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1、-范文最新推荐- 产品技术转让合同 项目名称:_转让单位(甲方):_受让单位(乙方):_为了保障技术商品合理转让,有偿付诸应用,促使新产品早日试制并投放市场,提高经济效益,甲乙双方根据自愿互利的原则协商一致,特订立本合同,以便双方共同遵守。一、甲方将_技术转让给乙方,乙方使用该项技术生产_产品。二、甲方转让技术应达到的主要技术经济指标和经济效益。1该项技术的参数,所生产产品的数量、质量指标,最低或正常的生产能力,单项规格、公差等_。2经济效益_。三、国内外运用该项技术的情况和经济效益_。四、甲方的义务1甲方应于_年_月_日以前,将_技术的资料和设备、配件等(可用表格列出)交付乙方。2甲方负责在





6、_。甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_代表人(签字):_代表人(签字):_技术负责人(签字):_技术负责人(签字):_开户银行:_开户银行:_帐号:_帐号:_详细地址:_详细地址:_年_月_日_年_月_日 第一条合同范围_公司(以下简称甲方)和_公司(以下简称乙方),经过友好协商,同意合资经营中速船用主机厂。兹同合资经营条件尚未成熟,双方将以补偿贸易进行合作生产并以此作为双方合作的第一步,其条件如下:11乙方将向甲方转让生产下列型号中速船用主机(以下简称合同产品)的技术秘密及全部技术资料,其型号如下:12v400zc中速船用主机;12v600zc中速船用主机。12技术文件资料的定义范围及交付:本











17、就一式四份,双方各执一式两份。113本合同有效期见第十一条所述。114本合同附件为本合同不可分割的部份,与正文有同等效力。115双方在本合同生效前交换的所有文件、函电等在本合同生效的同时自动失效。116本合同只能根据同双方授权代表签名或盖章的书面文件进行变更、追加或修改。117在执行合同期内双方的通讯均以函电进行,书信往来一式两份。第十二条法定地址甲方地址:_乙方地址:_甲方(盖章):_乙方(盖章):_法定代表人(签字):_法定代表人(签字):_年_月_日_年_月_日签订地点:_签订地点:_附件article 1_.(hereinafter referred to as part a)and

18、_.(hereinafter referred to as part b)have agreed, after friendly discussion, to run a medium speed marine main engine factory in the form of a joint - venture company. since the conditions for the joint - venture are not yet ready, both parties shall start up a joint - production with compensation t

19、rade as the first step of co - operation with the following conditions:1.1part b shall transfer the technical know - how and the complete technical documentation to part a for manufacturing medium speed marine main engines (hereinafter called contracted products) of the following types:12v- 400zc me

20、dium speed marine main engine;12v- 600zc medium speed marine main engine.1.2definition, scope and delivery of technical documentation: the definition of technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as documentation) in article 1.1 of this contract means that the contracted products supplied by p

21、art b are composed of three parts: general technical documentation, products design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation, as used by part b. all of them should contain the technical know - how details.(1)general technical documentation includes:a.the technical specifications of the med

22、ium speed marine main engine of type 12v- 600zc (including sub - assembly, assembly, test run, delivery tests, etc. );b.the technical specifications of the main components of the medium speed marine main engine of type 12v - 400zc;c.overall dimensions, installation dimensions, and performance data o

23、f the accessories used by the contracted products.(2)products design drawing:products design drawings of the contract products supplied by part b, shall inclued:a.a complete set of production drawings of the contracted products (including the final assembly drawings, components drawings, system diag

24、ram, principle diagram, and detailed drawings of all components);b.the calculating data and calculation manual of the contracted products;c.drawings, calculating manual and other data given to the classification societies and certificate issued by the classification societies;d.test platform design

25、drawings and its technical documents.(3)manufacturing technical documentation:manufacturing technical documentation of the contracted products provided by part b shall include: the whole detailed instructive documentation and main components for the manufacturing of the contracted products, which sh

26、all include: requirements of quality inspection means, processes and technical conditions of acceptance test to the raw materials and components of the contracted products during and after the manufacturing processes.(4)modification of documentation:if the documentation to be supplied is modified by

27、 site as a result of using new technology to improve the products, processes and reduce the cost, the detailed information shall be submitted to part a in written form.(5)mode of providing documentation:a.for general technical documentation, three prints of three legible copies should be provided;b.

