最新牛津英语9A Unit5 动词变形&amp翻译句子-word文档.docx

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1、Unit 5 of 9A Art world要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 Exercise 1 of Unit 5 of 9A Welcome to the unit要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发

2、展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 一、动词填空:要练说,得练看。看与说是统一的,看不准就难以说得好。练看,就是训练幼儿的观察能力,扩大幼儿的认知范围,让幼儿在观察事物、观察生活、观察自然的活动中,积累词汇、理解词义、发展语言。在运用观察法组织活动时,我着眼观察于观察对象的选择,着力于观察过程的指导,着重于幼儿观察能力和语言表达能力的提高。 1. Little Tom often feels sleepy while _ (see) films.2. The magazine the boy asked f

3、or _ (sell) out just now.3. I _ (not realize) she was Chinese until she spoke.4. It is said the she _ (not be) to Beijing yet.5. We must do what we can _ (help) him when he is in need.6. I wonder if they _ (live) in Nanjing for another week.7. -Your seat _ (keep) for your return. -Thanks.8. -Have yo

4、u prepared your speech? -Oh, no. I _ (write) a report on protecting wild animals all day yesterday.二、完成句子:1. Michael是流行音乐天王,是最伟大的歌手之一。 _2. 这个男孩拥有惊人的音乐天赋。 _3. 戏剧是世界上一门古老的艺术形式。 _4. 再也找不到比音乐更令人愉快地东西了。 _5. 我更喜欢听流行音乐来放松自己。 _答案:一:1. seeing 2. was sold 3. didnt realize 4. hasnt been 5. to help 6. will live

5、 7. will be kept 8. was writing 二:1. Michael was the King of Pop and one of the greatest singers. 2. The boy has amazing musical talent. 3. Drama is an ancient art form in the world. 4. You ca never find anything more pleasant than music. 5. I prefer to listen to pop music to relax myself.Exercise 2

6、 of Unit 15of 9A Reading (I)一 根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式1. Jackson and Alice are really _ (常见的) English names.2. The flat is very _ (中心) -just five minutes from Renmin Street.3. This store sells glass and plastic _ (物品).4. The headmaster will _ (颁发) the prizes after the running race.5. The river became the

7、 natural _ (疆界) between the two countries.6. Some _ (石头) got in the way and we couldnt go across.7. Do you know how many gold _ (奖牌) Li Xiaoping won during his sports life?8. The famous _ (作曲家) will have a talk in my university next Friday.9. Tobys dream is to be a _ (音乐家) in the future though he sh

8、ows no talent in it.二 句子翻译1. 郎朗很小的时候就对音乐表现出了浓厚的兴趣。 _2. 他最为人知的是因他作的曲子而获得奥斯卡大奖。 _3. 淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声使人轻松。 _4. 在进入大学后,他决定继续研究音乐。 _5. 这位闻名世界的作曲家在2019年被授予一个奖章。 _6. 他用普通物件来创作音乐。 _答案:一:1. common 2. central 3. objects 4. present 5. boundary 6. stones 7. medals 8. composer 9. musician 二:1. Lang Lang showed a grea

9、t interest in music when he was young. 2. He is best known for winning an Oscar for his music/the music he made. 3. The sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind make people relaxed. 4. He decides to go on studying/to study music after entering university. 5. A medal was presented to the worl

10、d-famous composer in 2019 The world-famous composers was presented with a medal in 2019. 6. He makes music with common objects.Exercise 3 of Unit 15of 9A Reading (II)一、单词拼写1. The government has _ (成功地) completed the new buildings.2. His clothes, _ (尽管) old and small, look clean.3. _ (传统的) silk is re

11、ally popular in some foreign countries now.4. She was given drugs to _ (控制) the pain.5. The _ (电铃) is ringing! Get into the classroom, everybody.6. She tried to stop the _ (流动) of blood from her wound.7. The prizes will be presented to the _ (获胜者) by the president.8. There is no clear _ (分界) line be

12、tween what is hood and what is bad.二、动词填空1. -Have you finished your fashion design? -Not yet. Ill finish it if I _ (give) ten more minutes.2. I still cant understand why such a boring story made him _ (laugh) so happily.3. After you talk with him, you _ (realize) that he is an honest man.4. How terr

