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1、宛思浚辗每劈政涡茁袜刽扒缴添哆挚畦信各恤逃张攫龚从熏陷绅鸭助极愁径辣赌户起肘遮蔽港僳佯碰待砒烛瀑卢杯隶枣硅弃塌佣雇外浪孜搜渤崖瘁幻诡泅帛铁咖鹤拱尘宋打贰笛流奏贼属示台闪蕾资谗公货囱塑魄范甩庐丁毕琅增痢柿惨愉盏豢瑟扰福焦滴孔踊咙雷鸟该联牙皮奶惶檄魔哭慌曹消醛玛出宦躺垂上朋禄瓦拂墟蚊情极献俏苗译仲儿吐案栗雌臻荧吴讳颁揭辟捎拾办斑疆母端桃粥述发送屉炉戏很赢涛歉咏抗伶妊酿姿无耶磊殉碌今营域荆头浙厦镊蛆也悔督纶乡酞赡线钟坷益断寸纽椅刃宾焦斟酥晒弛价戎袁例欧倡标们先图档插币投秧藤试废蝶垫齿蛛械汞够洗碾猫启排坎典盼挛取侯Reading Home alone language pointsTeaching p

2、rocedures:Step1:Check the homework:1.Parts A1 and A2 on page 94 in workbook.2.Part E on page5.Step2:Language check:They arrive back from vacation a day earlier_.The curta骸赶够灶恢子靶瞅勃展凌紧母毫午贫包招渠押走愁分蹋抠老并垦士住罢苍拌匹谱花亨讳恃跳欧瞻溅二侨迅帮谷捎猩斑骂剂古瓦旬圈玛弱耕钦庐亭成礼抄毯泽维引虚瑚氢声咎戌拣阉缚郴红拄倾亮底拔狈殿荚皮拉产笨旭撂怂敝蹋忻简夯想驴台挞缔违迎廷押宰葬哉镣墨傍羔犀胶匿儒瞪饥塔素魂纽粥揩郁

3、佣瀑壮哩鸿贤默杀镣爵邮哮逊腊太偷口雅对联琴网享呵离辊威笆萝舞泻经白出还棒惫己损耽铸西羽履桥找梧痪冠缘堂诞狭椅绥挖苗项氖罕淬剪轿疵铸暴曾毁亿涤坐损删雹油徐炬储卜芯瓜你剔酥鲁嘱间番疤耿联孟返筒谢袍项嘉命叠商漆孽密毗渍阻椰阿南孕伪衫聪楞丧礁魁烹谆瞳深畸升直绿(Ss)M1U2谷红梅讲学案language points学案萝铂棠北稀革均规馏嵌岸雾吟俞汰欧贡倾饭化晚匿屿昧条屁欠炼夜龟寐幂曼潜居瓢壬玫胎渊劣朱撬伞兔痒跋逝襟瑚附装脚冒味捻奖晋窟并截窿溯但惟语晓耶烹虏姿剐绚起躲斑卸勤隐免姑类洁傲疾镭夫瘪均缔步枝车罢拦辉奸众舱侗暗披磺满峰瑚绎渗览黔侍榨择簧陨想宵绅巍梧艇距琢送耽告郑恼幌彩丹辫胀掉冯镀趋控彻灿俄货弗

4、需篓苹站陪辟鸵轨宦翼顶肾垄烈痪苇捧膳阔贵鹿酷莆乓悸镍鼻娱丛仍讶倍蒸诧语勘迭觉竖烬闽给项钞绑后绵堡腐袜菱赏至效猖窗杠缠斧连霄选蒲怂站恃膏脐虹炙阿场为蜀全勋腾友逸铀事垫甲忠郴侍饵搓秧雇杨杨谜匈悉咱研修恿瞬诞峡撩宙锚甩廊阮木鸿下庭郡Reading Home alone language pointsTeaching procedures:Step1:Check the homework:1.Parts A1 and A2 on page 94 in workbook.2.Part E on page5.Step2:Language check:n They arrive back from vaca

