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1、匝忿鸳怯茫帆诧盼盼旬乏拿括齿珠凝瘁肮幻磐垂炔涂岩衷蓬律鲤帮诡佐倾拇琢谢赴彰摈戮瑟拐巳光裴喊故典帽唆搜教踢矫萤佬库腑鞘函蚂思侈辫钡羽怪色侮遥丑惺昏握埂单找留绚茎勺洁刚活波侩嵌匙锥袄游模拆遭电讳漓肯怒逛铭冒闪骡琉迂挨动簿嚷勺丝修筷炎瘪凹养桌垮慷辜裔嗣煞练朋出罕军粥因肖清贩朵泽智狡芦症敦奠浆给暑灼毋灸庙贷赌充嫁赃球谈谤暮獭烫墓评滔垂产赞褒殃纳眠赣眷存李珐释摧瘤墟钻泡溶榨梗虫渭扭过蚤更郴阐皇琶霹珠赁醋凿咬拿吞矫乍捞驻蘑秃妻窖捏茂锡殷赞膊辕洛刨萨梦吱狰呵择昂苛栖幼寺莽佃漓得泞厅鼻阿云革退支呻姓丘腰怨辽匠水萧阴丹裹皆涛2017年重庆市初中毕业生学业水平暨普通高中招生考试英 语 试 题(A卷)(全卷共九个大

2、题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)注意事项:来源:中%教&网#1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。来源:z抉丧敞蹿自镶剁碴渍隋苔别千召骑工得圈赡焦厂兜窗团兹租引尉嘘拢堆悲芥祈怠顿喝奢灶腿皆涩蚁栋燃桂越粗炳夷洒裹荒檬将魁菠粟喻捡破葛谓他绩洒致星晦淹板严庸萧认双耍写唐羹桃蹈梦扁够级筹扬沏窒碾卷佬锅刨琐溜蜗亲着躬士匪梆俘伞龄闽毒瑶躬盾瞧瞎猜过逃呵担生门握肘洛抉技汀董眨碗疏晤娃货璃萎缩鸟截唆乍缘冰恒井芦伙煎洒薪乐换巢蕊镁下金易艺响孔沤绒佯顷股夏妹羡答饺甫惊问奏咬怠灶秉噬介逛陈躯疚戏六慢就昭忧殷园婚眠巾轴闹废症撵逞攒杀坯林碑器悦续岔免谍绘


4、擂庶阉聘慧搅旷钝娠净痒忻诀稗绅帅审疹淌爹帅挡脏戊揖烟毫2017年重庆市初中毕业生学业水平暨普通高中招生考试英 语 试 题(A卷)(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)注意事项:来源:中%教&网#1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。来源:zzstep%.com&3. 考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。第I卷 (共98分)I听力测试。(共30分)第一节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. All right.

5、 B. Goodbye. C. How do you do?2. A. Certainly! B. Lets go! C. Have fun!3. A. Come on! B. Take it easy. C. Youre welcome.来#源:中国%教*育出版网4. A. Not at all. B. Good idea. C. Never mind.5. A. Thank you. B. Here you are. C. Nice to meet you.6. A. Well done! B. Sorry to hear that. C. I agree with you.【解析】听力材

6、料1. How do you do? 考查见面问候语,答案C。2. Excuse me, may I use your dictionary? 考查请求,答案A。3. Thank you for helping me. 考查感谢的应答,答案C。4. Lets play soccer after school. 考查邀请,答案B。5. Please give my best wishes to your parents. 考查祝愿,答案A。6. I got a bad cold. 考查安慰,答案B。第二节 (每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确

7、答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。中#国教%育出&版网7. A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A writer.w*ww.zz&8. A. Max. B. Jenny. C. Tommy.9. A. Great. B. Fresh. C. Boring.来源:中%&#教网10. A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.11. A. Tea. B. Coffee. C. Water.12. A. Because theyre kind. B. Because theyre cute. C. Because theyre ugly.【解析】

8、听力材料7. W: I want to be a doctor when I grow up. What about you, Allan?M: Me, too.Q: What does Allan want to be when he grows up? 答案A。8. M: Jenny, you look different now.W: Yes, Tony. I used to be heavy, but now I am thinner.Q: Who used to be heavy? 答案B。9. W: How was your trip to Kunming, Bob?M: It w

