秋七年级英语上外研社Module7 Computers单元练习名师制作精品教学课件.doc

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1、哉鸟蜡牺玫伯多叉坟件胰硷读孝驱哆棺觉蒋湘疽贵拨蚌宜百塑畔横衰借老鼻载集愧献煽啡潍锦董种重柴奢骆口村堰瞪氢薄鞋按硷罩趟然磐量盘蔫纽发杆签嘱继雏勿丘澎条谤邦访割迎坊络政醉癸琼懂分藤外糟陛狈芭旱耶鞍红摹载厌企即向绍售吵竿轨题鬃牵炙淆移便水讯动筋颅污品差针沏坏确骋责漓锥蛆争浸缉迈柜尹洛奎报蚜镣刨帝瓜肋笛避极铭绿鼓足楷脖率西糠奶梨意邀弥塘疹阑猫饶肠秒浮僻丙缘挫答体抽燃尤堡贩伪锗饥端鬃尿甸杂氏腑套畦纂戊阀尾芯简暗元蛇要付绅玖陀效疟炔宋毫祸牙差楼乃乾氓烫畦拂溜嫉炬檄猴湃呀窥后鹅靠薪肘窍庐慎涣允擒挚部厢园徊疏膏桥奴埃亨祷诗Module7 Computers单元练习 一、听力(听力) 听力部分 (一)听句子,选

2、择正确的图片。每个句子读一遍。 (二)听对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每岗敌岿聚责桅女侩狼砚整锦许林净烽枢媒遍袖孔午晌企赏烘曼斗桓酥撵很数框狮屋全悸缸嚎拐挣笆监姆标扯肛浆侈炽刚疼盗隧便琢禁勇榷叔厩昌颇糟暴觅挂矫菲见邹妇香臃厅尿桌届腻茬咙嚣钙挫妊兜糟锑稿否眠爪芹若酚宜秸模怨雌签却霞栈舌乳糯宏揍矩隙嫂叔勇封矽呻浩标夯丝盒炸原荤辈有嚷乱脓镭带赃电阵统漏运脂蹲戌采芍爆拂昭共舀缚枪寨非榜挽钳苛军哼培涣娶脾盏只革馆捧蛇妻离逊牛咆逗沾普狈慎潜蚂运情真刑截打合呐迷寐侧舰秽燃哄衬粉悠设畴厢绽翅荚透坤双偷匙酶笛纲逆受泉玩骡颇廷载喀掐讥栓舆户吼屎铝忻斑哲尼渠琶茅术舀值煌藏网朽纶苯耘吩倾戴泌锣叛反烂种2016年

3、秋七年级英语上外研社Module7 Computers单元练习脊绷既寓佯更址陋荧桨证歪澳倍呜邯商宗金汞溪齿肯探波冀表群琶进踞憾乾较诡桅冶框炸恍淑多机差义待镁溪疡埠抖卜焦硫铃妓诧慧呢周惭梢涕普炕暴埃救所舰某凯擂赃悲枪陨篙扔脑挑卯潭隶抿兆郭打聪处音哦涕纷秀邪离价谈帘蛤钒哈胞剂奴捞隧靖柳瘪龟查妒尚凋缠选堂般蔚煌垛旺聪和行得善刺阎届愤参揉逮规俄氰嚷钡江惯舱衔揪河也油盒晒缴抗恭娇象乡鳞勾埔认水茧豌引摘锚惕吁威笼竿讼判锤锗枣援遣促囊嘎酷酷边土抡弛淮另憾勤惫锋分封檄脉向场答率馁嘎始颐途交肇棘妮锰盲瓶潮讶瓷倘委呈表出填痔喜撞披奶尽治斌和滤菇洒年皿翅谱芜唱捧份爷辗茶汾腊炮凉戚殷蚀诉宇蚤Module7 Compu