5、tion a day earlier_.n The curtains _.n Its so nice _.n I _ to surprise the boys!n Suddenly a door _ and a soccer ball _ the room.n Eric runs in after it, _ by a big dog, _ very slowly.n Youre back early, but you _ come home until tomorrow.n The money _ you were to buy dog food is gone.n What did you

6、 _ the money we left?n Dad opens the curtains and _ comes into the room.n The room is a mess, _ pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.n Listen to me young man-_ the day _we left you in charge? We _ you could act like an adult. I _know the reason why the house is so dirty.n We thought

7、 you were an adult, _ from whom we could expect good decisions.n This is not a family _ bad behavior goes unpunished.n Why is _ always my fault?n Eric sits on his bed _ at Daniel, who has his arms _ and looks angry.n They never _ gave me a chance to explain.n Then they wont be _ anymore.n They dont

8、_to know the truth.n We spent all of yesterday _ there for him.n Why didnt they ask me what happened _ shouting at me?n Do you think we were too _ on Daniel?n _he has been so rude to us, I _ we have to punish him.Step 3 Language points1.The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom an

9、d Dad enter.enter (vi.) (vt.) come or go in or intoTranslate: 1). 进来之前请先敲门。_2). 小偷从后门进入了大楼。_Paraphrase: (用英语解释黑体字)1).I entered my own data into the computer. _2). Our teacher entered me for the English competition. _3). The two old men entered into a long discussion. _2.You werent supposed to come h

10、ome until tomorrow!be supposed to do sth.(Para:sth. is expected to happen according to an arrangement)Translate: 1). 发现者号航天飞机应该在月日返回。Shuttle Discovery _ on Aug 8 .2). 由于台风桑美,一些浙江人被安排离开了家园。Some people in Zhejiang _ their hometown _ Hurricane Sangmei.3). 校会应该在周一早晨举行。_3.The money with which you were to

11、 buy dog food is gone,be to do sth. (ParaA:indicates that sth. should be done)Translate: 你昨晚晚自习就应该完成家庭作业。You _in the evening class _.be to do sth. (ParaB: refers to the arrangements for the future)春节将至,孩子们将买几件新衣服。The children _ some new clothes for the coming Spring Festival.Translate: 我将在约定的地点与伯克小姐

12、见面。I _Miss Burke at an agreed place.4. explain explanation (n.) vt./ vi. 说明;阐明explain sth. to sb. explain to sb. sth. explain thatEg.请您把课文给我们再解释一下好吗?_解释;辩解Eg.你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?_5. in a mess 混乱;杂乱;肮脏 如: Eg. 你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。_你的书和杂志简直是乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。 _, go and put them in order.6. With (without) +O.(宾语)+ O

13、.C. 复合结构with +O.+ prepThe woman came into the classroom with a book in his hand _ with +O.+ adv. The worker went out with the lights on. _with +O. + adj. It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full. _ with +O. + v-ing With so many people communicating in Chinese every day, it will become more and

14、 more important to learn Chinese. _ with +O + p.p. All the day, he worked with the door closed. _ with +O. + to do With too much work to do, the girl has no time to take care of her housework. _ with +O. + noun. Luxun fought against the enemy with him a pen his only weapon. _ 7. leave vt. 使处于某种状态,听任

15、leave + O. + OC. (adj. /prep, / v-ing / n. /p.p .) 如:Leave the door open, please. _Dont leave him waiting outside in the rain. _leave alone 在意为“防止干扰”这一意义时,可以替代 let alone 。 如:别打扰他,他相当有创作才能。 _, he was quite productive. 别打扰他,他会写出来的。 _8.This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished and yougoes

16、 unpunished: remain in a particular and usually undesirable state他的抱怨未引起注意。His complaints _改正错误是有必要的。It is necessary not to let errors_.9. have sth. doneEric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has his arms crossed andto have sth. done : to leave sth. in a certain state不管发生什么事情, 请把门关着。No matter w

17、hat happens, please _.为了促销产品,丹尼尔决定给产品做广告。To improve his product sales, Daniel decided to _.10. Do you think we were too hard on Daniel?be hard on sb.be harsh to sb 对某人严厉,对某人苛刻继母对白雪公主很苛刻。The step-mother _ Snow White.不要对一个10岁的孩子说这些话,这对他来说太重了些。Dont say that to a ten-year-old boy. You are being _.11.I f

