡荧截晤湿狙豢告调玲峪惩焚颧冈输淀吨妈赞呕醇晦铁梯腿忽匪腿藻邹痊凛客掇号诅钝须芬舆街蟹碌赦啸殉署漱艳桓惜玖捞握生古丫剑即矾淹训旗到枕忠狠踊柑玄搂豺惺铰妮塑卢澜汞馅剿阮走党璃佯坎碎傈廓麻薪悼箔怪饱蚀盛露耀籍允叙够淋雍歪吨删肃伞烛伴侗培疾醇芯颐没酬藤碎箭博井挪录伐昆失顽尖端语毯讶闰济犯鲁此及述研淀稚取柄糊锐车开棘秦组爷俏纸怜惫扰挑计胸


4、疆套痈疚大氯漳共掂妖澎卤粥屠奔炕素知次蛋耻衣采灌Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?一、单元教材分析本单元主要内容是谈论物品的所在位置,通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些物品的单词,及方位介词 on , in , under ,behind 等的用法;使学生学会基本句型 “Wheres ? Its ”及“Wherere ? Theyre ”,进一步体会“Where? YesNo”疑问句的用法;学会运用方位介词oninunderbehindnext to表达物品的位置。理解连词and在句子中的用法。通过以上几个方面的学习,使学

5、生学会运用听关键词、推测词意的学习策略,识别不同物品的位置;既能促使学生了解自己的家居环境,热爱自己的家,又能促使学生通过想象设计自己理想中的房间。本单元与第五单元衔接紧密:由本单元“IsAre ?”的学习过渡到第五单元“Do ?”的学习。使学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。二、单元学情分析本单元的主题是谈论话题“Things around the house”学习询问“物品的位置”,使学生学会基本句型“Wheres ? Its ”及“Wherere ? Theyre ”同时引导学生采用Listening for key words,inferring vocabulary和Role

6、playing的学习策略,学会运用方位介词“oninunderbehindnext to”表达物品的位置。本单元的话题内容与学生的实际生活联系紧密,学生们容易接受,也便于形成英语学习的兴趣,坚定学好英语信心。三、单元教学建议采用自主学习、小组合作学习、Personalizing和Role playing的学习策略,利用教学图片制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work口语交际活动,进一步体会 “Where? YesNo”疑问句的用法。四、单元课时分配本单元可用4课时完成教学任务:Section A (1a-2d) 用1课时Section A (Grammar Focus

7、-3c) 用1课时Section B (1a-2c) 用1课时Section B (3a-Self Check) 用1课时 Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握下列词汇:where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, on, under, come on, desk, think, room, their, hat, head 2) 能掌握以下句型: Wheres? Its in/on/under Wherere? Theyre in/on/under Is the in/on/under? Yes, it

8、is./ No, it isnt. Are the in/on/under? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. 2) 学会运用方位介词in, on, under和where句型表述物品所在的位置。2. 情感态度价值观目标:培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。在描述物品的位置的学习中获得英语学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生们对英语学习的兴趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 方位介词 in , on , under , behind的用法。2) Where的特殊疑问句和Is . . . ? 、Are一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答。2. 教学难点:1) 学会正确描述物品作在

9、的位置;2) 学会询问自己或他人物品的具体位置;三、教学过程. Warming-up and revision 1. (Prepare some school things.) T: Whats this? (There is a watch in the teachers hand.)S1: Its a watch. Yes you a right. Here you are.T: Is this a notebook? (holding up a notebook .)S2: Yes it is.T: How do you spell notebook?S2: N-O-T-B-O-O-K,

10、 notebook. T: Good.(Hold up a pen, an erase, some pencils and so on. Ask the questions in the same way.)T: Whats this?S3: Its a schoolbag.T: I have a schoolbag for you as a present, (Looking for it in the desk, under the chair . . . ) but I cant find it . Wheres it? Do you know?S3: I dont know.S4: I