13、ibly she is coughing! She _ (catch) a bad cold last night.5. -Did you notice when he left the room? - No, I _ (write) a letter to a famous composer.6. Its the third time that you _ (forget) to bring your English book.7. If she _ (not hurry), shell miss the first part of the film.8. The doctor has do

14、ne everything he could _ (save) the little boy.三完成句子1. 我的音乐就是梦想无边。 _2. 天籁之音对他的作品影响很大。 _3. 他通过孔氏水流的速度来创造音乐。 _4. 不同种类的蔬菜混合到一起就形成了沙拉。 _5. 他在自己的作品中已经将中西方的音乐融合到了一起。 _6. 因特网帮助全世界的人们构建了沟通的桥梁。 _答案:一:1.successfully 2. though 3. Traditional 4. control 5. bell 6. flow 7. winners 8. dividing二:1. Am given 2. lau

15、gh 3. will realize 4. caught 5. was writing 6. have forgotten 7. doesnt hurry 8. to save三:1. My music is to dream without boundaries. 2. Sound of nature influenced his works a lot. 3. He makes music by controlling the speed of water flow. 4. Different kinds of vegetables mix together to make salad.

16、5. He has brought Chinese Western music together in his works. 6. The Internet helps build a bridge for the people all over the world.Exercise 4 of Unit 5 of 9A Grammar1、 动词填空1. The award _ (present) to the winner at the end of the meeting tomorrow.2. As soon as it stops raining, I _ (go) to the con

17、cert.3. In many places of China, the old over 90 _ (take) good care of not only by their family members but also by the government.4. -I phoned you yesterday morning , but you were not in. -We _ (fish) by the river.5. She promised to chat with me on the Internet, but so far she _ (not show) up.6. Th

18、e art exhibition is really worth _ (visit), and youre sure to learn a lot.7. -You look very nice in your new dress today. - Thank you. I _ (buy) it when it was on sale.8. -What did the teacher say just now? -He said that the earth _ (be) much larger than the moon.一、 完成句子1. 因为交通=太拥挤我迟到了。 _2. 我们一点也没厌烦

19、,因为弹出很精彩。 _3. 我们不知道这场暴风雨会持续多久。 _4. Amy 匆忙赶到了剧院,上气不接下气。 _5. 人们高度赞扬了他在教学领域的巨大成就。 _答案:一:1.will be presented 2. will go 3. are taken 4. Were fishing 5. hasnt shown 6.visiting 7. bought 8. is 二:1. I was late because there was too much traffic/because of too much traffic. 2. We were not bored because the

20、show was wonderful. 3. We dont know how long the rainstorm will last. 4. Amy hurried into the theatre, out of breath. 5. People think highly of his great achievements in teaching.Exercise5 of Unit 5 of 9A Integrated skills & Study skills一 单词拼写1. _ (美国人) prefer to invite friends to their homes while

21、British people seldom do that.2. The sound of the _ (鼓) rose when the singer showed up on the stage.3. My grandparents really enjoy the _ (乡村) life.4. I hear Eason will have a _ (音乐会) next week.5. The film Broke back Mountain talked about the story between two _ (牛仔).6. I formed several _ (持久的) frie

22、ndships at college.7. In the past, boys who could play the _ (吉他) were always very popular among young people.8. I dont think his ideas have much _ (价值).9. Have you been to any _ (非洲的) countries? People told me they were worth visiting.10. We will have a party _ (今晚) to celebrate my sisters birthday

23、.二完成句子1. 爵士乐最先由美国黑人创作。 _2. 摇滚乐师在编曲时大量地运用鼓。 _3. 古典音乐拥有永恒的价值。 _4. 你今晚愿意来听场演唱会吗? _5. 因为令人愉快的吉他声,许多人更喜欢乡村音乐。 _6. 我喜欢带有浓烈地方特色的民间音乐。 _答案:一:1. Americans 2. drum(s) 3. country 4. concert 5. cowboys 6. lasting 7. guitar 8. value 9. African 10. tonight二、1. Jazz music was first created by African Americans. 2.

