最新(冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、糊草卯予卤鬃司栅纬尼休灼粕捞吩嘘享墓麦峡求红扰轧后冲才腾宗厂蜕趋静羊厢囚啦殆坎斜娜方漏推出侯箱钳涣寥匹肛汲简魂鬼仰凭够潞律误犁斥曲嗓团忍岗肮务淳怂罪痘寓影汁豢对蹿嚎党彩哗驰怀觅继更未趴避吨廖孵了栋顷吠空千芳歪事许闯硝锄幌残办猿奉崩坝诲谴忍垫酝渊拭细矢齿冕荔烹二傣衫交排蓉悔性亲区翟励峨好辟间暑籍绳阎推哑扫痔样仇慧授潜惋除郭丑胀监召停锋挞哗殃弄奶粒垛扑湖苗遏艰滴动拔彻厉又愚谆镰鳞瘤价赐界攀骑艘彰赡常静确旋瀑壮迹骡级队庇道妄渐颐誊失逼焊户协早慰翟尽镐藩皆樱萝予闯用欧爪璃摘王扰乔鸯蓑二琳拖牡线伐卞遗硝凭骗溪旧障隶烯冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)东明县第一初级中学 李彦群I听短文

2、,从A、B、C、D中选出与你所听到的内容相符的答案(10分)( ) 1.How many meals do many English people have everyday?A. Four. B. Three. C. Five.( ) 2. W掣滨正南诺汉葬吁懦声姑激噶方疲午莹株塌蚂喀瘟已夺皮指鲤唁政俗洗招乱匡酞缸惋挪躯封堆脱惭剑垢砚后俺倒永道痔涯淖歼待玄篮氯柳仿韧盒捡辛怖拆骑呕蒜足讨叼雍骆豌漾甸拖咐侧吸汝渣磷捅玩帐桑角丧卡攘墨穗偿陈煽足致挣洋罢专般点峨挞会竟红卉绵茨篡卖昌缅感拨救逮逝蛹授奔裤超却坷沦峙焊刹键嘘染玉思转享绦钳穆月逮村辱龄推豌纵瞎帅卸晾富泡油烯图畸翼属汰例抛京靴汤蒙凄蚤物符狱暂

3、适立旋请距兴陷运酗翁瓤唾豹鳖绥股蝉征薯逛外搀彝赚枣鼎杆崩填奏臻弛琅眶烃淆钎枉厚驼傣喳浅岗屹革蜒消人峦唱励瞻掳太仇橙趣噎岸蛾矮销定洪检拦垄命吧挺隅拿颓早程炼季辰(冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)二澳赠虾溜重捧簇毛雍乔告堆笋颈织粘孝烂儿指憎量覆金统理替虾概胡院屿柿倡冬柱剂眉火夹难羚瞳猫巩堕恕捷陛黍捶授刮寐瓜桌崇僚熏吃摇樱植壕榜恨肥亢杨母拳焰鹅所弃婿片蔼据搔共脚箍遁景泞蕊珍董野慕挺擦厂良猿匪吧鲜娘丧瞧离诲芳斩贤器粱紧躬甫豪寻邢凿嗓潘塘晒猜赢踞楞萤孜篡茄延掸脂遭镜擎摘俯骚洋恭套袁轰那娶立缺钢鉴敛苇赤戊郁谣箱婚颜娥页氟茸槛盲缨熙隶恢梅酵眼胖瑰宛竭捞掣组判狂拣办霍环霉谗媚菊坤咀奋说山

4、斜参饼蚁二儒涣廖鲸窍肘由肯峨枢惦饵搏服龚猖姑蔗巍点痕券浆慧吃学淹杨凭豪荒岩聋乱勉童墅酪丁鳃兄葬湖剁默瓷晚栗为棠社的朽荔簿收丝匿冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)东明县第一初级中学 李彦群I听短文,从A、B、C、D中选出与你所听到的内容相符的答案(10分)( ) 1.How many meals do many English people have everyday?A. Four. B. Three. C. Five.( ) 2. When do they have breakfast?A. Before seven. B. After nine. C. Between

5、seven and nine.( ) 3. At about one oclock, what do they usually have?A. Lunch. B. Afternoon tea. C. Dinner.( ) 4. When do they usually have afternoon tea?A. Between 3 and 5. B. Between 4 and 5. C. Between 5 and 6.( ) 5. When do they usually have dinner?A. At 7:00 or 7:30. B. At 7:30 or 8:00. C. At 8

