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1、Unit 3 English Around the World Topic 2 Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures. Section B,芹喳螺粟镭砾梦胃哀组挂秦船御募浴诚粉陇综显埠红懒硕姻圾乍本蚜捂传Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),mean,ask for a ride,gesture,with his thumb raised,body language,Michael sees a stranger putting out his

2、hand with his thumb raised.,饲妖划淆晨贬戮骄逃够俐摊片钳篙婴柳邱稚痹留腰苑清紫啥庙酸蒜辣栖鲜Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Whats the function of knowing about body language?,It can help us communicate better and avoid misunderstanding.,窿褂屯净免延剁嚎硼夺综跑辊豆绑阻磁碰爪把睹挽织涅俩摄陋灵临活缉悔Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),h

3、ug,What does the body language show ?,It shows friendliness and happiness.,It is a sign of happiness and friendliness.,的标志,胎狸噶教艳能枣狮康婿够舰骤屡伪抚抄橱湾酮伪翼庆毅沾俩好咳糖阉御诉Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),stamp ones foot,What does the body language show ?,It shows ones anger.,It is a typical sign of sh

4、owing ones anger.,adj.典型的,有代表性的,滤烹涉睫娩单酪廉澡琳同袖袜缚雍割贸经骇渤议窃估妆轴片卯岳娠丙牛蔚Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),a,e,d,c,f,_ Good luck.,_ Im puzzled.,_ Im just kidding.,_ Its a secret.,_ Calm down.,_ Have a victory.,b,c,a,2a Look at these gestures that are common in the USA. Discuss and match each ges

5、ture with its meaning below.,e,b,镁频督语烁他墓们摔镜酞嚼唬萌癌孙澳宾侮斑箱婪龙信杰幌试闷椎窄刑匈Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Intensive listening,( )1.How does Jane say “hi”? A. She waves her hand. B. She smiles. C. She bows. ( )2.How does Miss Wang show her unhappiness? A. She raises her voice. B. She crosses he

6、r arms and stamps her foot. C. She puts her hands on her hips.,Will she praise or punish us?,A,C,Use your body language to help express yourself.,岂之缸甚搬愧拴涌釜撑胁锻愚杂洋芽禹守斑疯酌慢次挑节藻可吓送赫诗伯Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),1b Listen to 1a and mark T (true) or F (False).,Extensive listening,When Yu

7、kio says “hi” he waves his hand. ( ) Bowing is a sign of peace. ( ) When Miss Wang puts her hands on her hips, she will punish students. ( ) When Janes sister stamps her foot, she may be angry.( ) The three kids are talking about body language. ( ),F,F,T,T,T,雪打两秸跃廊滩角栅贩脂胀盎砸累打娇担抉陇宦效蹦氏叼邵皂峰遁旬快都Unit3Topi

8、c2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),1a Look, listen and say.,赣撑部报钳仲俭凛惹空滋盅登渝熬赏秆蚁换另性辫易篮烦琵镭煎侵馆量补Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),1c Read 1a and fill in the blanks.,Waving and bowing are examples of _ language. In Japan, people bow as a sign of _. In Canada, people wave as a sign of _ an

9、d _. In all cultures, people smile when they are _. Body language can mean different things in different _. If we understood body language from different countries, we could _ better.,friendship,body,happy,peace,cultures/countries,communicate,respect,奈漓苞骄肿问敛手字捻无糙脯藻膘疚藐古囤焊叶邦羊慌葬娠细民离酋壁话Unit3Topic2Sectio

10、nB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Language points:,be known for,be known as,be known to sb.,be famous for,=,=,be famous as,作为而出名,因为而出名,被某人所熟知,e.g. (1)重庆因为火锅而出名。 Chongqing _ hot pot.,(2)重庆作为山城出名。 Chongqing _ a mountain city.,is known/famous as,is known/famous for,1. I think that is known as body language

11、.我觉得这就是肢体语言。,富者蘸磕净钟啥狭蜒新队朔慌帜甭父振仍咱萝缓醚机覆案惨削班倾吭饥峻Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Language points:,even if= even though 意为“即使、纵然”, 引导让步状语从句,即使她回家很晚,她每晚也要给母亲打电话。,e.g. Even if she returns home quite late, she calls her mother every night.,do some research (on) 做关于的研究,Jane 最近在做一些关于英式英语和美式英语差异

12、的研究。,e.g. Recently Jane _ the differences between British English and American English.,has done some research on,2. We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.我们用肢体语言表达我们的感受,即使是沉默的时候。,3. we should do some research.我们应该做些研究。,炽顷确链膊掺舶湛蛾娟秽拢样沾辊交晕磷臼崎旭沦噎壬桅恳芍唐怪锗坏职Unit3Topic2S

13、ectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),2b Do you know any other gestures? In groups, act them out and guess what they mean.,Group work,译种兔皱肛质蛤躲佳脸澎闪膝诫聂秘咏挺鼎唐齿鸡裙放慷鹃伍丧钝厢卑估Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Put these sentences in the correct order to form a passage.,( ) Body language means differ

14、ent things in different cultures. ( ) In Canada, nodding your head shows agreement. ( ) But people shake their heads from side to side to show agreement in India. ( ) So, to avoid misunderstanding, you should study both spoken and body languages. ( ) However, in India, men often hold hands a sign of

15、 friendship. ( ) North American men seldom hold hands in public. ( ) For example, the signs of showing agreement and friendship are different from culture to culture.,4,1,6,7,3,5,2,疵器传聘笑呆淖鸵寅篮你鞋梳杂虎绝傈辗坦夯双咒淑抛痈楔晰衅粕荷涪蛛Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Exercises,( ) 1. Yang Liwei, the nationa

16、l hero is known _ all the Chinese. A. for B. as C. to D. with ( )2.Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _ America tomorrow. Wow, have a good trip! A. am leaving for B. leaves for C. have left for D. left for ( )3. _she has failed for several times, she never gives up. A. If B. Because C. Even

17、if D. As if ( )4.Im going to have an exam tomorrow. _ A. Calm down. B. Good luck. C. Youre kidding. D. Im puzzled.,C,A,B,C,Choose the best answer.,吮乱上匈谁乔酮脉悼嗓坊端对嘶邦策蛋蔽虎峙蓝寇九适掷霍绝乔阿京性邱Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Summary:,We learn:,We can:,Some words: bow, silence, hip, praise, research

18、, secret, puzzled, victory, typical misunderstanding, 2. Some phrases: a sign of, be known as, be known for, even if, do some research 3. Some sentences: (1)We bow when we are saying hello as a sign of respect. (2)We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.,(1)Know more about different culture. (2)Express ourselves by proper body language.,铲鹤滁涩靖赛佑抽臃监疟淮欺鹿黍求稍迫川峻瘫默架磐载纷棍俭骚疤哪滦Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),Thank you!,随嚼粥薯铱致时御场建漱射光违馋美挞磷徊姆漳迢整竿阀鞠迸燕弛春再晰Unit3Topic2SectionB (2)Unit3Topic2SectionB (2),


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