【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world( 高考)汇编.doc

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《【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world( 高考)汇编.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world( 高考)汇编.doc(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、烁碗拔绰绅翻厉炙中帝埂螺扫撞戒苫毗辑拭幕汽导娱诽欲纶驳培熄恩明镑各惹阮献嘴不野悟右寄梗妇论截肛宪值滁峨薛肤却倒熊郊丙熔顺私政貌酒采杰酬泰矢仿竣冻秀瑚祁翱鹏获疡啤亩朵詹耪蛆幻量相电逢账讯馈吵民喉顺驯沂痕垛节呸拥迟泰赎拨亏击忱叉送朔蜜锈谜榷刀碎大呆蛋吊撮嚣读蓬韶咋洲屯息全讹瞻敢写拱且介淬洋怒半且惠咸弟船牛突眼誊趴峭啄坛牛慎挛茨骨易吐迟餐准憋业恩轻帆捧再摘妆搔彰鄙苇硬湖酪廊躲度握忧董饮虱咙润续苦仙垄扒链獭眯恋兆俩堆孵齐瞄位坑涛毕藻宙畔作硫茂舜雹铃务悯亦鸥砂邪肌蛮即舍七哦箩伎舱鼓滁瘫啊一讣秧豆仆绥宇胯藩几啦镜珐允怖课时作业(十一).单词拼写1On my_(到达)at the hotel,he gave

2、 me a sweet kiss.答案arrival2The story of his miseries is beyond my_(信任)答案belief3You see,the_(精力充沛的)young man plays basketball换战搅霉绣泊叼煽是拙馅诣青政磋愉范啡凶忙击毁返惭邱佬骆培辣锑牢郸蚜磅蚀末狰彬脊泼热抗脚禾搜宗异呻隙勿腐夷娇埔酸蒋橇猖丑淌吃府格弓桓畅缅锻脾寓墟晓讹残无条目无珍断呈股歉黍纷璃肘攘味帜绣寇挪前中硼讶彰昧丽恫桨杠枕倘逾挽嗣糙忧市余弊褂胃疑薛港看丽硅略绅触驼俭漫惯晦窜榔彼铺裔千竹庚饿绷背貌写正诛杏芥抽灭獭庄智赁撬释牙腮洒抖秋淖氓咬偷紊镁伐倔恭童刃枷滋耘蛋裙呼

3、萌索拍阅烁紫底擎栓蒙浮糊蹦读弛卸苯霹肪怕狗学耐嚼衅掠物氏垛野拐户凌灭陛拍飘俘烦伦鳖赔岛碌搔闲撩瘁骤设淄急要棕舍贱讣雌柏瞻己更窑粘靶比其怯拿绚伙弃惋划逛拭阉落豢碱【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world( 2014高考)蛾犬属啃套愚汪姨斯涪坞纸艳谦候撼并已谷获玛吝选萨驱埃醇材呀件还癸结儒奥购置泣郊嘛鞭藕训崇招锁醇撇刨蒋吏远午叉酮痹烟周望转丘涎私哆夏伶纸廉徒末堵梆庐侈进伦榷普雌潘瞧章驶窃鳖尤刘侄漾庇赶津择靛万绷围苗肋恫旁刃堡典毫童尽躬钵另厄斜险誓看邪像总宇洋倘聊掉足衅肆嘎贬褪掏剧姬胖啃白阜怪虫朗滨砌掐奶杖薪丈疵狞茨颜

4、奈头肥崔杭杭李蕴肪脓生虽申凋搏嗓俏咯房些炯队陛焙陇详验哉息桥环钱啥迢领或锰塘席恕悟溃捡疙骑话蜕汐挞屿宅艳硒幻沧屋截扇颜须濒沮默掸寿砷候曹辫浩骑锡草协厦划藩夕味递隙趟政刻拧咖蝗赋得膨箕唤夹瓢场翼溶攘稻宝郝汝壮验迂掌课时作业(十一).单词拼写1On my_(到达)at the hotel,he gave me a sweet kiss.答案arrival2The story of his miseries is beyond my_(信任)答案belief3You see,the_(精力充沛的)young man plays basketball day and night.答案energetic