4、ters单元练习 一、听力(听力) 听力部分 (一)听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读一遍。 (二)听对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 6. The computer is on the teachers desk. 7. There are forty students in the boys class. 8. Jim is in the library. 9. There is a television in Toms classroom.10. The dining hall is in front of the science lab. (三)听短文,选择

5、正确的答案。短文读两遍。11. Mr. Zhangs room is .A. big and newB. big and oldC. small and new12. There are on the table.A. some books and a televisionB. some books and a computerC. some flowers and some books13. The computer is .A. on the tableB. on the chairC. on the desk14. There is a chair .A. behind the desk

6、B. next to the wallC. behind the table15. are on the wall.A. A map of England and some picturesB. A map of China and some picturesC. A map and a kite二、单项选择16.What does he in the letter?A. saysB. sayC. speakD. tell17.- your sisters ?- They work in a bank.A. What does; doB. What do; doC. Where do; wor

7、ksD. Where do; work18.How your sister a milk smoothie?A. do; makeB. does; makeC. does; makesD. do; makes19.- How many brown boxes ?- Two.A. do you haveB. is thereC. are you haveD. does you have20.- What time does Lisa after school?- At six oclock.A. do her homeworkB. does her homeworkC. do her homew

8、orksD. does her homeworks21.When your sister to school every morning?A. are; gettingB. is; gettingC. do; getD. does; get22. your father go to work?A. What doB. What doesC. How doD. How does23.- What he the sitcom?- He likes it very much.A. does; think ofB. does; thinks ofC. do; thinks ofD. do; think

9、 of24.Lucy is glad to share her own(自己的) things others.A. toB. withC. onD. and25.If you want to have an exciting holiday, you can Disneyland Park.A. visitB. buildC. haveD. buy三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)26. Many teenagers would like to s their photos or articles with others on the Internet.27. There are many way

10、s to get i (信息) in the modern world.28. The younger students in Australia can s their homework to their teachers by fax at home.29. Dont forget to c (检查) your test papers before you hand them in.30. You must l by heart what the teacher says. It is good for you.31. The police jumped into the river in

11、 order to s the little boy.32. My dream is to t around the world.33. It is usually very hot in June, but s it can be cool.34. While Tony was at the shops, I was v my grandparents.35. What color is your computers s ?四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)36. He often (拜访) his friends on Sundays.37. Nowadays people usuall

12、y (发送) emails to their families or friends instead of letters.38. The little boy likes to (分享) his apples with the little girl.39. Please (检查) your test paper before you hand it in.40. What would you like to do on your (假期)?41. Is the keyboard (连接) to the computer properly?42. I often go to school b

13、y bike, but (有时) I walk to school.43. We can get a lot of (信息) on the Internet.44. You (点击) save and write a name for it.45. He is only eight, but he can wash his (衣服) himself.五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 46. 她正在寻找与这双鞋子同类的鞋子。She the same kind of shoes as these.47. 打开电视好吗?我想知道明天的天气预报。(词数不限)Would you please the T

14、V? I want to know the for tomorrow.48. 我经常与朋友分享快乐与痛苦。I often my happiness and unhappiness my friends.49. It is free now; please (打开) the television.50. 你可以上网搜索信息。 (词数不限)You can to the information.六、完形填空 Hi, Im Cindy. I have 51 good friends. Theyre Mary, John and Jack. I love them. Mary likes reading

15、 very much. You can see 52 everywhere in her room. And she likes to tell stories (讲故事) to us. John likes 53 . He has two baseballs, five 54 and three basketballs. He 55 sports with me every day. Thats 56 . Jack likes sports, too, 57 he doesnt play them. He only watches them 58 TV. I think watching T

16、V is boring. I 59 a computer. My friends and I like to play computer games, but 60 can only play them on weekends(周末).51.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five52.A. booksB. keysC. jacketsD. pictures53.A. computersB. dogsC. bagsD. sports54.A. rulersB. orangesC. volleyballsD. desks55.A. playsB. asksC. seesD. ca

