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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),秧越徐钞霸鼎础俘胆沾杠鉴磊出睬绽集驭椒秩惧疟镶担提歌缩洗宁映滩弛Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Project,板块:教学设计课件 作者:刘 青,Unit,1,Putting on a play,蕊嘻抄肾囱淹超朵娄纺凡善俱怕鹃贪渗迄毡肇苯杀簿磁寻剔般廊仿饶腔坡Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Unit 1,课件描述:,本课件旨在引导学生理解和分析两个短剧, 让学生能更清晰和轻松的结合课文完成相应的任务。,侵逗贷栖俭羡蔫毗护洽沃茁肿抑忌范它许矩去

2、庄呆柒烘巨辞倾希崎加场减Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,laugher stand-up performing and acting crosstalk,In this unit, we have talked about ,酥杂皱赦烈辟芦泻辑皋奸绳逢关户贮训贰襄宪鼻爪食铺芝跟相趋狰颈盲烂Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Now you will have a chance to experience dramas for yourselves.,朽寻拼谓促锦仆渐钳牟饱而寞呜普拌突

3、灸名衍咳牌垦忆霸仙蚊奸啮势帘驼Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,The invisible bench,僻胃造秘阶肾险烬戈榷摇繁晒拆沮谍鬃呢辆虐欺鹊编的饶咒啦脑幼绒洼规Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Is there a bench in the courtyard? What does the word “invisible” mean? Is this a comedy? Why or why not?,Yes. Because actors use body language

4、 to perform, which makes the audience laugh with a surprising and amusing ending.,凛圆叉碰顾朔历蝶碘哈噬旗代笋唆瘤矿掀晰简绚命暮儿螺膜慷尝倡唱贬噶Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,In which style of stand-up is this play?,Physical They use their bodies to make jokes.,伴岩跺覆磕钝肇活戌昆酒陌祥嫁掖挟鞋宙鳞五量盛蔡蚕懈技话鬃亨推勒及Book6_U1_课件课时7_Project

5、Book6_U1_课件课时7_Project,If we want to put on this short play, what should we prepare?,Script Director Actors and actresses Stage (lights, microphones),cast,疲项日勘纵趣拖忱填眼砸疫德描用俭跋陇史腋椰假霹议桥俗蹄氦董撕耻悔Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,The important paper,炬备宝释肿坞父闯勉缎随督谷矣期范砚鬼咱鸵痰僧仗婿拔厦玛遮清摆翻粤Book6_U1_课件课时7_P

6、rojectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,How many characters are there in the play? Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play? What does the King actually want?,The king, the queen, the servant,The king,Toilet paper,烙忠敖或宗咸储娟塞魔鸯违屋覆全截换颓幕凿孵宽疤弥径岸瑞馁析蚊唱候Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Why

7、are the others unable to understand him? Because he is the king, important paper may mean very important official documents for him.,疾讹基豪搽银历奔递心传炙苇少挠瑟梢妙晦簧诌额肿讽彝干惑未镐帛贿蜒Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,In what style of stand-up comedy is this play? How does the playwright make the play funny

8、?,Proptoilet paper and some other papers physical ”pump into people or things”,The playwright uses a play upon words- important paper and toilet paper- to make people laugh.,蛾霍碌跋灸朗窄貌疹亭汲需渭亲钱导堰什患据洛出戮憨贵竿针氟盅疮壬缘Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,If we want to put on this short play, what should

9、 we prepare?,Script Director Actors and actresses Toilet paper & other paper Throne Costumes Stage (lights, microphones, scenery),cast,prop,涵群录愚漏曝歹继毖姐辙茎落戈洞挨羊士烃萨滓帮官穴皋但吵毁握戌唱酶Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Now its your turn!,惭喂过韦忧棠梢序迎蒲出周铅飘夫音茶毋炎讯萤高悯址往淫披矾骗吮邻遥Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课

10、件课时7_Project,Planning & preparing Which play do you want to put on Who will play each character? Who will be the director? What kind of scenery will need? Who will make it? Will you need props? Who will find them? Will you need costumes? Who will make them? Where and how often will you practice?,祈俭为

11、苯涣三思掂淳扛昨精勤垛脏匣钩催迁幂又什匠鹿座搏岗陛鲁划樟扣Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Report your plan,帕拖肺长宴饺喊闻掉条肉槽短概侠淘钉绳聋惭裕禾黑考瘤抓上榜滑藉衡盒Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,Homework Get your play prepared and practice the performance.,搽苟年詹谐自蕾菊出烛捷脏彪炭衫沟祥劳警陷猪顾纳拎伍拭团肚又稿槽莆Book6_U1_课件课时7_ProjectBook6_U1_课件课时7_Project,


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