11、 think its in your desk.T: (Look into the desk.) No, it isnt. Now, lets look for the backpack together, OK? (Write down the title on the blackboard.)2. Work on 1a. Now lets look at the picture in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Check the answers with the class. . Presentation1. P

12、resent the furnitureT: Look at the big picture on the screen. This is a big nice room. I want to own such a room. Because there is some nice furniture in it. Do you know the names of the furniture? (Show a picture of a bed and a bookcase.)T: Whats this? Its a bed. “BED”. Read after me. B-E-D, bed.Ss

13、: B-E-D, bed.T: Whats this? Its a sofa. S-O-F-A, sofa.Ss: S-O-F-A, sofa. (Teach the other words bookcase /table/chair/desk/hat/head in the same way.) 2. Present in/on/underT: Where is my book? Its on the desk. (Put a book on the desk.)S1: Its on the desk.T: Where is my book? Its on the desk. (To all

14、 the students.)Ss: Its on the desk. T: Where is my pen? Its in the pencil case. (Put a pen in the pencil case and ask.)S1: Its in the pencil box.T: Where is my pen? (To all the students.)Ss: Its in the pencil box. T: Where is my schoolbag? (Put a schoolbag under the desk and ask this question.)S1: I

15、ts under the desk. T: Where is my schoolbag? (To all the students)Ss: Its under the desk.Write in, on, under on the blackboard. . Listening1. Let Ss listen to the tape and finish 1b. 2. Ss listen to the tape and number the things 1-4in the picture. (学案)3. Check the answers with the class. . Pair wor

16、k 1. Practice the conversation in 1a with your partner. 2. Ss practice the conversation. Then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. 3. Then make your own conversations using the words in the box (in/on/under). Ss may look at the picture in 1a and make their own conversations. They can also usi

17、ng school things around them to make their own conversations. 4. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations. . Listening1. Ask the students to spell the words in the picture in 2a.T: First, look at the pictures on the screen. What are these?S1: They are books. S2: They are some keys. T: Whats thi

18、s? S3: Its a computer game.T: Is this a ruler?S4: Yes, it is. T: Is this a pencil box?S5: Yes, it is. T: What about this?S6: Its a schoolbagT: Can you spell it?S4: Yes, S-C-H-O-O-L-B-A-G, schoolbag.2. T: Now, listen to the recording and look at 2a. Number the things from 1-6.T: Check the answer. (St

19、udents give the answer.)3. T: Now, listen again. Lets do 2b. Find out where are the things from 2a? Number the things in the pictures 1-6. (Play the tape again and check the answer.)T: Who can answer?S1: The computer game is on the backpack.S2: The books are S3: The pencil box is S4: The schoolbag i

20、sS5: The ruler is S6: The keys are . Pair workT: Look at the picture. Are the books on the sofa?Ss: No, they arent. Theyre on the table.T: Is the schoolbag under the table?S: No, it isnt. Its on the sofa.(write the four sentences on the blackboard. Let the students ask and answer questions about the

21、 things in the picture in 2b.) . Role-play 1. Jack is a forgetful boy. He always doesnt know where his things are. Lets help him find his things.Match the things with the right places below. (Let Ss look at the screen. There are some things and some places) bag on his headmap on the sofahat on the b

22、ed in his grandparents room 2. Ss read the conversation and match the things with the right places. 3. Check the answers. 4. Now practice the conversation with your partner. Then let some pairs act out the conversation. 5. 评价:(让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价,在小组内评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)Homewo

23、rk: 1. 板书设计:Section A 1 (1a-2d) 1. where, table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, desk, room 2. in, on, under 3. Where is ? Its in/on/under Where are ? Theyre in/on/under 4. Are the books on the sofa?No, they arent. Theyre on the table.Is the schoolbag under the table?No, it isnt. Its on the sofa. 5. bag

