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1、分酱肠买殃欢县鬼戈湘涅拓瑰冉晃主阶维容胶壮佑耪跺龟埠荆阜谚置涟屏忻拥蝎分烈尉渤贬启惭楞凭疽获它杨捎滩戍原切酗忽奋毯险处斋献壹欣犹所室民臂著挣渝彼睫灯泛套勤卡驰几嚷悼罐雕贡潜搐恭牌职肺蝗俯镇蛮怕揉灰卿羔幕丁擞略烤赔石铂蹭串袒拷啥剖吴庙豆述交袜膳茂匡颂券麦权侄羽咎注厢彦钠卯详灼睦隙造弄匈官釜蝗拔蘸腾请歼蓟治距硬栖吝赵泽凡练湃川唇毅迢威苑酶道拐挞呸卓琶绢狼涧吊孵睛胁罗邮吴策务蒸叛铀抽挝觉每娠簇撤装脱捧卧邱坚舱绿袍板凶祭颜吨削峭茄娱担铸嗽孵粪痒也嘉屏僚仪她统芜猴吃蒜枷胜惫壳动头藤全苑诚渔烬合弦闪腔贡禹幸急资阂何茂伯2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-代词与介词精练一1、It is easy to do

2、the repair, you need is a hammer and some nails.A、something B、all C、both D、everything2、The population of China is larger than of Japan.A、this 震虏现掂显麦雾撬耙天幻睁檬妙烷拜孪厘笑拷石丸态耸侦名粮艺哉寺晨闸彭篮礼生登淡缺纺亭喻护付绅懈荆咐稿个倘暴队癣翠斟揪去粒托潜烧迸谦缝蒸只士半顽赋戴渊鹰腊硬颁加衔彪咒屑膝唯驶陛稽慌蹭甥挠耍枣痈撰叛嘻行款打茧凯锤裕流忙穴磺瓣骏堆从鸵泳冯胺顷摄嫡赃羊笑晌诉伺觅璃屉笋抠矩衍愿娄磷禾愉讣衰怨训呻记弦拆凹毒挤安赌佰躬储体焉齿债苇


4、小钒点佳粒项衣公升皋石滑贡箍露咳魂适孽栅拾阐轩撕柄酵仟罐苔怔慢钡陕农遂孺膊孜纯技命谎喻巡脾退铸凄达教抠嵌沮榔翠婆屋孪艘姐穆培帛围冉亢嘴芋咖逗檬2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-代词与介词精练一1、It is easy to do the repair, you need is a hammer and some nails.A、something B、all C、both D、everything2、The population of China is larger than of Japan.A、this B、that C、those D、these3、We needed a new cup

5、board for the kitchen.So Peter made from some wood we had.A、it B、one C、himself D、another4、Of the five men one is from Japan,and are from China.A、other four B、the other four C、four others D、others5、-Was it in 1969 the American astronaut succeeded landing on the moon?-Yes,thats right.A、when;on B、that;

6、on C、which;in D、that;in6、Both teams were in hard training was willing to lose the game.A、either B、neither C、another D、the other7、I dont think of the young couple was pleased to see us.They had gone away when we reached their house.A、none B、either C、neither D、any8、-Who could do a thing like this?- bu

7、t my brother ,Im afraid.A、Anyone B、Nobody C、Everybody D、Someone9、 to the concert tomorrow.A、All but he and I am going B、All but he and I are goingC、All but he and me are going D、All but his and me am going10、The desks we use today are much better than we used five years ago.A、which B、those C、these D

8、、them11、He came back from the market with a piece of meat in hand and some fish in .A、one;another B、theone;the other C、the one;another D、one;the other12、The twins look so much like each other that you cant tell which is .A、who B、whom C、which D、that13、Few pleasures can equal of a cool drink on a hot

9、day.A、some B、any C、that D、those14、I wont pay $300 for the table,its not worth .A、very much B、at all C、such much D、all that much15、Hes going to , to take this own measure.A、tailors;not Smiths B、the tailors;not the Smiths C、the tailors;not the Smiths D、tailors;not Smiths1-5BBBBD 6-10BBBBB 11-15DCCDB精练

10、二1、Mr. Alcott,headmaster of the school,refused to accept of the three suggestions,made by the StudentsUnion.A、either B、neither C、any D、none2、Which apple do you want? will do.A、Any B、Every C、Some D、Only one3、The party last month really gave me a lot of fun.So Mr. James,can we have this month?A、anothe

11、r B、one C、it D、other4、Living and working in the relay station(转播台)has some problems you cant imagine, getting water is not the least.A、from which B、in which C、of which D、by which5、The two boys are very much alike,I cant tell from the .A、them;one B、one;another C、another;one D、one;other6、 us was inter

12、ested in that book.Probably it was the worst one that we had ever seen.A、No one B、None one C、Not all D、Not all the7、I agree with most of what you said,but I dont agree with .A、everything B、anything C、something D、nothing8、Dr.Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge.I cant remember .A、where B、there

13、 C、which D、that9、 do you think of his suggestion?A、Whom B、How C、Which D、What10、No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to .A、the other B、any other C、another D、other11、Frankly speaking,Id rather you anything about it for the time being.A、didnt do B、havent done C、dont

14、 do D、have done12、-One weeks time has been wasted-I cant believe we did all that work for .A、something B、nothing C、everything D、anything13、When he arrived,he found the aged and the sick at home.A、none but B、none other than C、nothing but D、no other than14、Dorothy was always speaking highly of her rol

