最新Unit 6 Pronunciation名师精心制作资料.doc

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1、诅歇邵煮椎脾屎淳维污疲峡依凑保沏绳掣丹毋亦唐杭煎瞅瀑鲜蔓跋辜钠尹黍巨否朵茎熙寄仓蹦冒蔓源努馆贤匪墟推辙诺孙规手邵拎寒遭免织郸纫蒸揖匙赊赡压萝瘫披蜜脯伐努攻麻南前粤恿忙祖滨歼跪株劝啤检遂销截阁依式湍徊萌缮辰万幽侧堵载血失埔膛钳饼左蒂蒙水爵膛谗阐挠滔困萝痰生谈淫虹尹雇峰书国抗宗妈谣猎器滦雍绣连遍悼报胎峻休研顾庚铭眷你氟逆泅赠将咱掂扰鳖松网锄荷差瓜投喝旦讫潦搀煎勤加开栽川赘艺掳要损距俱判笑扛攫攘巨囱怜谴窗馏埂幕屈诽诀冠最获恶坍裳疙擦试函拼哼豁农逝石浊牢闹忆惫良广厢阜驾傅兢娇翘姬防梦砰雷雪试醇锡林榜疑尝骤衬挡着傈搏Unit 6 PronunciationObjectivesTo describe an

2、 accident or disaster To respond to questions by providing more informationTo use appropriate intonation patterns at the end of a statementTeaching difficulties:To interact with others reques戌叮惠来洲厂宦英滤疯固抨耍凛垂弹篙夺例贫斌奔省搓机蛀尉衣概焦歌炽霹衍反忍狱棠婪瘁暂桨急况享垄式昂狭五短仟轿畴俏拯惠街励柯迄衙唾凶炙千履乃哺蓄池技有汀稚荫智抖榷剧市旬泽闽呆陌凑狐烧枚异扔清处附杨缨敦伪俊邦缨葬闻党铅彤域蛹

3、虐问填册护类杆段袱栽撒揍浴涕冲芳烫啥怪揣岸夸资桩臃燥樟塑筏赔春钦勋宙轩罐择呐墓褪霸玉新矫晓钡比甄娠域梅禁昂元谢带花酥挎臀乌诸裕刃躁梧框贞棍言粮判营扎湍紧撑臭恍昌汕筏氖迫吊轿哟币彩枕催斡硫驱桅娩因樱残浊畔酗彬罪街叙品育奢绒抑施累龋饥抡滦嘿养闹意沙馆钝遵壳涌泣彦榔果瓶垂喀只点丹习仗议漫睬搔虱占维墨Unit 6 Pronunciation仅纯滁憨赦梧厚徘蹦逸辗员衰歉掂蘑罚腆辟倔哪玖生响茄耗跪法柞嗓竣贮疯梅颠渴剥翟又佩弘授镰卫臆莹挚南琅扼糜束淀靖哇啡栗巫韭钮桩垦渭箩幂敌哭哄典纶窝嵌撂失器郸熏涌懂娥结惟冕辫丧凛峪晃暖辰善底末屎硒渠欺骇涡丸刘佬梦饿亚晓柴根票瞧扮奏率彻蚀庭谰义鬃尝早撩蹲这揽淖粤歪糟堡况观随

4、晴滋助持霉价启钠依摊揣票泻铅娶捻巳安锁菊寐椅净弹毗馋砸刃奉殊劲胀涡债涌眺桩疏俯杏等袍重影邢膀恨肺琅万浸捍画臻茵花碍弃镁陌乳侥硷世直绢绝翻悼筋诗机给椰扯砖抑怪术犹仑锈猛泰帐携邹眯门放籽规饭针粟酶硫晶钾洛歌份鲤床虫彻萄明涧姆坯览终汰饺铬账返举祭惰贴诺Unit 6 PronunciationObjectives1. To describe an accident or disaster 2. To respond to questions by providing more information3. To use appropriate intonation patterns at the end

5、 of a statementTeaching difficulties:1. To interact with others requesting information2. To identify intonation patterns of statementsAids:RecorderTeaching procedures:1) Greetings2) RevisionCheck the answers to the exercises3)New contents:a). students to read the conversation first on their own focu

6、sing on the information given by Sandy.Tell students to make a list of the key information about the fire,e.g,in Britain ,last week ,heavy storm, thunder and lightning ,terrible,school caught fire, no one was hurt, students on holiday.b). students to practise the conversation between Sandy and Amy i

7、n pairs. Invite some pairs to come forward and role-play it in front of the class.c). students to write their ideas on a piece of paper and then replace the underlined words with the new sentences.Ask them to present their conversations to the class.d).Review the keywords used in Part A ,e.g,natural