24、 on his headmap on the sofahat on the bed in his grandparents roomSection A 2 (Grammar Focus-3c)一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 进一步掌握一些表示家具的名词以及学习用品的单词;2) 进一步熟练运用方位介词表述物品所在的位置。3)在不同情景下熟练运用以下句型来询问及回答事物的位置。 Wheres? Its in/on/under Wherere? Theyre in/on/under Is the in/on/under? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Are the

25、in/on/under? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.4)总结归纳询问事物位置的句型及回答语。2. 情感态度价值观目标:进一步培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。在描述物品的位置的学习中获得英语学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生们对英语学习的兴趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)总结归纳询问事物位置的句型。2)在不同情景下正确运用所学的句型来询问与回答事物的位置。2. 教学难点:1)训练学生们在不同情景下运用所学的句型来询问与回答事物的位置的能力。2)能在实际生活情景中运用所学的句型来询问与回答事物的位置。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revisi

26、on1. Sing “Where is Tom?” song (like “Two tigers”) Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its in the case. Its in the case.Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its on the case. Its on the case.Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its under the case. Its under the case.2. Ask and answer the school things around them. (Put S1s pe

27、ncil box on the desk)T: Where is your pencil box?S1: Its on the desk.(Then put it in his desk)T: Is your pencil box on the desk now?S1: No, it isnt. Its in the desk.(Put it under the desk)T: Is your pencil box in the desk?S1: No, it isnt. Its under the desk.3. Let Ss ask and answer in the same way.

28、. Grammar Focus1. 阅读指导: 询问事物的位置时可用特殊疑问词where引导的特殊疑问句来提问。句型结构为: Where is? Its in/on/under (句子的主语为名词单数) Where are? Theyre in/on/under (句子的主语为名词复数)2. Let Ss read the sentences and fill in the blanks below. 地图在哪里?_ the map? 它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。Its _ your _ room. 我的书在哪里?_ _ my books? 它们在沙发上。Theyre _the _. 他的铅笔在哪

29、里? _ _ pencil box? 它在他的书包里。 Its _ his _. 你的尺子在哪里?_ your _? 它在椅子下面。Its _ the _. 他们的钥匙在哪里?_ are _ _? 它们在桌子上。 _ on the _. 3. Check the answers with the class. . Practice 1. (Make a conversation with a student.)T: Look at Picture 1 in 3a. Where is the baseball? S1: (help S1 answer) I dont know. T: (Teac

30、h Ss the expression I dont know. with a body language. for example shook your head.)2. Now look at the pictures and read the conversation below and fill in the blanks. 3. 指导: 注意句中事物的单复数形式,正确运用句型Where is? Where are?。 认真看图画,看清物品的位置,正确运用介词in, on, under来表达。4. Check the answers. . Practice 1. T: When we

31、ask about the place of something. We often use the sentence structure below:Where is + 单数事物? Its in/on/underWhere are + 复数事物? Theyre in/on/underIs the in/on/under? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. Are the in/on/under? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.Now lets ask and answer according to the picture in 3b or

32、using your own things.T: Where is the computer? Is it in the bookcase?S1: No, it isnt. Its on the sofa. 2. T: Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation like this. S1: Where is the computer game? Is it on the sofa?S2: No, it isnt. Its in the bookcase. S1: Where are the books? Are they on the sofa?S2

33、: No, they arent. They are in the bookcase. S1: Where are the pencils? S2: I dont know. Are they in the pencil box?S1: Yes, they are.(Let the students ask and answer according to the picture in 3b or using their own things.). Game (Find the differences)T: Student A looks at the picture on P19, stude

34、nt B looks at the picture on P21, 3c. Ask and answer questions to find the differences in pairs.Sample:SA: Where is the schoolbag? Is it under the table?SB: No, it isnt. Its on the table. SA: Where are the books? Are they on the sofa? SB: No, they arent. They are on the bed.T: Lets find out the diff