9、as great. The air there was really fresh.Q: How was Bobs trip to Kunming? 答案A。来源%:*中#国教育出版网10. M: Lucy, which season do you like best? W: I like summer best because I can have swimming classes.来源:zzstep&.co%#m Q: Which season does Lucy like best? 答案B。来源:zzste*#11. W: Tom, would you like to drink tea

10、 or coffee? M: Neither. Just water, please.来源:学。科。网 Q: What would Tom like to drink? 答案C。来源:zzstep.c%&#om12. M: Gina, do you like pandas? W: Yes, they are very cute. Q: Why does Gina like pandas? 答案B。第三节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。13. When did

11、Steve give the card to his father? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Monday. C. Last Tuesday.14. What did Steve write on the card? A. I need you. B. I miss you. C. I love you.【解析】听力材料M: Hi, Mary!W: Hi, Steve! How was your weekend?M: Good. You know, it was Fathers Day last Sunday. 答案A。W: What did you do for yo

12、ur father?M: I made a card and gave it to him.W: Wow, your father must be very happy.M: Yes, he was moved. I wrote “I love you” on the card. 答案C。W: Yeah, I said “I love you” to my father. He felt happy, too.来源:zzstep.%com& 听第二段材料,回答第15和16小题。15. What does Frank usually do in his free time?w*ww.% A. H

13、e uses the Internet. B. He listens to music. C. He watches movies.16. How does rock music make Kate feel? A. Bored. B. Worried. C. Excited.【解析】听力材料W: What do you usually do in your free time, Frank?M: I usually listen to music at home. 答案B。W: Really? What kind of music do you like?M: Pop music.来#源:&

14、中教网%W: Have you heard You Raise Me Up?M: Of course. It sounds really moving. What about you, Kate?W: I like rock music.M: Wow, such a quiet girl like you enjoys rock music.W: It always makes me feel excited. 答案C。第四节 (每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. The show will b

15、egin at _ this morning.A. 10:00 B. 10:30 C. 11:00来%&源#:中教网18. There is a supermarket on the _ floor.A. first B. second C. Third19. We can buy _ on the third and the fourth floors.A. mens clothes B. womens clothes C. shoes and bags20. On the sixth floor, there is a(n) _.A. picture B. telephone C. Off

16、ice【解析】听力材料Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our shopping center. I hope all of you can have a happy time here. Good news for you. There will be a show at half past ten this morning at the gate of our center. 答案B。Then Id like to introduce something about our floors. There are six floors

17、 in our center. On the first floor, there is a supermarket. 答案A。We prepare different kinds of foods there. On the second floor, we have shoes and bags. On the third and the fourth floors, you can buy womens clothes in different colors and sizes. 答案B。Mens clothes are on the fifth floor. Today, we hav

18、e a big sale. Most of them are between 20 percent and 80 percent off. If you need any help, please come to our office on the sixth floor. 答案C。Enjoy your shopping. Have a nice day. Thank you!II. 单项选择。 (每小题1分,共18分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. There is _ tall man in front of the zo

19、o gate.来源:中#国教育出版*网% A. a B. an C. the D. /【解析】考查冠词用法。There be句型后不能接特指的事物,只能是泛指,故排除C和D,再由tall得答案A。22. We Chinese people are proud of _ country. A. we B. us C. our D. ours【解析】考查代词用法。根据country应该是一个修饰词,那只能是形容词物主代词才能修饰名词,而A作主语,B作宾语,D单独使用,故答案是C。23. In the past few years, many schools _ the ways of doing

20、morning exercises.中*国教育出版网# A. change B. changes C. will change D. have changed【解析】考查时态辨析。根据时间状语in the past few years最近几年知道用现在完成时,故答案是D,其它不符合句意。24. - Judy, I will have a meeting in Canada next week.中#国教育出版网&% - Well, youd better take a _ with you, or you may easily get lost. A. photo B. stamp C. map

21、 D. postcard【解析】考查名词辨析。根据答语中的get lost迷路,你应该带上地图才能达到目的,A是照片,B是邮票,D是明信片均不能解决迷路,故答案是C。25. - Do you have any plans for the coming vacation? - Sure. We decide _ Sansha in July. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit【解析】考查非谓语形式,根据关键词decide后接带to不动词不定式,故只能选D。26. - May I take the dog with me, sir? - _.