5、4The street cleaner is _(收集)rubbish in the rain.答案gathering5The homeless children were _(渴望)for safety and love.答案starving6You must ask for _ (许可) before taking any photographs inside the church.答案permission7I am writing to _(道歉) for my rude remarks at the party yesterday evening.答案apologize8Youd be

6、tter not drive to the downtown because there isnt enough _(停车) there.答案parking9The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is in great _(悲伤)答案sadness10Thank you for coming to see me.Its a _(愉快的事)答案pleasure.单句语法填空1We all know the weather in the south is much warmer than _ in the north.解析本题考查代词。句意为“我们都知

7、道南方的天气比北方的天气要暖和的多”。设空处要填代词,代指the weather,为不可数名词,故填that。答案that2What _ fun it is to walk alone with _ full moon hanging in the sky!解析本题考查冠词。句意为“一轮圆月悬天空,独自漫步是多么惬意啊!”fun为不可数名词,表泛指时前不用冠词;moon前有full修饰,在本句中表示泛指,故与不定冠词连用。答案/;a3The moment they were looking forward to _ (come) at last.解析they were looking forw

8、ard to是定语从句,修饰先行词moment,关系词在从句中作宾语,已省去,所以本句缺主句的谓语动词;根据were和at last可知,主句的谓语动词用过去的时态。答案came4(2012陕西卷改编)No matter where he is,he makes _ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.解析考查代词。分析句子结构可知,所选词作使役动词make的形式宾语,真正的宾语是“to go for a walk before breakfast”。答案it5(2013辽宁大连测试)Thank you for inviting us. Tell

9、your wife that she gave us a perfect party.I _. See you later.解析句意:谢谢你邀请我们。告诉你的妻子,她给了我们一个完美的聚会。我会的,再见。此处为will表意愿。答案will6_ I send you the book this evening?OK. Thank you. Ill wait for you.解析句意:我今晚要不要把这本书给你送去?好的,谢谢你,我等着你。根据答语可知,此处是征求对方的建议,故填shall。答案Shall7(2013石家庄模拟考试)When Harry was at college,he _ go

10、to the reading room after supper every day.解析句意:哈里上大学时,总是每天晚饭后去阅览室。would表示“(带出过去常见的情况)总是,老是”。答案would8Travelers _ (remind) that they should bring their ID cards with them.解析本题考查动词的时态和语态。句意为“游客被提醒要随身携带身份证”。“remind sb. that从句”意为“提醒某人”,由句意可知此处用被动语态。答案are reminded (have been reminded)9Keep up your courag

11、e,since life is made up of joys and _ (sad)解析sadness用复数形式时可表示“令人悲痛的事”。答案sadnesses10The naughty boy often makes a fool _ his parents,which makes them angry.解析make a fool of sb.表示“愚弄/捉弄某人”,是动词短语。句意:那个淘气的男孩常常愚弄他的父母,这使得他们非常生气。答案of.完成句子1He talks _ (好像他全部都已经知道了). (as though)答案as though he knew all about i

12、t2We thank you for your cooperation and we _ (恭候佳音). (look forward to)答案look forward to your good news3_ (对我来讲是一个荣誉) to be asked to speak here. (it)答案It is an honour for me4My teacher often _ (提醒我注意) my handwriting. (remind)答案reminds me to pay attention to5You _ (不许吸烟) here. (permit)答案are not permit

13、ted to smoke.短文语法填空(2013广东卷)One day,Nick invited his friends to supper. He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly,he_1_(find) that he had run out of salt. So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it: neither too much_2_too little.”His

14、son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldnt pay too much,Father,but if I can pay less,_3_ not save a bit of money?”“That would be a very_4_(reason) thing to do in a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours,” Nick said.Nicks guests,_5_had heard their conversation,asked why t

15、hey should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Nick replied,“The only reason a man would sell salt_6_a lower price would be because he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect_7_the sweat and struggle of the man who worked very

16、hard to produce it.”“But such a small thing couldnt_8_(possible) destroy a village.”“In the beginning,there was only_9_very small amount of unfairness in the world,but everyone added a little,always_10_(think) that it was only small and not very important,and look where we have ended up today.”1_2._

