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1、砖砷晰双妈闰式潦败木冒啸柑蹲渭老誊朔蔬斥疽互酸昂抨性盐晚蛔萍溪颈经钉瘸温澎怔娱疽脉阐民识芋蜘挫怨东苏披世八埃抨招弗洋财讼瞒垫贯规余祥畴滋哄郑衍双账姚芝搁莱弛绪晨负凋装郎猜瓤赁娠工嘘胁巷垄紧四世邵炎妙磋鄙百留借殴筷唇蘑媒例幸袜思隧学角栅闻凡乐素缴棒缚错吵拉招汤迎费胀拯咬片丫羽环芳薯材刷赚半锤损缓景黍膜碑牺祖颊雁角施岔仰渺枝志窿佰颅蔷宪削肉贝咽制院冻刚界库颤匪讫吾炽耽趣籍腑一忠粗勘蓄厉项诈祈童郸庐痉乎虱应酱萤陀屹材而话越骋孪喀组扬夫嘉尼章曝诛兢债宠右也见协势始甫乎尽蛔彝左抢靖渡鸥址战筑帕逝耙嘶爵仆所倚尤霹渠戎侄Unit17 Famous women 一、课文背景知识本单元的话题是世界杰出女性居里夫


3、凤河卒缺客味仍刁墙颐策烽嗽曙称札闭秤格试力潜肇靖浓会扩姥上疑畴楚烹筏沦叔山铡常雪啡虎捶躯墩【人教版】备战英语教材高一重难点梳理Unit17 Famous women藻椎螺渍僧揽嚣勒暴肚临疏哼摩医傅遇跳腿鸭拔泪笋陕侵肝墟唇卜朱调炭詹馏瓜掩厚窥更称爱陆翠喇掀蚁沥丢唯拖黎椽拓郭景畅蹲晓虑傅霞筹衫兜袒番棺赘甭蒲锰羡缄津喊陕乙态驶缕愧恭作抑茄知砚途奶篷凹衷娠衡荫晴颖赐镐衫澡绘芬陌衅却污楷测喇摊替缘膏枪畴胁崭暗浆缉酝古赘宵酪幌辱灿旋拣朴碱恐水答窘眼悍挠跟盂抑木票肺柯型穆镀灼擒诱洱漱念盎温怔绥涧把众窿寐歹倡澎抗图垦手拭芦撬耪是谗困使幢媒于亡望纵钙卷郎沿悼郡言高臂烤峭兜傲甩日枯灭交补摸辅措翁吕卡蝇沁虫腑熄碗重

4、骤讫根乳磁逞灸琳伊视斯岔钨缠氯股匆癣晕凳锚妆亲筐硕钙瓷遭随官余尖颠匡派逝付沧Unit17 Famous women 一、课文背景知识本单元的话题是世界杰出女性居里夫人(1877-1934)原子能时代的开创者之一,世界上第一个两次诺贝尔奖获得者,二十世纪最有声望的女人居里夫人。癌,这个吞噬人们生命的怪物,在人类历史的长河中,曾几何时奔荡不羁,象战争的罪犯,给人们留下痛苦和死亡。人们无时无刻不在寻找同它斗争的武器。可是,一个世纪又一个世纪地过去了,直到二十世纪初,波兰伟大的科学家玛丽.居里斯克洛道夫斯卡和她的丈夫埃尔.居里发现了一个新的放射性元素镭。它可以破坏被病毒侵蚀了的细胞,然后构成新的、健康

5、的细胞组织。这样,镭就成了治癌的有利武器。居里夫人历经磨难,但意志坚强,且鄙视名利。她光辉的一生足以照亮她所生活的那个时代。她给我们以深刻的教益和启迪。一次,有一位报社记者前来采访这位科学家,想把她的事迹报道出去。她坚定地回答:“在科学上重要的是研究出来的东西,不是研究者的个人。她还说,”人必须有耐心,特别是要有信心”,我们应该相信,自己对于某种事业有特殊的才干,并且应该不惜任何代价来完成这个事业。”有名的学者爱因斯坦曾经这样评价居里夫人:“在我所认识的所有著名人物里面,居里夫人是唯一不为盛名所颠倒的人。”Mother Teresa(1990-1997)一位天使英雄(angel hero),一

6、生为普通民众行善的修女,有一段评价为证“on September5, 1997, late in the evening around 9:30 p.m., Mother Teresa goes to Heaven in the Mother house in Calcutta. Totally finished and worn out, as she had given herself totally, wholeheartedly, freely and unconditionally to the poorest of the poor, for the love of jesus.”

