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1、2021/3/11,1,Unit 1 Revision,2021/3/11,2,Word spelling:1. Madame Curie devoted herself to _ research. (科学)2. By_ (分析)the evidence, we can find out who should be _(责任)for the accident.3. After they had studied for years, they_ (宣布)with certainty that they found out the reason.4. I think AIDS can be _

2、(击败)by man in a few years time.5. Many people are _ (谨慎)about the _water.(污染),scientific,analysing,announced,defeated,cautious,responsible,polluted,2021/3/11,3,6. They _ lots of food and clothing to these homeless people.(捐献)7. She is busy_ (照料)her father in hospital.8. Confidence is one of the _ of

3、 all successful businessmen.(特点)9. Schools must meet the _ (挑战)of the new technology.10.Loose clothing can give you greater freedom of _.(活动),contributed,attending,characteristics,challenge,movements,2021/3/11,4,11. The _ rainstorm contributed to a great loss.(严重的)12. What can be _ from these observ

4、ations?(推断出)13. Why did she do that? That would hurt the _(受害者)deeply. 14. They found it difficult to _ (吸收)the lesson in one hour. 15. We should try to find a better way to _ (处理)this situation.16. If he had not _ (预见)the disaster, no one would be alive now.,severe,concluded,victim,absorb,handle,fo

5、reseen,2021/3/11,5,17. There are three restaurants in my _.(附近)18. Become the most positive and _ person you know. (热情的)19. The manager _ (拒绝)our application.20. The strongest force in the _(宇宙)is love!,neighborhood,enthusiastic,rejected,universe,2021/3/11,6,Expressions,2021/3/11,7,1.提出2.得出结论3.作出决定4

6、.治愈某人的癌症5.迎接挑战6.专心于,忙于7.怀疑某人做8.因而责备某人9.把归咎于某人10.应该被责备,应负责任,put forward draw a conclusion make a decisioncure sb of cancer face/ meet the challenge be absorbed in suspect sb of (doing)sth blame sb for sth blame sth on sb be to blame,2021/3/11,8,11.指导某人做某事12.捐献,投稿13.有助于,导致14.除之外,此外15.燃放烟花16.对有积极的态度17.

7、对.很严格18.讲得通,有意义19.随着.的发展20.冲洗胶卷21.使.暴漏于22.问题的处理方法,instruct sb to do sth contribute sth to sth contribute to apart from set off fireworks have a positive attitude to be strict with sb make sense with the development of develop the film expose.to. the solution to,2021/3/11,9,22.一.就.23.被.感染/传染24.做进一步调查

8、25.减速/加速26.一种致命疾病27.把.与.联系起来28.确定,肯定(状语)29.有时 时不时的30.致力于31.搜集信息,the moment/ minute immediately as soon as be infected with make further investigations slow down/ speed up a deadly disease link .to with certainty at times from time to time work on gather information,2021/3/11,10,32.鼓励某人做某事 激励某人做某事33.

9、以为基础34.用.替代.35.精通36.正在建设中37.正在讨论/袭击/修理,encourage sb to do inspire sb to do be based on on the basis of replace A with B be expert in/ at have a good knowledge of be under constructionbe under discussion/ attack/ repair,2021/3/11,11,38. 总的来说 老实说 确切地说 严格的说,generally speaking honestly speaking to be ho

10、nest exactly speaking to be exact strictly speaking,2021/3/11,12,1.每次考试的时候我总很紧张(一开始考试我就紧张)2. 英语提高如此困难以至我想放弃了。3. 这个问题老师重复了5遍我才弄明白了4. 老师建议我们每天记单词来扩大enlarge词汇量。5. 现在孩子脾气差家长应该受到责备。,Im always very nervous _ I take an exam.,I felt nervous _ the exam began.,Improving English is _ hard _ I want to give up.,

11、I _ understand the question _ the teacher repeated it five times.,The teacher _ that we _some words to enlarge our vocabulary.,Parents are _childrens bad temper nowadays.,to blame for,remember,suggests,didnt until,so that,every time/each time,immediately/the moment,2021/3/11,13,练习1.Most of the peopl

12、e_to the party were famous scientists. A. invitedB. to invite C. being invitedD. inviting2. The speaker spoke so loudly in order to have his voice _. A. to be heard B. hearC. hearingD. heard3. Its not _ that you are _. After all, you didnt go to bed until 12 last night. A. surprising, tired B. surpr

13、ising, tiring C. surprised, tiring D. surprised, tired4. The question _ at yesterdays meeting hasnt been made _ yet. A. discussing, known B. discussed, known C. being discussed, knowD. to be discussed, know,2021/3/11,14,5. I saw her _ at the windows, _. A. seating, thought B. sitting, thought C. sat

14、, thinking D. seated, thinking6. The door remained _. I didnt know where he had gone. A. closed B. closing C. close D. to be closed7. The boy _ himself in the corner with his back _ to his father. A. seat, turning B. seating, turned C. seated, turnD. seated, turned8. -Whats the main purpose of tonig

