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1、MRI用于诊断膝关节损伤的效果评价【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the MRI diagnosis of bone contusion on the knee,and improve the diagnosis skill. Methods The clinical data of 37 patients with knee joint injury who were admitted to our hospital from January 2014 to January 2016 were retrospectively analyzed, and

2、 the characteristics of MRI in patients with knee joint injury were analyzed.Results In 37 patients, MRI showed 78 lesions, which, combined with articular cartilage damage and bone contusion, ligament injury and meniscus lesions were 21, 32 and 25, among them, bone contusion patients under MRI with

3、cartilage injury and articular surface in the cartilage layer appeared in the short T1 signal, long T2 signal and the articular surface of bone under fuzzy boundary flake T1 long and slightly long T2 signal, fat suppression sequences showed high signal; patients with ligament injury of the ligament

4、of rough edge blur, uneven signal MRI T1W1 ligament showed low signal or high signal phase, and T2W1 showed a linear or patchy high signal fracture, discontinuous ligament contracture, deformation; meniscus injury in patients with MRI showed a linear high signal appeared in the triangle area of low

5、signal, tearing up the articular surface of the edge, or low signal three Angular meniscus truncation and displacement deformation (bucket handle tear).Conclusion Different patients with injury of knee joint MRI signal present different characteristics, can be in accordance with the specific conditi

6、ons for diagnosis, the diagnosis of knee injury has important value. 【Key words】MRI;knee joint; Contusion; Clinical effect 在激烈的体育运动过程中,膝关节极易受到损伤。膝关节挫伤是包括膝关节半月板损伤、膝关节韧带损伤(两者常合并发生)、髌骨脱位肌腱断裂等在内的一系列损伤性疾病总称。对于疑似膝关节损伤的患者可以通过X射线、MRI以及CT进行进一步的诊断,但X线平片并不能将膝关节半月板处的损伤显示出来,MRI检查对肌肉、韧带、半月板、软骨及骨挫伤等的显示明显高于CT检测,所以在

7、对膝关节损伤患者进行诊断最为主要的方法是核磁共振诊断。本文研究MRI用于诊断膝关节挫伤的效果。具体分析如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 回顾性分析2014年1月2016年1月入住我院进行MRI诊断的膝关节损伤患者37例的临床资料,其中,男23例,女14例,年龄1865岁,平均年龄(43.310.8)岁,患者进行MRI诊断的时间介于伤后4 h15天,平均诊断时间为伤后(5.91.7)天。此外,本次研究所有患者均在对本次研究内容知情的情况下签订知情同意书后方进行本次研究。 1.2 诊断方法 使用MR扫描仪GE OpTix Brivo 1.5T超导性磁共振成像仪,常规矢状以及冠状位及横轴位扫描。 1.3 统计学分析方法 通过软件SPSS17.0进行统计学分析,计量资料以“xs”表示,采用t检验,计数资料以百分数(%)表示。以P


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