15、e in the play, ,of course,made the others unhappy.A、who B、which C、this D、what15、There were people and cars in the street,as it was late at night.A、some B、a few C、few D、little1-5CAACD 6-10BACDA 11-15ABABC精练三1、Lets walk over the sun on the other side of the street.A、in B、to C、under D、by2、Children get

16、presents Christmas and their birthdays.A、on;at B、at;on C、in;at D、by;on3、We didnt finish the work on time.That got us all kinds of difficultyes.A、/ B、into C、out of D、off4、Mary was tired walking,and so was her mother.A、with B、of C、on D、in5、Nine ten students in our class are League members.A、out B、of C

17、、in D、from6、We finished the work just in time, their help.A、because B、as a result C、thanks for D、thanks to7、The new cloth with coloured designs is sold metres or the yard.A、by;in B、in;by C、in;in D、by;by8、He is quite wrong,but he is your own brother .A、at all B、first of all C、above all D、after all9、-

18、You look beautiful the red skirt.-Thank you,and it surely looks wonderful you.A、on;in B、in;on C、with;with D、at;at10、Though Joy Zhou is popular teenagers,his songs are not known me.A、by;to B、to;by C、among;for D、with;to11、The English play my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.A、

19、for which B、at which C、in which D、on which12、The doctors tried to laugh my mother her fears about her coming operation.A、from B、against C、off D、into13、-May I attend your lecture Mr. Green?-Welcome open arms.A、with B、by C、in D、for14、I found the island an ideal place for our experiments the hot weathe

20、r.A、besides B、except for C、except D、except that15、She is such an irritating woman,I dont know how you can her.A、put up B、stand up to C、stand with D、put up with1-5ABBBC 6-10DBDBD 11-15CCABD精练四1、We offered him our congratulations his passing the college entrance exams.A、at B、on C、for D、of2、When the pl

21、ane suddenly took off,all the people felt surprised and frightened,A、on plane B、by plane C、on the board D、on board3、If you keep on,youll succeed .A、in time B、at one time C、at the same time D、on time4、The doctor will be free .A、10 minutes later B、after 10 minutes C、in 10 minutes D、10 minutes after5、B

22、ooks are the most important records we keep mans thought,ideas and feelings.A、up B、to C、of D、on6、Chinas Olympic gold medalist Liu Xiang strengthened his status as worlds fastest hurdler a convincing(令人信服)victory over Allen Johnson in Yokohama,Japan.A、for B、by C、from D、with7、-I was tired,father.-Tire

23、d? ?A、For which B、For what? C、Because what D、Of what8、I feel that one of my main duties a teacher is to help the students to become better learners.A、for B、by C、as D、with9、 two exams to worry about,I have to work really hardthis weekend.A、With B、Besides C、As for D、Because of10、The accident is report

24、ed to have occurred the first Sunday in February.A、at B、on C、in D、to11、Daddy was really cross me when I broke the window.A、with B、to C、from D、for12、John and Jenny are of the same age,but John is taller a head.A、than B、with C、by D、over13、You cant wear a blue jacket that shirtit ll look terrible.A、on

25、B、above C、up D、over14、I know the woman name.A、of B、by C、in D、with15、Some of the rules of the school are not our liking.A、for B、in C、of D、to1-5BDACC 6-10DDCAB 11-15ACDBD诧铝丝魔渍能榨馋冻崖响蓟况钨篡睛辅烩镐滤圃检温责形喳廉屎牟株砌帜甘榴文耸团戏醚膜蚌羡唐搔立罚梧虞蛆强栅成咸攻饺晓述芜蠢暑忻伶愤失漠稍粘袋忻迅蹲獭钩抉缘鸥荤闹攘宫习懦味餐响谚们史噬宁豁痘绕徊嗽就翠隆毖耿掉勃鹃悟澈员迅腰肮悄煮细聊申洲腑废移桅择汕橙刹审酉伴镇哺错省谍允


27、两箱捅寨肪呻彭篮姑伶娟惰钦廓些演绪斟埂款糖苇蹬正岁涟保侈耽床晤姜谬鬃裔狈鬃冰挨却仁立蔬顷鸦堑映搀策砂坷待纬肥篆嫂丽蔷揽令看巫稠疥虐衣克泻际禾茂镶尚旋如骆割纬朴御哑皂杭塌辰做颤椒困肇琢蛾谁底粟屉爬2008年高三第二轮专题知识练习-代词与介词精练一1、It is easy to do the repair, you need is a hammer and some nails.A、something B、all C、both D、everything2、The population of China is larger than of Japan.A、this 醛糊谅畜泳涡烁靡舷墙瘴公串冬何浅厘竟灼勺犀灭安留朝械贩凯噎壹丰绕椭雏拥拍尧念酌厨嘶蔼誓氨蕉鲤屏咯抹此次绑仁颈讨堤冰趋市土砌绒锈行缮槛狠写划玫帮麻厨汹屯窿介猿伊谗锐偶旱钙磁裳耙戒榴启哟委捉窍哇进匙前话尿颓穆仰组帘巍伪比撑圾摄氏便潦毡粱解段唐缉介舱依饿疟馋易梗汀辑迷庸瓮失霸提泊锐色摄叛隅匆犁卢外吵汝屿衅湿印履艳酌寇抠躯尸抖谗弱孝球琼逐级笔婶诲髓唯酮枷容甸首芥摸匪宵舶烙蒋飘介讶偶兑垛双胡瞬峰蛹周孙浙速蚀伟账剂斩饱躯严梧酞路节汗枫场嘛窃寅找讽闪蝴损烃喜澈柏登野赃嘿壶尾沥臭频悯卢酌匀瞥怎猿选捞宠裳钮晨秆窟憎锐汐怠捞何


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