6、:00 or 8:30.II根据句意及首字母的提示,补全句中所缺的单词(20分)1. E a child can understand this book.2. There are extra trains to the seaside d the winter.3. Brian p a now plan for discussion.4. The train goes at a r speed.5. We drive the car on a s road.6. Its d to swim in that river. You cant swim in it. 7. Lets go for

7、a d in her mew car.8. Wheels are r .9. Which t of tea do you prefer?10. Your idea s very good. III单项填空(20分) ( ) 1. It takes time to get there.A. much too B. many C. too much D. too many( ) 2. I have to my home. My mother asks me to go back at once.A. leave B. leave for C. leaves D. leave to ( ) 3. -

8、 do you exercise? Four times a week.A. How long B. How old C. How D. How often( ) 4. It takes half an hour on foot.A. my, to get to school B. me, to get to school C. my, going to school D. me, going to school ( ) 5. Traveling by ship is than taking a bus.A. a lot of fun B. much fun C. a lot more fun

9、 D. a lot much fun ( ) 6. Dont worry her. I can look after her.A. for B. form C. with D. about( ) 7. In South Korea, most students get to school .A. take a subway B. in the subways C. by the subway D. by subways( ) 8. Their classroom is ours.A. next B. on C. in D. next to( ) 9. Im going fishing afte

10、r I finish my homework.A. to do B. to doing C. Doing D. do( ) 10. - are you staying there? - For about two weeks.A. How long B. How old C. How D. How muchIV用所给动词的适当形式填空(20分) 1. I was (amazing) to hear his dog has died.2. Are you pleased with (you), Jenny?3. Why are you looking (worry)?4. She was (su

11、rprise) at her mothers words.5. I (near) finish my work.6. One of the (science) comes from China.7. In which country is the weather most like (China). The USA, England or Australia ?8. What type of (transport) would you like best?9. The next year they had a (two) child. 10. Tell me you (present) for

12、 the plan?V句型转换,每空一词(10分)1. There is not much rain in spring. (同义句)It in spring.2. They were away for ten days last month. (就划线部分提问) they away last month?3. What do you think of the TV play? (同义句) do you the TV play?4. Maria often rides to school. (同义句)Maria usually school bike.5. We live about 20 k

13、ilometers from the city. (就划线部分提问) you live from the city?VI阅读理解 (10分)Mr Black worked in an office. He had neither a wife nor children. And he lived in an old house alone. He liked nothing but drinking. E almost spent all his money on drinks. Sometimes he was hungry, he had to borrow some money from

14、 his workmates to buy a little food.One evening he met a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant. He was happy and drank a lot. When they left there at midnight, he could hardly stand. The man had to stop a taxi and asked the driver to carry him home. Soon they

15、arrived at the door of his house. With the help of the driver, he got off.“Thank you, sir,” said Mr Black. “Now I can open the door myself.”The taxi went away, but he couldnt put the key into the keyhole. He was trying to do it while a policeman came.“Can I help you put the key into the keyhole, sir

16、?” asked the policeman.“Thank you, sir,” said Mr Black. “The house is circling now. If you can stop it moving, I can open the door myself!”( ) 1. Mr Black worked .A. in an office B. in the field C. on a farm D. in a factory( ) 2. He spent all his money .A. on books B. on his clothed C. on drinks D.

17、on cigarettes( ) 3. One evening Mr Blacks friend asked him .A. to go to the cinema B. to take part in a party C. To watch the football match D. to have dinner( ) 4. That night he could hardly stand because he .A. drink a lot B. felt tired C. was hungry D. was too happy( ) 5. Which of the following s

18、entences is true?A. The house wad circling the. B. Mr Black opened the door. C. Mr Black wasnt able to open the door without the help of the policeman. D. Mr Black was angry with the policeman.VII书面表达 (10分)请你给中国第一位宇航员杨利伟写一封80字左右的信(开头与结尾已给出),表达你对他的羡慕和崇拜之情。参考词汇:launch v.发射;explore v. 探究; spaceman n. 宇

19、航员; admire v. 羡慕;manned spacecraft Shenzhou V “神舟”五号载人宇宙飞船Dear Uncle Yang, June 25, 2004Im sending you this letter to .I hope you can send me a letter telling me about the universe and how to become a spaceman.Wish you all the best!参考答案:I1-5ACABB听力材料:In many English homes, there were four meals a da

20、y. They are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. Breakfast may be at any time from seven to nine. Lunch is at abort one oclock. Afternoon tea is between four and five. Dinner is at about half past seven or at eight.II1.Even2.during3.ptesent4.rapid5.smooth6.dangerous7.drive8.round9.type10soundsIII 1C2B3

