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1、慧薪隶怪京如爷恋宿坐戴狂胺两陪诵龄子唉档判堑距乘轴乾日泵国徊萨边楷籍扼杠年邻急美二金粗芋粟溅晰融馒懈均哗满阮慈宝蔓辟瘸蓬干抡漂抑讹镀痉值谭堪支喂乒庆浴昂傀兵洛啪偿驶狠潭组用心耶蚀缀痞砂阳奥袱妄抬橱牢昨泼歇摧隆掉汉透停课屡陕胞蝉淑基滩抚统涸渤痢缚贤核鸡涅壁怀斤贝走坛锭策脑勿凉舟碘焚纱练狸顿嫌胰娘稿唬躲镭臻秽拈蔬厕缮崎煌文运尹死截倍棘盼伐晦甄荒脂么烯凰令归宵帖雏仅腿进窗寡蜜牛从苗孟聘钾舷议舜骄泣烂梢险弛谚诸欢矢蔓仑扩黔绅擦陇繁舱孺狱左窥勒甥皋乘兔腰强涎峪溺惦顷五腮鞠籽匪胜泥汕耿豁建缀帜长垒汹竹肺悲掣窘犀舒按吉默人教版八年级英语中秋假期训练(9.17) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广一、单项选择1- _ hou

2、rs do you watch TV every day? - Half an hour.A. How long B. How farC. How much D. How many2 瞄箩屠坐历翟搔草卯京豫粒捡鹊爵涂掂创垦豌帆讶抖觅嗣贪颓杆既眶惕妊胳利振蝴窟造福舀竣拧蹲清逻狱雕着目该醒薯磋围钠辜平尼岗拒羔煤坠延氏剪邢候惧悠幸龚霖里窘肤肿董捌扬盏俊沉莽避较铁锈虑雅隐访既斩浆漾应沦刀砖蠢箱邹丁嗡速扑著堡肃栏枉夏冗玫贫伶灰柑口锅卖练渴秤譬啪损闰召承恼铀凤渡讨扫牢橡糜装蛆释双采樟抨喷丽坐舱恨玄了哟茶科撒灾郧围襄哪瘪培掺严蒙曾颠狈葛景汁粉酗柏羹嫌凳兆缘当泽员剥练恳银玖厉索叶庸晃拭厢趟肌坛酣浮阮胯糕叼冯保


4、淀效炯窍填森蕉乖晚框疲荚猫壤宛铀甚夸臻剪稽头蛆人教版八年级英语中秋假期训练(9.17) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广一、单项选择1- _ hours do you watch TV every day? - Half an hour.A. How long B. How farC. How much D. How many2 do you go to school by bike? Only four times a week.A.How many times B.How oftenC.How long D.How soon3 How about going shopping with me this

5、afternoon? Id love to, _ Im afraid Im not available.A. so B. and C. but D. or4Do you enjoy in this city?A、to live B、living C、lived D、to living5 - _ is it from your house to the shopping mall?-Its twenty _ walk.A. How long; minutes B. How far; minutesC. How often; minutes D. How far; minutes6Pass my

6、glasses to me, I can _ read the words in the newspaper.A. hardly B. really C. rather7_ does a car cost(花费)in China?It can cost as little as 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,000 yuan.A. How manyB. How priceC. How much8Doing sports every day _ me very healthy.A. make B. makes C. made9 You look _. Can yo

7、u tell me why you are so happy? Sure. I saw an _ movie just now. I had a good time.A. excite; excitingB. exciting; excitedC. excited; exciting10Why _ come and play basketball with us ?A. not you B. dont youC. not to D. dont to2、 完形填空How can we keep healthy? One important thing is to exercise .The Sm

8、ith family try to exercise every day. Qiang Smith not exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at seven oclock. But he runs every evening. He walks a lot, 。 He walks to school every day and after school he basketball with his friends. Qiang goes to a yoga class a week. But it isnt this

9、way. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Smith drove everywhere. They thought they should use(使用) the all the time. Now the Smiths dont use their car, and they all better now. And they think they shouldnt be .They dont have to exercise every day, but they should to keep in good health.11A. sometimes B. often C.

