江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 任务型阅读攻略训练(11).doc

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1、江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 任务型阅读攻略训练(11)第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。每个空格只填1个单词。Simply increasing physical activity levels alone is unlikely to reduce body weight in young children, and therefore will probably not prevent obesity (肥胖), although it m

2、ay set the stage for a healthier lifestyle, the results of a study conducted in Scotland suggest.Instead, a combination of increased physical activity and other lifestyle changes like sticking to a healthy diet may be needed to stop the trend of obesity. “Many children are obese, even at preschool a

3、ge,” Dr John J. Reilly from the University of Glasgow and his colleagues note in the British Medical Journal. Considering the general lack of evidence on proper ways to prevent obesity in this age group, Reillys team had 545 children from 36 nursery schools in the “Movement and Activity Glasgow Inte

4、rvention (干预) in Children” or MAGIC trial.The trial was specifically designed to see if an increase in activity could reduce body mass index (身体质量指数). Each week for 24 weeks roughly half of the preschoolers, who were an average of 4.2 years old, participated in three 30-minute active workouts while

5、at nursery school and their parents were encouraged to increase the childs activity levels at home. The other half of the children, serving as contrasts, followed their usual nursery school schedule.According to the researchers, the physical activity intervention had no significant effect on body ma

6、ss index of the children.However, compared with contrast children, intervention children show greater gains in body movement skills, which, the researchers say, may increase confidence in physical ability, perhaps increasing the opportunities of future participation in physical activity or sports.In

7、 a word, Reilly and his colleagues suggest that “successful interventions to prevent obesity in early childhood may require changes not just at nursery, school, and home, but in the wider environment. Changes in other behaviors, including diet, may also be necessary.” TopicWhether exercise alone can

8、 71_ obesity in young children.ResearchersDr John J. Reilly and his 72._ from the University of GlasgowPeople researched545 children from 36 nursery schoolsProcessabout half of the preschoolers 73._ 4.2 on average :participating in active workouts at nursery school74._ parents to increase their acti

9、vities levels at home the other half:living 75._ according to the nursery school schedule.76._Exercise alone has no 77._ on losing weight.Intervention children show greater gains in body 78._ skills, which can make them more 79._ in physical ability.Successful interventions to prevent obesity in early childhood may require changes in both the 80._ and other behaviors, including diet.四、 任务型阅读71. prevent 72. colleagues 73. aged 74. encouraging 75. normally 76. Conclusion 77. effect 78. movement 79. confident 80. environment.2


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