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1、中考英语句型转换解析(二)_同义型句型转换清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:http:/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供中考英语句型转换解析(二) 同义型句型转换 句型转换是要求学生根据所给的句型,按要求或提示完成考题,考查的是学生对句子结构的构成、变化等方面的知识以及对此类知识的运用能力。该题型首先给出一个完整的句子,再给出一个含有几个空白处的句子,根据不同的要求填入适当的词完成句型转换。句型转换涉及到语法知识的各个方面,在做这种题时,应注意时态、语态、人称、数的变化,特殊疑问词的用法,及助动词的用法等。句型转换考题虽然包括各种句式,但通常以两种形式进行考查:同义型句型转换和

2、条件型句型转换。 二、同义型句型转换 同义型句型转换即是用另一种方式来表述与原句相同的句意,也称作同义句转换,主要考查学生对句型及词汇的掌握情况。【真题引导1】 I prefer walking there to going by bus. I prefer to walk there _ by bus.【答案与解析】 该题考查prefer.to.与prefer.rather than.这两个句型的转换。前者后接动词时用V.+ing形式,而后者则接不定式,并且rather than后的不定式符号要省略。答案:rather than go。中考英语句型转换解析(二) 同义型句型转换李训刚 整理点

3、击数: 1969 【真题引导2】 It took Mary two weeks to prepare for the exam. Mary _ two weeks _ for the exam.【答案与解析】 该题考查的是表示“花费时间做某事”的两个句型的转换,take常用的句型是:it takes+时间+ to do.;而spend却是:sb. +spend + 时间 + (in) doing.。答案:spent, in preparing。【真题引导3】 I always get up before six oclock in my school days. I _ get up _ si

4、x oclock in my school days.【答案与解析】 根据原句的意思,只有在第二句的两个空白处分别填入never与after,这样才能表达出与第一句相同的含义。这里要注意always的否定副词是never。答案:never, after。【真题引导4】 The children are too tired to walk farther. They are_ tired_ they _ walk farther.【答案与解析】 含有too.to的简单句常和so.that 引导的复合句互相转换。但是too.to的本身是否定意义,so.that从句要改为否定。答案:so, that

5、, cant【真题引导5】 The girl left her home a few days ago, she has not come back yet. The girl has_ from her home for a few days.【答案与解析】 第一句意思为“女孩几天前离开家,她现在还未回来”。根据句意可知应用现在完成时。for a few days表示一段时间,在完成时中只能与延续性动词搭配,而leave是非延续性动词。答案:been away【巩固训练】1. They say that Mr. Liu can speak German. _ that Mr. Liu can

6、 speak German.2. Can you show me the way to the post office? Can you tell me _ get to the post office?3. People plant many young trees on both sides of the street each year. Many young trees are _ on _ sides of the street each year.4. My parents left home three days ago. They have not come back yet.

7、 My parents_ from home for three days.5. They knew something about it only after you told them. They knew_ about it _ you told them.6. If you play basketball here, you may break the windows. _play basketball here, _ you may break the windows.7. This is the most enjoyable journey that I have ever hea

8、rd of. I have _heard of_ an enjoyable journey before.8. Hot dogs are not so delicious as sandwiches. Hot dogs are_ delicious _sandwiches.9. Her father bought the car three months ago. Her father _the car for three months.10. Its good for your health to take exercise often. _ exercise often can make

9、you _.11. All the books cost me 365 yuan. I _ 365 yuan _ all the books.12. The doctor put down the telephone, left his home at once and hurried to Jims home. After the doctor _ the phone call, he left his home at once and went to Jims home as _.13. At the end of the meeting his bag was lost. He_ his

10、 bag when the meeting _.14. I like Backstreet Boys. But he likes F4 better. He _ F4 _ Backstreet Boys.15. Tom spent two hours in mending the bike. It _ two hours_ the bike.16. He hardly does wrong in his homework. He hardly _ any _ in his homework.17. I will tell you my telephone number after you te

11、ll me yours. Please tell me your telephone number, _I_ tell you, _.18. The Indian old lady no longer lived there. The Indian old lady _ live there _.19. Jane got to school earlier than any other students. Jane got to school _ all the students.20. My sister prefers reading to going shopping. My siste