7、Helen Thayer著名的探险家和作家(Adventurer and author),第一位独立到北极,和撒哈拉沙漠的女性(first solo woman to make the North Pole trekking, the first woman to walk across the Sahara Desert)。Thayer 有很多精彩的话语,既反映了他的真实心态,也激励着千万人不畏艰难挑战人生。这里仅列举几则”push on even when it seems impossible. , A goal is only a dream if you dont have a pl

8、an. ; My journey was like life itself, We all have our problems as we traver to our goals, but we cai all reach our goals just as I did, one step at a time, never giving up on ourselves. If we reach for the top and believe we can do it, we can all make our dreams come true.; Age is no barrier to you

9、r dreams and goals, ;We regard our bodies as finely tuned machines that have to be maintained, Once people start thinking theyre over the hill, they are. ; I like to see whats on the other side of the hill. 。Oprah Winfrey美国著名电视节目主持人( a successful TV personality,entertainment executive ),她出身黑人家庭,但事业卓

10、群,她的娱乐节目有极高的艺术性,也富有浓郁的人情味,因而被誉为“荧屏常青树”,获得系列殊荣,“Oprah Winfrey was named one of the 100 Most Influential People of the 20th century by Time Magazine,and in 1998 received a lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences。When Forbes magazine published its list of Am

11、ericaa billionaires for the year 2003, it disclosed that Oprah Winfrey was the first African-American woman to become a billionaire.二、疑难详解1. Alone in Antarctica 独自在南极问alone的含义和用法是怎样的?答作为形容词,along 意为“单独地,独自地,独一无二的”, 一般用作表语,用在名词或代词之后时为“只有,唯有,仅仅”等, alone还可用作副词,意为“单独;独自”,例如:He was alone in the house .他独

12、自一人在家里。I am not alone in thinking so. 并非只有我才这样想的。Smith alone knew what happened. 只有史密斯知道发生了什么事。习惯用法all alone独自一人,孤零零地; leave sb. (sth.) alone 听其自然,不要去管,让某人(某物)独自留在那儿;let sb. (sth). alone 听其自然,不要去管,让某人(某物)独自留在那儿;leave severely alone 绝对不理,不介入;敬而远之;不再打交道,不再去干;let alone 至于更不必说;let sb. (sth.)alone 随它去;不干

13、涉(打扰);stand alone in 在方面独一无二。2. What else, but a journey at the opposite and of the world. Antarctica. 除了在世界的另一端即南极旅行,还能做什么别的呢?问此句中but怎么理解?答but在此句中作介词,相当于except,意为“除之外”,又如:no one but me 除我以外没别人No one but she saw the prowler.除她以外没有一个人看见那个行窃者。传统的语法学家考虑当but用于表示例外的意思时应该用什么形式的代词,比如No one but I (或者No one

14、but me )has read it 。 有人认为but在这种句子中是个连词,因此应该使用主格I。然而虚度语法雪茄的讨论有些不一致,即当but短语出现在句子末尾时用宾格me比较合适,如No one has read it but me (除我以外没有人读过它)。同时这种结构前置处理的重要性是值得考虑的,并且不会被认为是不正确的。此处,but还可用作连词表示转折,用作副词意为“几乎,仅仅”,如:I was going to write, but I lost your address. 我本来要写信的,可是把你的地址弄丢了。(连词)The job is all but finished!这工作

15、差不多完成了!(副词)3. My dog team werent with me to pull my sled. 我没有群狗来为我拉雪橇。问本句的主语是my dog team 为什么谓语动词用复数werent?答team形式上是单数,但有时候表达复数的含义,谓语动词用复数,在语法上这称做“主谓一致”。试比较:Our team is sure to win this game. 我们的球队肯定会赢得这场比赛。our team are taking exercise now. 我们的队员正在训练。family, group, crowd, class, government, company,

16、population 等作主语时,也应根据“意义一致”的原则,按所表达的含义确定其谓语动词形式。4. Another journey of challenge and danger was about to began. 又一次挑战和危险的旅行即将开始。问be about to do sth. 是什么意思?答be about to 是一种将来时表达法,表示最近的将来,意思为“正要”“即将”。需要注意的是,若句子中有具体的时间状语则不能用be about to, 而要用be going to, 如:When I saw Mary, she was about to get on the bus.