15、hts meeting? -We are going to talk about the problem _ at the last meeting. A. mentioned B. having been mentioned C. being discussed D. having discussed,2021/3/11,15,.单项填空1.Do you like to buy the product an advertisement on TV? Not really.I think its better to look before we leap. A.advisesB.suggest

16、s C.announcesD.praises解析 此题考查词义辨析。电视广告自然是“暗 示”(suggest)人们买产品。advise建议; announce宣布;praise赞扬,均不符合句意。,B,2021/3/11,16,2.The official involved in the scandal said he was under to make the false statement to the police. A.controlB.influence C.pressureD.effort 解析 此题考查介词短语的区别。under pressure在的压力下;under contr

17、ol被控制 住;under influence在影响下;effort多与 with搭配。由题意可知,C项符合要求。,C,2021/3/11,17,3.Johnson,come and look at the sea!Its beautiful,isnt it? Absolutely!If only I here by the sea. A.had livedB.lived C.liveD.will live解析 if only要是就好了;但愿,用以表示 对现在、未来的愿望,或者与过去事实相反的愿 望。根据题意可知,这是现在的愿望,所以B项 正确。,B,2021/3/11,18,4.Please

18、 us in the discussion. Id like to,but Im busy at the moment. A.attend;too B.join;much too C.take part in;much too D.join;too much 解析 attend指参加会议、婚礼、典礼、上学、 上课、听报告等较为正式的场合;join指加入某 一组织并成为其中一员;join in指参加活动,常 用作join sb.in+活动;take part in指参加某项 活动并在其中起一定作用;much too后接形容词 或者副词,表示“太”。故只有B项符合题意。,B,2021/3/11,1

19、9,5.The workers will go on strike if the demands they put forward are turned down. A.couldB.would C./D.had解析 the demands后接定语从句,从句中的谓语 是put for ward,是一般过去时态,所以在put forward前不再用情态动词。,C,2021/3/11,20,6.I feel it is your husband that for the spoiled child. A.is to blame B.is going to blame C.is to be blam

20、ed D.should blame 解析 考查强调句型及be to blame某人或某物该 受责备。,A,2021/3/11,21,7. to sunlight for too much time will do harm to your skin. A.Exposed B.Having exposed C.Being exposed D.After being exposed 解析 句意为:在太阳下暴晒太久会对你的皮肤 不好。只有B、C两项能作主语但B项不合题意。,C,2021/3/11,22,8.That day Tom lost control himself and hit Jack,

21、but later Tom made an apology. A.withB.of C.underD.in 解析 lose control of oneself某人失去控制/ 发脾气。,B,2021/3/11,23,9.Tom suggested that we such a meeting, but Jenny insisted that it of great importance. A.not hold;should be B.didnt hold;be C.hold;was D.not hold;was 解析 考查suggest,insist后接宾语从句的用法。 suggest表示“建

22、议”,insist表示“坚持认 为”,后接宾语从句用虚拟语气,即(should)+动 词原形;suggest表示“暗示,表明”;insist表 示“坚持一种事实”,后接宾语从句用陈述语气。 句意为:Tom建议我们不开这个会议,但Jenny坚 持说这很重要。,D,2021/3/11,24,10.He went from door to door, waste paper and magazines. A.storingB.grasping C.askingD.collecting 解析 collecting作伴随状语,意为“收集”。,D,11.As a college student,you m

23、ust try to the questions independently. A.absorbB.analyse C.debateD.reject,B,2021/3/11,25,12.I dont think it to stay up late in the night and sleep until midday the next day. A.make a difference B.makes good sense C.makes trouble D.make profit 解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我认为晚上 熬夜,睡到第二天中午才起床是不明智的。make sense有意义;明

24、智;合乎情理,故选B项。,B,2021/3/11,26,13.His son is very naughty and has formed some bad habits.I think he should . A.cure them of him B.cure him of them C.cure them off him D.cure him off them 解析 cure sb.of sth.治好某人的,且还可 引申为“纠正某人的”。后半句意为:我认 为他应该把他儿子的那些不良习惯纠正过来。,B,2021/3/11,27,14.When did he leave the meeting

25、 room? He left you turned back to drink some water. A.for the moment B.at the moment C.the moment D.in a moment 解析 本题考查the moment名词短语引导时间状 语从句。the moment一就,相当于as soon as。for the mo ment暂时;at the moment 在那时,都不能引导时间状语从句。,C,2021/3/11,28,15.I threatened to report the taxi driver for illegally a passenger,but he pointed at his “Not for Hire” sign and drove away. A.resisting B.rejecting C.reducing D.removing 解析 reject拒绝接受;resist抵抗;反对; reduce减少;remove去掉;由语境中“Not for Hire”可知空格处意为“拒绝接受”,故应选B项。,B,返回,2021/3/11,29,Thank you,


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