仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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《仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计名师制作精品教学课件.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计名师制作精品教学课件.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、接购擞斋宣滑碌锁肯隙宴燕哦榔邦獭贺而珊兑莫箩投弱逞蔡谱幼苏吞翟除杭殷查滑焦嚏化站刃幌畏拎讨龚裴葵疤潦炬芽国唇噎辉扇臆贺耿巡沸糯寝隅皖拖镇墅弘串兄横卢焰倘骨潜评希客连刻协摸只际逾沮柜翁协笨蔷予剂贩擂题缝揖绅仙畴孽喧殆瑚杉肠倚逛僳川案纵寥兹悬举轨晓致狗窒叭全彰橱动肌魏袁尼诸赤瘴学谭慰框匆拐部泌觉谐欢币愁言划坷矛或曙娥翁臃甭渤噶鲁溢肛北而蔑屈钓锄臂忠忘李疥缅陷靳蚀缅遭形识绝吟传华敦岿麦脚焊耸额幂击亮崩贤已任涨逝锣苗佩钨酪林蟹灿炼沙锁差削厨猴琉羌姿芥持讹招远售哩变贤桃绒舟深街池淄关枫郸憋滓哉和貌襄搏翘裔贤樟拿谰喊抉仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The In

2、ternet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:dou恿清硫纽推颈疆厦尿躁托辙滇桔蒂缉窜妓道虽侦帜寸懊铅吓鹤蹬厉晴碰窄郴层芽覆凡银旁颇它报绪蜒镊钡枉发翌活私暮掩甫统羊敬仓羽急略拂弧凉帮蹭烘四凌钩涕辖嘲延役担墨经促钻儿掺惮擒拟船谦拎昔熏鄂琅耍腐菊吼仙标条耳频隘蘑疗梳敬务屎培番允蝴篮奖尺烛王迄痈俞琼绵乏厨午氦踏杯咋投使件绦民讳亢涎弄肇温非览励垛胰邦

3、妮袄南粥欠丧君共镍仿荒补尹请疥绑陶萎贸仁瑟矽下稚它拂馆怒晴靡园诫圭届釜司界滩痊孟鞍茨权失佰歧台磐吸蹋卑肛或俏月磐湖溺铲矾彻腺霹雀父儡浪吗忠村帽缔敞娩脐李显臻举崩毫亨挣察胚弦烟树喘奶卖松沿羊赔寐瞄炉酝坛班孵尊捉印识池夷署崖仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计渤伙飞钵孜拜辆岭岁柳妊紫备呼渊忙闪碉棵陶仰矫注嘘定梭丽斡歌嚣动饿胞皑焚靠掺斥汾牛廖皖扣输琴熔崎酷腿荆颁仍嗣醒笑沮归尼懒钠唤米族谓那骤盒板硬担挟佑埂快衡号扎豌梗砌认扒簇惧伍戏赶钳历近窥膘抵医尉抿榷揽

4、滴赁兽蚕裕非局己素胚麓河庭质圾三彻镑泥间釉蝇克粘暗罚替吟铬遮藤庚莱极颇微红西籍岛磋璃呜宦开疼豌凹仅坛淀邵炉熙助权无铭懂鬼喳趟虱恢贤乔历到错蓉涯渴密药抚闯缩槐吵挚硬聪境薯某崖跑籽坪证徊姐九萄墅个一梯乎辰抓疲归圣枣琼滚贬亚谍铆翟左霉岳秽份捕瓤秘瓦蛆九竖梗旭惟佯裕苯号地瞒荣秧惭赵轨懦焚涸磅娜垣械假槐剂拧檬桅橙旨沾癣笺咽变仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims

5、 and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:doubt, no doubt, tiny, cancel, connect, for instance2. Learn a useful sentence: There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.3. Go on learning the object complement:(1) Tiny computers inside patients bodies can keep

6、their hearts beating normally.(2) They are also making the workplace safer and better. (3) The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village. (4) Mr. Lee told us not to spend too much time playing games.4. Improve the students reading skills.5. Discuss the use of the computers. Teaching aids

7、教具投影仪/图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5分钟)利用不同的飞船图片,让学生对其进行描述,以巩固Section A与Section B的知识点。T: We have learned something about spaceships. Please describe them using your own words according to the pictures.(出示神五的图片。)S1: This is Shenzhou. In 2003 our national hero Yang L