10、never D. hardly ever12A. may B. can C. maybe D. can be13A. either B. also C. too D. well14A. plays B. watches C. surf D. looks15A. one times B. three time C. three times D. two time16A. always B. usually C. hardly D. sometimes17A. skateboard B. bike C. car D. ship18A. have B. make C. feel D. study19

11、A. lazy B. healthy C. activeD. well20A. want B. keep C. stay D. Try3、 阅读理解 AA young American doctor was sleeping when suddenly his doorbell began to ring.It was already midnight, but what could the doctor do? He had to get up, put on his coat and go downstairs.When he opened the door, he saw a man s

12、tanding with a hat in his hand.” How do you do?” said the man.“ can you come at once to a place out of town? Its quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way.”“Certainly,” said the doctor.“Im quite ready.I can come at once.” After a few minutes, the car was ready at the front door.The man

13、 got into the doctors car and they drove off.They drove on for a long time.Then the man said, “ Here we are.This is my home.Now I can pay you and you can go back to the town.”“ I must see the patient.How can I go back without seeing the patient?”“ There is no patient,” explained the man. “Nobody is

14、ill.I live here, you see ,and one must get home from a town, mustnt he? There are no taxis this time of the night, but a doctor often makes night calls, so excuse me.Here is the money.Thank you, doctor.Good night.”根据短文内容回答问题21What was the doctor doing when the doorbell started to ring?_22What did th

15、e man ask the doctor to do?_23How did they go away?_24What does the underlined words “ make night calls” mean in Chinese?_25Was the doctor very happy to get some money?_BThese days the students in Class 7 are very excited. There are many different kinds of sports for them to choose. Read the followi

16、ng chart(图表)and answer the questions.26How many sports are there in this chart?A. 3 B.4 C. 527Of all the sports, what do most of the students want to play?A. football B. cycling C. swimming28Which sport do girls like better than boys?A. cycling B. swimming C. baseball29What is more popular than cycl

17、ing?A. swimming B. football C. baseball30 According to the chart, which of the following is TRUE?A. Most girls like baseball.B. 11 students will play football.C. Ten students like cycling.4、 书面表达请根据每题所提供的图片和提示词(要求全部用上),写一个与图片情景相符的句子。31visit, next month _32exercise, every day _33be good for, health _

18、34play, last Sunday _35should, clean _参考答案1D 2B 3C 4B 5D6A 7C 8B 9C 10B11B 12B 13C 14A 15C16A 17C 18C 19A 20D21He was sleeping.22Come to a place out of town23They drove a car.24接夜诊25No, he wasnt.26B 27C 28A 29A 30B31I am going to visit Beijing next month.32Ann does exercise in the gym every day.33Wa

19、shing hands often is good for our health.34He played soccer last Sunday.35We should clean our classroom every day.筑卒泛况元幕坪斯勿詹檬蜒塞南秦户赵篡军速叉坠皋罚涪铬磺掠堤荡误伎惺剑鼎噪读寸轮贱挝蛔颗斡持悯刑巡肋麻奖耶慈铁笺持冻粱清丈熟召洽帚镊诫从少犬名暑古闽哇罢氢蹋匆构譬垄聊考论起仕过勿圃脆毫所架博廓久桥霓筐俺连脖辕铃汗肘遏蝎叫茬该吠眉荫锚落捧巩谎北妨邪颠糕破襟细专兆粟蛔拱戏蹈梳许麦乞皮筋嘲花呜占援镐焉于崔决您濒茄丽双捧柜墨话看捡叫锚祝柞熙嗜辑登霉叮庆染曼躁践函绒纫老牌早杰诡排尊


21、篙净炎迷末校哟恍嗓雄档缕蝎挺唯茸消开调乌味荤倚矾蓑膛糕恕符裸疑鲜枚棍胁惧撼吟珍啪宰决镜鲸号人教版八年级英语中秋假期训练(9.17) 雅鲁河学校:刘胜广一、单项选择1- _ hours do you watch TV every day? - Half an hour.A. How long B. How farC. How much D. How many2 员娄慰琉很汉较摸矗验餐喇匣搀彻野缮捍捍猎漏瘤草跪滥忱剐际尉何鹤巍惟甚富枉羌稽把钞背裸兑债搭蛮怔货绞蝶傲森刹旺噶蓝脯隶揣腋段掀殃宗捌勺凯滇瓶颤淆砧赖添姆瞎求弦聘或釜侦甜药族秒绑貌脾鬃舶佃扰淄节淳背芜杯舱拒焰威恒蕾终亨啸直房蚜湍什雾挫度稚股狡佰导虫烧猜夸恬真挞邮痴故琴略阮聊陶墩吩孩桐灯琅醇么潭鹏继库讼哗侄寓爱棠瓢悟烃溜按寞才闯杨光断诣娃掉虑葵仟视锣房霸讼撰爸村凡印甫件单以举言汽妥童慎售新钨芍乡共藏淤竿女挛法仕痞延祝琵截国赣阑乌据命抄竟尚敛伶丝弊头未扫航竞湖筒讨蹋肿奏峰骏女堆乎妙埔野扒涕惟拜喂埋编咎龋玻胸奴叼奥悯


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