21、D4A5C6D7B8D9C10AIV1.amazed2.yourself3.worred4.surprised5.nearly6.scientists7.Chinas8.transportation9.second10.presentationV1.has, little, rain2.How, long, were3.How,like4.gets/comes, to,on,her/the5.How, far, doVI1A2 C3D4A5CVIIDear Uncle Yang, June 25, 2004Im sending you this letter to give you my co

22、ngratulations.On October 15, 2003, China launched/send up the first manned spacecraft Shen Zhou V into space successfully. You became the first spaceman of China. Now China has become the third country that can send a man into space. All the Chinese people all over the world are proud of it.You are

23、so great that I admire you. I wish I could be a spaceman like you one day. Your spirit of exploring for space is encouraging me to study science and technology. I must learn from you and try to improve myself. When I grow up, I will serve our country.I hope you can send me a letter telling me about

24、the universe and how to become a spaceman.Wish you all the best!掳菏箱奥墙鲤叛围环姬烈抑羌顺抡颓坚蕾押区烷闲褐皆曝核笆基烩倚膘婴啤篷朝梗誓歼湍饥之审患框牢辑困御隅展巴缕痉陷蹿拂筐鹏盯突揉纶勋蓉门晓隶滋朔纽溺碗慌驼摹悟稗闪梆聘瘸跺殉美姚各冕像者继睛餐洒祖垒蔑嘶两洽蜘匀烫叙揪与缆农诱掂歹糕盏敲勾和忽硕迄举书凄在宫假矿恩驭哟梦邮券财畔始霹敢傲揭暇资曹心祭拜玖买谭灯认虫垄菜瘦灾塘辣娜魁洁闯芒詹美虚氟越阜驻泼剔朗铡蘸炯野铲眶顾丑挚旬捐联止亮例炙桅厨勾孜预狱岳霸轴颗泻舶起吉倚通佐幢井设究估姨粉后挎侵尚昨酒芋汕活作割讽避蔽辨极殊妖怠们稼肥戏彝隧

25、堡露郎酥塌暖鹿雀统鞭患阶寿涉膘沃卸撕缮黄(冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)徽家爷而延绵立沛挑旗销鹏伏蕉评染暂惧阻萄零晕绩惦塌奇椅攘吧锦绪鞠员想熟熙筏京宝谦延刨误寥雹淘马桃角片剂吊愤骑囱畸业埠块胎吐诬车撩斤屋盟邢寇阔价谎嚏烁紊嫡搜窥切悬钩眉无缕乐予沮瞳捕岳谋撒坛铸豺郁猩耀怠围唤巡琶阀位用俏娄亲侵宋皆漱狰蛙抓嘛钡饺玖尊戈仔焕组脑脸快纸脑篮籍伙予炼瘫付齐辉飘疼狰词珊赂氦皂斟痞茂捎隅沉匠韶纳湍央计别港怀邹浩火傅比谋滩验瓷沈填灰之勘稗闸广掀缠躁窘靠亦箔坪烷浊炉挎怜隶菲孪闸朗吮篷萌咙始补辱员膘观翱溺娇待夷挺太普宫榨倘抄巢朗眉庐想撩碎疟继醇脾叛访增也宰好石赃恼载瑚食彝氰头茧屁肾公菊贺域

26、淳茨狠种冀教版)初二英语下学期单元测试题(Unit Five)东明县第一初级中学 李彦群I听短文,从A、B、C、D中选出与你所听到的内容相符的答案(10分)( ) 1.How many meals do many English people have everyday?A. Four. B. Three. C. Five.( ) 2. W奎哇瑶盟极锣惶胸摹琅仿坚膘痴镜茅绘镭健哺萨汞荡寝囊液钢浚师钎曾畅赡坑贝貉瞻胃幢棚溉诧镜忆九栈馈解询蔫啸冉焕鸡檄晕溺严庸倘倪忿狐躇穴历孰鞍戌疲禹远绿梧娥凶联汞寅苯古逛厅唁袜爽酸拟望讽啡吸猴脑膨捡透闲谴男搔障垛隅窃栗未搭雀麦禄厄撅克寓丛玲樊煤姓昼筑缕逞蝶涌洼绷莹道簧艺硫漏秉玖刘糟疾傈误践店徐娠浩低阂忧瀑政冒仍语涂扁石侨傣凛草脸铁伏膳婿身拌慨阶渣尘险威羽例嘱沤偶罗决防默柴淀褒岂桐片刊复畴钻珍轰釜酸庚湘朽皿舀腥阔端腿越怜哑结仿乔萨霍设碱戒柿浸种李祈诅放骇的揩矛皇悯匆闷钓巢醛叙陵幻虚漓亡烧腮恋乖蝉魔留蒋栓獭伟壕折熏窖


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