0606-1206CET4大学英语四级考试 听力原稿.doc

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1、0606Section A11. M: What was it like working with those young stars?W: It was a great group, I always got mad when people said that we didnt get along, just because were girls, there was never a fight. We had a great time.Q: What does the woman mean?12. M: Are you telling me you dont have a housekee

2、per?W: No, we dont. if you make a mess, you clean up yourself.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?13. M: I hear that the Edwards are thinking of buying another house.W: Should they be doing that with all the other expenses they have o pay? Anyhow, they are over 70 now, their present house is

3、not too bad.Q: What does the man imply?14. W: You look like you are freezing to death. Why dont you put this on?M: Thank you, it was so warm at noon, I didnt expect the weather to change so quickly.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?15. W: Ill have the steak, French fries, and lets see, choco

4、late ice cream for dissert.M: Oh, oh, you know these things will ruin your health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?16. W: What was it like growing up in New Yorks Bronx District? Was it safe?M: To me

5、 it was, it was all I knew. My mom would send me to the shop and Id go and buy things when I was about 8 years old.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?17. W: Nice weather, isnt it? Oh, Ive seen you around the office, but I dont think weve met, I am Henry Smith, I work in the Market Research Se

6、ction.M: Nice to meet you, Henry, I am Helen Grant, I am in the Advertising Section on the ninth floor.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?18. M: Maam, I hear you have an apartment for rent, can I take a look at it?W: Sure, youre welcome any time by appointment, but I have to tell you the bui

7、lding is close to a railways. And if you cant put up with the noise you might as well save the trip.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?Conversation 1(06:10)W: Please have a seat, Mr. Saunders. I received your job resume last week, and it was very impressed.M: Thank you!W: We are a small finan

8、cial company trading mostly stocks and bonds may I ask why you are so interested in working for us?M: Your company has an impressive reputation and Ive always wanted to work for a smaller company.W: Thats good to hear. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your present job?M: Im currently wor

9、king in a large international company in charge of a team of 8 brokers. We buy and sell stocks for major clients worldwide.W: Why do you think you are the right candidate for this position?M: As a head broker, I have a lot of experiences in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily base

10、s, and I enjoy working with people.W: Well, you might just be the person weve been looking for. Do you have any questions?M: Aha, if I were hired, how many accounts would I be handling?W: you will be working with two other head brokers, in another words, you will be handling about a third of our cli

11、ents.M: And who would I report to?W: Directly to me.M: I see. What kind of benefits package do you offer?W: Two weeks of paid vacation in your first year employment, you are also been entitled to medical and dental insurance, but this is something you should discuss with our Personnel Department. Do

12、 you have any other questions?M: No not at the moment.W: Well, I have to discuss you application with my colleagues and well get back to you early next week.M: OK, thanks, its been nice meeting you!W: Nice meeting you too! And thanks for coming in today.19. Whats the purpose of Mr. Saunders visit?20

13、. What is Mr. Saunders current job?21. What can we conclude from the conversation?Conversation 2(09:10)M: Hey, Karen, you are not really reading it, are you?W: Pardon?M: The book! You havent turned the page in the last ten minutes.W: No, Jim, I suppose I havent. I need to get through it, though, but

14、 I keep drifting away.M: So it doesnt really hold your interest?W: No, not really. I wouldnt bother with it, to be honest, but I have to read it for a seminar. Im at a university.M: Its a labor of labor then rather than a labor of love.W: I should say, I dont like Dickens at all really, the author,

15、indeed, I am starting to like the whole course less and less.M: Its not just the book, its the curse as well?W: Yeah, in a way, although the curse itself isnt really that bad, a lot of it is pretty good, in fact, and the lecturer is fine, as to me, I suppose, you see, I want to do philosophy rather

16、than English, but my parents took me out of it.M: So the courses are OK as such, its just that had if been left to you, you would choose a different one.W: Oh, they had my best interest and heart of course, my parents, they always do, dont they? They believe that my job prospect would be pretty limi

17、ted with the degree of philosophy. Plus, they give me a really generous allowance, but I am beginning to feel that Im wasting my time and their money. They would be so disappointed though if I told them I was quitting.22. Why cant Karen concentrate on the book?23. Why is Karen starting to like the c

18、ourse less and less?24. Who thinks Philosophy graduates have limited job opportunities?25. What is Karen thinking of doing?Section BPassage 1(13:00)In Greece, only rich people will rest in peace for ever when they die. Most of the population, however, will be undisturbed for only three years, then t

19、hey will be dug up, washed, compressed into a small tin box, and placed in a bone room. If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed. Buying a piece of land for a grave is

20、the only way to avoid this process. The cost of the grave is so great that most poeople choose to rent the grave for three years and even after it has been dug up, lasting peace is still not guaranteed. If no one pays for renting space in the bone room, the skeleton is removed and stored in a buildi

21、ng in a poor part of the town. Lack of space in Athens is the main reason why the dead are dug up after the three years. The city is so overcrowded that sometimes dead bodies are kept in the hospitals for over a week until a grave is found. Athens city council wants to introduce cremation, that is b

22、urning dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problems. But the Greek church resists this practice, they believe the only place where people burn is hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death. To save space, the church suggested burying the bodies standing up i

23、nstead of lying down. Some people proposed building multi-storey underground grave yards.26. What must Greeks do to keep the dead resting in ever-lasting peace?27. Why are most dead bodies in Athens dug up after three years?28. What suggestions does the church give about the burying of dead bodies?2

24、9. What practice does the Greek church object to?Passage 2(16:25)If you visit a big city anywhere in the world, you will probably find a restaurant would serve the food of your native country. Most large cities in the United States offer international sample of foods. Many people enjoy eating the fo

