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1、仁爱版八上 Unitl Topic2 Section A We should learn team work. 学案Name:Section A1. We/have a soccer game.我们将要举办一场足球赛。2. We are going to have a soccer game(对抗)Class Five on Saturday.我们将要在周六和 5 班踢一场足球赛。 fall ill “生病,患病,病倒” fall的过去式:fell3. 队友 n. 病的,有病的 adj. 生病,患病,病倒(短语)4. She was(生病的).她病了。(be ill更倾向于“病了”的状态 )5

2、. Butfell ill.但是我的一个队友病倒了。(fall ill更倾向于动作“生病,患病”)你会加入我们吗? 6. 参加,加入(某组织或行列)v. be glad/happy to do sth 高兴做某事7. I d be glad(join) yoU.;很高兴加入你们。 be good at.”擅长于.”=do well in.在.方面做的好”t;doiWe那是很攘长它(足球)。8. But I am not very good it. = But I don9. Michael is good at(play) soccer. = Michael does(good) in soc

3、cer. 迈克尔擅长踢足球。 mind v.介意,关心;n.思想,想法 m mind doing sth 介意做某事”would you mind (not) doing sth你介意(不)做某事吗?”同意回答:Not at all.一点也不。/ Of course not.当然不了。 / Certainly not.当然不了。反对回答:Sorry. / I m sorry about that. / You d better五ot要。/Im afraid you can 恐怕畴不能。10. -Do you mind(give) me the book? 你介意给我这本书吗?-Of cours

4、e not.当然不了。11. -Would you mind(teach) me? 你介意教我吗?-Not at all. You can do it. 一点儿也不,你能做到的。练习,实践n.& v. 练习做某事 12. Let s go and 练印).让我们去练习吧。13. Michael and Kang are(practice) on the playground.迈克尔和康正在操场上练习。踢,踹 v. kick sb sth = kick sth to sb把某物踢给某人“14. I the ball you. = I kick you the ball.我把球踢给你。传球,传递,

5、经过,推移,及格v. pass sb sth = pass sth to sb把某物传给某人“15. You me the ball like this. = You the ball me like this.你像这样把球传给我。16. 错过,思念 v. 介意 v. 保持,继续 v. 尝试,努力 n.& v. keep doing sth 继续做某事17. -Sorry, I missed it. 对不起,我没接住。-不要介意。继续努力。18. I ll kick you the ball围一次).=I ll kick the ball you aga我会把球再踢给你。询问,要求,邀请v.

6、ask sb to do sth要某人做某事19. Kang asks Michael(力口入)them because a teammate fell ill.康邀请迈克尔加入他们,因为一个队员生病了。擅长于 在某方面做得好 努力,尝试(短语)20. Michael is not good at(play) soccer, but he likes to have a try .=Michael doesn t do well soccer, but he likehatoe a try .迈克尔不擅长踢足球,但是他想去尝试。帮某人一个忙(相当于help)21. Could you plea

7、se? = Could you please help me? 你能帮我一个忙吗?“名词 + 基数,=the + 序数词 + 名词 Class Five = the fifth class 五班22. Grade One =一年级 Unit 2 = 第二单元23. 确定,肯定adv. 当然不。=mind doing sth介意做某事” would you mind (not) doing sth 你介意(不)做某事吗?”would you mind if 从句 “你介意是否 .?”24. -Would you mind (open) the window? 你介意打开窗户吗?- Of cour

8、se/Certainly , I ll do it 立刻,马上_(). 当然不了,我马上打开。25. - Would you mind ( 是否 ) I try it again? 你介意我再试一次吗?-Not at all. Please do. 一点儿也不,请吧。26. - Would you mind ( put) your bike here? 你介意把你的自行车放 这儿吗?-Sorry. I ll put it somewheelrsee. 对不起,我会把它放到 其他 什么地方。 在某处 adv.扔,投,掷,抛 v. 到处扔 ,乱扔 . 瓶子 n.27. -? 你介意不到处乱扔瓶子吗

9、?-I m sorry about that. .我不会再这么做了。1. are going to/ will2. against3. teammate, ill, fall ill4. ill5. One of my teammates6. join Will you join us?7. to join8. at = in9. playing = well10. giving practice practice doing sth12. practice13. practicing kick14. kick, to pass15. pass = pass, to16. miss, mind