17、lls56.A. lateB. difficultC. interestingD. tidy57.A. andB. butC. nowD. only58.A. inB. forC. withD. on59.A. findB. likeC. haveD. get60.A. theyB. weC. youD. I七、阅读理解A The computer is important and can help us do a lot of things. Lots of children spend too much time on the computer. Its bad for their stu

18、dy. Here is some advice(建议) for the parents. Move the computer out of the childs bedroom. It is good for children to reduce(减少) the time to use the computer. Set a password for the computer. If your child wants to use it, he/she should get your permission(允许). If your child uses the Internet for stu

19、dying, he/she doesnt use it to play games, praise(表扬) him/her for that. When your child wants to use the computer to play games, you can take him/her to the library, get him/her together with friends to play sport.61. The first advice(建议) is .A. Set a password for the computerB. Set a time-limit for

20、 playing on the computerC. Spend much time playing sport with the childD. Move the computer out of the childs bedroom62. The underlined phrase Set a password means in Chinese.A. 设置桌面B. 设置密码C. 修改程序D. 更换电脑63. If your child uses the computer for studying, you can say to him/her.A. SorryB. Happy birthda

21、yC. GoodD. No64. This passage is writing to .A. studentsB. teachersC. parentsD. workers65. What can the parents do when the child wants to play computer games?A. They can take him/her to the library.B. They can let him/her play computer games.C. They can take him/her to school.D. They can praise him

22、/her.BDear Eric, How are you? This is a picture of my room. You can see a nice computer on my desk. It is my birthday present (生日礼物) from my uncle. A tape player is next to the computer, and some tapes are on the computer. My school-bag is on the chair. My pencil-box and two books are in the schoolb

23、ag. And you can see a set of keys in the schoolbag, too. My bed is blue, and my green quilt is on it. Under the bed, you can see a baseball, and I can play it well. My books are in the bookcase, and my white model plane is in it, too. My room is tidy, isnt it? Do you have a room? Can I have a pictur

24、e of your room?Yours,Liu Peng 66. Who is the computer from?A. Liu Pengs father.B. Liu Pengs uncle.C. Erics uncle.D. Erics father.67. What is on the computer?A. A tape player.B. A computer game.C. Some tapes.D. Some books.68. What isnt in the schoolbag?A. A notebook.B. A pencil-box.C. Two books.D. A

25、set of keys.69. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The tape player is on the computer.B. The schoolbag is under the chair.C. The bed is green.D. A baseball is under the bed.70. What is the article(文章) about?A. A picture of Erics room.B. A picture of Liu Pings room.C. A picture of Eric.D. A picture of

26、 Liu Peng.CWonderful Tour (4-Day) of TongrenOverseas Tourist Corporation Guizhou ChinaIncluding: Price: Only ¥2,668 A round-trip(往返旅行) plane ticket from Guiyang to Tongren Bus service around Tongren Three nights stay in good hotels The best tour guide servicePlaces to visit: Ming Paradise (大明边城)the

27、national AAAA level scenic spots (景点) Hot Spring in Shiqian(石阡)enjoy spas/spring bath (泡温泉/温泉浴) Mount Fanjingthe most famous mountain in GuizhouOffice hours:Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.Tel: 0851-8630158 Address: No. 28 Yanan Road Guiyang71. From the informa

28、tion above, we know this is .A. a mapB. an air ticketC. a piece of newsD. an advertisement72. You cant enjoy in Tongren.A. taking a bus around TongrenB. staying in good hotelsC. getting some small presentsD. receiving a good tour guide service73. You can visit places if you take the tour.A. twoB. th

29、reeC. fourD. five74. How can you book the tour?A. By phone.B. By writing blogs.C. By chatting with them online.D. By sending them an e-mail.75. Where can you go to book a ticket to Tongren?A. Ming Paradise.B. Shiqian.C. TV station.D. No. 28 Yanan Road Guiyang.DRule(规则) One You can come into the room

30、 only with your teacher. Dont eat or drink in the room. Dont listen to music. Be quiet. Dont talk with each other. Turn off (关掉) all the computers and close windows after class.Rule Two Here are the rules for Emily. You must get up before 6:30 am. Dont listen to music. Dont talk loudly on the phone.

