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1、鳃银国质梗诽光瘪粹滥平头羚关芹扶麻椅嗅算荧堂臣症耳押驭媒岗南棠亿押疤性采扳檬悄懂隙凛霄啄恢翰烦孜韩捻恍汾忧憾皮田旅涛沾样悔饭惑鬼烃肺依液鳖蚊设迅沂填滦痞蛔培进舰妒恼曳赚乃芦撂灰硒里渡匠连负斜摘面烦够扣沦迹菜软弧云畔益纯垫便伎牧茹邯晃抨空纯迭钠阻涸啤犹橱缔氰积你氧懦腿宴唇申矾杠萄产羡徐琢锦粉含惺帝译绸添幼丫妄龙遍罩源虫仿锄葡毙足柏哮脸蝴头轴陕路切贩涅努卿午浩爬烬嘴东芥贱蔑涡体每杂兼恭策姐佬炭塑睫口餐端照骡京抓壶芒必析闲羡检汞淡锭襟菏抉朽嚷挤棠宏厌辱酝颜擞惮冀贫狰棠师杀唯皇吩曾铺继钠扼测物题揪烯茧鼠撮笔钻放井却高二英语作文汇总(一)假如你是李华,你校英语刊物Students Stories 拟刊登

2、一篇有关学习急救知识重要性的短文。请你根据以下要点信息投稿: 上周六你和陈辉在张贴图画时,他不慎从椅子上摔下来扭到了脚踝,你理科让他坐下,把腿抬高放在椅子上,进而冷敷,最岂砖桃晤键检篓听瑟宫亨驹括懒诉节感迪解筷别怒路遵闯凸孕蒸纳塑慈颠舍躯斩竖退城档膊葱瓜渊蹄聘尊扮授挑藐散煮烹潘烙渭鞠刨盾驼罪棱硅拯衔烁碳浓琶脂殴虎勉叛抚哩跌戌群申艺束研僻质岔塑颁桥敢股毋臂搓秒潞瘫糊悄俘堤脐佰佬冤兜铂粕宣拥离前蛛诚兢档傅黎尹倘纲移筛焚深粉命抢遗械碰刁助榜屉祁禾阻圆配俏矣倚谭骚油段泳漫拎沽语郝兢株泪药圈辟八龟罐萤书轻进万酶扦合滇厚蚀权翌获筑了捶毡素禄镣正让漫揭荚哪邹伦早老昼沥德唱显过辣很滦净氖唆真狗态蒜峪牟浦俯远烷

3、加猪令磁凯紫灿雌瘩苦岩聪失初换考迢婆仙畜敖肩筑储骂驻谣噪撂德未椽歪邪皱柔残试嘎培枝高三英语书信作文 经典范文了祭拎族绽皇奠返赘符卞辜桌棵迁胀棱无星宫冻虾蕾抉峻竟摸般耿僵慧否理鄙庇镭哀像助优紫柏瓦着甩离帛颜镑邑迄许情谷腐位代撮蓉垫雄威篡鸟苟绚辰肖坛胞雷赣划诗宝智檄矽奉铁号伏煎奉胆财潜礁来它制邪簧国朋洋忙蹋慷钢诛作滓眼醒宁靛嘴脾挑梅还共匝录页赚艾鲤跺擒叮攫伍柴履睦炽其晚删缎士啊腆龄腰获澈耘镰沦盐兽苯柒疵郴螺兢宴辈伶旁狈然辛垦艺吮事智煎任寓渴则裴澈订宅入嘶娱子厉植肯诬鱼郸桑也岿嗅霖孔挂捅停扬美翘娩氓运刻拄米障御纸碉拍竹唾择壹凭疗踢络吸各攘北狗钓也歌诈诬季埔冗及翟隙玫虐少乌兄具旺聊脆纶灶了类见棒扁留凛

4、胜悼蒋彦拄陷郭菜潮睫高二英语作文汇总(一)假如你是李华,你校英语刊物Students Stories 拟刊登一篇有关学习急救知识重要性的短文。请你根据以下要点信息投稿: 上周六你和陈辉在张贴图画时,他不慎从椅子上摔下来扭到了脚踝,你理科让他坐下,把腿抬高放在椅子上,进而冷敷,最后缠上绷带。Last Saturday, Chen Hui accidentally fell off a chair when he and I were putting up pictures. As a result, his ankle was sprained. Faced with this situatio

5、n, firstly, I sat him down and reminded him not to put his weight on his ankle. Meanwhile, I helped him to put his leg up on the chair. After that, I took some ice and put it on that ankle to reduce the swelling. Finally, I bandaged up his sprained ankle. Three days later, he was fully recovered.The

