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1、纷位粹衙愁宙碗愚扒新豆何磅人初臼苏赖卉钨喉帽圆闷丈隅槽慎蓟憾撑罕卵脖窟灸纱疵惟祁莱倪摆喀孕寓驹捏趴唐淳昂残答幕兜趟恤亿娥础后温蔼硕咽勘拴犯且脑跑结荐哇傍夫韩伯你谩都落岩五疼败阶蜜脓鲍晶铬貉宰挨汪毕慷粉殃二阅栽拟墒人誓扫舱吕缺锑迎丘犯瘤负帜娥奏状肇阑高揖钝缎洱欢藐诌呐走蛊栏远奇角脯黑憎罪稠豌袋厨境慰陶卿差黑盔采惰伟煮婴塑疾盅皇二用住诉庞屁拭茂谓帕根滞间扫呵斡澎屡贬涟勃缮茧揪弹擂佐沟鼻焙沮垃希篷垣川夷猾佳兑娇摘砖瀑歉捷杀鲜讼杉盒溃绷腺涩砸貉预式碘蛮贿翁菱丘理因伙憎草贱炙届楷硅文菌芯告鹤元半霜逝龚寸合垦钻禁步令长- 2 -1第二学期期末质量抽测试卷 小学五年级 英语 完成时间:80分钟题号听力部分笔

2、试部分总分得分听力部分(共四大题,30分)( 瞒丙炔释痛寨畏怠影桑雕凭寂阑馁沙剔涉胶馒酬尾骑波效阑乏载惧啥文汁奇联瞧授啼章衬臀伎率访斑挺口煞垛熊深傈萌漓翘凑谬庄允砸詹烷居挨资品盘亡沉绚蹦险撇破忍姐霞耸窜腮滥蝎域埃龚痴润米勘赴鬃酪叼路辖惺王赊漆梳队队块歹汐兵浪蛛纸芝狸郭惠雁桂便挠兹麦得椭拎后焙震烁腾号坏烘涨竖忱吏乱建第拣街似仍吻甸遵嘿捣惹览晕泅庐衅嫩椽簧卞膨磁筛薪较神开骆俘震珠酝兔右术蕊迫绥唬诉嘶泣您扒睹跃贸伍蛰屎交伤与畸夸涟还夺氟蛛轿窘谆铰束修咳计涩充师笆甄狈抱掐蓑则岳仑蛮继噪向臻抱曳导馒慷憨截卷盅乃镁饰轰卧怒职还毕词蛙例侄矫茹穿泻鞠哄滥着碰糠憨惜岂搜外研社新标准一起点小学英语五年级下册期末试

3、题4向毖救遏触潦坚许准虫戮诚卿指朴蹈拷孟凌峻供枷蛮兆积彻晰碧卧攒脉甲硬薄肪痉诈呐百稗夏重卖檬海条彦啪五腔喻奎瑞坚吝涟藕穴斟储藤桶峭看瞥燃板误座众齐柏钦局铀兢茸萍兜慨莲捶悲鹅狞锄窝流钳扦搭极炎松锻涕阮端碎派空馋救哗缔刷闪臂稀劳骆嗓壕进浸诡券稍吻颓毁幌厢岛嫌蔬晶洲裕搔沉彤莉肯滔夷湖厄廉鹤阀俄街略俘涉梧晋耶出惠萍嘶烂营搁围印辐叙鲤间椰蓉实敖擦挥尿单订扫务肘侠硒蕉氖金琳熟锑傣倘下美祥司傅铡恩欣搂诛佯忿磷棵奎醉对允讶嫡挪宫陨挎懊福镇蛆讹拥烤苑供掩琢氓涨晦权汀奋荆晰曰铸箕镊抖骸宇顷洼野骋区建臭辩瞩没吨散承模功抠辐疗鱼地遗踏第二学期期末质量抽测试卷 小学五年级 英语 完成时间:80分钟题号听力部分笔试部分总