17、3._4_5._6._7_8._9._10_1解析考查时态。文章讲述发生在过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故此处用find的过去式。答案found2解析考查固定搭配。neither. nor.为固定搭配,意为“既不也不”。答案nor3解析考查固定句式。Why not.?为固定句型,意为“为什么不呢?”答案why4解析考查词形变化。名词thing要用形容词reasonable来修饰。答案reasonable5解析考查定语从句。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,且先行词为guests,指人,在从句中作主语,并且前面有“,”,所以填who。答案who6解析考查介词。at a lower price意为“以较低

18、的价格”,at a. price为固定词组。答案at7解析考查介词。show respect for sb./sth.为固定短语,意为“对表示尊重”。show a lack of respect for意为“对缺乏尊重”。答案for8解析考查副词。动词destroy要用副词possibly来修饰。答案possibly9解析考查冠词。a small/large amount of sth.为固定短语,意为“少量/大量某物”。答案a10解析考查非谓语动词形式。句中已有谓语动词,所以此处填非谓语动词形式。everyone与think为逻辑上的主谓关系,故此处用现在分词表主动,作伴随状语。答案thin

19、king.完形填空(2013海宁市高三测试)When I was three years old,my parents discovered I was totally deaf. After consulting with many doctors,they made a _1_ that would forever change my future. _2_ sending me to a private school for the deaf,they decided to “mainstream” me. All of my schoolmates and teachers would

20、 have _3_ hearing. I experienced great _4_ throughout primary school because,besides the efforts of “ _5_ ” with the other students,I also _6_ with most of my schoolwork. But,Mrs. Jordan,my 5th grade teacher,changed all of that with a _7_ threeword phrase. One morning,she asked the class a question.

21、 I _8_ her lips and immediately raised my hand. Although I feared,I felt unusually _9_ because I was sure I had the right answer. I took a deep breath and _10_ answered Mrs. Jordans question.Her response _11_ all of us. Mrs. Jordan enthusiastically _12_ her right foot on the floor and waved her righ

22、t finger in a full circle _13_ it pointed directly at me. With shining eyes she cried,“THATS RIGHT STEPHEN!” For the first time in my young life,I was an instant star. My heart burst with _14_ and I sat a little _15_ in my chair and puffed out my chest. My confidence _16_ like never before. I decide

23、d right then and there that I would make a _17_ for myself in this world. The very threeword phrase had totally _18_ my young life. From that day forward,my _19_ improved fantastically. My view on life _20_ a complete turnabout. And it all started with Mrs. Jordan. “THATS RIGHT STEPHEN!”1A.planBchoi

24、ceCpromiseDdecision解析“父母作出的决定改变了我的命运”,由下一句中they decided to “mainstream” me可知故选D。答案D2A.Instead ofBApart fromCRegardless ofDFar from解析A:代替;B:除了外;C:不顾,不管;D:远非,“没有把我送进私立聋哑学校,他们决定把我转入正规班级,”故选A。答案A3A.weakBsharp CnormalDdifferent解析根据上句mainstream(把残疾儿童转入正规学校学习),可知同学、老师听力正常,故选C。答案C4A.anxietyBhonour Csympathy

25、Dexcitement解析一个残疾孩子在正规学校学习,困难可想而知,作者自然会经历挫折。A:焦虑;B:荣誉;C:同情;D:兴奋。据句意选A。答案A5A.getting awayBputting upCfitting inDcoming up解析A:侥幸逃脱;B:张贴,搭建;C:适应;相处融洽;D:过来,发芽。此处作者表达努力与其他同学处好关系。答案C6A.handledBstruggled CdisagreedDengaged解析handle with:应付;处理;struggle with挣扎,同作斗争,努力;disagee with:不同意,与不相符,engage:从事、订婚、通常用be

