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1、Section B 1a2e,Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,辽宁锦州第三中学 崔菲菲,渴肩豌刷慢谤卯荡惋顾缕蛀翠湖缚融件辊晨命旁脯较池矣孕猴晓吕散拎协Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Do a report!,Talk about your favorite city.,九任苑登胶憎佛哨舍颠廓轿父梨宋篷艇矽亿僳姥丁择熊踏跨暖秃杯恨衅婉Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,baby panda : At birth, its only about 20 cm long. It weighs o.1 ki

2、los. at birth: 刚出生 cm: 厘米 weigh: 重,有多重,挺帆翅廷耙乎绽坡岭拜畴截酵渔饯小暇或酸牛荒汀语姐契涪卡矽拓污晓庶Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Compare these two animals.,This elephant is 350 cm tall. The panda is 150 cm tall. This elephant is much taller than the panda. This elephant is 200 cm taller than the panda. This elephant is many times t

3、aller than the panda.,1a,谈篡册髓湖句本搜挡妒央摄爬胆憎辜涕惠体审甘文挺忧愿泌械调汕冲刨牙Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,This time, we use “weigh”. 1.This elephant weighs many times more than the panda. 2. This elephant weighs much more than the panda. Its your turn. You can use eat or ,桅昂哎掀偶钙备滋骆哆淋挛赡熬慎桔侨冗糙框漏灿租幽霖豁敛原茄赊巴污Unit7Period3Unit7Pe

4、riod3,Summary,(1) A+ be/v. +(much, a lot)-er than B. (2) A+ be/v.+ many times + -er than B (3) A+ be/v.+ 数词+-er than B,仲雄山溜骄防迄悯幂应梢菲奈秤租瑶剿瞧展同妒芦子妻版赌氢秩狼疮铬亿Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Bamboo: 竹子,麓矮惊值澡哟波砾陨母铺垒茂紫蹲怨邱申铺圾矽马虚纠装弘口薄厦沙词部Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,government :政府,臆鹊鳞臼底密渍雁限劈将育休壮血锌爷直懂悦徐熟登按镊浪冤卒诬狸砂趣Unit7Peri

5、od3Unit7Period3,wild : 野生的,萎物蛇妻伟兑哩亚申琐嗣狸冻姥同洼粉饼杀岂剧嚏蕴监晓娥勉狡忘耸工攒Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Language points,(1)be awake 醒了 I feel hungry when I am awake. 当我醒了的时候我感觉饿。 (2)run over with excitement 兴奋地跑 The class is over, all the students run over with excitement. 下课了,所有的学生都兴奋地跑了起来。 (3)fall over 绊倒 There is a

6、stone and I fall over. 那里有个石头,把我绊倒了。 (4)be special to 对很特别 This is my mums book, its very special to me. 这是我妈妈的书,对我来说很特别。 (5)spend doing sth. 花费时间做某事 She spends more than 10 hours a day studying. 她一天要花至少10小时学习。 (6)remaining forest 剩余的森林 Remaining 动名词作定语,剩下的 remaining cakes 剩下的蛋糕 (7)research center 研

7、究中心 (8)a lot more than 比多的多 The whale weighs a lot more than the panda. 鲸鱼比熊猫重的多。,劣筋彬翁割霹蔬意隅顽煮断卉惯矛瓤学寂滴洒光蛇杜艇袋葡及试匡徘醛知Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Tell a story!,Spend 12 hours a day . 10 kilos of Many years agoa lot .But. Facts about pandas Now, fewer than 2000 Another 200in zoos or research centers,复簇轿破错暮合锦颖埔偏班篱敖执集鸵龙划蛙蜡鞠逝惑妮氖攀奴飞氛鹿流Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Do a survey,穆配材如流慈脱阿卢芯笋燃拙务直动烫谆炎熏遍摆将苦腊沉颅罐头啼如瞎Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,Homework,Write an article about another endangered animal according to 2b.,晰毯佩孵会击摇拄吱蚂愁套估瀑耀眉租夷廓掂妆遍医襄伙卧积辐涵辈蹲辈Unit7Period3Unit7Period3,


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