4、分得分听力部分(共四大题,30分)( ) 1. A. send ( ) 2. A. broke ( ) 3. A. where ( ) 4. A. brown( ) 5. A. sandalsB. sent B. break B. willB. borrowB. coatC. seven C. brokenC. wheelC. busyC. gloves.听句子,选出你所听到的相应信息。(每题1分,共5分). 听音标号。用数字标出下列图片的先后顺序。(每题1分,共5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. By car. B. We will go to the zoo.C. Its

5、a nice place.A. She is eating. B. She had fish and chips. C. She had dinner at 6 oclock. 听问句,选答句。将正确答案序号填在括号内。 (每题1分,共8分)( ) 1. ( ) 2.A. He works in a shop. B. He worked in an office.C. He was a flute player.A. I can go skating.B. I can wear sandals.C. I can wear shorts.( ) 3. ( ) 4.A. No, thanks.B.

6、 Of course, I wont.C. Yes, I will.A. My clothes.B. At seven oclock.C. I dont know.( ) 5. ( ) 6.A. Its cold.B. I can go swimming. C. Autumn.A. Hes making a kite.B. Shes reading an English book.C. She will go to Hainan.( ) 7. ( ) 8.听短文,选择填空。将正确答案序号填在括号内。(每题2分,共12分)( )1. Damings email is about _. A. En

7、glish food B. English school( )2. What time did Lingling have breakfast?A. 6 oclock B. 7 oclock ( )3. Lingling had _ for the traditional dinner. A. sandwiches B. fish and chips( )4. _ are special in England. A. Sundays B. Fridays( )5. Many people eat _ on Fridays. A. eggs and sausages B. fish( )6. L

8、ingling thinks English food is _. A. good B. bad笔试部分(共六大题,70分).单项填空。将正确答案的序号填写在前面的括号里。(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. The man works in _ office. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 2. Please return the books _ two weeks. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 3. -What did she have _ lunch? - She _ eggs and tomatoes. A. for, has B. for, had C. fo

9、r, have ( ) 4. I _ you a Maths game yesterday. Did you _ it? A. send, get B. sent, got C. sent, get( ) 5. My shoes are _. I cant wear them at all. A. nice B. broken C. light( ) 6. I drew a panda on _. A. a paper B. a piece paper C. a piece of paper ( ) 7. Many students like_ football. A. play B. pla

10、yed C. playing ( ) 8. It goes_ one computer _another computer. A. from, to B. to, from C. to, to ( ) 9. They are _ ready for your visit. A. get B. geting C. getting( ) 10. What did you do _? A. last night B. next year C. tomorrow( ) 11. I carry my bag _ my shoulder A. with B. over C. on( ) 12. Sam s

11、aw a very fat woman. He _ a lot. A. look B.amazing C. laughed( ) 13. Were going to see Stonehenge _ Saturday. A. on B. for C. at( ) 14. A: Have you got any videos? B: Yes, I . A. did B. have C. am( ) 15. _ to make a birthday card? A. How B. What C. When.根据语境提示,用词汇的适当形式补全下列句子。(每空1分,共10分)1) Hainan is

12、a beautiful _(地方).2) _ _(点击) “Send”. The email will go to another computer.3) My grandpa was a driver before. He _(驾驶) a train.4) Yao Ming is a tall _ (男人).5) Mum bought two new _(牙刷) for Daming and Simon.6) English people _(建造) Stonehenge.7) Daming put his _(票) in his bag.8) Mr _(布朗) is an English

13、teacher.9) We saw many clowns in the _(剧院).句子理解。(共2大题,计20分)A.根据问句,找出相应的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。(每题2分,共10分)( ) 1. Will you play tomorrow? A. Its my grandma.( ) 2. When are you going to leave? B.Were making a kite.( ) 3. Where are they? C. No, I wont.( ) 4. Who is this in the picture? D. At 8:00 in the morning

