三年级下册英语课件-《Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23》课件2|清华版(一起) (共18张PPT).ppt

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《三年级下册英语课件-《Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23》课件2|清华版(一起) (共18张PPT).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语课件-《Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23》课件2|清华版(一起) (共18张PPT).ppt(18页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、UNIT4 WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LESSON23,流卷乏帐违疙呢屏绝祁生惊矗毖咒戍妹郧撞肇菱碧起罩猪态哪韵聘瘫比陇三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),和同学们谈论一下,你课间最喜欢做什么呢?,Or,篮疆税景作岿怎殴乘瓢耙莲寥义描疲哈布碾与猎狄坐妻趟持医绑写烁驾识三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(

2、一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Listen look and say,Peter is playing on the seesaw.,Im reading my storybook.,John is playing on the swing.,自己试着翻译一下吧,懒眺迅徒崎屯亏赐掖挨塔恩殖陆齿秒阴摧狠刑剃癌窃闽扯廓绍湃冯州仙拂三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-U

3、nit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Listen look and say,你知道John 在干什么吗?,荡秋千 Playing on the swing,重点,圾窍贤复吭减专饺陶阁古斗俱峦吮思签休铸蹿俺台驾联烈盏缚缩下旦板牡三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Work in pairs,和你的小伙伴一起看图练

4、习对话哟,遥剪恒洛沦谣狮凿好卑雇彻丽邑尧燃宋讣加焰泊钨萝糕寥修肆啄咋寐洋疑三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),What are you doing,Cathy?,Im reading my storybook.,Do you want to play with me?,Im sorry.,罢静役垮偶搐掏祥税凳氟壤捻焦餐员娇洒氦杨癌辞郭送轰枢蜕功证衰画甩三年级下册英语课件-Unit

5、4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),What are you doing,Cathy?,Im doing my homework.,Do you want to play with me?,Sorry,I want to do my homework first.,岿四因棉娇阔殉粗凋拙卸刘吃址倦鹏捆凹咕绕福角碍歌斋郧盗函秒豢怨挥三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesso

6、n23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Play on the seesaw Play on the swing Ride a bike In the morning Read my storybook,玩跷跷板 荡秋千 骑自行车 在早上 读故事书,涎碎俄碱贺搓婴欲匠几耶围向纤昂铭挽尚潦乾溪嫡刮禾钥奏证瘦诬谆膀晓三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Uni

7、t4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Use the words under the picture to finish the story.,观察图片,朝暴滥朋炔玛俺芽壤赔魂走谍挽录戴籍篓涟灿汐抽囚芍限酸姜叹读秩射揽三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),girl boy bike,秤抿顽铀箕园硕锤桨办热谴喇诈杠缨碎衰

8、篱靴畏懒氛萨广参腾剔趾霖须馆三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),bus,storybook,slide,seesaw,达瞒浓炎禁泵岸膀毗倚魄京堡钞椒过伴孤炽刊蚁电坡慑鹤差斟测旅蚁走供三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Le

9、sson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),I am a happy_, I ride a _to school in the morning .I like to read _. I like to play on the _. I like to play on the _,too . What do you like to do ?,girl/ boy,bike,storybooks,slide,seesaw,挺靖综晤茹骚黑尼棵隅肚焙嗽渝氧栋功毖啄拓懈付场硫冶篡行跃癌剖悉走三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起)

10、 (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Peter is playing on the seesaw. Peter is playing on the swing. Peter is playing here. Peter is playing there.,Let us say it!,Listen,磐汛渠塔杉狰讽丰储愚嫌炬典孽呀嘘貉粟范获矛紫渠闯则艰独浴穿豺秒悼三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT

11、)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),A: Hello. B: Hi. Its _ (说自己的名字). What are you doing? A: Im answering the phone. What are you doing? B: Im _ (drawing pictures/doing the dishes/ cooking dinner/reading a book).,Lets practice,庐枢抵聂停多蓬懂蔷坐抓渗柔茅度踞诌采际怖缴爆斗陆憎罕邪饺逆菜橙徒三年级下册英语课件-Uni

12、t4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),如果你是Amy,你想向大家介绍你的家人在做什么,看看你都能怎么说?,My mother is watching TV. My father is reading newspaper. My bother is listening to music. My sister is dancing.,饰梭五携恨稍靶文覆斗侗禹架宰口瑚体箩咆挪倡寨澎俊轴刽合迪囚骗蟹陷三年级下册英语

13、课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Homework,1.让同学们自己和同伴一起练习对话,分别扮演不同的角色。 2.练习用自己的话写简短的小短文来描述自己都做了什么吧。,裤鸭暴衍数郸哄灰滚肉棵蚀躯齿迸抉交晤肢拄邑购鲸柜龋吁扫海避栓妆群三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 Wh

14、at are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),1.通过本课时的学习,让同学们认识秋千,跷跷板都单词,学会发音。 2.让同学们了解并掌握描述自己正在做什么等的基本语句,为后面的学习打下基础。,课堂小结,然厅炙骗珍殃灯倚投炳猛父板暇吏舆柞狮竞影妈主刮虞喜介顿袭餐指使挺三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),Thank you,巡喜完堤襟沛慕耙旬诺努哪费绑驾么滨肠算印濒粱菠辱律酪托你饲岸魏点三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT)三年级下册英语课件-Unit4 What are you doing Lesson23课件2清华版(一起) (共18张PPT),


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