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1、-范文最新推荐- 一个男人的检讨书 我最最亲爱的领导,老婆同志:    按照您的吩咐,昨天我在小卧室进行了深刻而沉痛的反省,我觉得您有些话说的在理,我确实存在很多美中不足的问题。不过您也不能就此断定我对您的爱已经打了八折。回忆这些年的生活经历我粗略统计了一些爱您的证据,现列举如下,请您过目!    1.大二那年刚刚和您同桌的时候,我就对您的美色已经起了觊觎之心(尽管那时候您的脸胖胖圆圆的像个小面盆),就在我按步就班地实施偷心计划时,突然传来您要相亲的消息,我痛骂N天出这个馊主意的人即您的老爸我现在的老丈人,那几天我

2、茶饭不思,夜不能寐,常常冲动想在他来约您的时候背后拍一板砖,不过好在他的质量太差您的眼光够高,得到消息我请全宿舍兄弟喝了一星期酸奶!    2.您不能把抽烟的责任全都归咎于我,其实刚开始完全是没事的时候点一根玩玩深沉扮扮酷,自从大三您去外地回来送我一个左轮手枪打火机,我每个星期都不得不两次光临东门外的小烟摊,因为回到宿舍想您了我就会拿出打火机,红红的火苗总会让我想起您红红的唇,所以我只好用烟亲火苗我再亲烟来慰藉我饥渴的心灵!    3.您老是说我赶不上潮流跟不上时代,人家别的小伙都是溜光水滑衣着光鲜,我呢总是两套衣

3、服来回换穿,唉,哪个少女不怀春。古语说的好,好钢用在刀刃上,男人穿得再好看也没啥社会效应,所以我把这份对美的追求寄望给您,让您漂亮的潇洒红尘。有个秘密我一直没说,其实最爽的事就是挽着您上街,那感觉就像守着自己刚刚发的精华贴,看那点击率哗哗地升!    4.我承认自己比较没正经,说不了两三句话就会下道,您老是批评我要老实厚道少耍贫嘴,我不明白自己咋就变成了这样,一点都不像个成家立业的人,可是我怎么也没法控制自己,就是喜欢叫您二毛驴,就是喜欢上蹿下跳胡扯六拉的逗您开心。我不认为我这个样子没有价值,要不您说说,为啥你都这大了可到了哪总有人惦记着要给您介绍对象?

4、    5.前几天您要代表单位参加竞赛,为了安慰您成天对着那些法律条文烦的发火冒烟的心,也为了实践夫妻之间同甘共苦之最高信仰,我抛开了一切世俗牵绊,义无反顾地捡起那些扔下N年的书,结果昨天您上战场没拿到名次,我却在今天的党校考试里装了一把大明白,那么多人都跟着我抄!    6.您有很多时候是非常没有良心的,总是把我的丑事到处宣扬,伤害我脆弱的心灵。比如您做菜倒了半袋盐结果我把它当咸菜就着水吃了三天啊;比如我给您洗衣服结果搓扒了丝啊;比如您加班我傻呵呵半夜等在小区门口结果被蚊子饱餐啊-搞的我在单位很没面子,只有您姐夫

5、上次来对我表示了深切的同情,拍拍我的肩膀说兄弟任重道远多保重吧!    屋子里面有个蚊子老在骚扰我的思路,说到这又得向您检讨,是我不好,不该在开门的时候把它放进来,更不该宽容它活到现在,您的细皮嫩肉比我这又粗又黑的金贵好多,所以只能先说到这,我要去找那只蚊子了。如果您看过之后觉得我的觉悟已经提升到足够的高度,就在下面批个同意!              敬礼     


7、            检讨人:您最最亲爱的战友,同志兼老公                                   


9、                     2004年7月13日 the mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but al

10、so a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame. schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teach

11、ers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. is also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school ru

12、les promulgated minds. after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the schools management system. in the middle of the students al

13、so led to adverse effects. since i am a persons mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as

14、well as other students in an irresponsible parent. each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environ

15、ment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and ever

16、y mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment. i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for th

17、eir own pay for the mistakes, i am willing to bear although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this error should not shirk its primary responsibility. i accept criticism in good faith and are willing to accept the dea

18、l given by the school. excuse me, teacher! i made a serious question of principle. i know who my teacher is very angry school. i also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconsistent with discipline and do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligati

19、ons. but i did not even do the most basic. now, made a really big mistake, i am deeply deeply regret it. i will take this incident as a mirror and discipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticism and education, and consciously accept supervision. i would like to know shame and alert, t

20、o know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard. i have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for t

21、he survival of future employment are very important. i can see now is very small, i still have the ability to fight. i would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, i will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of lif

22、e, this course at home is also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up. just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can le

23、arn to accept, but in discipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school discipline and strict environment regulations i committed such a serious mistake, the school should be punished to me, and i do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, i was w

24、rong, i was wrong. mom, dad and i are wrong, i was wrong. in this half, i get up on time every day, i think about life in schools for nearly two years. the school has deep feelings for the school in the future i will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also

25、dark. in terms of learning or other school i would come with strict demands on themselves, i will grasp this opportunity. it as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so i learn in the future life of the schools efforts to become more, not only taught us to le

26、arn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me is a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. however, the mis

27、takes i did go against the wishes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy. i am so ashamed. i believe that the teachers see this attitude can also be aware of this incident i have very strong attitude of repentance, i believe my heart to repent, i is not to challenge the teachers disci

28、pline is a wrong step in lifes own time, i hope the teachers can be forgiven for my mistake, i assure you that this matter will not have a second occurrence. for all this i will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, i urge the teachers believe i can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the

29、 next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about discretion.   现在我的心情是浮燥不安的,因为工作。为了弥补我工作中再出现同样的错误,我必须做一个自我检讨。 一、工作中存在的错误: 1 工作不够细致。(如:打印资料总会出现错别字) 2 对待工作不够负责。 3 客人、员工的资料存档数据丢失。 4 工作考虑不够周全。 5

30、工作不记事,总是忘记处理领导交待的工作。 6 上班时间玩游戏。 7 不听取他人意见,以自我为中心。 二、针对以上犯的错误,作以下弥补: 1 在以后工作中,一定要做到细致,检查再检查,细节决定成败,所以一定要认真对待每一件事。 2 在工作时,总是敷衍了事,没有把公司的事,拿来当成自家的事,总以完成为前提,并没有在乎它完成的质量与效果。为避免后有同样的事情发生,必须从始至终地认真完成工作,不能马虎,要有责任感。多集思广益。 3 面对资料存档,漏存、遗失现象,所导致的后果极为严重。在存档时必须分类细致、时间明确、内外分明、有条有秩。 4 工作考虑不周,以后在做任何一项工作或计划时,多听取他人的意见,策划详细,做到先思考再行动,先策划再沟通。使工作无漏洞。 5 谨记需要办理的每一件事情,以记事本的方式把需要办理的每一件事详细记录。 6 不管以后是工作还是生活,都不玩游戏。我发誓。 7 多听取他人朋友或同事的意见,取长补短。   9 / 10


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