22、Pets are not allowed to enter the hall.中国&教育*%出版网 A. Yes, you may B. No, you mustnt C. Yes, you can D. No, you neednt【解析】考查情态动词用法。根据答语不被允许知道应该是否定,排除A和C,由语境是不行,是禁止,而不是不必,可选择性的,故答案是B。27. This picture _by my cousin last year. A. draws B. drew C. is drawn D. was drawn【解析】考查语态。根据by sb被某人知道用被动语态,或者picture

23、是物自身不能发出动作也知道是被动语态,排除A和B,再由last表过去时,故答案是D。28. Well have to say goodbye, my dear friends! But I will _ forget the days we spent together. A. always B. often C. never D. usually【解析】考查副词辨析。句意:我不得不说再见了,但是我将永远不会忘记我们在一起的日子。根据关键词But转折,应该是一个表否定的词,A、B和D均是肯定意义的,故答案是C。29. _ May 5th, 2017, the C919 took off suc

24、cessfully for the first time at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. A. On B. In C. At D. Of【解析】考查介词用法。根据May 5sth是具体的某日前用介词on,B用在月、年或固定搭配中,C用在具体的点钟前或固定搭配中,D用在某个范围内,故答案是A。30. The physics problem is too hard, so _ students can work it out. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。根据关键词stud

25、ents可数名词,排除A和C修饰不可数,再由too hard知道回答的人很少,表示否定意义,而D表示肯定意义,因此答案是B。31. Today is Jacks birthday. He is _ years old now. A. fourteenth B. fourteen C. the fourteenth D. the fourteen【解析】考查数词与序数词用法。根据years年龄是复数形式,那么应该用基数词修饰,排除序数词A和C,同时基数词通常无冠词修饰,故答案是B。来源%#:中教网&32. There are so many fish swimming in the pool.

26、They _ very happy. A. taste B. smell C. sound D. look【解析】考查系动词辨析。根据前面句意:池中有许多鱼在游,那么当然是看起来,A是尝起来,B是嗅起来,C是听起来均不符合句意。来源#:中国教育&出版*网%33. No one can be right all the time. When people make mistakes, we shouldnt _ them. A. wait for B. send for C. knock at D. laugh at【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:人们犯错时,我们不应嘲笑他们。A是等待某人,C派

27、遣某人,D是敲打某人或物,D是嘲笑某人,因此答案是D。34. Jane has become much _ than before. She can express herself in public now. A. brave B. braver B. lazy D. lazier【解析】考查形容词的级。根据关键词than知道使用比较级,排除A和C,再由句意在公共场合表达自己,应该是更勇敢才符合句意,而D更懒惰不符合。35. - _ will you finish writing the review of the Indian movie Dangal? - In two days. A.

28、 How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long【解析】考查疑问词辨析。根据答语in+段时间的疑问词用how soon,而A是距离,B是频率,D是for+段时间。中%国教育出版*网36. As soon as the rain _, they will go out to pick apples. A. stops B. stopped C. will stop D. is stopping【解析】考查时态用法。根据关键词as soon as引导时间状语,主句是将来时,那么从句用一般现在时,故答案是A。37. - Excuse me, could yo

29、u please tell me _ the Science Museum?来&%源:#中教网 - Sure. Go along the street and turn left. Its next to Bank of China.A. when I can get to B. when can I get to C. how I can get to D. how can I get to【解析】考查宾语从句。根据宾语从句的语序是陈述句,排除B和D,再根据答语是告诉某人如何走而不是时间,故答案是C不是A。38. - Its a long time since we met last yea

30、r, Alice. Hows it going? - _. Many thanks. A. Pretty good B. The same to you C. It doesnt matter D. Help yourself来源:#*中教网%【解析】考查情景交际。根据Hows it going? 询问情况如何?答语应该是好、坏或者一般,而B是与你情况一样时的回答,C是没关系,主要用于对道歉的回答,D是随便,是主人家对客人所说。来源&:中*国教育出版网#III. 完形填空。 (每小题1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对

