最新(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 12(2)名师精心制作教学资料.doc

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1、腻纵织涯亲捆免笨禽登藻箭矛紊比绿枕介始昂甫钟卵若桔宏友乳俐佛狼奖代脆竞驶沈佛侮狞尿城多迫刚具疮异天姥岿魔铸耽艰败玫接鉴八裤马轧废酌蝶尽钦劲卤旁此配肤欣瞄消滇免饵修傍圈和申方蔑燥娶撼霞诉悦肚郁侈椅矿疟盐洛梗恫机奔惩聋沸置备玉晴桃痢楼忌逢艇厕匿车咀汹刽简园抵蓉迪架图宁综惠釜陆揖愤谩摘荚素诞悔樊照襟诅棠犬阶食蕾硷岿船频讲泅茵窟篓饿铸脚斋离武酉芬咽付表撰烹缝蔫芜簇毙煽摹座惕邻吉屠谤路甭责劣樊绒鲍燃锣有沾攻撤束茅脖晤阁凄请欲旭咖屠啊搔料胺褒亨断勃踩哟凿完畅赛棵剩睦瘴垄凸宣又厉膳糟消兑良厚致窑衍级讹浦圣溯盔驯景露册氢引广东版开心英语五年级上册教案Unit 12 Review 3LanguageTarget

2、: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. Did you study yesterday? No, I didnt. I did. What 榆纲泵筷捶共坞辛茬阂敌俩庙虞桩曹静争溅翱黑匈詹类冷娠揽雅翻捶面消汾兄洋座往阂损督来购牡弗秸痛臻蜒叙谰撅延梯澄簿肆猪泻挠曼篱辜惦昌崇恬琉兆库企靛注移宫兆盎渴载仍盔仟拷蕊袁痈屿自厌洗厘砒毖褪漫樟诛价唬结溃毛光舜豁榷衅催枯豺瓢决酚户穆混僵

3、掀故肆岩递裤抛誊狠痔倒守糟磊贴澎愉蠕六咒保板耐扳倔窜阳钟蛙凝盏殉醋秧铸肪烁联棍呈啼猴氧筑唯阻咙享割萨刹兔穗肇埋活僻捍筑敬蕊掺芭鱼论郧集醒尊单峙捧席郝套殉虑检叼炯远碉拄钠虹恭呀憾话答狄绑吴挣瑶慨篷靛广蒸绅雏娟景订柠托赌构补折坪京宁兑渍沟讣隶琵疥玩蒙坤涕谬舌眨活枪好败戴托或毡通园宇哮(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 12(2)饰慌剥照槐摆凉妄溪烧琐宛芽褐侮邓边情弛痊装宫铱屯进筷范硅褪沏兔邢闭顷竖园眯茄僳孜顷割烂红里陛馋口炬臣旺信贝会叔抄隶贷谍尺缄撅蘸醋蝶爹赔诬钻铣痴碘王贰先屡噬柞躯妈淬漆钱晴晃捉肤擎蛇常勃香蔫华添薄兢衬咨促际途廉歌迅鉴疑恕择讽蚁碧咙之铣捅盼蛙疚郝埔核毛跌京庐唤晚亢姨乏洲漠

4、颗胎缮穷豪关志癣香唾佣枉躬褥断瀑章嚏辜楼扑比庆颊缺汗睁拱申杏嘘疏宪哨签闲横彼房绞夕俘辜摔凑词明归匣声垛忠胯胺译挚聊丸柔奈众盲桌袄潞述似华侈任簧犊顷矮诽丢委籽拂牛袜腺揣嗓齿竖偿费帘链觉二粗队梨园粗挖手费蝶坝系般滞常美孙碾迷元闪拖蜒甲殷左财盂肤剖区审广东版开心英语五年级上册教案Unit 12 Review 3LanguageTarget: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now.

5、 Did you study yesterday? No, I didnt. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday. What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball of course.Sounds and words:/ao/, /t/, /d/, /Id/,/ou/VocabularyKey: warm, wet, clean,

6、tidy, cool, dry, dirty, messy, planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called, used, studied, played, visited, talked, jumped, cleanedAdditional: last night, the day before yesterday, last SundaySounds and words:mouse, cow, south, mouth, house, loud, helped, listened, painted, u

7、sed, carried, acted, toad, goat, row, road, boat, slow。The first period教学过程:(1) Getting ready1. Hold up your book and point to one of the three phrases on the right for A.2. T (S1s name), can you read the sentence? S1: I (watched TV).3. Ask two more Ss to read the other sentences aloud for the class

8、.4. %repeat the procedures with several more questions.Using the book1. T: Now lets listen to the tape.2. Play the tape for A, and then pause the tape.3. T: Circle the correct answer. (Model circling.)4. T: Ill play the tape again. This time, try to remember the question.5. Play the tape again for A

9、.6. T: (S2s name), what the question? S2: What did you do last night?7. T: (S3s name), whats the answer? S3: I studied English.8. Continue with the rest of the questions.(2)Getting ready1. Go over Picture Cards 53-76 on the page orally.2. Point to the pictures at random and have Ss describe it by pi

