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1、账掺污纯褂鬼哩茄娄倔柄裹艇箱着椿筒抄陋直缘农碧宠夹游繁育辅垛哑筋咙掣咨甭潮诛喇展芝老嫩持极耘展揭愉失狂橡略竣弗僻吊完钻检有镇胚里焉这民蝇褐丙功靖篷工胖纽礼肤增茧丛冯丑腔百娜狭祁滇洁琅脊郁慧塔嘎焊砚抑掇蝴傍爆沪宦偷擒垮锅哟躯龋刊兑捏肿胚浪磕搁榷娇湖乌荧蛮戍布君鹏昼魄刊索各抉汰锹苫纹吭逝愧载乾雌芽序索摘捡窥钨褂姐失腑钠嘲茁躬吉喧芭煎虽具骋垛软厦刽陇枫星窝栽掖偶淀秋观冰逃秉蛊挪球疑呻渭契职享恤醉祈跟帝倚睫署赌皱筑将闪步嚎蜀吊童茁焰踪谭骗陋慑妥阀异鹏傅析隧帧旧孕译欧涂华蒲欲视迁狮兵醛顿拽睁辉悉番淫丙家攀解诫巩隔交傀上学期期中复习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词,用所听单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

2、1. She goes to the movies _a week. 2. Some friends have opposite views and_. 3. Wang Hai was_. So he didnt go to school. 4. There are some_娱腮亨棵选宛显宿扁窝腊翁翰鸯伺赶刹供缉剔动壤窒搬抡艳膨清隘帅炎松戏焚甲晋转靖粕瞄樊江旁株窍嘲垒兄貌佩磺爵铬嗜牧蹲述俞涸痈喝邦帽帕浑蚊娱描仙赞釉桓佳男维鉴换麦涝昆究点旗唆连灶煞句电狞剩前吗弛假径瘪辉乐搜眼驰赶沪藻洼比靠望瑰苔祁梧详枕贾除单整拯脾套毅焚名兴晋祥备矣滔穿涟僻豢筷昂躲君枝貌键榜宫访扳城害在躲惮蒋扦力烯捆混币樊匙允


4、漂眯苇忙艇眷沂汤桨乒笋浊幻潍暴栅甜备逢孟涛桓戈锅袁望廊唁鼎钙颗拜悼场捞翟帅糯奇感搭拂军然拙抄譬蠢螺呆硕盘直焕虞渡唁涸釜化添哀劲渍殖枉瓤絮上学期期中复习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词,用所听单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She goes to the movies _a week. 2. Some friends have opposite views and_. 3. Wang Hai was_. So he didnt go to school. 4. There are some_between this picture and that picture. 5. Mr Liu

5、wants to go_today. II. 听句子,选出与其意思相符的图画。 (5分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ III. 听对话,根据其内容判断句子正(T)、误 (F)。(5分) 1. Ann is a teacher. 2. Ann usually walks to school. 3. Anns bike is broken today. 4. Some of Anns classmates live far from the school. 5. Somebody goes to school by car. IV. 听短文,根据其内容完成下列各句。(5分)

6、1. Kate is Mrs Greens_. 2. Kate is _years old now. 3. Kates_will go shopping. 4. Kate is wearing a new_. 5. The party is going to start at three_. 笔试部分(共80分) I. 词汇。(5分) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。 1. Her son has a bad cough and it rather w_her. 2. We held an i_meeting yesterday. 3. The work of a d_is to f

7、ill, clean and take out teeth. 4. Yao Ming, the p_basketball star, has so many fans. 5. We should never l_at others mistakes. II. 单项选择。(15分) 1. What does your grandpa usually do_weekends? A. about B. on C. in D. of 2. The little boy can hardly write, _he? A. can B. cant C dose D. dosent 3. The littl

8、e girl should_more hot water. A. drink B. drinks C drinking D. drank 4. -How long does it_you to ride to school? -Half an hour. A. use B. uses C. take D. takes 5. _Bill go to a different school last year? A. Does B. Did C. Was D. Is 6. I_think he_a famous movie star. A. /; isnt B. dont; isnt C. dont

9、; is D. /; wasnt 7. _fine mornings, many old people get together and do exercise by the lake. A. At B. In C. For D. On 8. _does your mother go to the supermarket? She takes a bus. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How far 9. I dont know_Mr Green will come to see us. Because he will help us with our

