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1、GPR驼文:GPRS 变压器 防盗系统 水银开关 消除误报 【中文摘要】随着铜材的市场价格上涨,各地电力变压器被盗案 件骤增,致使电力资产遭受巨大损失,正常的供电秩序遭到严重破坏, 严重影响了人民群众的生产生活。特别是胜利油田部分井队地处偏远 气候恶劣,周边治安环境差,违法犯罪行为非常猖獗,再加上井站分布 面广、不集中,因而管理难度较大。虽然公安及供电部门采取了多项 防范打击措施,但仍难以扼制日益猖獗的偷盗行为。变压器量大面广, 分布分散的特点,决定其单靠人工防范是不现实的,故而技术预防成 为解决电力变压器盗窃案件频发的重要手段。 GPRS!力变压器防盗 报警系统由三相电压监测回路、报警探头、

2、 GPRS 通信单元、移动通 信网络等几部分组成。电网或被监测电力变压器在安全的情况下正常 运行时,变压器防盗监测装置为待机状态,无报警信号发出。当电网出 现断相或电力变压器被破坏性移动(发生盗窃)时,通过电压监测电路 接口或变压器防盗监测装置接口向 GPRSS信单元发出报警信号,通 过移动通信网络,报警信号发送到报警中心同时通过 GSM 网络发送到 值班人员的手机,及时报告警情,使接警人员迅速赶赴出事现场,临场 处置,能够有效避免电力设施被破坏、盗窃导致的公共财产损失。本 研究的重点技术问题是,所提供的电力变压器的防盗装置必须在达到 同样技术效果的前提下,彻底消除误报现象。经过对国内外技术分

3、析 和试验,发现当水银开关以常闭方式接入检测电路时,利用其常闭特 性可以稳定的反映变压器所处状态,仅在变压器发生移动时其状态才 发生改变,有效的杜绝了其他技术方法容易受外界因素干扰的弊端 , 保证了告警的准确性,在国内第一个从报警原理上消除了误报的可能 性。同时,为了应对元器件在野外工作中所造成的加速损耗导致的失 效问题,采取了接入多个水银开关的方法,在最大限度控制成本的情 况下简单却行之有效进行了解决。 【英文摘要】 With the copper market prices surge around the theft of power transformers, resulting in

4、 huge losses of power assets, the no rmal order of the power supply was severely damaged, seriously affecting people s production and lifen particular, some wells in SLOF remote teams, bad weather, the surrounding security environment is poor, rampant criminal acts, together with a wide distribution

5、 of well station, not concentrated, and therefore more difficult to manage.Although public security and power sector to take precauti ons aga inst a nu mber of measures, but still difficult to curb the rampa nt theft.Transformer towers, scattered distribution of the characteristics, determine their

6、prevention alone is unrealistic artificial, and therefore part of the solution tech no logy to preve nt theft of power tran sformers importa nt means freque nt.GPRS power tra nsformers burglar alarm system from the three-phase voltage monitoring circuit, alarm sensor, GPRS com muni cati on un it, th

7、e mobile com muni catio n n etwork composedof several parts.Monitoring of power transformers in the grid or the safety of the normal operation, the transformer monitoring anti-theft device on standby, no alarm signal is issued.When the power grids or off-phase power transformers are destructive move

8、 (the eve nt of theft), the voltage mon itor ing circuit through the transformer anti-theft monitoring device in terface or GPRS com muni cati on un it in terface to send alarm sig nals through the mobile com muni catio n n etwork, the alarm signal is sent to the alarm center through the same timeGS

9、M network to a mobile phone on duty, report to police intelligenee, the alarm quickly rushed to the sce ne, spot disposal, can effectively avoid the destructi on of power facilities, theft of public property caused by the loss.This study focuses on tech ni cal issues is provided by the an ti-theft d

10、evice power transformer to achieve the sametechnical effect must be under the premise of complete elim in ati on of false positives. After a technical analysis and testing at homeand abroad, found that the no rmally closed mercury switch mode access detecti on circuit, the use of its features can be stabilized NC which reflect the state of the transformer, the transformer is moved only whe n its status was cha nged, effectiveThe method is easy to put an end to the other technical drawbacks of interferenee


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