31、应题目的答案标号涂黑。 An old woman lost her only son. The sad woman went to a clever man and asked, “Is there any way I can throw away my 39 ?” The clever man said to her, “Go and bring 40 a seed (种子) from a home that has never known sadness. I will 41 it to drive the sadness out of your life.” The woman went

32、 off at once to look 42 that magical seed. First, she came to a beautiful house, knocked at the door, and asked 43 , “Excuse me, I am looking for a home that has never known sadness. Is this such a place? It is very important to me.”They told her, “Youve certainly come to the 44 place,” and began to

33、 describe all the sad things that had recently happened to them.ww*w.zz# The woman said to herself, “Who is able to 45 these people that have had such sadness like me?” She stayed to cheer them up 46 she went on looking for a home that had never known sadness. But wherever she went, whether in the h

34、omes of the poor or the rich, she found one sad 47 after another. She became so busy helping other people that she 48 about looking for a seed that would magically end her own sadness. She even never realized that her helping others had driven the sadness out of her life.39. A. happiness B. kindness

35、 C. sadness D. illness40. A. me B. you C. her D. him41. A. push B. use C. lend D. lose42. A. at B. up C. for D. after43. A. politely B. happily C. proudly D. angrily中&国教育%出版网44. A. right B. wrong C. clean D. dirty45. A. catch B. order C. hide D. help46. A. before B. after C. when D. while来源*:#%中&教网4

36、7. A. man B. woman C. story D. trip48. A. knew B. worried C. thought D. forgot【短文大意】介绍一位失去儿子的妇人,寻找不让她伤心的种子的故事。39.【解析】考查名词。根据前一句的sad woman,当然应该是扔掉伤心。也可以从第二段多处的sadness提示可知答案是C。40.【解析】考查代词。根据后面一句中的I will 知道应该是给我带来一粒种子,而不是别人,答案是A。来#源:中国教育出版网&41.【解析】考查动词。用那粒种子来排除你的伤心,故答案是B。42.【解析】考查介词。根据41题,那位妇人马上去寻找这样的种


38、】考查名词。根据前句意思不管她去到哪儿,她都发觉是一件伤心事接着一件发生,不可能完全有无忧的事,故答案是C,D是旅程,A和B是人。48.【解析】考查动词。由于忙着去帮助别人了,结果把自己的事却忘记了,故答案是D。IV. 阅读理解。 (每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A Have you ever imagined going to other countries without your paper passport? That will soon come true. And your paper passpo

39、rt will become history. You may use a new kind of passport called “cloud passport” in the future. Its reported that Australia will be the first country to use the cloud passport. With the cloud passport, you dont have to take a paper passport with you all the time. The cloud passport will have your

40、name, photos and other information. And if you go to other countries, you can just check the information on the computer. When you take a paper passport with you, you might lose it. But with the cloud passport, you dont have to worry about that.w#ww.zz& Do you think the cloud passport it a great ide

41、a? Perhaps you will have it in the future, too.49. You may use a new kind of passport called “_passport” in the future. A. cloud B. paper C. history D. photo50. Its reported that _ will be the first country to use the new kind of passport. A. China B. Australia C. America D. England51. If you have t

42、he cloud passport, _. A. you can take it with you easily B. you neednt worry about losing it C. you can go to Australia freely D. you neednt go to other countries【短文大意】本文介绍“云护照”这一新事物比纸护照给人们带来的好处。中国%*教育出版网49.【解析】细节题。根据文章第一段的最后句话:You may use a new kind of passport called “cloud passport” in the future

43、.知道答案是A。来源:中教*网&%50.【解析】细节题。根据文章第二段的第一句话:Its reported that Australia will be the first country to use the cloud passport.得到答案B。51.【解析】推理判断题。根据文章第三段的with the cloud passport, you dont have to worry about that.知道拥有云护照就不必担心丢失了,故答案是B。B中#国教育*出%版网52. The readers share their ideas by writing a(n) _. A. e-mail B. poem C. note D. report来源&:中教%网53. _ thinks home is the best place to read books.来源&*:#中教网A. Rose B. Emma C. Dick D. Bill54. Dick enjoys reading in t


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