10、, keep, try17. Never mind.18. again = to ask19. to join be good at, do well in, have a try20. playing = in give sb a hand21. give me a hand22. the first class, the second unit23. certainly Certainly not. = of course not.24. opening, not, right away25. if26. putting, somewhere throw, throw away, bott

11、le27. -Would you mind not throwing the bottles away?-I won t do that again.仁爱版八上 Unit1 Topic2 Section B We should learn team work. 学案Name:Section B1 .输掉 ,丢失v.过去式 将,会,要过去式 We(lose) because you wouldn t pasSithe OJT.,因为你没能传球。2 .意思是,意味着 v. What do you ( 意思是 )? 你什么意思? shout at sb 冲某人大喊大叫,斥责某人3. 不要像那样冲我大

12、喊大叫。4 .-I didn t want our team(los豉也不想让我们的队伍输掉。-But.但是我们确实输了。5 .打架 ,争论n.& v. Please don t 争吵_( ). do/try one s best某人最大努力 尽某人做大努力做某事6. Michael doesn t do well in soccer but he did his 最好_().7. I ll 尽我最大的努力_() to win the race. 我会尽我最大努力赢得比赛。8. 团队n. 工作 n.& v. 协同工作,配合n. 应该 learn v.你应该学习团队协作。 9. You shou

13、ld pass the ball your teammates more often. 你应该更经常的把球传 给你的队友。10. One player doesn t make arteOmi动员不能组成一个队伍。/一人难成群。生气的 ,愤怒的 adj. be angry with sb 和某人生气11. Don t be angry 和_() each other. 不要相互置气了。 take about sth 谈论某事/物take with sb 和某人谈论12. You two should talk more ( 关于 ) the game before you play.在你们踢之

14、前,你们俩应该多讨论讨论比赛。【介词后接名词、代词、动名词】 what about = how about“ .怎么样?” say sorry to sb 向某人道歉say hello to sb 向某人问好13. Kang, what about (say) sorry to Michael? 康,向迈克尔道歉怎么样? be sorry for. “为.道歉”14. -I m sorry what Said.我为我所说的道歉。-It s nothin般什么。say的过去式 15. I m sorry for(hurt) yoU寸不起,我伤到你了。16. ( 练习 ) more and you

15、 will do ( 更好 ) next time. 多练习,你下次会做的更好。17. Right, keep (try). 对,继续努力。 be sure to do sth 肯定 /却行做某事have fun 玩得高兴have fun 玩得更高兴18. You are sure (have) more fun. 你们肯定会玩得更高兴。19. 字,单词n. 意思是,意味着v. 谈论 ,讨论 v. 生气的 adj. 方式 ,方法 ,路 n.The word fight means talk in an angry wy这个词意思是“以一种愤怒的方式谈话”。20. They learned th

16、e teamwork is very ( 重要的 ). 他们学到团队协作是很重要的。21. 完成 v. 按时 ,准时(短语) 尽某人最大努力 I ll try my best 完成() my homework on time. 我会尽我最大努力按时完成作业。22. They want to keep (try) and do well in math next time. 他们想继续努力并在下次做好数学。23. She was(生气的)and said, Don t shout 抛met 气地说:“不要冲我喊!”24. He was late again. His teacher was an

17、gry him. 他又迟到了,他的老师对他很生气。25. Mr. Smith is talking the football game his teammates. 史密斯先生正和他的队友讨论足球比赛。26. Kang should say sorry Michael. 康应该向迈克尔道歉。27. We had a lot of(乐趣)at Sally s party在萨利的聚会上玩得非常高兴。1. lose, lost, will, would, lost2. mean, mean3. Don t shout at me like that.4. to lose, we did5. figh

18、t, fight do/try one s best to do sth6. best7. do/try my best8. team, work, teamwork, should, 学习 ,学会 You should learn teamwork.9. to angry11. with12. about13. saying14. for, said15. hurting16. Practice, better17. trying more18. to have19. word, mean, talk about, angry, ways best, to finish21. finish, on time, do/try one22. trying23. angry24. with25. about, with26. to27. fun20. important


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