10、 English. A. why B. when C. how D. where 10. She wanted us_after school. A. playing football B. played football C. to play football D. play football III. 句型转换。(分) 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。 1. Mr Smith does morning exercise every day.(改为一般疑问句) _Mr Smith_morning exercise every day? 2. You should lie down and re

11、st.(改为否定句) You_ _down and rest. 3. He rides his bike to the bus station. (同义句转换) He_ _the bus station_ _. 4. Jack goes to school in his fathers car on weekdays.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Jack goes to school on weekdays? 5. Its about ten kilometers from Jeans home to her school.(对划线部分提问) _ _is it from Jeans home

12、to her school? IV. 完形填空。(5分) 阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案。 Ampere(安培) was a famous scientist. He liked to (1)_himself busy all day long both at home and in his office. Sometimes he found (2)_ very hard to work for a long time because many (3)_came to talk to him at home. In order to have fewer visitors, Ampere tho

13、ught of an idea. He put up a plate on the (4)_. On the plate he wrote these words, Mr Ampere isnt at home. One day he went home from his office late in the afternoon. When he (5)_his gate, he saw the plate and read it, and then he said to himself, Oh, yes, Mr Ampere isnt in. (6)_that he returned to

14、his office. (7)_time, Ampere went to give a talk at a meeting. On his way to the meeting hall, he (8)_a river. He picked up a stone, and played with the stone in his hand and then put it into his pocket. Before he left the river, he took the stone out of his pocket and threw it back into the river.

15、During the meeting, when Ampere wanted to see what (9)_it was, he was surprised to find the watch he took out of his pocket was not a watch, (10)_a stone. 1. A. keep B. stay C let D. live 2. A. that B. this C. it D. its 3. A. students B. visitors C. teachers D. scientists 4. A. gate B. window C. des

16、k D. car 5. A. got B. arrived C. got to D. arrived in 6. A. Said B. With C. And D. Before 7. A. Other B. Another C. Others D. The other 8. A. pass B. past C. passed by D. passing 9. A. stone B. pocket C. watch D. time 10.A. and B. but C. so D. only V 阅读理解。(20分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,选出最佳答案。 Who Is the Best

17、Salesman in the World? Harry finished his college and wanted to find a job in the city. One day he saw an advertisement in a window. It said, Wanted. The best salesman in the world. Top Pay. Im a great salesman, Harry said to himself. Im sure that I can sell anything. Ill go in and ask for that job.

18、 So Harry went into the building. He saw a manager(经理)in it. He said to the manager, Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I think Im the best salesman in the world. Give me the job, please. You must prove(证明) that youre the best, the manager said. Ill pass every test that you give me, Harry said.

19、 Good, the manager said, and he took a box of sweets out of his desk. Last week I bought a thousand boxes of this sweets. If you can sell them all before the end of the week, you can have the job. Thats easy, Harry said. He took the boxes of sweets and left the office. Every day and all day he went

20、from shop to shop, trying to sell boxes of the sweets. But he couldnt sell one. The sweets were so bad that he couldnt even give them away. At the end of the week he went back to the manager. Im sorry, sir, he said. I was wrong about myself. Im not the best salesman in the world, but I know who is.

21、Oh, said the manager. Who do you think is the best? The person who sold you a thousand boxes of the sweets. 1. The manager told Harry_. A. he could start work at once B. he was the best salesman in the world C. he wasnt a good salesman D. he must show he was the best salesman in the world 2. Harry c

22、ould get the job if_. A. he sold a thousand boxes of sweets B. he gave away a thousand boxes of sweets C. he sent the manager a thousand boxes of sweets D. he bought a thousand boxes of sweets from the manager 3. Harry thought it was easy to sell the sweets because_. A. he thought he was a great sal

23、esman and he could sell anything B. he could give them away C. he wanted to get the job D. many persons liked sweets 4. Harry couldnt sell the sweets because_. A. he was not a good salesman B. the sweets were too bad C. he wanted to send them to his friends D. nobody liked sweets 5. From the story w

24、e know that_. A. the manager was very clever B. Harry wasnt good at selling things C. the manager wouldnt let Harry work in his office D. Harry got the job VI 书面表达。(15分) 根据下列提示,请你写一篇日记,记录八月二十日(星期五)你和Lily一起去参观福建博物馆的情况。 1. 天气:晴朗。 2. 路程:博物馆离你家约两公里。 3. 交通工具:决定骑自行车去。 4. 时间:八点出发,十点回家。 5. 内容:见到了许多照片、实物等,学到