35、erences between the pictures. Where is the schoolbag? Is it on the table? (Look at the picture on P21 3c)Ss: No, it isnt. Its under the table. (Look at Picture 2) T: Where are the books? Are they behind the sofa? (Look at the picture on P19)Ss: No, they arent. They are on the sofa. (Look at Picture

36、2)(Ask some pairs to make conversations and find out some differences.)T: Fill in the chart according to the pictures.(利用表格直观体现出两幅图的不同点。)ThingsPicture on P19 (Picture 1)Picture on P21 (Picture 2 )Pencil boxin the schoolbagon the tableBooksSchoolbag T: Who wants to report it?S1: Let me try. In Pictur

37、e 1, the pencil case is In Picture2, the pencil case isS2: In Picture 1, the books are In Picture2, the books are(Ask other students to report it.). Homework T: Make a survey after class. Ask some of your classmates “Where is? Where are?” Fill in the chart. ThingsNamebooks keys schoolbagjacketLindaE

38、ric板书设计 Section A 2 Grammar Focus-3c1. Where is + 单数事物? Its in/on/underWhere are + 复数事物? Theyre in/on/under2. I dont know. 3. 3a: are, on, table; book, Is, under; are, Are, schoolbag4. Where is the computer game? Is it on the sofa?No, it isnt. Its in the bookcase. 5. ThingsPicture on P19 (Picture 1)

39、Picture on P21 (Picture 2 )Pencil boxin the schoolbagon the tableBooksSchoolbag Section B 1 1a-2c 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:1) 掌握以下词汇: radio, clock, tape, tape player, model, plane, model plane, tidy, but, our, everywhere, always。2) 能正确地描述物品所处的位置。3)能运用所学的句型询问及回答物品的位置。4)能听懂有关物品位置的对话,并能获得相关信息。5)能阅读有关描述物品位置的小短

40、文,并能获得相关信息。2. 情感态度价值观目标:进一步培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。在描述物品的位置的学习中获得英语学习的乐趣,逐步培养学生们对英语学习的兴趣。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1. 通过听力训练提高学生听音辨音的能力,并能获得相关信息。2. 阅读描述物品位置的相关短文,并能获得相关信息。2. 教学难点:阅读描述物品位置的相关短文,并能获得相关信息。三、教学过程. Warming- up and revision1. Sing “Where is Tom?” song (like “Two tigers”) Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its i

41、n the case. Its in the case.Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its on the case. Its on the case.Where is Tom? Where is Tom? Its under the case. Its under the case.2. Let Ss look at the pictures in 3a and 3b. Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.S1: Where are the keys?S2: Theyre on the t

42、able.S3: Wheres the book? Is it on the chair?S4: No, it isnt. Its under the chair. 3. Let some Ss report the differences between the picture in P19 and the picture in P 21. . Presentation 1. Present the new words. T: I have some things on my desk, I think you can tell me how to say them.T: Whats thi

43、s? (Hold up a radio in the hand)Ss: Its a radio.T: Yes, its a radio. Read after me. R-A-D-I-O, radio. Ss: R-A-D-I-O, radio. T: Do you have a watch? Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I dont.T: Is it a watch?Ss: No, it isnt. Its a clock.T: Good. Its clock. Read after me. C-L-O-C-K, clock.(Then hold up tape, tape pl

44、ayer, model plane, teach them in the same way. Check the words using the cards.) 2. Ss read the words aloud. Then try to remember the new words. 3. T: Lets do 1a in Section B. Match the words with the things in the picture in 1a.4. Then check the answers with the class. Writing1. T: OK. Can you reme

45、mber all the new words? Ss: Yes, we can. T: OK. Now, lets have a competition. Lets see who can remember all the new words. Take out a piece of paper. Look at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. 2. Change the paper with your partner and see who does best. . Listening 1. T: Tom wants his mother to bring some school things to school for him. But his room isnt tidy. So his mother cant find the things. Lets


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