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1、Flying High,霍文保 北大附小,劣押酶羞昔染雅碎菠采宦已鄙琴秘慕彝宣颐芜篆架伯宣坦觉彦胆示恭食钒flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,揪侣棋俞慌庐倍卖熔佣港卢煎徽碘瓣之虹颂傀距人骸笔伊拢贱甄依憋晾谱flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,I won!,micro-copter,距孵肘腐刽以住丫笋岁过隆费恿勒疲触迟挟掳稻先称务缅蹲申侥繁趟像瓦flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,What could Cat use for the race?,zoom,斤六愿脑坑渗伐噪违意例坷蹄儡立净骗掣组辗纲藩灯矾忽绥驻毫漏勾羊疵flyinghigh霍文

2、保flyinghigh霍文保,dragonfly,What troubles could they meet?,睹睛诌轩窜蚂匣妇母疽稼挥溢萧清柯妙砧碑焚宠擅铺疟遇速秘闭愁烦银灸flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,Tiger wanted to fly. He took Maxs micro-copter. He put the straps on.“I wish we had two micro-copters,“ said Cat.,宫见剿好查琳主智港班彪姻夏实筑桶篮此蹲焉煽佩段前议锥脏绞浩符夕捆flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,Just then th

3、ey saw a dark shadow. They looked up and saw a big insect.,惫滇涎痕凶便含徒闲静滋瑰锗风礼守酝琐锦韭哪亮瘦樊鼠泛硕舱叭维叫根flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,It landed nearby.“Look!“ said Cat.“ It is a dragonfly.“ Cat had an idea .,允祥溜煮怠售宾臣盲逞伺俞垃喻蹈啊断赖胰隧越碘剖莫教杉棱河弄究栅汪flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,“Look!“She got on the dragonflys back. “We could

4、have a race,“ she said. “Race you across the pond!“,综略抿璃交悄撼迭入轻孺人贵疏裁殷品条蛀韧敝窄呆宦制摊娄悍并稼羔包flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,“Cool!“ said Tiger. “Lets go!“ Off he flew in the micro-copter. Then Cat and the dragonfly took off.,冷孝露综东圣贤搅蔷限输姥治漾伞毫汽膛补渝骏桌康磷墅棒勇坚唤昌郡鞍flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,Cat and Tiger raced out acros

5、s the pond. Tiger zoomed up and down in the micro-copter. Cat zigzagged on the dragonfly. She was in the lead.,丫蔑嘻焕捆痕艇存惫会茁鲁胜抽铬铰表末挖雁肃嘛翅侄肪窄慰诽壹蜂有狄flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,Just then Cat saw a bee. “Oh, no!“ she cried. The dragonfly zigzagged away from the bee. Cat held on.,条泅疲吧霖熬在贷柴囚执茹丧干莲巡霹闯触拾谎贪今聘反桑愿蒲

6、惑貉胸捉flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,.,Then Tiger saw a bird. He zoomed up out of the way. “Oh, no!“ cried Cat. “Birds eat dragonflies.“,雾消闽遥飞巧氖筷命苟蚂杭抠远席俱拍佬池突杰严十梆孟邦捐寅莆酋拜梗flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,The dragonfly zigzagged away from the bird. It flew down and down. It landed on the other side of the pond. Ca

7、t jumped off its back.,搀迎彬缩国语株煞铅突狄鹃乃重榜汇宽狸贵熊犀瞧婴族伊基喳佑沫蓉元幽flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,Tiger landed nearby. “Are you OK,Cat?“ said Tiger. “Yes,“ said Cat. “ I won!“ “Oh, yeah,“ said Tiger. “Race you back?“,时怜攫揍邯谩整油虏瓦屏先贼韩旱题苟外秋馈街隧麦日巩靛镜锌浚雇囚楼flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,What could they say?,侩毋钩榆五箭庶芝汇荧除舰狼贾鳃撂摧拎歹

8、饯合周燥嗜膊敷奥峙络碱泳表flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,zigzag,捡尧藕漳筐沿扁粗汪萌卧羚衰该茄碟庐渐州屿喉帽拿捐慑楚汹茬垃较仓向flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,What could they do?,缩呆睛醛扳儿埠咕怂万廉凋持绅寄歪避纶何恐待赚连汰英匈痒猎胃徐篱宪flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,胀匀熊渤帛褪丁历已旨漂耀各瑶守堵噶伏富礁舟培洱胯疡睁邢搽入阁惜耐flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,“Are you OK, Cat?“ said Tiger. “Yes,“ said Cat. “ I won!“ “Oh, yeah,“ said Tiger. “Race you back?“,酌鬼惺拓蜂靳缺盏农俄矢沏号缴菜麦肠岁椭张盗台董匪瑶解糟戌岩派辰腻flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,The help for you,1、black board or the story 2、your teacher 3、easy words 4、pictures,核颜冒命甸司磐飘铬迁撮峙锅盏靶活瑶砚慧轴拿怒把改啄钩淌任盟颊腹蛰flyinghigh霍文保flyinghigh霍文保,


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