28、for design drawings, one manufacturing transparency and two prints shall be provided;c.for manufacturing technical documentation, two prints shall be provided;d.the duplicated documentation, which had been supplied before, can be exemped, but must be noted in the list.(6)delivery schedule of documen

29、tation:a.according to the definition of documentation, in order to facilitate the manufacturer of medium speed marine main engine of type 12v - 400zc, part b shall deliver the whole technical documentation and drawing of contracted products to part a within 30 days after the signing of the contract;

30、b.according to the definition of documentation in order to manufacture the medium speed maline main engine of type 12v - 600zc, site shall submit to part a the whole technical documentation and drawings of the contracted products before_$after the signing of the contract.1.3the products manufactured

31、 by part a shall be resold to part b as follows:medium speed marine engine of type 12v - 400zc_sets per year;medium speed marine engine of type 12v- 600zc_sets per year;1.4the period of joint - production with compensation trade is two years. should the conditions for establishing a joint - venture

32、be still not ready after the said period, the said period can be extended, but in no circumstances shall it be extended for more than five years.article 2 transfer of technical know- how and technical documentation2.1the complete technical documentation of designs, calculations, drawings, manufactur

33、ing processes, quality control, tests, installation, adjustment, operation and maintenance shall be provided by part b to part a concerning the contracted products and must be the same as those being currently used by part b.2.2checking and verifying the documentation of the contracted products:part

34、 b shall be responsible for the completeness, correctness and legibility of the product design drawings and manufacturing technical documentation sent to part a. in case any part of the said drawings and documentation are missing, part b shall make supplementary delivery of correction immediately up

35、on notification by part b.2.3during the joint- production period, part b shall, at most favoured prices, supply part a with spare parts of the contracted products which are not available in the market of part as side. these supplies are subject to separate agreements in due course.2.4part b guarante

36、es that the transfer of the technical knowhow and technical documentation hereof will not involve any accusation from any third party.article 3 prices and termsof payment3.1part a shall pay part b for the transfer of technical knowhow and technical documentation of the medium speed marine main engin

37、e of type 12v- 400zc stipulated in clause 2.1 as follows:_us _(say: _u.s.d. only)_us _(say: _u.s.d. only)during the 2 yearsperiod commencing from 19 ,the yearly fee shall be taken as _% of the net annual production value (total annual production value minus the value of the imported parts and tax ex

38、penses).3.2the first payment is us $ _(say: _u.s.d.only) constituting% of total payment and shall be made within 30(thirty) days after the contract is signed and comes into force, upon receipt of the following documents from part b through the bank_:(1)supply air- freight bill of the first batch of

39、documentation according to the requirement of appendix_;(2)irrevocable letter of guarantee in duplicate(one original,one copy)issued by_band and confirmed by part a.(3)part b commercial invoice in duplicate;(4)part b sight draft in duplicate.3.3the second payment shall amount to _% of the total paym

40、ent due in _, i.e. _u.s.d. (say: _u.s.d. only) and shall be paid to part b on _, _. upon the receipt by part a from part b of the following documents:(1)air - freightbillof thesecondbatchof documentationdeliveredbypart bon_, _,pursuant to stipulations in appendix_;(2)part b commercial invoice in dup

41、licate;(3)part b sight draft in duplicate.3.4both parties agree to settle in cash in _while the settlement in _will be_% in cash and the remaining _% shall be made through compensation of resale from part a.3.5the payment of _ will be due on_ th _of the year upon receipt of the commercial invoices in duplicate from part b.3.6the ye


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