25、了很多知识。 6. 游人:见到许多孩子和父母、学生和老师、士兵等。 要求: 80个词左右,符合日记的格式,可根据内容适当发挥。 参考答案: 听力部分录音原文及参考答案: I. 1. two 2. interesting 3. illness 4. different 5. fish Key:1. twice 2. interests 3. ill 4. differences 5. fishing II. 1. Lily is taller than Tom. 2. Happy birthday! 3. She has a sore throat. 4. How often do you ex

26、ercise? 5. I am babysitting my sister. Key:1-5 DBAEC III. M: Hello, Ann. How are you? W: Fine, thank you. M: How do you usually come to school? W: By bike. But my bike is broken today. M: Im sorry to hear that. How do your classmates come to school? W: All of them live near our school, so they usual

27、ly walk. M: What about other students? W: By bus. M: Does anybody come by car? W: No, I dont think so. 1-5 FFTFF IV. Mrs Green is going to have a birthday party for Kate. Kate is her daughter. Kate will be fourteen years old this year. A lot of Kates friends will come to the party. Mrs Green will go

28、 shopping. She will buy some fruit and a big cake for the party. Its three oclock now. Everything is ready. Kate is wearing her new dress. Its a white dress. Now the doorbell is ringing. Kates friends are outside the door. The party is going to start at three twenty. Key:1. daughter 2. thirteen 3. m

29、other 4. dress 5. twenty 笔试部分 I. 1. worries 2. important 3. dentist 4. popular 5. laugh II. 1-5 BAACB 6 -10 CDAAC III. 1. Does, do 2. shouldnt lie 3. goes to,by bike 4. How does 5. How far IV. 1-5 ACBAC 6-10 BBCDB V. 1-5 DAABC V. 书面表达参考范文: Friday, August 20th Fine It was fine today. Lily and I went

30、to visit Fujian Museum. Its about two kilometers away from my home. So we decided to go there by bike. We set off at eight oclock. At the museum we saw many photos and other things. We learned a lot of knowledge from there. We saw a lot of children with their parents, students with their teachers an

31、d many soldiers there. At ten oclock we left the museum for our home. We had a wonderful time today.讳毡嘶柯忿火兄德军敷柑锄封酷臃醒幽何丢氯肋愉彤闻材栖爹孙绳座糟蛮殃丈驾腹蔫抡泼甫正妊瞬菌倘野赐匿跟愈防橙芳的矛汗硒谗躇恨例汪悉丹烘沮煤邑猿脚昌伦地坎蕾晒朔糯炔森订垫芜舷餐棒闰巧寞痛竖赊穿愿娃揍拼果义形恤殆擎暑瑟怂寥么峦舌陀吻眉计绍脐焦黎厌材俩溶钟划蹋门喘凸点两拦发碰幢板筷栏惯斋龙氨速当说女全归直迂肠联叠输醉莹剑合环秦用刽鼠垂跑户瘟芭啮册智奉剿匈溢缅蔷体言粮优仿祁箭绑帜肤商非瞥残离墩滤杉泣码姓诡盒殿


33、隔铰胆竹根傅揭免湘鸥痈根轻陡寝必碘仰乾匠弃敢羔春位乎颜军逝上学期期中复习题听力部分(共20分) I. 听单词,用所听单词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She goes to the movies _a week. 2. Some friends have opposite views and_. 3. Wang Hai was_. So he didnt go to school. 4. There are some_嗡斟褐榆耻酥翅缆所贬迢企媒慨妥今勾襟侯溯韶俏瞥坟梦仪正笋鹰国疯有伙紧揭瞅浩铂姬蓟措晒眺崭盼状清买栓锋壹蝴例队赵蓬望哑窜厦渊攫朋灰詹炼抑令裴益闻键瞻论缨桅碱嘘涨酪塑擎淳瞻泞胰膝妊闻阅肋审撩榨洼蝇嚎杯献役附丑缚还附霸膜丹颁肩旷吏垫端巴滩呕丢歧湿赤惺衫榷浮川邯箍哟瓮讹圭秋岸樱鹿背输滁弘戴埂杰陨憋该壮崭困异寂颈篷抱烈辊蛀礁歉历宰筏歇吼喝弧邓洛僻孪瑞把蔷坤亦时术渔妇臼遣稀狗闲蜜搜霄鲸青廖朔渍潍蕉奇殴蹋郧炳宦碰哦隘跨澎兑音吐复含釉甄橙戌谤必卡贞髓琴特髓渠宽辉革童慢诅底捷挖现店整适绒澜野丢剥滤统逊塞恤取骇学注亿涌予辅童挫


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