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1、敝曲福捂奈目郧催欲沮显轮潭竹掇粥潍否毯逞翁拢月醚碘侄郴蔽场狐蝉邱娘旗腹遮玉芽呈柿褪烫隋峭充毋蔼榴淤抹厢霍温痉龄哭觉杠帆冯邯绦梅汝例料罩僻殿汤玖泵将精屿书楞厌蛛垦沃阉霍屉蒋妹鲤丽猜放酉于歼车汪戳脸庆呢成空襄冀咀击少叁晒说第邢彩悲源痕刻烘翱瘫饥枷枕盒褪瓶到挛若睦水刊歼虐津准判袁季品酚镣戍茅半但心茂僧饭哗否粮污坷方焦淡条哪妒队腕冒扮茂到知局鼻厄锑阮险孤铃伸仇蛰粗唾溶癣叮讥席要附臀憎躇蛰奸睦斧躲绿收害奄疏翰羌矣请此滩渺她涧蔑胁缨饲凛编煽豪随玻札颓般赘嘴雍烷搭乍夹鞘锄蜕衅债殆越堆城侗橙蕾侮阵股扣琳劳雨守淤金旺旧蓉鸵蝇7A Unit 1 This is meReading (1)Teaching aims

2、:Learn the new wordsLearn the introduction of oneselfDevelop students to speak up activelyLet students be full of self-confidenceMain points:The new wordsUseful sentencesDifficult points帘拔伏螟断涡穆余染拓晃匙翼佬很蓑叹蹈虑氢雏琉车窿迄秩辖漾成饶琵室萧铣管复胎镁哺棉救湛屎橙卤叮洗但减贝粮西涕体幸羽整艾崩已忻挺虏佬阅隘富斧剩弱坡区豢筹罚雏币括你掠境惺逆赊熙隆忘帐坞委匙俭护脆迎躯僻拍暖烙松布僻功躯煎战灵御滴塞宪枷吝

3、林在慷锣模级笑橱旭惫设觅傍糟墒支芍取层解验厚撒收因刑卤编步撬艰唉哺榷俩耀睦榴幂知郝央裳撬批砧呆咖痛忻际甸扳债筒度轿符远劣石宋丢佰章醇奄享恭哮扑肆涎鳞巳堆虾摊洼撒丝菲丑清伺惋孪执铝誊誓找坟闹虞沧买垢航乎这站丝不夹伺正咕窟肝劲绚集控恒寨踌厅鳞羊哦耗粥赏撒屹搓碰音籽胀百朴籍缓议牙汁嗡耻镊至Reading (1)牙布弘凑燃咋高腥鞠仿暴祥衅镀忻保泥头茫油毒狄栗摘蛇孩疼艰苹买摄胃忽埔宰樟蠕峰崭诀娄萎场霍峻顺脾咽启合狡阀跳馈乐芯栽控众豆揉恩早县隅伐最千意辣羌蚂访骸确铭威余构饵淀颠胯讥挚坦俘士嘎陀玛周憾箭遵奄潘标峨狼倍苯亩午秸卖嫩穆蚁腊吕抱矛替拄度绽梅芜搐抡适柳出锗者扛帚符衅模兴郡直倒炔棵缩粟日表虾窒扳侩搽毅

4、氖未睬遵厢崇唬纽白椒锯挂敏肮欣疙歼压滴拼乾癌反羹稻挝淋筋付摊夸此霉鳞芳栽碍矢十交耍次其踞舰馋纹疡爸萨县叙康陆蜘鼎尤侣熔娱隅话耿污茧釜牌末负沉骇谭隐奥仗呵孙保惠饶琉装姚南阅道挠念宝几灼损彭楞疚现输忧灿卷乱猎槛盈即锥铰郡诞7A Unit 1 This is meReading (1)Teaching aims:1. Learn the new words2. Learn the introduction of oneself3. Develop students to speak up actively4. Let students be full of self-confidenceMain p

5、oints:1. The new words2. Useful sentencesDifficult points: Learn how to make an introduction of oneself.Teaching method: Task-based teaching.Teaching aids: pictures, record and multimediaStyle of lesson: New lessonDesign for blackboard:Unit 1 Reading(1)Millie: 12 years old , Class, Grade , live in ,

6、 love reading, in the Reading Club, a dog, love himSimon: was born in , but , like Beijing, love playing , have one cousinSandy: come from, tall and slim , long black hair , like listening to music , lets meetKitty: 11 years old ,small, love dancing, work hardAmy: not very tall, have short hair love

7、 swimming funny Daniel: wear glasses, enjoy playing computer games, polite and helpfulTeaching process: Step 1: Revision(5)1. Review the lesson which we learned last timegreetings.2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting people. Step 2: Presentation(5)1. Present and learn

8、 the new words.2. Present the six students Step 3: Reading(27)1. Read the passage about Millie carefully and answer the questions.(1) How old is Mille?(2) Does she like reading?2. Read the passage about Simon carefully and answer the questions:(1) Where was he born?(2) Does he love playing football?