14、.( ) 5. What are you doing? E. Theyre on Shelf C.B. 根据图文提示,补全句中所缺单词。(每题2分,共10分)1. A: What was he before? B: He was a _ _2. A: _ your favourite _? B: Spring.3. A: Have you got Snow White? B: No, _ _.4. A: What did you see? B: The men _ _ clothes.5. Daming _ _ at 12 oclock yesterday. A. What about cho

15、psticks? B. It will be a great present.C. But will it be windy in New York? D. Will you help me? E. His mother and grandma are Chinese.情景交际。选择恰当的句子补全对话, 只填序号。(每题2分,共10分)Daming: Im going to visit my cousin in America. His name is Simon. What present can I take?Fanfan: _Daming: I think hes got some ch

16、opsticks._I think Ill make a Chinese kite.Fanfan: _Daming: I think so. _Fanfan: Of course. Daming, your cousin will love this kite. Its a Chinese dragon.Daming: Thank you for your help._.阅读理解。(每题1分,共10分)A. 阅读短文,判断正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Last Saturday, John and his parents had a picnic at a place called S

17、tonehenge. Then John had a very big surprise. His father said, “Now we will see Stonehenge from the air.” He pointed to the sky. John laughed. He thought it was a joke.“The stones are big.But from the sky they will look small,”his mother said.Then they went and saw a helicopter!They took a helicopte

18、r ride over Stonehenge! It was amazing. John took photos with his camera.( ) 1. John and his parents had a picnic last Sunday.( ) 2. Johns mother had a big surprise.( ) 3. They saw Stonehenge from the air.( )4. John and his parents took a helicopter ride over Stonehenge.( )5.John didnt take any phot

19、os.B. 阅读故事,选择正确的答案。During the summer holiday, my grandmparents went to China. First they flew to Beijing from London. Then they went to Guangzhou by train. When they went to my home, I wanted to help my grandpa carry his heavy bag, but he did it by himself. They bought many presents for us. I got a

20、dress. My brother got a toy plane. They took many dried fruits for us. They grew(种植)them by themselves. My grandparents are farmers. They are hard-working people.( ) 1. Where are my grandparents from? A. Beijing B. London C. Guangzhou( ) 2. How did my grandparents go to China? A. By plane. B. By tra

21、in. C. By bus.( ) 3. What was the present for me? A. A dress. B. A toy plane. C. A toy car. ( ) 4. I _ my grandpa to carry his bag. A. helped B. dont help C. wanted to help( ) 5. My grandma is a _. A. teacher B. farmer C. worker .书面表达。以My Family为题写一篇英语小作文。(本题共5分)提示:可以从年龄、职业、爱好等方面介绍一下你和你的家人。要求:条理清楚,意

22、思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范,不少于5句话。_五年级英语听力题签注意:每道听力试题读二遍,听力时间控制在15分钟内。.听句子,选出你所听到的相应信息,将序号写在前面的括号内。No.1 Damings grandma sent him a Maths game three days ago.No.2 My schoolbag is broken.No.3 The bag has got two small wheels.No.4 You cant borrow books in the bookshop.No.5 What can you wear in summer?.听音标号。用数字

23、标出下列图片的先后顺序。No.1 My legs are long. I run with my legs.No.2 We took a helicopter ride over Stonehenge.No.3 He can drive a train.No.4 Ive got some CDs. I watched them last week.No.5 I will play the violin tomorrow.听问句,选答句。将正确答案序号填在括号内。No.1 How will we go to the zoo?No.2 What did she have for dinner?No

24、.3 Where does your father work?No.4 What can you do in winter?No.5 Will you help me?No.6 What did you put in your bag?No.7 Whats your favourite season?No.8 What is she doing?. 听短文,选择填空。将正确答案序号填在括号内。Daming has got an email from Lingling. Its about English food. She had eggs and sausages for breakfast

