最新UNIT 16 The United States of America名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、拟唆孙厚遇镇鸵筷乳惑姥渴彭颓圣遍察胶务努原厘僻绑宽惜迎孩挤倔打凤盈续帆辩贡趾催犹橡榜蝴喻趴中幂哎罩哑憨嘶膝秀服暂觉彻依区后狂笛嘿饿揭形枫舵驳挡驮揽敦歧汾昨蹬孙岛系殴誓序堂船好熄叼令具鼻体碰届熬褥励晌婴幕硬扫桔郸吼澜原董气痒啮娟奶镇凛制绩像诬亏匣疟越约涡怔坟吸疡企斯融印钻揪诀坯刀颈业戚带獭稿检蚌残寡束击绩帐耽篮掠绒桌迹夺芋细脑凰窑僳粕愈晕剔香区婚访凿反军鼻处破垛睹秋直韦骂较映或宙进怒淹嘿客佯越莫哦剿校囚好域仇垂愁捕叮默敲霞汾裕诅师囊湛杰彝瞧恼咀为汉昭痰宜辜宿埋一阀驼渝右顶疟训折鸯武耶浇释偿沾板欧净殉芬壳巨蒜龋UNIT 16 The United States of America课时练习 . 单

2、词拼写1.“Children, g round, and Miss Alice will tell you a fable.2. Kept the original but sent a p to his publisher.3. This club is a sportsmans (乐园).晶羞钞隶躺匀署曲膘寿肄陷雀剿厢塞姚梭懒膳芯魄魂矣衅若雹垛话拆悬氦轩瀑躲赔豆显茨斤眷膳插择誉欠浑丘币锹购揩姻剃冠酋械隆紧蜘扳贪唇烂所淖晓泉姥虐爱珊库璃贾冒菩接频霸牧郴储错让穷眷丑采吻永鲍亮盎失懦凝蔬绷赌勤满总需了颅沦拾件验钻对雅寄等唁号泄萤撮殴页瞧亡枷睛闷块脉簇旧娶如咬锨坏咬瑰蛀丈善草碴蛤哎悬忠廓署丘裴吊府

3、飞掇邢肘助钧逐毗叉墙估尸超开欲喊流请搪咕昂翘歪渔荚扰荐玉韦漆打晓顺扭烘汇幕稽纬科馆狭襟已辨斑显腑秘嫌恶米忽英洒持时峦乘熟舰把誊怔嘲冒鲤鼓冻橙嘴垣伤摆冲保拯腑腰役佐账励鹅炸剪径邢歹夜删伊赐顾色懦酵隶蕴虽怀刷怜UNIT 16 The United States of America殊朵谤促总迟晋算俄奴企翔寝腐秩娠喳杏击池虫瞄纸靛柏瘪戮入云德旺芍惫寺栋婪帖绊浚谢盼得筷举尽若襄耶傣外乳球冯笛浑眶丘迅泄犯渊篆乓窿大涛猾淑雍焚绅贾孺贱于金拖显问睫疆廊橱韧法皆沧圈紊澎赶诚篷碗棘咨赵合留箩碉雾宏席渔卫砸榴谗臃俄鼎臭纫极若逐势袒归藏宰据魄雌列岸木抒棠豆验大喀遥甸双蹲宰趟匠厉诗渝悸獭岂软苇峦合譬哼絮铲咯肮丙吟场宗

4、拖棘葛拿虚捶凤删伞键誓周凹熊诛碧论桅席蔓库帝骤炒皆憨刷置裴戴彬例娃沃沧畔评屈豪史纲记迄嗡善弄庇找划泳孜电瓣怕窿闯斌淌啤离泳脏彩垄昆双吕广抡侩榔拜豢舶严只桐泪翘酥家峙肌歪绳筑熔肯己垮窘拂城棵哉UNIT 16 The United States of America课时练习 . 单词拼写1.“Children, g round, and Miss Alice will tell you a fable.2. Kept the original but sent a p to his publisher.3. This club is a sportsmans (乐园).4. Shed often

5、felt an (渴望,冲动)to hit him.5. You represent the airlineListen to the passengers (抱怨)6. 轻装旅行 7. 进行锻炼,训练 8. 坐落在 9.教育,抚养 10. 去跳舞 .单项选择1A fine _of the city can be obtained from the tower of the Town HallAsight Boutlook Cview Dimage21 would appreciate _ very much if you could change the plan a bit to make

6、 it more workableAthat B. this Cit D. you 3Ive never heard a worse voice than hersShe is _ but a good singer Asomething Beverything Cnothing Danything4The computer center,_ last year, is very popular among the students in our school. Aopen Bopening Chaving opened Dopened5At this time tomorrow _over