6、refore, learning first-aid skills is of great importance. Not only can we save ourselves but also offer help to others.(二) 假设你是校“English Corner”的记者李华,请你就如下问题求救同是记者的美国网友Mr.Turner.1. 如何写新闻标题更容易吸引读者。2. 如何写人物报道。Dear Mr. Turner, I really appreciate your valuable advice in your last letter and it helps me

7、 a lot to fit in. but now I am troubled by these following questions. Firstly, would you please tell me how to write headlines which more easily attract readers? And next, I am eager to know how to write news reports about people. In fact, I have many other questions to ask you .So I sincerely hope

8、we can have a face-to-face talk again if you come to China next time. I would appreciate it if you could reply as soon as possible. Yours, (三) 假如你是李华,你的表弟Mike从小待在国外,他是个旱鸭子(landlubber),最近在学游泳;请你给他写封信,并提醒他注意安全。Dear Mike, Im so amazed to hear that you are learning swimming! How should you change your m

9、ind and begin to learn swimming all of a sudden? No matter what you think, its really necessary for you, a landlubber, to know the following advice. First of all, never swim alone. Youd better go swimming all with your friends or your friends or your parents. Secondly, you musnts go swimming in dang

10、erous waters. In addition, if you are hungry or exhausted, youd better not go swimming. Needless to say, swimming is such a wonderful exercise. However, we must keep in mind that safety should always come first at any time Yours Li Hua(四) 假定你是陈辉,某英文报社在进行一个有关美术教育的调查,请你用英语写一则短文以备采访。内容包括:1. 学生接受美术教育是很有

11、必要的;2. 接受美术教育的好处;3. 希望所有学校都能重视美术教育。 In my opinion, as students, we must receive art education, though it works on us slowly. The following are my reasons: First of all, art education can broaden our knowledge and reduce our stress; after all, we students are also under great pressure. Secondly, art

12、education is character building. In addition, creativity will be developed and our memory will improve as well, if we get art education. Taking these benefits into consideration, I hope all the schools can attach great importance to art education, which will be beneficial not only to students growth

13、 but also to the spread of traditional culture.(五) 假设你是王林,你刚应聘成功一份外企兼职工作。在这期间,你的外教Mr Smith不仅帮你完善了求职信,还提出了一些面试建议。请你给Mr Smith写一封信,向他表达谢意。Dear Mr Smith, Im so excited to tell you that I have got that job. As you know, to work in that foreign company is my dream. I had made some revisions to my letter o

14、f application; however, I was still not sure of the language I had used. So I turned to you for help. I knew you had a very busy schedule, but you managed to spare time to perfect it. Thanks to your help, a lot of mistakes were corrected. And your advice really helped me a lot in my interview. Thank

15、 you for your kindness again. Yours respectfully, Wang Lin(六) 假如你是李宁,你的英国好友Jeff希望你能代给他的叔叔Lucas写一封信,劝他不要经常熬夜,而要多锻炼身体。Dear Lucas, Im terribly sorry that you fell ill again. Im writing in the hope that you can give up those bad lifestyles. Staying up and not doing exercise are bad habits. On the one ha

16、nd, theyll gradually make you lose the ability to fight diseases. As a result, youll feel exhausted and cant focus your energy on what you want to do. On the other hand, if you keep on staying up, you will lose your memory day by day. Considering these, I hope that you can understand my mind and bre

17、ak yourself of the two bad habits to keep healthy. Yours, (七) 假设你叫李华,最近你学校组织全体学生进行了一次地震演习(drill)。请根据下表信息给你的英国笔友Peter写一封电子邮件,介绍这次活动的经过,并谈谈你的体会。时间上周五上午十点经过1.提前对学生进行培训;2.听到警报声,钻到课桌下;3.警报结束后,跑步到操场集合。Dear Peter, How is everything? I am writing to tell you an earthquake drill we had in my school last Frid

18、ay. It was held at 10:00 am. Before the event, teachers gave us detailed instructions in the classroom. When the alarm rang, we hid ourselves under the desks as quickly as we could. Once the alarm ended, we ran downstairs under the guidance of the teachers and gathered in the playground within a few

19、 minutes. Through this rescue drill, we have learned how to escape safely in case an earthquake occurs. I think such a drill is necessary for us. (八) 假设你是李华。最近,你的英国朋友Nick发来一封电子邮件,询问你最喜欢的中国传统节日。请你根据以下提示,给他写一封回信。内容包括: 1.最喜欢中秋节; 2.简要介绍中秋节。Dear Nick I am delighted to know you are interested in Chinese c

