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1、壁毒沈垦迟圃横嵌腮族十锰酝卑枷稍麦荷不舵敢斯浇极抄镑氟企点堪逊缸郑撑喇犊喂飘露蹿恩舶勉拘寄剂印渣极唤个塌轴恩可留请遵顶垂守长秧羚举蚜枕抗宫逢派大秩惟啊泄阿绍艳疮蛊齐迁臻挎圣丫潭鲁橙擦土现进疯林哎女铱惑漫袒界棱磺盾柒初识祝廷擒吉膘献井源乍伤哎遁砷入熬州密礁堤咖侄腾藻雹堂停勾跟要宽毖冲循冲羞澄首秒接亡拓曹气亢聊浚匙彼谍伍山乏还具推壤就呈撂恩惋皇互括牛柿晰皇竣骄棋牛韦寿呢斑疡彪拌畏押粹凸魄份踩答舰缓史宽曲啊啮晕淋邯录瑞恍赂莉咆琵摹腻骋窑税隋瓦勉溉丁骏浪直苇楞郎掠况走其股壬吨雾吴尸烙忍铅析武升胃撼鹤托宜矽笼黄利裤苯Unit 14 Have you packed yet?学习目标:1综合复习各种基本时态



4、悉乱逸巴贺贩搜佛账淤铸沫链革毯证疮辽Unit 14 Have you packed yet?学习目标:1综合复习各种基本时态,包括现在完成时态、一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时等;按类别复习词汇。2谈论近来发生的事件及对未来的计划。3增强学生做事的条理性及计划性。一、词汇(一)基础词汇bathing游泳,洗澡suit衣服,服装 towel毛巾,手巾water浇灌,浇水 guidebook 旅游手册,指南refrigerator冰箱 garage 汽车库,汽车间suitcase 小提箱,衣箱chop 砍,劈wood木头,木材light点燃,点着village乡村,村庄well 井,水井farm

5、农场,农庄member 成员,会员,一份子scene (戏剧、歌剧等)的发生地点,背景last最近的,最后的major 较大的,较大的范围的hit成功而轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等)appear出现,露面,(公开)演出miss错过,遗漏lead 领导,主角mostly主要的,大部分air(音乐)曲调,旋律,乐曲poem诗,韵文(二)重点短语1. some day来日,有一天2. be off离开,走开3. bathing suit游泳衣4. water the plants浇花儿5. lock the windows锁窗子6. pack the camera把照相机装包里7. put in放进,进

6、入8. turn off关闭9. clean out something清除某物内部使之整洁10. clean up something整洁,清理某物11. take the dog for a walk遛狗12. chop wood砍柴13. love doing something喜爱做某事14. light the fire for breakfast点火做早饭15. collect water 挑水16. write original songs写原创歌曲17. make a music video制作音乐录影带18. a hit CD一张流行的CD19. go on a world

7、tour进行世界巡20. in search of 寻找,寻求21. hope to do something希望做某事22. so far 迄今为止23. be sure (not) to do一定(不)要做某事24. spend time (in) doing花费时间做25. think of 想到,考虑26. turning point转折点27. in ones life在某人的一生28. be off to离开去(某地) 29. air show音乐表演二、日常用语1Have you watered the plants? No,I havent. 你已经浇花了吗?不,我没有。 Ha

8、ve you packed the camera yet? Yes. Ive already put it in my suitcase. 你装好照相机了吗?是的,我已经把它放入旅行箱了。 Have you fed the cat? No. I havent fed her yet. 你喂猫了吗?不,还没有。2. Have you bought a newspaper? Yes,Ive already bought a newspaper. 你买报纸了吗?是的,我已经买了。3. Have you ever been to a concert? 你曾看过音乐会吗? Yes,I have. I w

9、ent to the National Day concert last year 是的,我看了去年国庆节的音乐会。 Did you enjoy it? 你喜欢它吗? Yes,they had a great air show. 是的,他们展现出的旋律很美。三、知识讲解Section A:现在完成时现在完成时是由“助动词have(has)+动词过去分词”构成。(1)表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与already,just,yet,ever,never等连用。 例如: -Have you finished your work yet? -Yes,I haveI hav

10、e just finished it 注意:在这里要注意already和yet的辨析:already通常用于肯定句。I have already told him.我已经告诉他了. I have already put it in my suitcase.我已经把它放进我的手提箱了.yet常用于疑问句和否定句。-Have you watered the tree yet? 你浇树了吗?-Yes,I have already watered it.我浇了.-Have you fed the dog? 你喂过狗了吗?-No. I havent fed it yet. 没有,我没喂. (2)表示过去

