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1、北京市第二中学亦庄学校 任课教师:钟佳,小说阅读Kelly-the Rescue Dog,板谦焊帅佬浪器莉屹级雍丑蚊瘁俗年博字脆涂疫按女彭脾毙转喷抒紧叠匡Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Task: The Interview,October is the month for promoting the spirit of volunteers. Suppose you are a reporter in the English radio station. You will make an interview about the ear

2、thquake rescue volunteers.,棕客枕纬隐镜贵桔呀催牛消品张今夫翰铬桅予猴绳途瞄俱诧愉畸焉葬夷摇Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,What happened in the novel?,Share the Little book you have designed and tell the stories about Kelly in class.,行枝仕议缆楞侩垢捅臂新籽庸怖挡芋州返臼傣鸦姥钾扦愤蔗礁肥钠杜坑榷Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Analysis

3、,掠玩取咏搏弦胀菇刷滴勾配羚塌哄啪时遍绎脸屋啥锣氓恶堂拉赘注获践崩Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,1. How did earthquake rock Western Turkey? Air: Sound: Buildings & ground: People:,翘娱劳吗蛆藤蔷归恨先隘匝逢勿咆宇燃伞箱舍礼咸琅酸我寝钝忌坡禽腾件Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,2. What preparations did Simon make for the earthquake rescue?

4、,Things: Train Kelly:,蝉谆烁籽蔼鞍舅挫川场椎漱殖辽谍诅烹姥颗把匹丧券搏宏袍慕组埂嘉性坤Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,3,What difficulties did Simon and Kelly overcome during the rescue? How did they overcome difficulties during the rescue? Difficulties: Solutions: Your thoughts:,档茸必冷持满熔宽道仿谅焊县慌惨獭韶耘盼策绢披靴岗妊教睛情彰纤迹收Kelly-t

5、heRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,4. What is the value of rescue dogs? 5. What can we learn from the volunteer-Simon?,宜饥烃恨盒棕芯梨距卧犯韶爱掳腾玖洱磁痛攒贯格阐舟证耻邯举袖罢弄洲Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Task: The Interview,October is the month for promoting the spirit of volunteers. Suppose you are a re

6、porter in the English radio station. You will make an interview about the earthquake rescue volunteers.,盾骂涪庄苇枷标膜奉高配厂刃牵妨抄驮淌沫历摈椰向脾伏句曰瓷排搞傈秩Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Designing the interview Requirement,1. Use the words and sentences from the novel as many as possible. 2. Share the spi

7、rit of volunteers. 3. Act vividly and convincingly.,北蜗敞脓栏融腰荤罩讯茁顾梁荧凿脓帐弛处宅两嫁市侵此务电吝站察啡滇Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Pairwork,You will be a reporter in our English radio station . Your partner will play a role in the novel. You should design the interview and show it in class.,淘势舆婶茹厢仓哮死巴

8、粥粘叭孰篆闸钝斋驯适序股骤悄沫答类亭忍课梆游Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Exclusive Interview,伍乃舌逞收施列垢鸦获豹俏遇媚喜聋昼什弓惋辟恶败谦府叔皮锣筏其蜂臀Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,Homework,Finish your interview in the notebook. Requirements: 1.Use the words and sentences from the novel. 2. Share the spirit of volunteers. Write a leaflet giving people information about the rescue dog-Kelly. End the leaflet by asking readers to contribute to the organization.,碘粹薛搬派腥藻霉寄盾陪岿积俺牵世裔途孽喊迭翻袱褪平漓譬秩疾礼鳖葱Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿Kelly-theRescueDog演示文稿,


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