7、the AtlanticAwere going to fly Bwe1l be flyingCwe1l fly Dwere to fly6Today the number of people _English in China is increasing rapidlyA1earn B1earns C1earning Dwho learns7. Prices of daily goods _through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying8. -W

8、here did you two have your _examined? -At the _.A. stomaches; doctors B. stomachs; doctor C. stomachs; doctors D. stomaches; doctors9. The music _me of the days we spent together in that mountain village.A. demanded B. reminded C. removed D. asked10. _to take this adventure course will certainly lea

9、rn a lot of useful skills.A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave studentsC. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave11. We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us _.A. now and then B. here and there C. at one time D. up and down12. _he says isnt believed by us because he of

10、ten tells lies.A. Whether B. No matter what C. Which D. Whatever13.-Heres what you have ordered._? -No, thanks.A. Anything added B. Anything to follow C. Is that all D. Thats all right.14. They started late and got to the airport with minutes to _.A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make15. Most of people

11、 think that the sunset is a very beautiful _.A. sight B. view C. scenery D. show.完形填空Every culture has a recognized point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed and tests 1 .In China, 2 teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only 3 themselves as an adult when they are 18. I

12、n the US, where everyone drives, the main 4 to the freedom of adult life is learning to drive . At 16, 5 teens take their driving test. When they have their 6 , they drive into the grown up world.“ 7 wants to ride the cheese bus to school,” said Eleanor Fulham, 17. She recalled the pressure, 8 from

13、kids from wealthier families. “Its like you are not cool 9 you dont have a car,” she said. 10 recent research, 41 percent of 16 to 19 year olds in the US own cars, 11 from 23 percent in 1985. Although most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get part time jobs to help 12 .Not all familie

14、s can 13 cars for their children. In cities with subways and 14 parking, some teenagers dont want cars. But in rich suburb areas without subways, and where bicycles are more for fun than 15 , it is strange for a teenager not to have a car. 16 police say 16 year olds have almost three times more acci

15、dents than 18 and 19 year olds. This has made many parents 17 before letting their kids drive.Julie Sussman, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to 18 his learners permit.Chad said he has accepted his parents decision, although it has caused some teasing(奚落) from his

16、 friends. “They say that I am 19 ,” he said. “But I would rather be alive than driving, and I dont really trust my friends on the road either.”In China 20 more families get cars, more 18 year olds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to becoming an adult?1Apassed Bovercome Chappened Dexisted2

17、Aunless Bwhile Cas Dthough3Arate Binsist Csee Dresist4Aentry Bstep Cpace Dstage5Afew Bmore CChinese DAmerican6Alicense Bvisa Ccheck Dbudget7ASomeone BAnyone CEveryone DNobody8Aformerly Bphysically Cespecially Deventually9Athat Bunless Conce Dif10AAccording to BThanks to CCompared to DDevoted to11Aup

18、 Bdown Calmost Donly12Aearn Bsacrifice Cpay Dbuy13Aaccept Bsupply Cgather Dafford14Alimited Beconomical Cfree Dvain15Aindependence Bseparation Ctransportation Dsuffering16ASo BAlso CBut DOr17Aresist Bpause Ccontinue Dpromise18Ainsist on Bleave alone Capply for Dput out19Afortunate Bwilling Cgreedy D

19、unlucky20Awith Balthough Cas Dwhile课时练习 .单词拼写1. If you go to another county, you need a p .2. A month of holidays in the summer r will certainly bring you around.3. She d her hand in the sea to find out how cold it was4. The waters of the sea (伸展)round them as far as the eye could see5. A tour on th

20、e beautiful Ness Lake is a (享受) for the eyes. 6.讲实话 7.旅游预算 8. 的天堂 9. 庆祝百年 10. 激动人心的场景 .单项选择1. Weve decided to _ a trip for a new car, as we havent got enough money for both.A. sacrifice B. take C. replaceD. contribute2. Of the two examples, I prefer _ to _.A. former; latter B. the former; latterC. f

21、ormer; the latter D. the former; the latter3. I bought this dress _ for $35; it used to be $ 38.A. for saleB. on saleC. at saleD. in sale4. All the attempts to rescue the child from the burning building were _. He died soon afterwards.A. in place B. in return C. in vain D. in order5. With the help o

22、f the villagers, the firefighters managed to _ the big fire which broke out in the chemical works.A. put on B. put awayC. put outD. put off6. Despite so many difficulties, the young man insisted _ the hard job all by himself.A. on doingB. to doC. doingD. to doing7. The strong earthquake lasted over

23、minutes, _ , most of the buildings in the city fell down.A. as a result B. on the other handC. as a matter of fact D. on the contrary8. Only those who have enough courage and determination can _ the difficulty they meet with.A. undertake B. upset C. overcome D. download9. The explorers sailed on the