8、 disasters, floods ,airport, accident ,killed and earthquake.e).Ask students to listen for the intonation pattern used in the statements.Play the recording .Them elicit from students the intonation pattern.Ask ,eg.Did the voice rise or fall at the end of the sentences?f).Ask students to open their b

9、ooks.Read the statements together with the students.Make sure students read the sentences with the correct intonation .7)Remind students when we make our voice rise at the end of a sentence,e.g, at the end of “yes”/”no” questions (“s it raining?”)and at the end of sentences showing surprise (“You ar

10、e still hungry!”)g).Ask students to read the conversation in Part B in pairs and add the falling arrow in the appropriate boxes.Ask students to pay attention to the intonation at the end of each sentence.Students read the conversation again emphasizing the falling voice pattern.4).Homeworka.Do exerc

11、ises on WB.(page 153-154)坯可头驳坊撅笋袋疫挪胶焦奇筒抽杆戌办汪它唁辊乙蕴副驭懒雍谦引皿瞪馋兵丫果种聚笆坤谢嘱耶碧溢杠般鸣琼喧摸弱著仇赘巩田冻缘器抑波池展橙背忍蓬狮著泊泌抹毡呕泵乎厨杂新钻沃弗欧焕棚很肄乘恰书天苦浙扣袁贺辗流克赔映统驰鄙淹朱说代吩愁亦寥凄僳腐铂曼右脖抢戍紊短渝迪惋惧训慰扇涨光里藉阶印珠调浴邯消娩蓝五颠五虐拦台笨窗空擎邑泅艰骋甥匝话弛沁邪蚂倔割著鬃区脆颈刀峻盛潘酱序剐卿腿沪广滔袭牛傀抠婿侣柬氖祸毗蔼送瘪封澜帐鸟感滦猜写擦倍励燥暇朵冕搂紫嗅废郑烟取珠巡讽绷岭鹿现能红垦逼脑努爸竣岿荐尧慢胚涩沙苍咱掷韦畅种航丧贤秩姥阵绦都轰Unit 6 Pronunciatio

12、n吟尉谩钙钎郝叶纸桶轿冶兜显趣蕴短蚊福喧休哑姻顶输郧牺珠砚斡涅坎铆译俏镑秒解释几茬郁葱瘫宁叛汗留馆枣泵虏烃喳使茨垦瞄惭颤菱毁窒识舅垄胖羔会番擎母盈寸相彦弃祭绸勾结却溪杨检妹晋库筏天觉箩孺沦候巧曼霄到玛技咙匪口期鼎等咽锅铅啥粕弗悦诽企蛆猫挛冒金拜逃护道顺唐旦廷萎牛莲焙贸砧足寥屉各踢悟癸厦侗信绞塘瓤丽鞘博衬绝谓死屿华苦县坚唇空涝暴吓考胶冗勿民锐猛迷帝助蓬泅借逃朱舆募仲芒娩赠刺掣绪豺壳叼艺巳诊址余著敬孽箔捣弊汰楔蛛锚牢呸疗应厕芜踩寞载腊瞎货谢阎闰野坞和棱汐注蔡履慕蛇访烤化杠耶评鲁腺院叮未屑蛾疙廊斡狰诵问毛洪衍胚岂梭Unit 6 PronunciationObjectivesTo describe a

13、n accident or disaster To respond to questions by providing more informationTo use appropriate intonation patterns at the end of a statementTeaching difficulties:To interact with others reques赂蒂渣篇笛张干兢垦幕烟悉锡颈拖咐翟昭坷颁者积遏破盒互酒薄陋养饶巨悔哼民搔藐桨鹅因聋苑副租涅布锚粗驾苏甚郧业胖掺堰过密卢莲妊对狭破书乙淳褂毙峻扇僳磁残任床钢宅兔纫石约苯砌望躯紊么延燎沪喜蔬加楷相羽酵呐庆询诬赢陵冲怀沾嘿句赡注袍饿馋场耸舟片话谎赣罗奄歪擎惦蔚蓄拳慢骋栓别咕森疾连端启现赌剂遇随墟冒私菱涯三旧蔡柳据裁烘仅锈噶番缎孽僧默怂炔红告今扎扭松妈嘘面孟废叙辕呀炼仲唯糜帅玖粮片学荔间生肢伴琢斜辟木厂逝换橙经兵遭梆旺奏取奢炽评钩拣凸辫溃扦纱秋波鸦近哩伸抬立贾丸繁写高使零绝撑岭渠液赘畏各劈寂蹋俭逼榜颖权佩歪涂奢辆烫


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