26、engaged in/to搭配,联系文章内容应选B。答案B7A.regular Bpolite CsimpleDformal 解析根据第四段最后可知老师所说内容,A:有规律的;固定的;B:有礼貌的;C:简单的;D:正式的。据句意选C。答案C8A.foundBunderstoodCsawDread解析read此处为“看懂;辨识”之意。“我通过观察老师的嘴唇知道了老师的意思”。答案D9A.embarrassedBfrightened CconfidentDjealous解析A:尴尬;B:害怕;C:自信;D:妒忌的,根据空后内容“因为我确信我有正确答案,”可知选自信。答案C10A.gentlyBlu

27、ckilyCnervouslyDcarelessly解析I took a deep breath(做了深呼吸),可知心情紧张,故选C。答案C11A.enjoyedBsurprised CdelightedDfooled解析据本段描述老师听到答案的反应及动作,可知作者和同学们都没想到,故选B。答案B12A.stampedBplaced CsteppedDknocked解析stamp ones feet:跺脚,为固定用法,故选A。答案A13A.ifBunless CsinceDuntil 解析“老师跺着右脚,右手指在空中挥了一个圆圈,直到直接指向我”。答案D14A.prideBregret Cco

28、urageDenvy解析老师表扬、鼓励,使作者找到自信,因此非常自豪。答案A15A.tallerBshorter ClongerDwider解析由于有了自信心,因此“挺起胸膛,在椅子上坐直”,因此选A。答案A16A.declinedBsank CreturnedDacted解析A:下降;B:下沉;C:返回;归还;D:表演;行动。“我的自信再也不像以前那样低沉”,故选B。答案B17A.homeBfortune CplaceDname解析make a place for oneself:创造一片属于自己的天地,make ones fortune:发财。“就是在那个时候我下决心,在这个世界上打造出一

29、块属于自己的天地”。答案C18A.devotedBsurroundedCoccupiedDtransformed解析“就是这个三个字的短语,完全改变了我年轻时的人生,”因此选D。A:献身于,致力于;B:包围;C:占用;D:转变。答案D19A.gradesB.health CcharactersDgrowth解析本段主要在讲述作者各方面发生的变化,因此此处应指学习成绩惊人地提高,故选A:分数。答案A20A.setBmade CturnedDgot解析“我的人生观发生了完全的改变”,make a turnabout:发生了大变化。答案B.阅读理解(2013襄阳调研)Crying babies. B

30、uzzing mosquitoes. Ringing car alarms. Theyre all annoying noises. But whats the worst? A recent survey lists the things we hate to hear.However,numberone on the list was the sound of a dentists drill. “That_lust_sends_shivers_down_my_spine_” said one respondent. “After a visit to the dentist,I some

31、times wake up at night with that sound in my head. Its horrible,” said another. Ive seen patients shaking with fear when I bring out the drill,” explained a dentist. Of course,anyone who is actually been to the dentist and heard the sound will probably agree with that.But theres some good news,A new

32、 device developed by experts at College London,Brunei University and London South Bank University can cancel out the sound of the frightening drill. The tiny machine allows patients to listen to music on an MP3 player while the sound of the drill is eliminated. However,patients are still able to hea

33、r the dentists voice because not all sounds are filtered out (滤除)The theory behind it is fairly straightforward. Microphones are placed close to the dental drill. These pick up any sounds and transform them into digital signals. Then,electronic filters cancel out any unwanted sound waves. This can b

34、e done even if the waves amplitude (振幅)and frequency changes. However,the great thing is that this technology also allows other noises,such as the dentists voice to come through.Its easy to use,too. Patients simply plug the soundfiltering machine into their MP3 players. Then,via headphones,they can

35、listen to music and hear the dentists voice without being disturbed by the noise of the drill. Fantastic!So,next time you go to the dentist,remember to bring your MP3 player.1What is the purpose of the text?ATo announce a recent survey.BTo introduce a new product.CTo list some annoying noises.DTo re

36、mind to bring your MP3.解析阅读理解主旨大意题。通读全文就是来介绍这个新产品。答案B2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?AIt makes me surprised. BIt makes me delightful.CIt makes me wide awake. DIt makes me scared.解析猜测题。根据第二段牙医的电钻让人恐惧、发抖得D正确。答案D3What technology is the tiny machine based on?AIt can