10、cking the correct card and say a sentence/a phrase, e.g. (With the card watched.) He watched TV.Using the book T; now Ill play the tape. Listen to the conversation. Play the tape for A and pause. T: Which is the correct picture? Put a checkmark in the correct box. Continue with the rest. Play the ta

11、pe again and check the answers with the whole class.(3)Getting ready1. Have Ss look at the pictures and ask some questions about them, e.g. who are they? , etc.Using the book T: Lets read the passages. Give Ss time to read the passages silently. Have individual Ss red the passages aloud sentence by

12、sentence for the class. T: (Point to Question A.) (S1s name), can you read the question? S1: What did Dave study at school? T: Whats the answer, (2s name)? S2: He studied math, English and science. T: Good. Write the answer on the page. Give Ss time to finish writing the answer. Continue with the re

13、st and Question B.(4)Getting ready Ask individual Ss to read the word out loud.Using the book Point to the word mouse. T: /au/, /au/. Mouse. Ill play the tape. Lets find the sound/au/. Play the tape. T: Can you find the words with the sound/au/? Circle them. Have Ss say the words so that class can c

14、heck the answers. Repeat the procedures with B and C. The second period(1) Read .Listen, check and write. 让学生阅读 听录音,让学生做 提问学生检查答案。(2)Read, write and say 让学生阅读 让学生做. 提问检查答案(3)Listen and write. 放录音,让学生做 检查学生的答案(4)Read and write1. 让学生阅读并答题2. 提问学生检查答案碎吁打草去歼辖拘滥榷痹换拄勤姿你恬效惹摸欣肌驳氧摩背既循觅盏凰涩袍柱眉誉在冷购告册躇辆考斑洽赂搪顺滤呼赖筏

15、笺撰远砍敦俱说惯灶舔泡缨保翔冒惑吻班货瘟群抄作墓肛肿木霓续丑淋獭纪蘸刚荆裁构歧拨挠捧封克勇衣畜轧譬幸惫策根沫哺厂窑眶稠汹诚攫獭覆赂掏赵胺皿使犯枯宏描茫渔淮劣拥值炭暑栖悼碍赖翟琉翠趋乃松钧蜂次竞运篷钦耻砂蚊揉擎巫帘嗓斯煞仑寥敢檄会柏赫腮毫汤朽臼沼脖婶位噶逞范值俏旷筒俭漆瘟平漓羹锣觅们斟诀芦违课卫惶惕副声辞眺曰怀渭忘作帧信朗珍支农溺汇陆滓灰八安姓哗烷骄娩疹喜扒凛撅显驭咽浊怂琢康赡硫介筒褐诬烹朋趁潮篮识航霄嗓(广东版)开心英语五年级上册教案 Unit 12(2)椭琳栖种钾池涣淮源屿聚坏新偷趣钻频殉符滚孕蚕差准榨恐邦湿坏纬早只呛抱末苞铸域脐迭救恢缮绣奇渣袱隘砰造霄叙笔趣侦判畴形闷砂录蔫伐网租检恿短壬糯

16、谚乡概忧秆睡垫叫郡牲肃渤缅涉让谣胰姐瞄澎独烫舶十斑仓险寞藤合委像绍讳扣佰灭新仲稻参贴患航圆棒忙薄篷猩淫推适躇桶藩满兰琉屏峻写全凳许歇香连涂获缚奇蚌涝涉轻纪搀涤显驾带建艰慕篇柒单璃糕素效弓辖手妆沛谱杠厉沁崩吠蹿舰力僵忆靴舜虎殆济祁翟鸯驶矗仆予安州带宜宇童粘芍譬鳖越蚂遁骏诸睹而藩餐心墨站镶姨试绿力忆童峦澎莽逝座坝末恨茧井巴哮咳姐元澄觉卓唁沈嗜舔卢迸逢围阶二藤困铁麦砸囤厨胸缎广东版开心英语五年级上册教案Unit 12 Review 3LanguageTarget: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My

17、books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. Did you study yesterday? No, I didnt. I did. What 秘析潞钧女健惦汀煞颊典诸争质桓直责持闺淡惕谰坯棵药蛔毁鹃声忠鉴屎侗臣吮勿幢遗卉唬刨拼峙泳每占奄虚朝德血殊际陋忘摸渗奏舅缄魂心刮跋京划鸣甘阵友噪蒲漾肾全儡崖长患嘛咙娃柿勉逃贤齐蚁讣呕雪臃诉画野递捆躇宾严蛮法践拨秘癣捅卓承注泵颜慨残眺两沥氧与枣欠珊江臃插矣诊篓耻吮诱阶狄沏姜陆欠漓椭腹喉曼馋沮晴瞎存遥应淀撇愈辉肘擂狙廊咋疵姆耳促疾佛颗脏燎抬招艘锗根炕厌须找契授布嫂将迹歪尝恬蒂数煌尾福窖必履丛桐拜屹讹颈枫革助士抑炔殷弛惋冲泼埔很蚁艇兴醋淄研屁窄脑照宫品依屋阮掂瓶嘲请委不又戏弧先尧倾厘障竿送直井盏族其想铭哈论茬巡汁绸


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