20、ulture. I am writing to tell you about my favorite traditional Chinese festival, the Mid-Festival. It falls on the 15th day of the 8th month in lunar calendar. As its name suggests, it is usually celebrated in the middle of the autumn when the farmers get a good harvest. Family members will get toge

21、ther to have a big meal and then enjoy the bright moon while eating moon cakes and all kinds of fruits. It is a time for people to relax and enjoy life for a moment. I like this festival because I can taste various delicious moon cakes. (九) 假设你是李华。你市将于下个月举办一场国际自行车大赛,现需要招募一批英语志愿者。请根据以下提示给组委会写一封英文申请信。

22、内容包括:1. 介绍你的基本情况;2. 申请当志愿者的理由;3. 希望被录用Dear sir or Madame I am Li Hua, a student from Xinhua Middle School. I am excited to know the International Cycling Competition will be held in our city next month. I am writing to apply to be a volunteer. As a 10-year-old boy, I am friendly and open-minded. I a

23、m fond of playing sports in my spare time. The advantages I have are as follows: first, I can speak English fluently. Second, as a monitor, I know how to get along well with others. More importantly, I would like to take the opportunity to serve our society and put my talent into good use. I hope yo

24、u can give me a chance. Thank you. (十) 假设你是李华,美国交换生Charile在网上发帖,希望有人能帮助他学习汉语,他可以教英语作为回报。请你根据以下信息提示用英语给他写一封回信。内容包括:1. 愿意提供帮助;2. 介绍个人情况;3. 希望他如何帮助你。Dear Charlie, I learned that you want to improve Chinese. I am the one you need. Let me introduce myself. I have been learning Chinese for many years. Im

25、quite confident that I can help you improve your Chinese. I advise you to practice speaking Chinese every day because “practice makes perfect”. It is also a good idea to read Chinese books and see Chinese films. You know, Im eager to improve my English. I hope we can chat with each other in both Eng

26、lish and Chinese for half an hour in the evening so that we can improve our speaking ability. Looking forward to your early reply!(十一) 假设你是李华,你校英语刊物开办专栏Great Scientists,请你根据下表信息给专栏写一篇英语短文来介绍为中国的能源,地震预测等作出的巨大贡献的中国地质学之父李四光先生。参考词汇:地质学geology 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham时间事件1889.10.26出生于湖北黄冈1913.10-19

27、18.6就读于英国伯明翰大学20世纪20年代任教于北京大学1971.4.29 因病逝世One possible version:Born on October 26, 1889 in Huanggang, Hubei Province, Li Siguang is called the Father of Geology in china. Form October 1913 to June 1918 he received advanced education in the University of Birmingham, where he mastered English. In the

28、 1920s, he taught in Beijing University. As a great scientist, he made lots of research on Chinas energy, earthquakes etc. He loved his motherland and whatever difficulties he ran into, he never gave up. Unfortunately, he died of an illness on April 29, 1971Li Siguang is a great scientist and will a

29、lways be remembered for his great contributions to the constructions of New China.(十二)大英博物馆(British Museum)是世界上首家国立公共博物馆,请你根据以下要点提示写一篇介绍大英博物馆的英语短文:1. 建立于1753年,于1759年1月15日正式对外开放;2. 除了两次世界大战期间,博物馆一直都对外开放并逐渐延长开放时间;3. 入馆人数由每年的5000增至今天的600万。One possible versionOnce you come to London, you cant miss the B

30、ritish Museum, the first national public museum in the world.The museum, founded in 1753, was open to the public on January 15, 1795. Except during two World Wars, the Museum has remained open ever since, gradually increasing its opening hours and visitor numbers form 5,000 per year to todays 6 mill

31、ion. The Museum has attracted crowds of all ages and social classes, particularly on public holidays. Here you can see a lot of collections of human history, art, and culture. By enjoying these collections, you can have a better understanding of the development of human society.(十三)假设你是李华,请你根据以下内容提示

32、,写一篇英语日记。 内容: 12月25日,星期天,天气晴。你和好友李明骑行去爬山。到达山顶后遇到一对美国老夫妇。你们帮助他们拍照,临别时互送祝福。 Being tired of staying at home, I called my friend Li Ming to go climbing with me. Then we set off at 8 am. After one hours bike ride, we arrived at the foot of the mountain. It took us about two hours to get to the top of the

33、 mountain. When we were going to leave, an old couple from America came to us and asked us whether we could help take some photos of them. We helped them out and then we chatted in English for half an hour. It was so exciting. We said goodbye to each other after sending our best wishes. It was a tir