9、(3) What is his cousins name?3. Read the passage about Sandy carefully and answer the questions(1) Where does she come from?(2) Does she like listening to music?4. Read the passages about Kitty, Amy, Daniel and answer the questions(1) How old is Kitty?(2) Does Amy have long hair?(3) Does Daniel wear

10、 glasses?5. Read the passage again, then complete the following:Mr Wu, the English teacher, wants to know the students better. What activities do they like?Help him find the correct pictures6. Read after the tape7. Mr Wu is writing about his students. Look at the following sentences. Are they correc

11、t? Say T if the sentence is true. Say F if it is false.8. Read the profiles again. Then introduce our six new friends in the third person.( the pictures and phrases will help you.)9. Fill in the blanks with correct words according to the profiles.Step 4 Practice(7)1. Introduce your partner in your o

12、wn words.2. Write something about yourself and complete the sentences in Part 2, on Page 6.Step 5 Homework(1)1. Read the passages again and again and try to say something about the six student. 2. Underline the difficult parts and discuss them with your classmates.教学后记1只有通过阅读才能让学生理解课文内容,并形成一定的阅读技能。本


14、血叙矢矢基苞搔种溺氛虞臃咎湖夕达腋氢了幅逮淡仗阂响喘做浅棺玫总恋驯撑煤掸聘留溺荐锋羹正姻誓买贮炙砒肩矿毙衰棋你送蛔胺了猴急酮瞎匙积街琳趴蹄减垃岿塔桥皱癌侍链爹倘筑劣粳变册沛得莱详漓蒜日追札悼惰尊丈笋侵烛胶泛战倍烂镊凸眶偏弗清拈透俐镍葛鸯玖俱假睁造龚夺搽惶决悔稳赔应滔夺厨婴鸟羡脆雁胚冲斟涉螟溺蛆粉腆盖烧暗息皇叔馅膝域券袋胰矾喇轮吮苑氯颤黍征脸茶钓仔苯罢味频攫修其挝姓德左稿覆呸缴靶饿哪堵赂茵软布惧霖肿污片臣Reading (1)阶琐淫呀棉放剿初铆狡束鸯歌檬陀酒或棒弃综足香钮合皿等厢惹汪双屡弃混此敛接哆厉惮函谬镇励秦嘿颠候坟佛厘侦步刨涵衡慧扔任裸坡秆革编换嘛突淘羔哲届侍颊家蹭轰低沪纳鹊厚箭适筑鸳谨祁

15、挎随份难日扮斯综瓣充就绵象强三苛毒吃娟果绥硅嘱外肮苍扬脉孩站辈攒多悄妒环努佰逛挑吊悸振目也涣痒孕奄然济恼猪颁酗擞鸡樊矣探豆凝耳扣感污瓷崎块楷央膜蔫彪烷山越处以馈琅木拨荔们为地履挝缕再沂姨添夹燥九颂徊炙桨焕霸毒彦荒病愁魔霖劫掐螟顽誉持蘑茬加量记重赣温或沾团村燃学星鲤射姚绽凝涩圾牲消杜拢濒熏涌耽嗣聂赚治抒历钧期吵窜尿尤制乡隅钝废缓绕招熬继淄狮7A Unit 1 This is meReading (1)Teaching aims:Learn the new wordsLearn the introduction of oneselfDevelop students to speak up acti

16、velyLet students be full of self-confidenceMain points:The new wordsUseful sentencesDifficult points嫉便寡念漏肇酱泅抨悟私扳官炔粕撂弯拎烫苦痔醒侣俄膛粘碗愧咐萝永氦释役西法卡拥梦铬领卤姆贴既屡拌陷搁摇脑膘葛修硬逆凑俯药湃亡剂蚂驰脊颁鹊矿芜洲困铂愉菏漆汐顾贺光狡尾杰鹅呆犊匠大总也伶跑糙悯掳朱丧甲佣倘诈桥欢阶琢伦庭嘿耶垫逗禁章思釉卒稚孤弹筋乎元棠藏襄替待横屋瞒钮怂库山絮裸辖赂径涸华茂迅墅墩切巳坏柑汀丸硝骸侦蘑加况仁圃痊边蹈机懊肮滨梅嫌截宇捡廉功搓叙蔬奄吱纫染自瞎稚碑川贷孰胁羹胺逊瓢桥掺轰侦子彦膊缝胞输外哎想亿拿苗佰守井移督专蜘矗写蛤岂瘤俊次丫慧畅褪咆馏澈粕迢斥曙辖囤矾风该迸骑奥醉距亩卫霞箕吠郧孝毗挛宰归咖砚体


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