U6-C Story time.pptx

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《U6-C Story time.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U6-C Story time.pptx(14页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Story time,Part C,Unit 6 How many?,Learning goals,通过Zoom和Zip比赛摘苹果的故事,复习巩固本单元所学的描述动物的单词和句型;能够理解故事内容并能按照正确的语音语调朗读故事;能够恰当运用故事中的语言表演这个故事。,Story time,Wow! So many apples!Lets have a race.,Good idea!,1, 2, 3, 4.,5, 6, 7, 8, 9.,18, 19, 20.,17.,Look, I have 17!How many applesdo you have?,Oh, no! I have only

2、 three!,I won!,“So many apples!”意思是“这么多苹果!”此句为省略句,表示感叹。,课文讲解,race (名词)竞赛,竞争短语:have a race进行一场比赛,only (副词)只有;仅仅,Exercise,萨拉很喜欢玩积木, 一起来看看有多少块积木吧! My name is Sarah. Im twelve years old. I like bricks. I have many bricks(积木). I often use bricks to make houses. Today, my friends come to my house. They li

3、ke them, too. I give five to Mary. I give six to Peter. I give eleven to David. And I still have twenty-three bricks. How many bricks do I have? Do you know?,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. Sarah is _ years old.A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen ( ) 2. Sarah often uses bricks to make _.A. houses B. cars C. trains,B,A,B,C,( ) 3. Sarah gives _ bricks to Peter.A. six B. eight C. ten( ) 4. Sarah gives _ bricks to David.A. five B. six C. eleven( ) 5. _ doesnt come to Sarahs house today.A. Mary B. Cindy C. Peter,A,Homework,Talk about what you have gained from this unit!,更多资料请关注“小学教师园地”公众号,


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