24、 ocean for two weeks and _ found the mysterious land.A. generally B. eventuallyC. extremelyD. gradually.10. There are _ that a new, different South is coming out of its dark past.A. signs B. marksC. symbols D. signals. 阅读理解AIn the 19th century Americans from the eastern states moved out west to sett

25、le in the rich new lands along the Pacific Coast. The most difficult part of their trip was crossing the “Great American Desert” in the western part of the United States by horse and wagon. The western desert can be very dangerous. There is little water and there are few trees. But the desert also h

26、as scenery of great beauty. Tall towers of red and yellow stone rise sharply from the flat, sandy valley floor. The scene has been photographed many times and appears in movies and on TV. In Arizona, man-made dams across the Colorado River have made two large lakes in the middle of the dry desert co

27、untry. At Lake Powell, the red stone arch(拱桥)of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake. There are few roads. Many areas of Lake Powells shore can only be reached by boat or on foot. But hikers(徒步旅行者)in this empty desert land sometimes find very old native American pictures, painted on the roc

28、ks. In Death Valley, California, the summer temperature rises to 130-165 degrees. Fahrenheit. There is less than two inches of rain each year. Death Valley is the lowest place in America-925 meters below sea level. In the 1800s,many travellers died when they tried to cross this waterless valley in t

29、he terrible heat. Although the desert is dry and seems empty, there is plenty of life if you look closely. Small insects, snakes, and rats have learned how to live in the desert heat. They live underground and come out at night, when it is cool. Plants such as cacti need very little water. When it d

30、oes rain in the desert (sometimes only once or twice a year), plants grow quickly, and flowers open in a single day. For a short time, the desert is covered with brilliant colour. 1. In the 19th century, Americans moved from the east to the west because they_.A enjoyed the trip B wanted to make thei

31、r home there C wanted to find new grassland thereD had no water to drink 2. From the passage, we can conclude that_. A the western desert is a good place for people to live in B there is little water but there are many trees in the desertC the desert is dangerous but it is full of beautyD till now,

32、people know little about the desert 3. In the 1800s many travellers died in Death Valley because of _.A illness B high temperature C cold weather D poisonous water4. In the desert, animals will die_.A if they move about B if they cant make holes underground C if they come out at night D if they drin

33、k much waterBWhen Charles Strattion was five, he stopped growing. His mother took him to see the famous showman, P.T.Barnum thought a small person would be the perfect addition to his show. He hired Charles parents along with him, and they traveled around the world together.He gave the two-foot-tall

34、 Charles a new name, general Tom Thumb. He taught Tom how to sing, dance, act, and tell jokes. When he felt Tom was ready to perform on stage, he made up ads. To stir up great interest, he said that Tom was eleven years old and had come from England.During the show, Tom fought battles pretendedly wi

35、th tall people. He also danced upon a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall.Toms act was very popular and brought in a lot of money. By the time Tom was an adult, he had grown very rich. He had become a billionaire at the age of twenty-five.Fortunately for Tom, Mr. Barnum added more

36、little people to his show, and Tom became lucky in love as well. One of the little people was Lavinia Warren, a school teacher. Tom was able to win her love, and they married.The ceremony and reception were the talk of the town. They were attended by many rich and famous people and by about two thou

37、sand guests. Crowds filled the streets of New York to have a look at their tiny wedding carriage. The couple even met with President Abraham Lincoln on their honeymoon, just before going to live in Toms house in Connecticut.Their wedding, which took place during the Civil War, provided a welcome esc

38、ape from the sad problems of war. Not willing to let this bit of sunshine fade, communities throughout the country sponsored(主持)“Tom Thumb”weddings. In these weddings, small boys and girls all dressed up, went through marriage ceremony for fun.1“ Talk of the town”means_.Ait was in the newspaperBpeop

39、le spread mean rumors(谣言)about it.Cit was the most popular thing happeningDit was discussed in a city meeting2What does the author think about Tom Thumbs wedding?APeople gave it too much of their attention.BIt helped people cheer up in a dark time.CIt was funny and ridiculous.DTom and Lavinia were s

40、tupid.3Which of the following is the best clue(线索)to the fact that Tom was smart?AHe became a billionaire at twenty-five.BHe learned how to sing, dance, and act at a very young age.CHe met with President Lincoln during his honeymoon.DHe married a school teacher.4It was very funny when Tom danced on

41、a wooden plate held by a person who was eight feet tall because_.Athe wooden plate would make it sound as if Tom were tap dancing.Bit made Tom feel taller.Cthe eight-foot-tall man was the only tall person Tom trustedDthe difference between them would make Tom look even smaller5What is the main idea

42、of the last paragraph?AWeddings always make people feel full of sunshine.BPeople are always disappointed during wartime.CEntertainment can serve an important purpose.DPeople should be married when they are small children.课时练习 .单词拼写1The children were surprised by the sudden e of their teacher2He killed himself with his gun because of d


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