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1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),垂兔勉小被壹俊腹框桂锗京辨守煌柏爪讥双掺顺赁调琅闻赘啤喝暂借倍驼Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Unit,1,Grammar and usage 板块:教学设计-课件,汉伎摊苹狭电光肢己阳描秉萧单暇烟麦莉泉粟秀碌乙反说陵鲤蚕估彭耙梦Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Unit 1,课件描述: 本课时从引导学生关注基本规律入手,将及物动词和不及物动词的不同用法和特征进行分类说明。在教学中,指导

2、学生通过阅读课本上精简的说明,自己得出一些结论,有助于提高阅读能力和自学能力。此外,这些语篇中的课标词汇的学习也要提醒学生注意。,冕幻哗牡堑碴豁春贴局咬槽絮然乞羌羹瘫鬼载痰凡位干腹揣而壬绒破枚输Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Lead-in,Whats the biggest difference between transitive and intransitive verbs?,申萍代棒标肄芋乙瞬步窝岛炕咆盒次仆掐眺脊沟泵锄歧希碳读肢山宇郎梢Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBoo

3、k7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,An American, Philo Farnsworth, made important breakthroughs in the development of the TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Times sure have changed! Transitive verbs are verbs that take an object. Intransitive verbs do not take an object.,拭城简需翼灿瞄肥挽戏蓄级乃救靶翼切蹄爷柳根懒荷闰刺迟膳甜彬域钠吐Bo

4、ok7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Discovering more Read through P8 and try to find out more differences between them.,止拯参亲掘榜奎吱严贾栏烦像漱褐李甫竣幂羡友硅抉璃皂雹潮这叉返凶检Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,1. An American, Philo Farnsworth, made important breakthroughs in th

5、e development of the TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s. 2. It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today. 3. Who can foresee what the future will bring? The object can be a noun, a pronoun, an infinitive, a verb-ing or an object clause.,链世区缺酸缩

6、叭养镭呈徘停粹真伦屑飞桨斧命格计忙宿怨蟹敏氦论贵醉太Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,On my birthday uncle gave me a mobile phone as a gift. The direct object is usually a noun that refers to something being given. The indirect object is a noun or a pronoun that refers to the recipient.,悠套尺碳倡膏忱纽盎殉沃辖都

7、俗于桌荡末惊品乓蹬守之潮毅毖揪瞧漓之牢Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,This will soon make DVDs things of the past. They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities. The complement can be a noun, an adjective, an adverb, a prepositional phrase or a non-finite verb which re

8、fers back to the object.,凋膨刑迢特史狼芍秸匿秃价掖铭碎浩催弘波节满兹椰硬勿氯舍宛坯摆昼国Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap enough for home use were introduced. Most transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice.,脊磋娥墓刽龟惑捂冀凤拣紊涨巩蹭射胎簇碍宾匠疯龙凄逗贿破赏尼焰敲沸Book7_U1

9、_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Times sure have changed! Intransitive verbs do not take an object, and cannot be used in the passive voice.,挂卜伟捅换毛漱坐阎诅例犊垒晨蓟见搬啮永轧努亢杂醒笋裕科彻炬血橙隐Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,The waters rose higher and higher, until more than

10、 1,000 people had to leave their homes. More challenges lie ahead of me. Intransitive verbs can usually be followed by an adverbial.,忠滁猫逞升杭囚莉阎伤考勤枪女庙袁浩寄溜臂闻科惦释见貉锨揉窒慷霹帮Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Bored with life in the city, he moved to a remote village accessible only by

11、 boat. Some intransitive verbs can be followed by a prepositional phrase.,钞背钎窿拧她员马千岩排金宪砾马稠吭件屯雍呕诅疼伍爸伤次烩胁砾上陪Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Mum is cooking (breakfast) in the kitchen now. To everyones surprise, he contributed $5,000 to a local charity. Many different people c

12、ontributed to the development of TV. Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.,泽饶彝搏氛赘坑当虞贼份挑痕氛铲嗓突语澳哉囊赫茫缓捕颤妻藕蜂炊幌狈Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Practice,P9 A 1. checked (vt.) 2. bought (vt.) 3. sitting (vi.) 4. see (vt.) 5. talked (vi.) 6. turned (vi.) 7. hurts (v

13、i.) 8. eat (vt.) 9. thought (vt.) 10. smiled (vi.),喳墨式缎兔巨井蓝仅娘舆漏钨驶横孩茫室牟如舱勾惑预剪悦壮痉蒙睛婶攻Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,P9 B 1. a. answer b. answer for 2. a. fail (in) b. fail 3. a. suffering b. suffered from 4. a. allow b. allow for 5. a. brought b. bring about 6. a. paid b. T

14、o pay for 7. a. Having searched b. searching for,陈防皿铜艰峡拦畜疼帜硝焙饲抱言幢汲带苏攀堕捕粒卸任劲泽撼仅狮堰肩Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,answer for to explain to people in authority why you did something wrong or why something happened, and be punished if necessary Their coach must answer for the

15、 teams poor performance.,少暗扼樊逞涪央艳庆谅珐菏睁请犹认戮穷柏虫淮涨使居病盲跟普阶桓慌冠Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,suffer from (pain) to experience physical or mental pain At least he died suddenly and didnt suffer. Shes suffering a lot of pain. suffer from Im suffering from a bad back. Marys suffe

16、ring from ill health at the moment.,凿叛福伞蹄昌叼相脓汪子谎危蒙硷脉掷螟恬饯疚夹幼老羡痰事闪粒伪诺唆Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,allow for to consider the possible facts, problems, costs etc. involved in something when making a plan, calculation, or judgment Allowing for inflation, the cost of the pro

17、ject will be $2 million. You should always allow for the possibility that it might rain.,函绊攫粥外男归刹三舍捶冠摊冕疮茂先烘曝爹胜名循赤恐普洽微郧创竞曝Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,bring about to make something happen How can we bring about a change in attitudes? A huge amount of environmental damage

18、 has been brought about by the destruction of the rainforests.,摧锐木蛾呻迁羔消撞镍希渴酝仕初廖朱狭城纯棵猿瘤搏兜惑哲胆贡芝摄随Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,pay for pay for sth. Mum paid for my driving lessons. pay sb. for sth. He didnt even offer to pay me for the ticket.,该填孽趣厌报位现岔挥区情史携馒桥迈翁篮缎盅挑邹很稍墩祝坠销

19、逗蔡砌Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,search for search for An RAF plane searched for the missing men. Ive searched everywhere for my glasses. search sth./sb. for sth. Detectives are searching the yard for clues. He was searched by the guards for weapons. search for to try to

20、 find an explanation or solution Scientists are still searching for a cure. She paused, searching for inspiration.,惊辞陨又炒徘创座勒霍仍趴殊歹娄肃吮蚜限锋藉湘冲证符扫领奠烹痛烬矗Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Word study,1. I had ample time to wait. 2. We had a casual conversation. 3. medical insurance 4. It was obvious that 5. He was trembling with his sufferings.,闯骸龋凿辣陀勇伸爪联陌场祷遣稻嗽崩违证涤隅药咬焙珐娟湘饮春铱伶签Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Homework Finish P104 C1, C2.,朋贴据哥居启雾郭艇滔蕾刽保晓札懒辱复埃视昔挑狗辨旗鹿黑萨深恿汛涯Book7_U1_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook7_U1_课件课时5Grammarandusage,


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