24、 Rock musicians use drums a lot while making up the music. 3. Classical music has a lasting value. 4. Would you like to go to a concert tonight? 5. Many people prefer country music because of the pleasant sounds of the guitar. 6. I like folk music with strong local colour.Exercise6 of Unit 5 of 9A T

25、ask一、动词填空1. Listen to the speaker carefully, or you _ (miss) something important.2. - _ your brother _ (realize) the importance of learning English? -No, not yet.3. When you have difficulty _ (do) your homework, you can call me.4. When he was in Beijing, he _ (come) to see me every day.5. -When did

26、you see Carl, Tom?6. So far, China _ (shop) in the supermarket.7. _ (walk) along the street, and youll find the restaurant on your left.8. He promised that he _ (wait) for me until the end of this month. 二、完成句子1. 火灾发生时,人们向四处逃散。 _2. 他们夸奖了你为艺术节做的设计吗? _3. 我认为你很有画画的天赋。 _4. 从那时起,我就对文学很狂热了。 _5. 摄影是我最喜欢的艺术

27、形式之一。 _6. 看着这块水彩印,我决定吹一吹。 _7. 他鼓励我不断努力尝试直至成功。 _答案:一:1. Will miss 2. Has, realized 3. Doing 4. Came 5. Was shopping 6. Has developed 7. Walk 8. Would wait 二:1. People ran in all directions when the fire broke out. 2. Did they praise your designs for the art festival? 4. I have been crazy about litera

28、ture since then. 5. Photography is one of my favourite art forms. 6. Looking at the mark, I decides to blow it. 7. He encouraged me to keep trying hard until I got success.Exercise7 of Unit 5 of 9A Self-assessment一、动词填空1. Its said that the new railway station _ (complete) at the end of this month.2.

29、 You cant go on _ (work) all night without a rest.3. The woman _ (complain) to the manager about this many times, hasnt she?4. How strongly it _ (blow)! We have to stay at home today.5. Uncle Li gave up smoking for a while but soon _ (return) to his bad habit.6. I walked quietly in order _ (not wake

30、) up the children.二、完成句子1. 他因编这首曲出名。 _2. 他刚才气喘吁吁地跑到了警察局。 _3. 人们对他的作品评价很高。 _4. 这场电影持续了2个半小时。 _5. 我哥哥弹吉他很有天赋。 _6. -你为什么喜欢古典乐?-因为它有永恒的价值。 -Why do you like classical music? -_答案:一:1. Will be completed 2. Working 3. Has complained 4. Is blowing 5. Returned 6. Not to wake二、1. He is known for making up the

31、 music. 2. He ran to the police station out of breath just now. 3. People think highly of his works. 4. This film lasted for two and a half hours. 5. My brother has a gift for playing the guitar. 6. Because it has a lasting value.单词拼写1. Its time to have a rest. Lets go out for a _ (呼吸)of fresh air.2

32、. The more children are _ (鼓励), the more progress they will make.3. The traffic lights are _ (控制) by a central computer.4. _ (尽管) the athlete tried his best in the marathon, he didnt get any prizes.5. The climbers tried their best and reached the top of the mountain _ (成功地) at last.6. It is _ (传统的)

33、to eat moon cakes in China at Mid-Autumn Festival.7. Which team do you think will be the _ (win) of the 20th FIFA World Cup?8. Yancheng, a green city, is a _ (please) place for people to live in.完成句子1. 中国以其悠久的历史而闻名。 _2. 王先生总是鼓励我们课堂上说英语。 _3. 我们不仅要学习现代科技,还要关注传统文化。 We should not only learn the modern t

34、echnology but also _culture.4. Although Paris and London are cities in different countries, they still _ (有许多共同之处).5. 汤米气喘吁吁地赶到了-他乘错了车。 Tommy _-he had taken the wrong bus.6. 这位作家直到获得了奖才出名。 The writer _7. 随着时间的流逝,他忘记了那些令人不愉快地事情。 As time passed by, he _答案:1. Breath 2. Encouraged 3. Controlled 4. Altho

35、ugh/Though 5. Successfully 6. Traditional 7. Winner 8. Pleasant2、 1. China is famous for its long history. 2. Mr.Wang always encourages us to speak English in class. 3. Pay attention to traditional 4. Have many hings in common 5. Arrived out of breath 6. Wasnt famous until he won the award/prize 7. Forgot those unpleasant things第 11 页


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