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1、Unit3 第 1 课时教学设计 【内容来源】陕西旅游出版社(三起点)六年级上册 Unit 3 Care for the Earth 【主 题】Part A: Warmingnup: Read and think. Let s learn. 【课 时】第 1 课时 一、 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写词汇: pick flowers, cut dow n trees, make the air dirty, waste water,drive a car 及 the earth. 2. 能灵活运用上述词汇。 二、 教学准备 (1) 一束花、一双一次性筷子、一个垃圾袋 。 (2) Let s

2、lea 部分的教学卡片。 (3) Let s lea 部分的音频 三、 Teaching steps Stepl: l 板书课题 care for the earth 出示学习目标 1. 老师朗读学习目标,学生认真听讲明确本节课任务。 2. 观看视频,引出话题 Step2 (Presentation 新课展示 Part A Let s learn. 1. 通过幻灯片引导学生认读词汇 the earth. 2 学习短语 pick flowers 教师出示所准备的一束花并与学生进行对话: T: The girl is beautiful.教师摘花头戴花 Look.Am I beautiful? S

3、s: No 教师板书并领读短语 pick flowers,注意纠正学生的错误读音。 3. 学习短语 cut down trees 教师出示一次性筷子并与学生进行对话: T: Look at these chopsticks. What can we do with them? Ss: We can eat with them. T: Well. People ofte n use them in our daily life, but where are they from? Ss: They are from trees. T: Yes. Trees are cut dow n to mak

4、e chopsticks. Usually, we use them only on ce. Every year, people cut dow n many trees. Do you think it is right? Ss: No. T: So we cant ccut dow n too many trees. 教师板书并领读短语 cut down trees,学生边做动作边说短语。 教师假装砍树,问学生: What am I doing?然后问学生:Can we cut down many trees?教师再做砍树的样子,通过问答,用不同的句式反复介绍短语: T: What am

5、 I doing, can you guess? 可连续和几个学生进行问答活动: 4. 教师借助图片教授 make the air dirty, waste water 撚后请学生分组读短语,教 师可以引导学生发现 make, waste drive 三个词中的元音字母读音都符合 元音+ 辅音+不发音的字母 e”结构,元音字母都读字母本身音。 5. 借助身体语言教 drive a car 6 巩固练习 1) 教师播放 Let s lea 部分的录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读词汇。 2) 采用多种方法读单词 3) Lear n the words and phrases by heart wit

6、h in 3 minu tes Step3 操练活动的设计 1. 看图填词语 教师用幻灯片呈现本课所学单词与短语,学生看图将答案写在练习本上。老师 公布答案, 2. 看图说话.教师引导学生观察图片并讨论 Are the little bird and the mother happy? Why? 1.教师引导学生观察图片并讨论。 T: Look at the pictures. Are the little bird and the fish happy? Why? What happe ned? Can you read and find the reas on? 3. Read and t

7、hi nk (P17) 读一读,想一想再回答。 让学生读对话,找到答案并进行讨论。教师可引导学 生说: Ss: The bird is sad because it cahfi nd its home and the fish is sad because the water is too dirty. it can live. 4. 拓展延伸: What else (还)should we do? Step4.Homework: 1.用今天学过的短语与句型 We should nt.。We should .造五个句子。 用英语写几句保护环境的公益广告。 板书设计 Unit 3 Care for the Earth pick flowers cut dow n trees make the air dirty We should care for the earth. We should nt pick flowers, waste water drive a car the earth


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