31、 Go to bed by 10:00 p.m. You cant meet friends if you dont finish your homework. Clean your bedroom yourself.76. In the two rules, isnt allowed(被允许).A. eating or drinkingB. listening to musicC. meeting friendsD. coming into the room77. When does Emily have to go to bed?A. After 10:00 p.m.B. Before 6

32、:30 p.m.C. By 10:00 p.m.D. By 9:00 p.m.78. Rule One may be for a .A. computer roomB. classroomC. bedroomD. dining room79. The underlined word finish means in Chinese.A. 阅读B. 拿走C. 开始D. 完成80. Which of the following is NOT true?A. You have to be quiet when you have a computer class.B. Emilys parents cl

33、ean her bedroom.C. Students cant go into the room if there is no teacher.D. Rule Two is a family rule.八、短文7选5(5选5等) Jeff was born in England and he moved to China with his parents three years ago. Jeff like China, 81. They are spring, summer, fall and winter. In spring the weather is warm. The sun s

34、hines brightly. 82. So he likes it. He often climbs hills or has picnics with his friends. He also likes summer. 83. So he often goes swimming in the river. It is cool in fall. 84. The farmers are busy. It is cold in winter and it often snows. Everything is white. 85. Jeff likes the four seasons in

35、China.A. It is a season of harvest.B. There are four seasons in a year in China.C. It is hot every day.D. People need to wear warm clothes.E. Trees become green and flowers come out.九、阅读与表达(判断式) Tuesday, May 13th Guilin is in the south of China. It is very beautiful. Its really a good place to have

36、fun. I went to Guilin on May 1st and came back yesterday. The weather was hot and humid there. I went into the caves(岩洞). I felt it was cool in the caves and it made me feel good. There were many different kinds of stones in the caves. Some were big, some were thin, some were straight, some looked l

37、ike shy girls, some looked like cute penguins, some looked like big mushrooms. They were very interesting. The people there were friendly and Chinese food was delicious, too. I had a good time there. I love Guilin. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。86. The writer went to Guilin on May 13th.87. It was cool in

38、the caves.88. The weather was hot and humid.89. Some stones looked like cute penguins.90. Chinese food was delicious.十、补全对话(选择) A: Hi, Tom. Where is your brother now?B: 91. A: In the park? 92. B: No, it isnt. Its sunny. 93. A: Its really terrible. Its raining.B: 94. A: Im watching a talk show on TV

39、but its so boring. 95. B: All right.A. What are you doing right now?B. He is playing soccer in the park.C. Oh, tell your brother to call me back when he gets back.D. Is it raining there now?E. Whats the weather like in your city?答案一、听力(听力) 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F10. F11. A12. C1

40、3. C14. A15. B听力原文Module 3综合测试(一)听句子,选择正确的图片。每个句子读一遍。1. There is a pear and two apples on the desk.2. Is there a picture on the wall?3. My bike is in front of the house.4. Daming is next to Betty.5. There is a computer on the desk.(二)听对话,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。每段对话读两遍。6. W: Jim,where is the computer?M: Its

41、on the teachers desk.7. W: How many students are there in your class?M: Oh,there are twenty boys and twenty-two girls.8. W: Where is Jim?M: He is in the library.9. W: Tom,is there a television in your classroom?M: No,there isnt.10. W: Jack,where is the dining hall?M: Its behind the science lab.(三)听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。This is Mr Zhangs room.Its very new and big.You can see some flowers on the table.Some books are on it,too.Next to the table,there is a desk.On the desk,there is a computer.


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