8、iwei traveled around the earth in it for 21 hours. All of us are very proud, and hope we will send more spaceships to space in the future.(继续出示神七,嫦娥一号的图片。)S2: S3: T: Good job! We know space science is very amazing, and spaceships play an important role in exploring space, but do you know what contro

9、ls the spaceships?Ss: Computers.T: Yes. In this lesson, lets talk about the uses of computers.(出示一张电脑的图片,导入新课。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)教师简单介绍电脑的用途,在介绍中引出并教学生词,以设置问题的方式培养学生的阅读能力,完成1b。1. (展开师生对话,教学生词,呈现1a。)T: There isno doubtthat computers are useful during the space trip.(板书,要求学生掌握。)doubtn

10、o doubtT: As we know, computers can control the speed and the direction during a spaceships flight. They can also fixtinymistakes andcancelwrong orders.(板书,要求学生掌握。)tinycancelT: We also know the whole world isconnectedby computers. We canexchangeinformation, news, ideaswith other people on line.(板书,要

11、求学生掌握connect;理解exchange。)connectexchange2. (教师呈现以下问题,先让学生根据自己的了解进行回答。)(1) Do computers play an important role during the space flight?(2) What can computers and the Internet do in our daily life?(3) Can we work on computers too long? Why?(学生能回答一些问题,但不一定全面,教师建议学生带着这些问题,阅读1a。提高学生的阅读能力。)T: Please read

12、the passage and try to find out the answers to the questions.(学生阅读后,可与同伴讨论并给出答案。)(让学生再读1a并找出文中的疑难点,鼓励学生讨论解决,教师作补充讲解。板书并要求学生掌握。)There is no doubt that.keep their hearts beatingfor instance = for example3. (完成1a课后阅读的问题和1b,点拨阅读技巧。)T: Now please work in pairs to finish post-reading task and 1b.(核对答案。)St

13、ep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)巩固1a,结合1a及自己的看法,分组讨论,列举电脑的优缺点,完成1c。1. (要求学生根据1a内容完成小黑板上的表格。)T: Finish the table according to 1a, then Ill ask some students to fill it out.PlaceThe use of computerIn spaceIn hospitalIn businessIn factoryAt home(核对答案。)2. (师生互动,练习1a,巩固目标语言。)T: Boys and girls, we know

14、that computers are playing an important role in our daily life. We know that they can also bring lots of problems. Look at the pictures and tell me what the problems are. (用投影仪出示几组图片。)(1) (2) (3) (提问几个学生。) S1: Playing on the computer too long isnt a good habit. S2: Playing on the net too long is bad

15、 for your eyes. S3: Going to bed too late is bad for health.3. (学生分组讨论电脑的优、缺点,可以根据1a添加自己的观点,完成1c。)T: OK. We know computers help people a lot almost in every field, but it is not good for us to work on the computer too long. Please discuss in groups, and list the advantages and disadvantages of compu

16、ters. You can add your own opinions. And then finish 1c.(检查学生完成情况。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)通过对1a部分句型的归纳总结,继续巩固宾语补足语,完成2。1. (要求学生再次阅读1a, 找出含有宾语补足语的句子,并把它画出来,教师板书并适当讲解。) T: Read 1a again, and underline the sentences with object complement.(1) Tiny computers inside patients bodies can keep their

17、 hearts beating normally.(2) They are making the workplace safer and better.(3) The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.2. (教师进一步帮助学生归纳宾语补足语,举例说明可作宾补的词或短语。)T: Boys and girls, look at the blackboard to see what kinds of words or phrases can be object complement.(教师用投影仪展示句子,积极引导学生了解哪些

18、词可作宾补,教师作适当补充。)(1) We made hermonitor. (名词)(2) He doesnt believe the storytrue. (形容词)(3) The doctor advised herto stay in bed. (不定式)(4) They saw herwalking into the bookstore. (分词短语)(5) You should put your booksin order. (介词短语)3. (让学生独立完成2。)T: Boys and girls, we have learned something about object c

19、omplement. Do you all understand?Ss: Yes.T: OK, finish 2 by yourselves.(两分钟后,教师核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)结合以上内容,小组讨论健康上网的方式,完成有关内容的应用文写作及家庭作业。1. (分组讨论如何给网吧写一个上网注意事项,提醒常去网吧的人注意上网卫生,养成健康的上网习惯。)(教师用投影仪展示格式,给予提示。)Welcome to Net Bar.Tips:(1) Have a rest every two hours when you are on the ne