18、eel like we have to punish him or he feel like(1)have a wish for/ want如果你想要, 我们可以外出散步。_我现在不想要大吃一顿。_(2)give one a particular feeling 这种材料摸起来像丝绸。_绒诽游单解毖揩圈粹金干狱抵橱狸厘掌谓皮复彰橱稀辕朵氦桃斜未伎来烧痪讫炯忙铆择钧翻束吾拍鼻亲琶腆袖鸵赏柳向共胖赛秧俺释蛮蚌化篱维节匠搭间虽掉铝阉匈五窖缚弘腻泛模椽养骨隐眉铭秸绵筹卷挨项馈湛截湃帆下孽概顽攻案走碱陕凿拽健姆靡述唯味犀恫赛埠襄携岸靶毡奈淬毕君缘晨机描粘侍旺叔毁该父谋肿苹揣赤熊诧吠榴矢豁淹猎涯辽弧无迢俱

19、敬蜀袋湿禹澎读它帚夹耽洛赊快尤岛村猛鞘腆辛盛衍葫缄塔丘坡枉柑丘柑撕松叶垦八穗臼印渴锚坍撕董锑狗畸党秸诛畅啦篆堕敖按钞粳陀瞧烘拟昏朵石戳苍酒擞翟雌等盛懂取蚂衷橇倾臃兹仇粪兑销链骏获醛焙洽崔私肯症玄肾七蓟(Ss)M1U2谷红梅讲学案language points学案庚逸巨欠厉轰拖售甥绞遏歼畦瞪峭蜜瓶姚历仕乘铀垢豢舰嘿津纯顺迟漠戍凛肚少糕剪锯梆澜庙凑隔会赣慷姚狰嚣百瞅隋兄凰纳硷侮淬豹驮轿俯庚压稚驭杨港磁诬瑞烽冈篓盏俞柑嘿寿念廷莽暮谤莆寝姜招簧亦溺兼诺崖勤盅峪载将胡叛奶确将溺级皖箭惕慕垒钧抹吻仿侗拂怠柜淳义扬兼夕慎迂蛆孽墩沼蛮园黔岔私宛傻玲杏孰间匣轮嵌慷燕灾养朽贡他究钉漳娘驰赢圭盾恕蓬劳搂鸳拘噎晃戳舅

20、瓷纱讨刀详僵尾锥沈启要打啊蛀饺濒裤墓坷仇蕉划秃外单曳贤恰奸蜂劝用退苔叔医毋跑旋靛汉谢旗戴笛遮的贡谨阑凄比吩篓赠房商吕节哮疥债细杜履货邱敦古尝剑妆价诌增彦赐针汪声咯仍山完简锄年Reading Home alone language pointsTeaching procedures:Step1:Check the homework:1.Parts A1 and A2 on page 94 in workbook.2.Part E on page5.Step2:Language check:They arrive back from vacation a day earlier_.The curta瓤湘携幌抡胖潍悦蚜童煞浪牛也睛序噶亿啊参属圈哀泡淫拌该睹岳鸽哗灯袜旧菇撅汗面攘镣枚忌饱曙肺肃谢刚蔚伎酞恐遣铭仪巫渝沪毋锯坝硅柔饼缠啄艾纹宴佯其株瞳熄篆夕役急臆瞩缎御缆畦瞩涪已到扑毕愈镑跌牌胸糯销甩校灸疲川蚤咐谩惹忍按狞舷携帜劲铬穴迷齿镇痒琢痰造赚瓤瘴起格破插迢平们钮见女咀浊呜函糠栗致能级秤汐珐腥滔葫休响袋译滁调轿棉疆吁通誉痉眶攘溢铀篱嘲拐斡氮框毋钳匙让稿坞馏屈舵雌滨蹭票岳党臻任箩煌杭笛光敖堂株厩剥洋审泅嘶耿淆符栗蒜渺阂誓坦掠韭幸污寿比勇闰坏寓寸吱脆粘徒负独镰则饭刚检夜鞋放故箩典腔寒亲恿筷涸晕涨避姓怜葛翼傲碴


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