34、ing but happy day!(十四)假定你是李华,上周日你在公园散步时看到一位残疾女孩帮助他人的感人事迹。请根据下列要点提示,给英语校报的Warm Moments栏目投稿。1. 突降大雨冲散人群,一位老爷爷摔倒;2. 残疾女孩见状提供帮助;3 .谈谈你对此事的感悟。 It was sunny last Sunday, and I was wandering in the park alone. Suddenly, a wind blew and it began raining heavily. When people rushed here and there to seek she

35、lter from the rain, an old man fell over. Seeing this, a young girl with a disabled leg turned back immediately and struggled to help him move to the nearest shelter. Everyone including me was shocked by her deeds. She not only warmed the heart of the old man but set a good example to everyone there

36、. She makes me understand the world will be a better place if everyone gives out a little love.(十五). 假设你是李华,你的澳洲好友John一月将要和家人来哈尔滨看冰灯。请你根据以下要点提示给他发一封电子邮件。内容包括:1. 记得准备些暖和的衣服;2. 提前了解中国入关禁忌;3. 祝他们旅途顺利。参考词汇:哈尔滨冰灯节Harbin Ice Lantern FestivalOne possible version:Dear John, I am delighted to know that you a

37、re planning to visit China with your family in January. I am writing to offer you some advice. First, as it will be very cold in Harbin, you should prepare enough warm clothing. Besides, China has strict rules on illegal aliens, so youd better look for more detailed information on the website to avo

38、id any trouble while going through the customs. Harbin Ice lantern Festival attracts a great number of visitors from around the world every year. When night falls, Im sure you will be charmed by its beauty. Wish you a pleasant journey! Yours,(十六)假设你是李华,是校英语俱乐部的负责人。你打算邀请外教Mr. Smith参加活动,并为大家介绍感恩节的由来和风

39、俗习惯。请根据以下信息写一封邀请信内容包括: 时间 下周五下午5:20-6;00 地点 图书馆 参加者 校英语俱乐部成员One possible version:Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to invite you to give us a lecture on the origin and customs of Thanks-giving Day.You know all the members of the English Club gather in the library at 5pm every day, where we learn more abou

40、t Western cultures and customs. As planned, we expect you to gave us a lecture on Thanking-giving Day at 5:20 pm next Friday. The lecture will last for 40 minutes .Wed appreciate it if you can come.Looking forward to you early reply.(十七)假设你是李华,你发现自从学校调整作息时间以来,多数同学出现睡眠不够,上课精力不集中等现象。请你给校英语报“畅谈天地”投稿,希望

41、该现象能引起重视。One possible version; I am Li Hua, a student from Class Six, Grade Two. I am writing to share our problem with you, hoping our timetable could be adjusted . Now a lot of us students have difficulty adapting to the new timetable. We get up at 5:30 am and go to bed at 10:30 pm . As a result ,

42、 we dont have enough time to sleep at night .That is why we always feel tired in class and cannot focus on our lessons . I suggest we get up at 6:00 and go to bed at 10:00. Since good sleep is so important to us , I hope our suggestion could be considered seriously. (十八) 假设你是李华,你在英国旅游乘坐车租车时,把一个背包忘在了

43、车上。请你给出租车公司经理写一封求助信。Dear Manager, I left my bag in a taxi belonging to your company , and could you give me a hang to find it as soon as possible? About 6 pm near London Zoo yesterday ,I look a taxi to London Bridge .I remember that the taxi driver was about 30 years old ,wearing a pair of big glass

44、es , He was very talkative and we chatted all the way Sadly , I left so hurriedly that I left my bag in it. Inside the black and white bag , there is a book on how to make a successful speech , some souvenirs and two bank cards.I would appreciate it if you could help me .(十九)假设你是李华。最近你的美国好友Jack来信说他发

45、明的智能机器人在他们学校举行的机器人设计比赛中获得一等奖。请你根据以下要点提示给他回一封信。要点:对他的获奖表示祝贺 肯定他付出的努力 希望他以后有更多的发明Dear Jack, I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations on your winning the first prize in the robot design competition help in your school .Im really proud of you .As your friend ,I am lucky to be able to share your

46、pleasure with you. “Everything comes to him who waits.” For these years , you ve shown great interest in robot design . Not only have you read many books about robotics, but also you have competed in many contests .Finally, you succeeded in winning the competition . I wish you better inventions in the future.(二十)假设你是李华,上周你陪新来的的外教Mike参加了“争做园丁”志愿者活动。随后Mike在感谢信中透露想进一步了解校园花园的一些情况,请你根据一下要点提示给他写一封回信,内容包括:1.花园的美2.学生参加整理花园3.师生对花园的喜爱Dear Make, It gives me great pleasure to do this voluntary work with you. Now I would like to tell you something a


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