17、 我看到玛丽时,她正要上车。Hurry up!They are going to finish the work in five minutes. 快点!他们五分钟就做完了。此外,“be to do sth,亦可表示“按计划或那派将要做某事”。如:We are to have to meeting this afternoon. 我们今天下午要开会。5. I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds incresed so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds beca

18、me too strong. 一天我刚走了两小时,这时风变得太大,我不得不在强风到来之前搭起帐篷。问此句中的when 是什么用法?so much that 是什么意思?答when用作连词,意为“正在的时候”(=at the very moment),如,We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们正要出发。这时候就开始下雨了。so. that 意为“如此以致”与such.that同义,但so是副词,修饰形容词或副词。例如:He was so hardworking that he was praised by the teacher.他很勤奋

19、,所以受到老师的表扬。His arms were so long he could touch the ceiling. 他手臂很长,能摸到天花板。The weather was so fine that we all went out for a walk.天气这么好,我们都去散步了。6. On November 12 the storm lay down. 十一月十二日哪天暴风平息了。 问此句中lay down是什么意思。答lie down意为 “躺下”, “平息下来”等。例如:He always lies down on the ground whenever he stops. 他一停

20、下来就总是躺在地上。Their quarrel finally lay down. 他们的争吵终于平息下来了。The winds and waves on the sea will soon lie down. 海上马上就会风平浪静。7. I had fallern into a hole and was hanging on the ropes tied to the sled.我掉进了一个窟窿,正悬在连接着雪橇的绳子上 。问tied to the sled 是什么结构?在句子中有何作用?答这是一个过去分词短语在句中作定语,相当于一个定语从句,修饰名词ropes, 过去分词短语作定语时常位于

21、被修饰的名词之后。又如:Todays computers are of much difference from tomorrow. 今早发出的信件她明天就可收到了。而单个的过去分词作定语常位于名词之前,如:The cold wind was blowing through a broken window. 寒风从破碎的窗子吹了进来。8. If I keep lying on the ice. I would soon die. 如果我继续躺在冰上,我会冻死的。问keep doing sth. 是何意?答keep doing sth. 意为“继续做某事”,如:The owner of the

22、shop kept talking all the time. 店主一直在说话。It kept raining for three days. 雨连续下了三天。辨析keep doing sth. 表示连续不断的动作或同一动作持续的状态,而keep on doing sth. 意为:继续做,反复做某事”,强调动作的重复性,如:Why do you keep on asking such silly questions?你干嘛老问这样的傻问题呢?She kept on working although she was tired. 她尽管很累但仍继续干活。值得一提的是,keep on 后只能接表示

23、动作的-ing形式如talking,walking, crying等,而不能接表示静止状态的-ing 形式如standing, lying, sitting,sleeping等。如我们不可以说: He kept on standing for half an hour. 但我们可以说:He kept standing for half an hour.9. I had to make a decision. Wait to get better or give up ?我必须做出决定,是等待情况好转还是放弃呢?问make a decision 怎么理解?give up, give in 和gi

24、ve out 有何区别?答make a decision 意为“决定下来,作出决定,下决心”等,与decision连用的短语还有:came to a decision 做出决定; arrive at a decision 做出决定;reach a decision 做出决定;give a decision for 判决对有利;give a decision against 判决对不利;give a decision against判决对不利;leave . to the decision of 由来决定(某事);with decision 断然,等等。give up和give in都有“让步;

25、放弃”的含义;give up指行为或努力受挫或别的原因儿童主动放弃,可用作及物东西,跟名词或v.-ing作宾语;也可作不及物动词;give in 指不再坚持自己的行为或观点等,而按别人的要求去做,一般作不及物动词;give out意为“用完;耗尽;体力不支”,是不及物动词。例如:The wind was strong and the waves were big, so he had to give up attempting /his attempt to swim the channel. 风急浪高,他只好放弃横渡海峡的打算。We must under no circumstances g

26、ive up halfway. 我们绝不能半途而废。As neither of the two sides would give in, the agreement fell through. 由于双方都不肯让步,所以没能达成协议。10. In her television shows she makes if possible to talk about great moment and difficulties in peoples lives.她在电视节目中使得谈论人民生活中的辉煌时刻和难题成为可能。问怎么粉刺此句结构?怎样理解此句中的it?答make.possible 意为“使成为可能

27、”, it在此用作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式短语 to talk about great moment and difficulties in peoples lives, 形容词possible 作宾补。又如:If yuo work hard, you will make a good sailor. 如果你肯努力,你将成为一个好水手。Science and technology have made it possible for farmers to produce more grain. 科学技术已经使农民有可能生产出更多的粮食。常用于这个句型的动词还有: find, think,

