三年级上册英语教案-Unit 7 A picture of my family_广州版(一起).doc

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1、Module 4 Family一般说来,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象和本身明确的职责。 Analysis 教师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模仿。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学

2、边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。 This module is about talking about persons. Pupils had learnt some words of family members when they were in Grade 2. They are quite familiar with these words and it is interesting for them to talk about their families. While they are talking about peop

3、le, they need some new adjectives for their descriptions. There are seven new adjectives in this module, and two questions: whos this/that? Hes/ Shes . Is he/she? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isnt.” 我国古代的读书人,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至


5、,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。 Aims: Pupils will be able to:l ask about the identity of someone using Whos that?;l ask Yes/No questions about someones identity using Is he/she?;l refer to people using relationship vocabulary.l re

6、fer to relationships using the apostrophes;l describe a person using adjectives such as cute and pretty;Learning contentsl new words and phrases;l grammar: Asking about an object with Whats this? Referring to a person with demonstratives this and that, e.g. *This man *That man is your father! Using

7、the possessive pronouns my and your to refer to state relationships, e.g., my grandpas, your father. Using the personal pronouns he and she to refer to a third person, e.g., * Hes my father./ Shes my mother. Asking about someones identity with Whos ?, e.g., Whos that man? Talking about relationships

8、 with apostrophes, e.g., my fathers father. Asking Yes/ No questions about a persons identity, e.g., Is she your sister? Referring to oneself with Its me. l Phonetics Go over the sounds of letter a/e/i/o/u, and can read out correctly new words according to the sounds of letters.Teaching materials Ta

9、pe recorder, pictures, CD-room, exercise-papersPeriod OneContent: U7 new wordsObjectivel Pupils will learn to read the new words and remember their spellings according to phonetics, e.g. letter sounds and syllablesl Pupils will be able to use the personal pronouns he and she to refer to a third pers

10、on.Main points and difficulties new words spelling Steps 1. warm upsing a song: father figureread a rhyme: I love my family2. introduce the new words.a. show the pictures and ps. tell who they are: grandpa, grandma, dad/father, mum/mother, baby, brother, sister.b. Let ps. tell each syllable of the w

11、ords, e.g. mother=mo+ther, father=fa+therc. Introduce “family/ a picture of my family” by the picture wall.Help ps. to read fluently the phrase “ a picture of my family” by patting the rhythm.d. Lead ps. to classify the persons as different sexes. e.g., father, grandpa, (man); mother, grandma (lady)

12、; brother(boy); sister (girl).e. Lead ps. to classify these persons as different personal pronouns. E.g., he/she.Quick reaction: to check ps. understanding and reaction of he/she.T: mother. Ps: she.T: father. Ps: he. f. invite 2 boys to stand in front of the blackboard, teacher calls their names, re

13、quire ps. to say like this:“A boy. Xxx is a boy. He is a boy.” Teacher says: “ This is a boy. That is a boy, too.” Make more samples for “this &that”. T: Jiamin ,stand up ,please!” Jiamins all stand up, and look at each other and say:“ this Jiamin, that Jiamin.” Let ps read the following: This man./

14、 That man is my father.3. dialogue learning.a. watch the video and follow. b. Read in roles.c. Read in pairs.d. Check the reading.e. Act out the dialogue.Boarding he she Grandpa -man Grandma -lady Father= fa+ther -man Mother=mo+ther -lady Brother=bro+ther-boy Sister=sis+ter -girl Lady=la+dy Picture=

15、pic+ture a picture of my family Family=fa+mi+ly it its=it isis-this This man. at-that thats=that is That man is my father. he hes=he isIntrospectionPeriod2 Content: U7, fun with languageLearning objectiveTo reinforce understanding of the meaning of relationship terms through a vocabulary grouping ta

16、sk.Steps 1. warm up a. sing a song on P42 b. read the rhyme on P43. c. quick reactionT: fathers father, whos he? P: grandpa.T: whos a man/lady/boy/girl?P: father, grandpa/mother/ brother /sister.T: what is Jiamin / Janet referred to?P: He/She.1. fun with language.a. let ps. look at P1, and tell what

17、 they should do, then they will finish it, require them write down the pronouns he and she under the corresponding words.b. Let ps. look at a family picture, and learn to introduce the persons on it. e.g., This man is my father.This _ is my _. Ps. will begin to introduce their own family pictures li

18、ke the sample. Invite some to show and introduce their pictures. c. *ask ps. to look at the pictures in P3 on page 41. help pupils to understand that the 10 pictures should be looked at as two rows of five pictures.*Ask ps. to look at Li Hao and Li Ying. Encourage ps. to look for the physical simila

19、rities between the two people, such as the shape of their glasses, and of their faces. Conclude by saying Li Hao is Li Yings father. Ask ps. to repeat the sentence.*Explain to pupils that each person in the first row is related to one person in the second row in a certain way. Let them to find out w

20、ho is related to whom. Invite some ps. to present their answers to the class. d. * ask ps. to look at the family tree on page41. introduce the term family tree. * ask ps. to find Jiamin in the family tree. show them, ask ps. how to read the other names in the family tree. * start with the left-hand

21、side of the family tree. point to Jiamin and his father, Chen Xhenxin. ask whos Chen Zhenxin? guide ps. to say (Hes) Chen Jiamins father. * point to Chen Guoqing. ask whos Chen Guoqing? show ps. that there are now two ways to answer the question: (Hes Chen Zhenxins father. or (Hes) Chen Jiamins gran

22、dpa. * repeat the above steps with right-hand side of the family tree. * pick up any one of the four adults at random, and ask who that adult is. ps. will answer accordingly. * this time, it is the form of pairwork and P1 will pick a picture and ask the question for P2 to answer. * make a similar fa

23、mily tree on the board. use another set of names for the people, and write the names on the board in the list. start with the child at the bottom of the family tree. state a relationship (e.g., John is Bens grandpa.) ps. listen and put the name they hear at the correct position on the family tree. * children will have a pair-work, P1 will pick a picture and ask the question for P2 to answer.Boarding he she This man is my father. grandpa grandma - This _ is my _. father mother dad mum Whos Li Hao? man lady - Li Hao is Li Yings father. boy girl Introspection第 6 页


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