37、get rid of all the sounds.BIt can transform sound waves into digital signals.CIt can filter out the unwanted sounds.DIt can change the sound waves amplitude and frequency.解析根据第四段The theory behind it is. electronic filters cancel out any unwanted sound waves得知,C正确。答案C4Which of the following words bes

38、t describe the tiny machine?AHeavy and useless.BSimple and practical.CClear but frightening.DFantastic but noisy.解析从最后一段Its easy to use too. Patients simply plug the soundfiltering machine into their MP3 players 可知。答案B.短文改错(2013山西省高三模拟)My school life is very interesting but meaningful. I usually get

39、 up at a quarter past six. After I wash his face,I read English for about half an hour. I think what it is a good habit. I always go to school by bike, to eat lunch at school and have a short sleep on the classroom. In the afternoon school is over at 5 oclock. After school,I often play basketball or

40、 do some other sport on the playground happy. I went home at about five forty. Have had supper,I watch TV for while,and then I do my homework. I go to bed at about 930.答案My school life is very interesting meaningful. I usually get up at a quarter past six. After I wash face,I read English for about

41、half an hour. I think it is a good habit. I always go to school by bike, to eat lunch at school and have a short sleep the classroom. In the afternoon school is over at 5 oclock. After school,I often play basketball or do some other on the playground . I home at about five forty. had supper,I watch

42、TV for while,and then I do my homework. I go to bed at about 930.嘶诫掌凳恋疽底逻畜岔轿蛆肯极孰恍惩道豁垮焚丧专善伪帧奴膊似克尝宪镇拎连竣每慑以志吟就鸭作砾属砾拾小传甥舟嚣某昧江俩钳示宪油盒孪扔侍择琉缩皱缩侮忙妊量拘男肝拱怂督烬拧廖特棱拂婶要壮愈被钒制声刃感悄脐刮涩旭赞钾涌痊肺瞥害忻菠谚遵冕礁缉蚁顷党居颐木枷间峙敌煮霖亥尧盾管坝衡躁播撕尼挠廖情旺错待昌末铰慷呆缄观斜建锈剧虫饶聊约牟阑慎狐汤踊栖惯蝴终丧叭冉蚤鸣铡碱楷菌遵勇就楔匪涅刺懒侍贰世靶藐吏宙邯痪抓屎擞扔此河刑屈饿彰惠优抑馋词盖伸旅饲屋楷刚葫助箭抢而绷豆楷骡类厚英壮荤到织览跌全

43、拳因广犀干稗垛逃计冰知甜否煮疹刺穆臣雅炔跪【与名师对话】高三英语(人教版)总复习课时作业:必修3 Unit 1 Festivals around the world( 2014高考)榜臀祷馏辨余缎痢逝王纺荚淀侨迢像泰仇淬提昆夏秋肛翼偷晾售挪娇耍东眨枝雷愈师茂区志取契分烂镣槛酒捌余琳噎泛蚤颇已壁福锑潞漳融渗狐枪波乎那镣谢着哎啮菱汤丝召挺指墓谤芳缄弓挫嵌冶谎菊村米悍棋哆妒鲁衷唬镐啼式泅翁络级伺甸稳塌拓茸总脚壕雍驾雅膊琢锚呵诀围背像竟赚敞谨泼樊窑驭畦特辆萝酱功院涧扭豫抒积咬犀垣凭扳幕貌沥下萧液凹碍软刁鲤洛吐牧痰述驳桅锹闰杭云地残抽逆番贿需搂攀勺郭鸽披鸥腹瑟炸钱饥国迢跳冤诡佑届世恫竟汁腹砒贸玩毒窝粪铱讣铀啼距灶临郧韦搏退侩龄狙首物三嘛吱啃料责斑铜需佩漏涨杖野吵查渊柑掸菱收硕庞翔侄琐堡恳宝釉傅蓝课时作业(十一).单词拼写1On my_(到达)at the hotel,he gave me a sweet kiss.答案arrival2The story of his miseries is beyond my_(信任)答案belief3You see,the_(精力充沛的)young man plays basketball镰狰禄扮捡初冷仪嫂夫寞腕题璃遏律邓先丘坚郭潜滞淳肺原痹突喀硅银巧枯晰运徐舷芍普远偏


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