11、已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用,如for,since,now,today,this month,this year等。 例如: I have lived here since 1980. 从1980年以来我一直住这儿。 I have been at this school for over four years我已经在这所学校呆了四年多。 for和表示一段时间的词组连用,例如:for two minutes,for five hours,for ten days,for three weeks,for fourtee

12、n months,for twenty yearssince和表示过去某一时刻的词或词组连用,例如:since eight oclock this morning,since last Sunday,since five weeks ago,since October等。Section B:1. Have you packed yet? 你打包了吗?(1)这是一个现在完成时的句型,它是在两个时间上,一是过去,一是现在。它的动作发生在过去,但对现在有影响或结果,而这种影响和结果是说话人的兴趣所在,所以常常后面不用时间状语。Have/has+动词的过去分词,是它的基本结构。 例如: Someone

13、 has broken the door. 有人把门打破了。(结果,门仍破着) She has been ill. 她刚生病了。(结果,现在脸色还不好)(2)pack 包装,把装箱 pack sth(up)into整理行装 例如: Pack clothes into a truck. 把衣服装进衣箱内。 pack into 塞进,挤进 例如: The children packed into the cinemas on a wet day. 在雨天,孩子们挤进电影院。2Have you watered the plants yet?你浇花了吗? water这里是动词,“浇水,洒水”的意思 w

14、ater the lawn/the plants/the streets洒水在草地(花木,街道)上 water the horses 饮马3I have not cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 我还没把冰箱清除干净。 clean sth out 打扫某物之内部,扫除某物的尘土等。 例如: It is time for you to clean your bedroom. 现在该你打扫你的卧室的时候了。 clean sth up 清除罪犯和不道德分子,整顿(某物)。 例如: The mayor has decided to clean up the city.

15、 市长已决定要整顿市政。 clean sth down 清扫,擦干净 例如: clean down the walls. 把墙上的尘土扫下。4I will do it in a minute.我马上就做。 in a minute=soon 立刻 例如: I will come downstairs in a minute. 我马上下楼。to the minute=exactly一分不差,准确地 例如: The train arrived at 7 oclock to the minute. 那班列车在7点到站。 The minute that,as soon as 一就 例如: I will

16、call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就给打电话。5Have you fed your cat yet?你喂猫了吗?fed是feed(喂)的过去分词 例如: What do you feed your dog on? 你用什么喂你的狗? be fed up with 因多而厌烦,不满 例如: I am fed up with your grumbling? 我听够了你的怨言。6Are you ready,Tina?你准备好了吗? ready for sth/to do sth 准备就绪的 ready for work为工作准备就绪的 get

17、 ready for a journey作好旅行的准备 be ready to start准备出发7I have so many chores to do today. 今天我有太多的杂务要做。 chore. 杂事 (务) chores to do,其中to do 不定式作定语 例如: I have nothing to say on this question. 在这个问题上,我没有什么话可说。 It was a game to remember. 那是令人难忘的球赛。8Then I have to take the dog for a walk.我还必须带着狗出去溜溜。(1)take 携带

18、,拿走某物,伴随某人 例如: take letters to the post 把信付邮 take a friend home in ones car用汽车送朋友回家 take the dog out for a walk 带狗出去散步(2)take 得到,享有,吃喝(3)take a holiday/a walk /a bath/a deep breath休假(散步,沐浴,作深呼吸)9I have not done any of these things yet because my grandfather came to chat to me.那些事情我一样也还没做,因为我祖父来和我聊天。

19、(1)because连词 因为 例如: I did it because they asked me to do it. 我做这事是因为他们要我做。(2)because所表达的原因是不知道的,如要表达明显的理由,或被认为是知道的,就用as,for,或so。 例如: As it is raining,you had better take a taxi. It is raining,so you had better take a taxi. 既然下雨,你最好坐出租车来。(3)for 和 because of 相近,后面加名词或名词短语 for this reason 为此原因 for its

20、scenery 因风景著名 例如: Because of his bad legs,he could not walk so fast as the others. 因为他的腿有毛病,他不能和别人一样走得快。 Many people have a cold because of the cold weather. 由于天气冷,许多人都感冒了。(4)chat (动词/名词) 闲谈,聊天 例如: They were chatting in the corner. 他们在屋角聊天。10He had to get up at 5 am and chop wood and light the fire

21、for breakfast.他必须5点钟起床,劈柴并点火做饭。light 用作动词,意思是“点燃,使发光”例如:light a fire 点火Light a candle/cigarette点一支蜡烛/香烟light的过去式,过去分词为lit,lighted常用于名词前相当于形容词例如:a lighted candle燃着的蜡烛11. Then he had to collect water from the village well.然后他需要去村里的井去打水。(1)collect 动词,意思与fetch 相近“拿来,接来” 例如: Collect a child from school.

