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1、近代汉语语法资料汇编宋代卷论文:近代汉语语法资 料汇编宋代卷 近代汉语 动态助词 【中文摘要】动态助词的产生、发展研究一直是近代汉语研究的 重要内容,要明确认识各个动态助词的变化发展历程及使用特点 ,就 需要做系统的断代研究,从而观察其整体的变化规律。近代汉语语法 资料汇编宋代卷是宋代最具代表性的白话资料 ,语料充分反映了 当代语言的真实面貌,具有很高的研究价值,是近代汉语史研究不可 缺少的语料。本文以 近代汉语语法资料汇编宋代卷 为研究对象, 对动态助词进行穷尽式的搜索和分析,收集它们所在的句子,并根据 它们在具体句子中的句法结构和语法意义统计其在本书的使用数量、 句法形式,分析它们在不同语

2、境中的语法意义,从而总结各动态助词 在宋代的使用特点,为汉语史的发展研究提供一些佐证。本文共分五 大部分,分别阐述本论题的研究价值、研究现状、研究方法;对近代 汉语语法资料汇编宋代卷中典型的动态助词从句法结构及语法意 义两方面进行个体研究;针对七个助词进行综合研究;与祖堂集中 动态助词进行比较分析和结语。经过详尽的统计与分析,我们发现近 代汉语语法资料汇编宋代卷中主要的动态助词有“将、得、着、 过、了、却、取”七个。其中助词“将”多用于“动 +将+(宾)+补” 形式,有两种语法意义,一是表示动作完成实现或获得某种结果,一是 表示动作的持续;助词“得”的用例丰富,有四种句法结构,两种语法 意义,

3、主要表示动作的完成;“着”的使用频率高、范围广,主要表示 动作或状态的持续,表示动作完成结束的语例占少数,集中体现于“动 +着 +宾”形式;“过”表示动作完成、曾经做过的事情或已有的经验 三种意义,与现代汉语“过”的语法意义相同,第一种用法比较常见, 本书中用于“动+过”和“动+过+宾”两种形式中;“了”在本书的句 法形式复杂多样,多数语例用于表示动作的完成;“却”和“取”两个 助词均使用不多,用法及功能简单,呈现萎缩趋势。另外,我们发现近 代汉语语法资料汇编宋代卷中同一种语法意义可以由不同的动态 助词来表达,它们在语法意义和功能上存在交叉现象。说明此时动态 助词的发展并不完善,尚处于调整规范

4、阶段。 【英文摘要】The research on the generation and development of the dynamic auxiliary word has been an important part of the Chin ese Study.To have a clear un dersta nding of the cha nge and features of the dyn amic auxiliary word in the course of development,we need to do dating system research to obse

5、rve the cha nges of the overall. “ The compilati on of moder n Chin ese grammar- Song Volume “ is the most representative vernacular in the Dyn asty Songt fully reflects the true face of con temporary Ian guage .It has high research value and it s indispensable in modern Chinese history corpusn this

6、 paper, “ The compilation of Modern Chinese Grammar? Song Volume “ as the research object, we con duct exhaustive search and an alysis on the dynamic auxiliary word, collect sentences which they are Iocated,statistics the number and the syntactic form according to syntactic structure of sentences an

7、d grammatical meaning in the specific senten ces,a nalyze their grammatical meaning in different contexts,to summarize the features of aspect particle in the Dynasty Song, and to provide some evidence for the development of Chinese history.This article is divided into five parts,study of this topic

8、are described value, curre nt situatio n, research methods.We carry out in dividual studies on the typical dyn amic auxiliary word in “ The compilatio n of moder n Chin ese grammar ? Song Volume “ from the sentence structure and grammar,then we carry out comprehensive study of the seve n auxiliary w

9、ords. We compare dyn amic auxiliary words in “Zu Tang Ji ” with those in “The compilation of modernChinese grammar ? Song Volume “ ,and draw the characteristics of auxiliary words.After detailed statistics and an alysis, we found that there are seven main dynamic auxiliary words in “ The compilation

10、 of modern Chinese grammar ? Song Volume “. The dyn amic auxiliary word “ Jia ng ” is used in the form of “ Verb + Jia ng + (Object)+compleme nt ” . There are four syn tactic structure and two grammatical mea nin g,it mai nly expresses the completion of the action. “Zhe” has high frequency use and wide range.it mainly expresses the continuing action


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