25、od of other nations. This is probably one reason why there are so many different kinds of restaurants in the United States. A second reason is that many Americans come from other part of the world. They enjoy tasting the foods of their native lands. In the city of Detroit, for example, there are man

26、y people from western Europe, Greece, Latin America, and the Far East. There are many restaurants in Detroit which serve the foods of these areas. There are many other international restaurants too. Americans enjoy the foods in these restaurants as well as the opportunity to better understand the pe

27、ople and their way of life. One of the most common international restaurants to be found in the United States is the Italian restaurant. The restaurant may be a small business run by a single family. The mother of the family cooks all of the dishes, and the father and children serve the people who c

28、ome to eat there. Or it may be a large restaurant owned by several different people who worked together in the business. Many Italian dishes that Americans enjoy are made with meats, tomatoes and cheese, they are very delicious and tasty.30. Why are there so many international restaurants in the Uni

29、tedStates?31. Why do Americans like to go to international restaurants apart from enjoying the foods there?32. How is a typical Italian family restaurant run in the United States?Passage 3(19:15)One winter day in 1891, a class at a training school in Massachusetts, U.S.A, went into the gym for their

30、 daily exercises. Since the football season had ended, most of the young man felt they were in for a boring time.But their teacher, James Nasmith had other ideas. He had been working for a long time on a new game that would have the excitement of the American football. Nasmith showed the men a baske

31、t he had hung at the each end of the gym, and explained that they were going to sue a round European football, at first everybody tried to throw the ball into the basket no matter where he was standing. “Pass! Pass!” Nasmith kept shouting, blowing his whistle to stop the excited players. Slowly, the

32、y began to understand what was wanted of them. The problem with the new game, which was soon called “basketball”, was getting the ball out of the basket. They used ordinary food baskets with bottoms and the ball, of course, stayed inside. At first, someone had to climb up every time a basket was sco

33、red. It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ball fall through. There have been many changes in the rules since then, and basketball has become one of the worlds most popular sports.33. What did Nasmith do to entertain his studen

34、ts one winter day?34. According the speaker, what was the problem with the new game?35. How was the problem with the new game solved?Section C(22:55)For Americans, time is money. They say,“You only get so much time in this life,youd better use it wisely.” The future will not be better than the past

35、or present,as Americans are trained to see things unless people use their time for constructive activities. Thus, Americans admire a “well-organized” person,one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them. The ideal person is punctual and is considerate of other peoples time

36、. They do not waste peoples time with conversation or other activity that has no visible beneficial outcome. The American attitude toward time is not necessarily shared by others,especially non-Europeans. They are more likely to regard time as something that is simply there around them,not something

37、 they can use. One of the more difficult things many students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day. In this context,the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of American cultural product. McDonalds, KFC, and other

38、fast food establishments are successful in a country where many people want to spend the least amount of time preparing and eating meals. As McDonalds restaurants spread around the world,they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture,bringing not just hamburgers,but an emphasis on

39、speed,efficiency, and shiny cleanliness.0612Section A11. M: Christmas is around the corner. And Im looking for a gift for my girlfriend. Any suggestions?W: Well you have to tell me something about your girlfriend first. Also, whats your budget?Q: What does the woman want the man to do?12. M: What wo

40、uld you like for dessert? I think Ill have apple pie and ice cream.W: The chocolate cake looks great, but I have to watch my weight. You go ahead and get yours.Q: What would the woman most probably do?13. W: Having visited so many countries, you must be able to speak several different languages.M: I

41、 wish I could. But Japanese and, of course English are the only languages I can speak.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?14. M: Professor Smith asked me to go to his office after class. So its impossible for me to make it to the bar at ten.W: Then it seems that well have to meet an hour later

42、 at the library.Q: What will the man do first after class?15. M: Its already 11 now. Do you mean I ought to wait until Mr. Bloom comes back from the class?W: Not really. You can just leave a note. Ill give it to her later.Q: What does the woman mean?16. M: How is John now? Is he feeling any better?W

43、: Not yet. It still seems impossible to make him smile. Talking to him is really difficult and he gets upset easily over little things.Q: What do we learn about John from the conversation?17. M: Do we have to get the opera tickets in advance?W: Certainly. Tickets at the door are usually sold at a hi

44、gher price.Q: What does the woman imply?18. M: The taxi driver must have been speeding.W: Well, not really. He crashed into the tree because he was trying not to hit a box that had fallen off the truck ahead of him.Q: What do we learn about the taxi driver?Conversation 1(05:50)W: Hey, Bob, guess wha

45、t? Im going to visit Quebec next summer. Im invited to go to a friends wedding.But while Im there Id also like to do some sightseeing.M: Thats nice, Shelly. But do you mean the province of Quebec, or Quebec City?W: I mean the province. My friends wedding is in Montreal. Im going there first. Ill sta

46、y for five days. Is Montreal the capital city of the province?M: Well, Many people think so because its the biggest city. But its not the capital. Quebec City is. But Montreal is great. The Saint Royal River runs right through the middle of the city. Its beautiful in summer.W: Wow, and do you think

47、I can get by in English? My French is OK, but not that good. I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English?M: Well, People speak both French and English there. But youll hear French most of the time. And all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest F

48、rench speaking city in the world. So youd better practice your French before you go.W: Good advice. What about Quebec City? Ill visit a friend from college who lives there now. Whats it like?M: Its a beautiful city, very old. Many old buildings have been nicely restored. Some of them were built in the 17th and 18th centuries. Youll love there.W: Fantastic. I cant wait to go.19. Whats the womans main purpose of visiting Quebec?20. What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?21. What does the man say about the Quebec City?Conversation 2(08:40)M: Hi, Miss Ro


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