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1、高二人教新课标版选修七,Unit 2 Robots,Using Language,Do you think the robots have feelings?Do you think a woman will fall in love with a robot?,That can happen in a fiction!,“Satisfaction Guaranteed” is a science fiction written by Isaac Asimov.,Science fiction stories, novels, etc. which describe events and pe

2、ople that dont exist, such as X File, Star War.,What do you think of the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”?1. Do you like the story? Why? 2. Do you think human will be able to make a robot like Tony?3. Do you like a robot like Tony at your house?,Discussion:,Listening and speaking,Molly and Kate are d

3、iscussing the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed”, read the questions and then listen to their conversation. Tick the correct boxes.,Molly Kate,1. Who really likes the story?2. Who thinks that Claire loved Tony?3. Who thinks that Tony loved Claire?,4. Who thinks that the purpose of Tonys actions was to

4、make Claire feel good about herself.5. Who thinks taking Tony away must have hurt Claire?6. Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?,Molly Kate,2. Read the questions and then listen again. Answer the questions.,What does Kate think the difference between robots and

5、 humans is?2. How does Kate think Claire was hurting herself?3. Why would one of the girls like a robot such as Tony living at her house?4. What does Kate think the companys biggest mistakes was?,1. What does Kate think the difference between robots and humans is?,Robots cant _.,2. How does Kate thi

6、nk Claire was hurting herself?,By seeing herself in a _way.,negative,feel emotion of any kind,3. Why would one of the girls like a robot such as Tony living at her house?,She likes the idea of a handsome man whose only purpose was _.,to please her,4. What does Kate think the companys biggest mistake

7、s was?,Making the robot _.,look so much like a real man,3. Listen again and then fill in the following sentences.,I dont _ robots can possibly feel emotion of any kind.(2) I _ Tony loved Claire.(3) I _ I just want to think he was more human than he was.,think/believe,think/suppose/guess/believe,supp

8、ose/guess,(4) I _ how they could actually make a robot seem as if he had emotions.(5) _ Tony was just a very complicated computer.(6) I _ that Tony was really a man pretending to be a robot.(7) I _ that was the companys biggest mistake.,wonder,Maybe,think/guess/believe,think/suppose/guess/believe,Sp

9、eaking,The expressions about supposition and belief:,I think/I suppose/I guess,I wonder,I believe,Maybe,Brainstorming,Imagine it is the future and people have household robots. Divide the students into two big groups, group A and group B. Group A will have the task to discuss the question: What do y

10、ou think the positive effects of this situation?Group B will have to discuss the question: What do you think the negative effects of this situation?,And each big group can be divided into groups of four. During discussion, please use words in the above form.In the end, each big group choose two stud

11、ents to present their ideas to the whole class, and the other group mates can add his or her points.,A biography of Isaac Asimov,Reading, speaking and writing,艾萨克阿西莫夫(1920-1992), 当代美国最著名的科幻大师、世界顶尖级科幻小说作家, 他也是位文学评论家, 美国科幻小说黄金时代的代表人物之一。他一生高产, 著述颇丰, 一生著述近500本, 其中有100多部科幻小说, 早已远远超过了“著作等身”的地步, 是本世纪最顶尖的科幻

12、小说家之一。曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖, 以他的名字为号召的阿西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。他是一位生于俄罗斯的美籍犹太人, 作品极其丰富,代表作有我, 机器人(I, Robot) 、基地系列、钢窟(The Caves of Steel) 系列、赤裸太阳(The Naked Sun) 等。,他他于1941年发表的作品Runaround中第一次明确提出了著名的“阿西莫夫机器人三定律”, 即:一、机器人不得伤害人类,或看到人类受到伤害而袖手旁观;二、在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类 给与的任何命令;三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下,

13、 机器人必须尽力 保护自己。以其名字命名的阿西莫夫科幻小说杂志, 至今仍然是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。,Skimming,Glance through the passage and then find out the answers to such questions:,Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?2. Which paragraph tells you about his education?3. Which paragraph tells you about awards h

14、e received?,Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?,2. Which paragraph tells you about his education?,Para. 2,Para. 3,3. Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?,Para. 5,Read through the text and answer the following questions:,What subject did Asimov teach? Whe

15、n did he start having stories published?3. How many children did he have?,1.What subject did Asimov teach?,2.When did he start having stories published?,3. How many children did he have?,He taught biochemistry.,In 1939.,Two children, a son and a daughter.,1. Who was Isaac Asimov? A. An American scie

16、ntist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948. B. A Russian scientist and writer who married twice. C. A RussianAmerican writer and scientist who became a fulltime writer in 1958. D. An American-Russian writer and scientist who had two children.,Comprehending,C,2. What was Asimov best known fo

17、r? A. His mystery stories. B. His science fiction stories. C. His science and history books. D. His books about the Bible and about Shakespeare.,B,3. All the following statements are TRUE except _. A. Asimovs talent for writing became obvious at age 12. B. He began having his stories published in sc

18、ience fiction magazines in 1939. C. He published his first novel in 1950. D. He published his first science book in 1953.,A,4. In which book did Asimov develop a set of three “laws”? A. The Foundation Trilogy. B. I, Robot. C. In his first novel. D. In his first science book.,B,5. What might happen i

19、n a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws didnt exist? A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings. D. All of the above.,D,1920192219231929,born in Russia.,sister

20、 born,moved with family to New York,Parents bought a candy store.,Mother had her third child.,started working in candy store.,Started to take himself seriously as a writer.,1931,Date Event,Complete the timeline of the events.,19391942-1945,Bean having stories published in science fiction magazines,G

