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1、六年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠36015-16人教版(无) 我国古代的读书人,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生,竟提起作文就头疼,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在1978年就尖锐地提出:“中小学语文教学效果差,中学语文毕业生语文水平低,十几年上课总时数是9160课时,语文是2749课时,恰好是30%,十年的时间,二千七百多课时,用来学本国语文,却是大多数不过关,岂非咄咄怪事!”寻根究底,其主要原因就是腹中无物。特别是写议论文,初中水

2、平以上的学生都知道议论文的“三要素”是论点、论据、论证,也通晓议论文的基本结构:提出问题分析问题解决问题,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样”,就是讲不出“为什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来,抄人家的名言警句,抄人家的事例,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性,让学生积累足够的“米”。 (一)听力部分要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事

3、物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 一 选出听到的单词:我国古代的读书人,从上学之日起,就日诵不辍,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字,熟记几百篇文章,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌,琅琅上口,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生,竟提起作文就头疼,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在1978年就尖锐地提出:“中小学语文教学效果差,中学语文毕业生语文水平低,十几年上课总时数是9160课时,语文是2749课时,恰好是30%


5、”。 ( )1. a. nice b. nine c. fine( )2. a. photo b. phone c. bowl( )3. a. fridge b. first c. fruit( )4. a. same b. name c. some( )5. a. count b. old c. out( )6. a. my b. may c. why( )7. a. wash b. washing c. washer( )8. a. Miss b. Mr c. Mrs( )9. a. letter b. let c. little( )10. a. long b. wrong c. son

6、g二.选出听到的句子:( )1.a. How many buses are there in the street?b. How many cars are there in the street?c. How many bikes are there in the street?( )2.a. Whats his sisters name?b. Whats her sisters name?c. Whats his brothers name?( )3. a. How old is Mary, Jane?b. How old is Jane, Jack?c. How old is Jack,

7、 Mary?( )4. a. The reading room is Room 234.b. The reading room is Room 324.c. The reading room is Room 432.( )5. a. There is a big dog under the tree.b. There is a small bird in the tree.c. There is a small cat under the table.( )6.a. Are the boys in yellow your classmates?b. Are the boys in yellow

8、 your friends?c. Are the boys in yellow your brothers?( )7. a. Youve got three big books?b. Youve got two big boxes.c. Youve got twelve big books.三选择正确的应答句:( )1. a. Im from China. b. Im a Chinese teacher. c. Im not Chinese.( )2. a. Im nine. b. Im fine. c. Im a pupil.( )3. a. Its in the book. b. They

9、re in the book. c. They are Japanese stamps.( )4.a. Yes, there are. b. No, there isnt. c. There are five.( )5.a. Im sorry. b. No, thanks. c. No, you cant.四.根据你所听到的内容,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,反之用“F”表示:( )1. Tom is five.( )2. There are some eggs on the table.( )3. There are three apples and three oranges in the

10、 bowl.( )4. There are some cakes on the plate.( )5. Tom is very happy.五.听录音,将下列句子按听到的顺序用数字编号:( )Look, Ive got a big bag.( )Thanks.( )Some fruits. Heres an apple for you.( )Nice to meet you, Tom.( )Let me help you.( )Whats in your bag, Tom?( )Nice to meet you, too.( )Thank you.(二)笔试部分一.正确抄写下列句子:is th

11、ere a letter for me yes there is_二.中英互译:1.在冰箱里_ 6. over there_2.洗手_ 7. fruit bowl_3.英语老师的办公室_ 8.the girl in red_4.打乒乓_ 9. a letter for me_5.擦窗_ 10.soft and sweet_ 三.按要求改变词形:1. mother(口语)_2.clean(反义词)_3. buses(单数)_4. they(所有格)_5.are not(缩写)_6. lets(完整形式)_7.lady(复数)_ 8.two(同音词)_9.right(反义词)_ 10.this(复

12、数)_四.选择填空:( )1)May _ got a Chinese book.a. is b. has c. have( )2)This is Mr Lis room. _ room is clean.a. He b. His c. The( )3)_ any bags in the locker.a. There are b. Is there c. There arent( )4)_ , is this Park School?a. Pardon b. Sorry c. Excuse me( )5)Im in _ room.a. he b. me c. our( )6)A: Wheres

13、 John? B:_.a. Hes over there. b. Which one? c. Oh, shes in the classroom.( )7)There is a letter _ your grandma.a. in b. for c. to( )8)How many _ are there in the classroom?a. boy b. girl c. girls and boys( )9)A:_ is your phone number? B: My phone number is 59811678.a. Which b. What c. Who( )10)A:_ i

14、s your brother? B: Hes 20 years old.a. What b. Who c. How old五. 读短文判断正误,正确的在括号内打“”,错误的打“” Jim is a student ,Every day ,at six thirty,after breakfast he goes to school. He often waiks to school . Sometimes he rides his bike .He is in Class two, Gride six .He has four classes in the norning .and two c

15、lasses in the afternoon . He learns Chinese and English .Jim likes swimming and skating and ball games . In the afternoon ,he often plays baskerball with his classmates .He goes home at 5:00. He often does his homework in the evening . Sometimes he watches TV for an hour .he goes bed at 9:00.( ) Jim

16、 isnt a student .( ) He goes to school at 7:30 .( ) He never rides his bike .( ) Jim has four classes in the norning .( ) He never does his homework .( ) Jim always watch TV .( ) Jim is in Class six ,Grade two .( ) In the afternoon ,he often plays basketball .六、小练笔 请编写一段短文,介绍你的爷爷(年龄、外貌、职业、工作地点、上班用的交通工具、爱好等)。( 不得少于5句话。)第 5 页


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