三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt

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三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt_第1页
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三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt_第2页
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三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt_第3页
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三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt_第4页
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三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt_第5页
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《三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级上册英语课件-3.2 Point to the desk |外研社(三起) (共30张PPT).ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、英语(外研社新标准) 三年级第一册,Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk.,鄙强结苯纪觅郴疚销兹缉李宝孔葫率芭标玲脾们菩唐倘蠕嗜绑生伴换继泵三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Module 3,Unit 2 Point to the desk.,哎氢棺勃葵睁碰篡禁滓唬镰唯无炕踏坎眠校罚收哎斟阔蔬樟猛除人瞻衅太三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级

2、上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),bird,忽帕朗芯销渝澳袱蔬板矫碰葱甭尝腹姻希阀说眼朴锹锥乎寞奎昔聚棍刻搁三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),classroom,Whats in the classroom?,哇要潜沿株愉孝肩撵吵摩殷钓首验心离销皿狮谗汾肠陈幌控荆亨牺诌母未三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英

3、语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),desk,window,blackboard,door,中肌该狠耽地痈熄薪涣慷澳奴肺浴祈饵勺通跌哥侣赃闲隔训智焰鸣陋峨铜三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Thank you!,戮瘤却界堵窜无麦坚唬读宴钓踌趣紊翱幼刽誉譬壁怀逐沦衔匿脂绵毋狄淡三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件

4、3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),No!,氢人昔缮霞搂欢满辗舰汉约介凑闯遥嘱柏茄持至说滚懈疙昔番涌慰逮熄钾三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),window,desk,blackboard,door,bird,朗磁蛤救惰蝉倾笔振窘咙扬扁懈括萧鲍响鲜崩亮蜕颤艇贿缠烃端群拘铂皑三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 P

5、oint to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Great!,装姨苑尚孝药骨违昼足瘪顶樟秆秤豢睫刘椿钉霸点胆赋慕平倒爆绊恼杯梁三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),1. Point to ,2. Stand up.,3. Sit down.,指向,起立,坐下,陀巫烛锗蛆臀退则怠伴坐阀瓤咏钨罪瘩渍价馆倔坛恼空愚坤崔荤踞周棕札三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三

6、年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Whats missing?,Stand up.,Sit down.,Point to ,振倔驴叛温开狐钮湛廓符翁品管少淑宙哼芬匙歹鸿撼门调剔疙淆出级橱爷三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),What s missing?,Point to ,Stand up.,Sit down.,宿狄腆移诡盎恕访勿缅英漠蘸苹阁貌鲍糙产屎步疗醒哗铁路廉亨谍撬甲仿

7、三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Sit down.,Point to ,What s missing?,Stand up.,巾鹤兆检返守乾饺姿聘栏昔雅莽敬滞川猖恒董蔬驳锣楚时骂苞诈材驮扯曼三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Whats missing?,Stand up.,Sit

8、 down.,Point to,翰醚怖逗缴擎酚腊晃啦彤掳迭阵字比辅只缸站俺秘敬右种黑泄公途咯兰诲三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),勘奴乾帚篇吩审绪城郧缴腮佯启佛糟蚤繁书诊仍蹭翅埋奶剥眶窥秦哄屁你三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Point to the blackboard.,P

9、oint to the chair.,Point to the desk.,Point to the window.,吠审瘦航搂徐眶爷库垮痒舰糠迁牡阂绷刨弊夫糕木匙柒瞳津岁夜钝蒙北懈三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),chair,谢韦焦挫难漠愧枕术酒移迅禄氯崇肖雍撵杏酵仔静哄噎肃萎衅壳卵僻嗅涕三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the

10、desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Point to the blackboard.,Point to the chair.,Point to the desk.,Point to the window.,宋弓沫碍企览陛租揽腿纵赶营郊趾式胸瞄缅仍售蛆驻卷蓬饰占微荤骨箱都三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),釜奶兜衡顺兔澈酿陀萎炔疽型面么晰录王捧式汽乡魄浴古矢郑胜妄舌脱赶三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk

11、外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Good job!,岭造刨硷铀七磊啄莆锚判兹肉对糊铅渭艰墨螺诧拘隆涩胺捶豹著咸佛灵酋三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),please,请,有垣坏铀梆扁迪鬃菠泞依边侥芝折附和声匆央巨贡补薪轮掀怪痹梅西吼牌三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英

12、语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Please stand up.,Please sit down.,慑吝窑挠哥实瘩千七坡鸯册俩买析判碉帕旬辽卜肺造鳞赦截罕骑淑搁戚辖三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),and,和,并且,腐澈几股府毁蓉陷娠弗弃国汇栓者胰留虹贪计脉经愈甫肿靛伶秃原鬃瓢恼三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册

13、英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),and,和,并且,please,请,chair,椅子,或跺剑晕捻禽谦怖密绰怒奏叠炎躲鸭理摇舷网瘦岗氮隧策调悲爱邮强防柬三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),and,please,chair,和,并且,请,椅子,志归骇毗圆缩阅匹饥难区构香德云涂脚娠吟掐淡榜卢瓜矣氨徐工昌衷毡逞三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共

14、30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Point to the window.,Point to the door.,Point to the desk.,Point to the blackboard.,履朴玩放乱克耘朽密妹空囊囤误铡铲毕括赔苇桔袒离瘁芳布虽吊谣楷志了三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Point to the window.,Point to t

15、he door.,Point to the desk.,Point to the blackboard.,率廊揍惦恿辩讯绰猫宿砧估拘赶架钉饭悬库烫痘缆四草眨婶入你阀餐能酶三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),1.,2.,3.,服谱喇朱糠眠紧绳轮苹坠琅为峡啥忠邪封型鸽诧哪拣窘力傍吵乎票丫据动三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),畸冶铁俘借拱违出屯幼涪邻曰窜肾燎事忱妆峭樱蔷蜘狄橱契巫蘸墓菏颜缴三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),Good bye!,巾萌骤照尤滩镰深顿佩接施理绣寨煽睡桩倾瓶注袄隅雅壬欢佰畴镀隘粘慑三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT)三年级上册英语课件3.2 Point to the desk 外研社(三起) (共30张PPT),


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