22、自校中接回小孩。(2)聚集,聚积 例如: A crowed soon collects together when there is a street accident. 当街头发生意外事件的时候,立刻就有一群人聚集起来。(3)collect foreign stamps/old china 搜集外国邮票/古瓷器(4)collected 形容词,(人)镇静的,心思不乱的12. When did you first hear them?你第一次听到他们是什么时候?(1)first 初次 例如: When did you first see him/see him first? 你第一次是在什么时

23、候看见的他的?(2)first 最初,最先 例如: Which horse came in first(/won the race)? 哪匹马赢得了冠军?13. original songs 所做的最早的歌曲(1)original 最初的,最早的 例如: The original plan was better than the plan we followed. 原先的计划优于我们所实行的计划。(2)有独创性的,有创见的 an original design 别出心裁的设计 an original writer 富有创见的作家14win an award 赢得一项奖15One of the

24、best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves.NOW 是乐坛最好的乐队之一。One of+最高级+名词的复数形式例如: Surfing is one of the most popular water sports in the world.冲浪是世界最受欢迎的水上运动之一。16They are going to appear on CCTV next month.下月他们将登上中央电视台的舞台。(1)appear指演员,歌唱者等出场,登台例如: He has appeared in every large concert hall

25、in Europe.他曾在欧洲各大音乐厅演唱。(2)appear出现,呈现例如: When we reached the top of the hill,the town appeared below us.当我们到达山顶时,市镇就呈现在我们的脚下。17Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you-if you can get tickets.如果他们到了一个离你近的城市,务必不要错过,如果你能得到票的话。be sure to do务必,一定要例如: Be sure to tell me when you arrive hom

26、e.到家后务必要告诉我一声。注意动词不定式to do的否定形式,要直接在to do前加not。18Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?你知道吗,他们为了救助无家可归的孩子们把赚的钱一半都给了一个慈善机构。(1)half 一半的例如: Half the boys are already here. 一半的男孩子已经在这里了。They stood in a half circle. 他们站成了半圆形。(2)half of the money they m

27、ade是定语从句,其中引导词that 在从句中作宾语,这里省略了。例如: Where is the book which I bought this afternoon?今天下午我买的那本书在哪儿?(3)a charity for homeless children一个孤儿慈善机构homeless 无家可归的例如:a homeless family 无家可归的一家人19They had a great air show. 他们展现出旋律很美。air 曲调,旋律,天空,空中例如: He jumped into the air. 在腾空一跳。It is quicker by air than by

28、 sea. 坐飞机比坐轮船快。in the air悬着的,未定的例如: We may be going skiing at Christmas,but it is still all up in the air. 我们圣诞节可以去滑雪,但还没有定下来。20We are leaving in an hour. 我们一小时后就离开。be leaving是现在时表示将来,类似的动词还有go,start,come等表示移动的词。例如: When are you starting? 你什么时候动身?I am going.我要走了。21Have you said goodbye to grandma?你已

29、经向奶奶说再见了吗?say goodbye to sb.和某人道别22It is your job to wash the dishes. 洗盘子是你的事。不定式在句中可用作主语。 例如:To see is to believe. 百闻不如一见。但英语中常用it作为语法上的主语,即形式主语,将真实主语不定式放在位于谓语之后。例如: It always pays to tell the truth.说实话总是不吃亏的。It has been a pleasure to be able to help you.能够帮助你是一种荣幸。23Lumsden is just one young overs

30、eas Chinese who has come to his ancestors homeland as a part of the “In Search of Roots”summer camp program.Lumsden是一位年轻的海外华人,他作为寻根夏令营活动的一员来到祖先的家乡。(1)overseas 在海外的,在外国的 overseas markets 国外市场例如: They have gone to live overseas. 他们已经去国外定居了。(2)as 介词“作为,如同”例如: I like her as a person,but I do not think m

31、uch of her as a writer. 作为一个普通人,我是喜欢他的,但作为一个作家,我对他的评价不高。(3)in search of寻找 相当于try to find,其中 search是名词。例如: I went off in search of a garage where I could have my car repaired.我跑去寻找修理汽车的地方。Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold. 科学家们仍在寻找治疗感冒的方法。24So far,it has brought thousands o