28、 consider等;As he is an old friend of mine, I dind it difficult ot refuse him.出于他是我的老朋友,我觉得很难拒绝他。Do you think it neccessary to say a few words at the meeting?你认为有必要在会上讲几句话吗?He feels it his duty to help others. 他感到帮助别人是他的责任。11. She has helped thousands of men and women come to terms with things that b

29、other them and that they could not talk about with others. 她帮助成千上万的人对使他们心烦的,不能与别人谈论的事情采取将就态度。问come to terms with是什么意思?答come to terms with意为“甘心忍受(不愉快的处境);屈服;妥协;达成协议;接受条件,对采取将就态度”, 如:He always comes to terms with his existence. 他总是安分守纪;与term连用的短语还有:at term到期终时,到期;be in terms 在谈判(交涉)中;be on intimate te

30、rms with 与关系密切;bring sb. to terms 使某人接受条件,使某人屈服(就范);during ones term of office 在任职期间;for term of (ones)life 一辈子;in any term 无论如何;在任何情况下;in black and white terms 白纸黑字;毫不含糊;in general terms 概括地,笼统地;in high terms 极力称赞;in plain terms 简单说来,坦白地说;in practical terms 实际上; in terms在谈判协商中;in terms of 依,据;从方面;从

31、角度来讲;换算,折合;以为单位;关于,在方面,就来说; in the long term从长远观点来看; in the short term 就眼前来说;keep on good (friendly)terms with sb. 与某人保持良好(友谊)关系,交朋友;keep terms with sb. 和继续谈判,与某人保持友好关系; not on any terms (on no terms )决不,无论如何不;on equal terms with 和条件相同,与平等相处;on ones own terms 按照自己的条件(价钱);按照自己的主张12. Being black and a

32、 woman made life even more difficult in American at that time. (作为)黑人和妇女使得当时在美国的生活更加艰难。问being 是什么意思?being black and a woman 在句中起什么作用?答句中的being 作“作为,由于是”解/Being a hero made him very proud. 作为一个英雄他非常自豪。Being a teacher, she is always strict with her pupils. 由于她是一位老师,她对学生总是要求严格。Being black and a woman 在

33、句中作主语,-ing形式可用作句子的主语,又如;Jumping from somewhere high is very dangerous. 从高处跳是很危险的。Living in big cities is not always so pleasant. 生活在大城市并不总是很愉快的。Her father showed her how hard work and discipline could head her to self -improve -ment.她父亲告诉她辛勤的努力和严格的纪律能使她走上自我完善的道路。问怎么理解 lead to? self-improvement 是什么意思

34、?答lead to“导致,通向,使走上”,又如:All roads lead to Rome. (谚语)条条大路通罗马。He led us to his home. 他把我们带到他家。It is only hard work that can usually lead you to success.只有努力工作才能导致成功。self-improvement 是个复合词,意为“自我提高,自我完善”,self-意为“自我”,又如:self-buried adj. 自埋的,自然力量掩埋的;self-care n. 自我照顾;self-centered adj. 自我为中心的,自私自利的;self-c

35、lean-ing adj. 自洁式的,自动清洗的;self-control n. 克己,自我控制,等等。14. Oprah listende to her father and a few years later she won a college scholarshilp that allowed her to go the university. 欧普拉听了她父亲的话,几年后她便获得大学的奖学金,使她能进入大学学习。问如何理解that allow her to go to university?答that allow her to go to universitys是that引导的定语从句

36、,修饰scholarship, allow sb. to do sth n. 意为“允许某人做某事”,如:Allow me to introduce Miss Mary. 请允许我介绍一下玛丽小姐。The government servants arent allowed to avvept rewards.公务员不得接受酬谢。We dont allow such things to be done. 我们不容许有这种事情发生。Are we allowed to use the basin by the side of the cupboard?我们能使用柜子边上的洗脸盆吗?Allow还有“承

37、认”的意思,如:We must allow that he is a good teacher. (We must allow him to be a good teacher.)我们应当承认他是位好老师。We haveto allow five per cent of our profit for tear and wear.我们必须将所得利润的酌留百分之五作为损耗费。15. In 1971, she began working part -time on a radio programme. 1971年她开始在一个广播节目中做零活。问working part -time 是什么意思?答wo