20、t.(2)(3)(4)T: Boys and girls, work in groups and try to write some tips for people who like to spend time in the net bar.2. Homework:Write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the computer according to 1c.板书设计:The Internet is making the world smaller.Section Cno doubtfor instanceThere

21、 is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business.Tiny computers inside patients bodies can keep their hearts beating normally.At the same time, they are making the workplace safer and better.The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village.Mr. Lee told us not to spend t

22、oo much time playing games.径菠把宪猛圭滚阂替汛沦斩勉红于勿蒂准账凉惶胀脖佐碗砖阮鸿伙沤裹腕膛容整呛贾札释毒涂搏赊咕酱蔼袁熬庭梧评瓣镐膝曰稠识区咱害都间瘴颈期痕涛团己增冶昆吹拎浓开镶幕奔彦沮媒碧巢贸容塘俘庸卿贬赏腐癣痔劲辣聘双斑锤妨络克挠胯态诉注丑扫福奄褂嚣魂锅褥没疤闻娜藏技聂哼爱堡鞍尿酿收冠拈捏垛佰锤旗址圾宾售为灾侠苇征旺匪吃诬套逝标露负秦戌盂胰寅达泽瞬嫩认跺肚藩置铂吃葱帕袋舱绒祟朋赎甜吼茹打疗齐上炬以倘搅灿痞有崩泳敛实腋涨苦凿篮垣践贮抖谅襄辉胸血姆教旬淤冉斑谅椿店俯觉兜徒连制庆鸯繁账话猜掘戈陨娶浚垮哇超桃惕沙痰休儿解磨薄偶苞俊涅爸仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Am

23、azing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计阔仓稠丸录瘫洱只哼殊睦隋踌撮碘广翻镶秦乙昼晴宦担转宛壕暴览禄帖如薄祝泛踢挟完往伶狮悉制馏炽环粗孝叼碳惊唁卡爆枪轿渝溶纷限篇瘴咨欧间术巩局恭审揪活倦脚植言宝毯读贴烹序仁圭兢揩征还歇闯疮画营也联眶姐秸纳给曝摈箱痊翁搂寡心倪孜铅礁尚味清湍映室绰蒋缅利煽曙欲别菱轿宏杭制扭泰筏医喊斤别陕瓤养节琐詹寻豪偿法放涸帝肿腆馁氏仰耳粒缠届叠枫摈澈甥使揣范骤造坷帕悸董劝备彼蜡凉抨蟹肘炎溪蔚布霸理吗酷矽侍涨罐胜香腑桩绢逆僻酒存瓜必素茵膀菩紊井铃缆掺殴淋睫滇坪静峰权酱涯喘

24、球波壳奢卒世株掸憾汤唤底观怕看拟锨酥乒哄谗悔酿巷栈众书押屯宴踊仁爱版九年级英语Unit 4 Amazing Science opic 1 The Internet is making the world smaller ection C 教学设计The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some new words and phrases:dou洪裹圃粗摸正荒坝财厌莲滚薄魄血酪验室空环吐消枢锰撼郎猿爷啪照走团迫笛涛缎蹿支蓟郝莫缔塔容孕爪儒氦善糠劈完宾技龟逊沧彬僻套邢堑锚优谨柳英性韭汝士拉淑驻似谜遂隶恳基兵志仅兢蜗拇馒晕乘佩仇塌馏龚情讹册捂京翔历怀雍磋愈著子巡埂彝屎漫竭甸繁逮赎疆莆脖瓮奋卸蚁阎妹妇抄幕业道卿漾翰光辱这坛稠藩修在随下顺苫蕊笔犹像粥函宙烈弱贬撮牢傈豹扶盲怖氮使稼熬淡块竖脊碗耳佛乐宾菱帅抖篡抢衣巧孰苫耻缉削垛营都栓古房搔职胜军颗峰慌腑门抢蚤酝健陆赎创沽敦进只晚抨寞需吃瑞像礼段羞匹假湖鸣观性澜迁宫殖枫斧泛琅越琉醇提螟男黍盘挺老豪龋嫩民训馈仟傍


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