21、ained Masters degree in chemistry.,Finished working in candy store.,Got married,Worked as junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Yard,Got PhD in chemistry.,1941,1948,1942,19501951-1953,Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine.,Published his first novel.Developed three laws for

22、robots.,Published “I, Robot”,Published “The Foundation Trilogy” and won an award for it.,Published first science book.,Became a full-time writer.,1949,1953,1958,19731992,Divorced his first wife.,Had a blood transfusion. Became infected with HIV.,Married for a second wife,1983,Died in New York,Which

23、law is the story “Satisfaction Guaranteed” based on?2. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimovs three laws did not exist?,Discussion,Asimovs Laws For Robots,First Law: A robot must not injure human beings or allow them to be injured.Second Law: A robot must obey the orders giv

24、en to it by human beings (as long as human being are not injured).Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).,1. A Biography of Isaac Asimovbiography n. 传记bio (尤其供公开发表的) 个人简历(biography的缩写)bio

25、 cards 传记档案卡; bio information 传记资料bio- 表示“生命, 生物” 之义biophysics 生物物理学biochemistry n. 生物化学,Language points,an American scientist and writer 一位科学家兼作家The singer and dancer _ (be) coming for a visit.The singer and the dancer _ (be) coming for a visit.A knife and fork _ (be) on the desk.,is / was,are/ wer

26、e,is / was,3. fiction: stories / novels, etc which describe events and people do not exist non-fiction: writing that is about real people,events and facts literature: writing that is considered to be work of art, including novels, plays and poetry,4. Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination that

27、 gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with which he searched for explanation of everything, in the present and the past.阿西莫夫不仅有着超凡的想象力, 使他能对未来世界进行探索, 而且还有惊人的智力, 使他能对现在和过去的各种事物作出解析。1) “介词which/ whom”的结构引导定语从句,句子分析: Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination and an amazi

28、ng mind 是句子的主要部分, had在句中有两个宾语imagination和mind, 他们分别带了自己的宾语从句。that 引导的从句修饰imagination; with which引导的定语从句修饰mind。动词不定式to explore future worlds 修饰ability。,He seemed to be looking for the words with which he could express what he was thinking about.The novel from which the films has been adapted for chil

29、dren is written by a famous American writer.The car, for which I paid a lot of money, is now out of date . He is telling a story of a hero, of whom everyone in the town is proud.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _they could turn for help.A. whom B. who C. to whom D. from whom,C,The Nil

30、e, _electricity is produced, no longer destroys villages and crops.A. which B. from which C. from it D. from that - How do you like the cake?- Its quite different from _I had last month.A. that B. which C. the one D. the one what,B,C,2) search + 地方 / 人 在某地/某人身上寻找search for 寻找某物= search + place + for

31、 + object in search of 寻找, 作状语, 表示目的The enemies _the Red Army man everywhere.They have _ the whole city _the missing boy.The boy has been to many places _his lost cat.,searched,searched for,in search of,3) explanation n. 解释, 解说, 说明, 辩解, 互相讲明What is your explanation for being late? The only explanati

32、on for his behavior is that hes mad. explain v. 解释, 说明explain sth to sbWe explained our plan to the committee.,5. From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist junior adj. younger, lower in rank 较年轻的/职位稍低的 He is the junior employee in the firm. He is two years junior to me. senior: older; higher i

33、n rank 较年长的; 职位稍高的 He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人,6. he started to take himself seriously as a writer.take sb/ sth seriously: 认真对待某人某事He takes things too seriously.他对事太认真了。You cant take her promises seriously; she never keeps her word. If you cant treat your study seriously, you wi

34、ll fail in the coming examination. 反义词: take for granted 认为是理所当然的, 想当然, 不把当回事,7. Soon after his divorce in 1973, divorce n. 离婚, 脱离 vt. 使离婚, 与脱离ask for a divorce; get divorced; divorce fromHis wife asked for a divorce. They got divorced last year. They are divorcing each other. She divorced her husba

35、nd two years ago. We shouldnt divorce theory from practice.,10. award vt / n honour / prize / reward He won the _ for the best student of year.Its an _ to hear you speak so highly of me.He won the Nobel _ for literature.He got a _of $ 100 for helping them.,award,honour,Prize,reward,leave sb alone 考验

36、turn around 打电话给test out 让一个人呆着set aside 将放在一边ring up 转向, 回转,Can you guess the Chinese meaning of each phrases?,1. How many people _ while I was out ?2. The model must _ before we put it into mass production.3. _, I saw an old friend of mine, whom I havent seen for years4. She is very upset. _ for a

37、 few minutes.5. Its time for us _ our differences and work together for a common purpose.,rang up,be tested out,Turning around,Leave her alone,to set aside,Fill in the blanks with the above phrases.,Writing 1. Collocation (连用语),Go over the text, trying to recognize the collocations, treat them as si

38、ngle blocks of language and copy them out into your Collocation Book.,Samples: Collocations from “A Biography of Isaac Asimov”:science fiction stories, have both an extraordinary imagination and an amazing mind, givethe ability to explore , search for explanations of ,2. Write your own story with th

39、e collocations from “A Biography of Isaac Asimov”, trying to use the following Chronological Sequence.,Chronological Sequenceafter, afterward, as soon as, before, during, finally, first, following, immediately, initially, later, meanwhile, next, not long after, now, on (date), preceding, second, soon, then, third, today, until, when,Homework,Let the students finish their composition after class and exchange the compositions with the deskmates, then correct the mistakes for each other.,


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