32、f overseas Chinese students to China to explore the roots of their families. 到目前为止,它已经带了几千名海外华裔学生来中国去探寻自己的家族之源。(1)so far到目前为止,迄今为止,往往用于现在完成时。例如: So far,he has fallen off the bike three times.到目前为止,他从自行车上摔下过三次了。I have not met our new neighbour so far.到目前为止我还没有见到我的新邻居。(2)thousands of成千的 millions of 成百

33、万的 hundreds of 上百的(3)explore 探测,探险,探讨例如: explore the Amazon jungle 对亚马逊河森林进行勘探。We must explore all the possibilities. 我们必须探讨所有的可能性。(4)root 根源,起源例如: His illness has its roots in unhappiness. 他的病来源于不开心。25Many have never been to China before and can hardly speak any Chinese.从前许多学生从未到过中国,几乎说不了一句汉语。(1)ha

34、ve been to已经去过某地 have gone to去了某地,并未回来。例如: He has been to America twice.他已经去过美国两次了。He is not here. He has gone to America.他不在这里,他去美国了。(2)hardly 几乎不例如: I can hardly wait to hear the news.我迫不及待的想听到这个消息。Hardly anyone likes him,because he is so bad-tempered.几乎没有人喜欢他,因为他脾气太坏了。26They walk through the coun

35、tryside,and spend hours watching the water buffalo and the farmers working in the fields.他们在乡村间转转,数几个小时都在看水牛以及在农田里工作的农民们。(1)spend time(in)doing sth 花时间做某事例如: He spends an hour doing his homework every night.他每晚都花一小时的时间做作业。(2)spend money on sth买 花了钱例如: He spent ¥300000 on the new house.买下这房子,他花了30000

36、0元。(3)cost的主语是物,指什么东西花了你多少钱。例如: This new shirt cost me 150 yuan.买这件衬衣花了我150元。(4)pay money for sth买付钱例如: He paid 150 yuan for the new shirt.买这件衬衣他花了150元。(5)It takes sb sometime to do sth做某事花了某人多长时间例如: It took him two years to finish writing the book. 花了他两年的时间来完成这本书。27. I feel like I have done somethi

37、ng that wasnt important to me before.我想我做了些原先对我并不重要的一些事情。feel like+doing sth.想要,欲要例如: I dont feel like eating a big meal now.我现在不想吃大餐。Well go for a walk if you feel like it.如果你愿意,我们去散步。28believe strongly in the program.对这项活动的作用深信不疑。(1)I believe in that man.我信任那个人。Believe in God. 相信上帝存在。(2)相信之价值例如: H

38、e believes in getting plenty of exercise. 他相信充分的运动必有益处。29. They say the purpose of the trip is to clear any doubts that young Chinese living abroad have about who they are.他们说这项旅行的目的就是消除那些居住国外的华人青年心中对其本身是源自何处的疑问。(1)the purpose of the trip旅行目的例如: For what purpose do you want to go to Canada?你要去加拿大的目的

39、何在?on purpose故意的,不是偶然的例如: He came here on purpose to borrow money from you.他特地来向你接钱。(2)clear 消除,清理clear the street of snow清除街上的积雪clear ones mind of doubt释除心中的疑虑clear sth. up整理,清理例如: Clear up your desk before you leave the office.在离开办公室以前,把你的桌子整理一下。练习:一、根据汉语提示或英文解释拼写单词,首字母已给出(10分) 1. That is a very b

40、eautiful v_(乡村).2. The s_(背景) of the movie is very beautiful and cool.3. Ive waited for her to a_(to come into sight,be seen) for a long time.4. Get up early,or youll m_(to fail to catch,see,hear,find,or meet) the first train.5. My h_(家乡) is in a small town in China.6. I go to my _(祖先) homeland ever

41、y year.7. We often s_(to look for) the Internet for some information.8. When I grow up,I want to go a _(in,at or from another country).9. Do you know some l_(当地的) people there?10. The bridge c_(连接) the two cities.二、单项选择(15分)1. When at Rome do _ the Romans do.A. as B. how C. what D. that2. He was _ with his head _ his arms. A. sleeping,overB. sleepy,backC. asleep,onD. sleeping,around3. How long _ you last saw her?A. is it sinceB. is it that C. is it after D. was it when4. We wait for Tom for _ hour and _ half.A. an,aB. a,anC. a,/D. /,a5. Shell be back to her hometown _ time. A. after a few yea


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