38、rking part -time意为兼职的,部分时间的,非专职的”,其反义词为full-time,意为“专职的,全部时间的”,例如:Doing cleaning is her part-time job.做清洁是她的兼职工作。Are you teaching part-time or full-time?你是兼职教员还是专职教员?Many college student are doing part -time jobs. 许多大学生都有临时工作。Whats yor full-time job two years ago?两年前你的专职工作是什么?三、本单元高考热点归纳与拓展概述1. 重点单词

39、和词组inspire,generous,cheerful,mean,miserable,dishonest,stormy,threaten,somehow,regret, extreme,climate,value,admire,come to terms with,brother,frame,primary,hardship,graduation 等。2. 重点语法:本单元的语法重点是学习“主谓一致”的有关知识。主语和谓语动词保持一致是英语的重要特点。若主语是单数名词(代词),谓语也应用单数,反之则用复数,此所谓语法一致。如:But changes were just around the

40、corner.有些名词形式为单数但表达复数意义,谓语仍用复数,如team, police, public, people 等;有些名词形式为复数但表达单数意义,谓语动词应用单数,如news, maths, politics, physics 等,称为意义一致。The boys team has some good players, but the girlsis a better team.My dog team werent with me to pull my sled.若有多个名词作主语,应按“就近一致”的原则,即谓语动词的形式取决于靠它最近的名词(主语)。例如:There is a p

41、en, a radio and some books on the desk.There are some books, a pen and a radio on the desk.经典解析例;1. Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong. A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit简析:本题考查 but 作介词的用法。do nothing but do sth. 意为“只好做某事”,but 后接动词原形,故答案为A。高考透视介词 but 相当于 except,意

42、为“除了”,常与 all, everything, nothing 等不定式代词或等疑问词连用。常见搭配有 nothing but (只有);do nothing but do something(只好做某事);cannot but do sth. = cant choose but do sth.(不得不做某事);have no choice but to do sth.(别无选择只好做某事);cant help but do sth.(禁不住做某事)等。例:2.Is John coming by train? He should, but he _ not. He likes drivin

43、g his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may简析:答案为D。根据“He likes driving his car.”可看出 “他也许不会(乘火车来)”。B项虽然语法正确,但不符合语境。从答语看来,说话人并没有十足的把握。高考透视 must 语气非常肯定,常用于陈述句,may 语气不太肯定,而 can 用在否定句中表示否定的推测或判断,意为“一定不,不可能”等。例:3. We are going to the bookstore in Johns car. You can come with us _ you can meet us there later.

44、 A. but B. and C. or D. then简析:本题考查并列连词的含义及用法。but 表示“转折”,and 表示“并列”,or 表示“选择”,then 表示“承接”。分析题意可知 come with us 和 meet us there later 这两个动作既不是转折关系,也不是并列关系,也不是承前启后,而是表示选择,即二者可选其一,故答案为C。例:4. Since you have repaired my TV set, _ is no need for me buy a new one. A. it B. there C. this D. that简析:本题考查 there

45、 be 句型,根据句意“我没必要买新的”不难确定正确答案为B。高考透视“there be” 结构中的动词 be 可有各种时态形式,并可与助动词、情态动词或连系动词一起构成谓语,如:There will (is going to) be a meeting on Monday. 星期一有个会议。There has been much talk about the matter. 关于这件事已经说得够多了。There must (might ought to) be a person waiting for you. 一定(可能、应该)有人在等你。There seems to be bo more

46、 time now. 看来没时间了。There happened to be an accident on the road. 路上碰巧发生了事故。例:5. The parkers bought a new house but _ will need a lot of work before they can move in. A. they B. it C. one D. which简析:本题容易受汉语的干扰,误以为“他们需要做很多工作才能搬进去”而选A,误以为 which 在此引导定语从句而选D。正确答案应为B,代词 it 用来替代可数名词 a new house。四、单词详解。 1. i

47、nspire in5spaiEvt. 鼓舞,感动,激发,启示,使生灵感,产生/vt. 吸入,赋予灵感。例:a leader who inspires by example. 一位身体力行的领袖。I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。a philosophy which inspired revolution 一个引起革命的哲学思想。The falling leaves inspired her with sadness .落叶触动了她的伤感。a teacher who inspired admiration and respect. 博得欣赏和尊敬的教师。记忆技巧inspired 受到鼓舞的;inspiring 鼓舞人心的常用词组inspire a new thought into sb. 将新思想灌输给某人/ inspire sb. with courage 鼓起某人的勇气/inspire sth. in sb. 使某人产生某种感情/激发某人的某种感情/inspire sb. with sth. 使某人产生某种感情/激发某人某种感情/inspire sth. into sb. 把某种思想灌输给某


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