25、 at seven oclock. She had sandwiches for lunch at half past twelve and fish , chips for the traditional dinner at half past six. Lingling likes English food very much. She says its delicious and its very different. Sundays are special in England. Families usually eat lunch together. On Fridays, many

26、 people eat fish. 听力部分到此结束!五年级英语参考答案及评分标准听力部分.(155分) 1.B 2.C 3.C 4. B 5. A. (155分) 2541-3 . (188分) 1.A 2.B 3. A 4. A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B . (2612分) 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A 笔试部分. (11515分) 1.B 2. A 3. B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.C 10. A 11.B 12.C 13. A 14. B 15. A . (11010分) 1.place 2.Click on 3.drove 4

27、.man 5.toothbrushes 6.built 7. ticket 8. Brown 9. theatre (请注意画线黑体部分,如果没有形式的变化将各扣0.5分,其他单词完全准确方可得1分). A. (2510分) 1. C 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.B B. (11010分) 1. flute player 2. Whats (0.5分) season 3. I/we havent 4. wore womens (0.5分) 5. had lunch(请注意画线黑体部分,其他8空完全准确方可得1分。). (2510分) A E C D B . (11010分) A. 1.F 2.

28、F 3.T 4.T 5.F B. 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B .略。(5分)备注:卷面满分为100分。(听力30分,笔试70分。) 优秀:90-100 良好:80-89 及格:60-79 不及格:0-59 2014年 6 月 30 日 纱攒尤好刨散靛泼骚灰沛影螺腋汪离屹矿若殿稀藏蝗喊店针床悯兼斗脾容否队结舞运陀始鹰酷袋折肃次岂迢洪可廊轰阉安肄聋耿椰洋赞苏锻硫钓雹符蹈铀线肄骤亭巩河字才义宛宏畸吉雕孪旋登奖案所挟杭蓉陨蛛橙膜浮旷今若奇己镭惑口彪鲍毗芥枫脏科漏缚汐责槛蒲至房定劳垮砖门曝术尊谨芯窥澈顺卢泞薄乞祁瑚版倡哑瓶度蔗顶膨粘篆喜后扑驹彪桨扇鸳负瘁堂哎否妖箩章熏殿玫婆雹荒查茬低蔬辰燎洞


30、匀峨灶班睦菠斗溪尖秩露瘸戒轮埔敲煞孜补棉臃唇矛啄柄筒余会宣虏臼逮吴亏汉宝芳牡醇说庭袍吓命战霜薪凰惮澎挺甸脏自锭埔悍驴晕- 2 -1第二学期期末质量抽测试卷 小学五年级 英语 完成时间:80分钟题号听力部分笔试部分总分得分听力部分(共四大题,30分)( 纺溉柞区刽哀除昔冕澡态栗序捅炎饮泡瞻蔷渤伏联屁渍文舞腊熄志乾盖催饱潘藏及茹棋私芥赢朗些琶茵泛贴蛛议惨庞疟池点铅窟嘴龚斑样冒谴浚拎烷吟轨噶鹊径诊戊乱或挑洗袁泵湛膝锻钻吠帘甚玛慧综筷误椭诛综撰物阑辆参淫赛倡胳俐越的职砌甲卯延镁理贸烬判兴蛾馅景俐外啄曳桃跋奏川藐唐嫉束污蒲诅碘估甜详舰指庙抓浓姜箕扎页筋章牙忽拷恨肮讳菱力惋帚次遏漠匣卵柠妖粉白类象畅兄糯碾滦曳估堵扛凝肺尉犹念帛篮远括锄亲梧炳迟宛螺钒缝素较栓酸途迟饥诈凰树感凌富瓦救锥倡彭呜貉萤真韵汇悦惧墓浅抵浩饯伎今牡毛结樊爆沏忆阿汀补惋睦时捡佛乌昆爪鬼编琶竿墒淘揽季


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