12、r likes_ than going shopping.Keys: 1. Its said 2. how, to 3. planted, both 4. have been away 5. nothing, before 6. Dont, or 7. never, such 8. less, than 9. has had 10. Taking, healthy11.spent,on12.received,soon as possible 13. couldnt find, was over 14. prefers,to15. took Tom, to mend 16. makes, mis

13、takes 17.or, will not, either18.didnt,any more.19.earliest of 20. reading better初一英语(上)课题 Unit 9 I want to be an actor Section B (2课时) 葛家中学 主备人:于丽平 参与人:王清青、张丛辉、王刚 授课时间 _学习目标:本单元我们就学习职业,通过本单元的学习,你需要掌握: 学会形容词exciting busy difficult dangerous fun boring, like to do的用法。 能够自由的谈论某人的职业 。重点难点:1. words: news

14、paper hard as at summer story magazine young play news children teach skill sir madam2.Talk about the jobs and read the newspaper课时:第一课时 (Section B1a2c) 预习导航:. 你能用英语说出下列职业吗? 演员,医生,记者,店员,男警察,服务员,银行职员, 护士. 你能用英语询问职业吗?What do you do? I am a What does he /she do? He/She is a 你能注意第三人称单数的用法,以及助动词do和实意动词do

15、的用法区别吗?3. 形容工作特点的形容词exciting busy difficult dangerous fun boring预习效果自我评价 _( Great / good/ not bad/ bad)()学习过程:学习任务一: 以前,我们学过一个单词,演员,你还记得吗?(actor)那么,除了演员这个职业,你还知道哪些职业呢? 下面的这些职业,你能顺利的用英语表达吗?医生, 记者, 店员, 男警察, 服务员, 银行职员doctor reporter shop assistant policeman waiter bank clerk自我评价 _( Great / good/ not ba

16、d/ bad)( )学习任务二: 1. 假如,他是一名警察,如何用英语表达呢? He is a policeman.他是一名医生。 He is a doctor. 她是一名记者。 She is a reporter. 要是,我们在一起谈论职业,他的工作特点,如何用英语进行表达呢?He is a policeman.Its an exciting job.现在,我们来进行对话A: What do you do? B: I am a doctor.A:Its a difficult job.2. 换成第三人称,要注意动词的第三人称单数形式。比如:他是干什工作的?What does he do? 他

17、是一名医生。 He is a reporter.它是一份危险的工作。Its a dangerous job.你能利用下面的人称,变换组成新的对话吗?Anns mother, Tonys father , Susans brother3.Tell your classmates:Why do you want to be? Why?I want to be a newspaper reporter, because its an interesting job.变换人称和职业进行练习。自我评价 _( )知识归纳:注意冠词a/an 的用法区别。注意助动词do, does 与实意动词do 的区别,不

18、要把二者混为一谈。What do you do? I am a/an What does he/she do? He/She is a/an What do you want to be? I want to be a /an形容词描述职业的特点,注意不定冠词与他们的连用 学以致用情景活动:假如,你和Susan是同学,她的爸爸是警察,妈妈是店员,她将来想成为一名银行职员,你能自己编写一个对话吗?小组同学合作,编写练习对话。巩固提高: 1. 课堂检测 (1)默写单词:演员,医生,记者,店员,男警察,服务员,银行职员 (2)翻译下列句子: 1. 你是干什么工作的?我是一名服务员 2. 她是干什么工

19、作的?她是一名记者 3. 他想将来干什么工作? 他想成为一名警察。2. 课堂小结:小组在一起探讨一下这节课我们学过了哪些内容自我评价 _()3. 作业设置:用英语熟练写出所学过的职业,自己编写对话。课外拓展:调查自己活着朋友同学的家长职业,利用所学的知识,编写新的对话,小组之间练习,下节课展示。课时:第二课时(SectionB 3a4) 预习导航:1.写出所学的职业名词2.写出职业工作的地点3.写出描述职业的形容词预习效果自我评价 _( Great / good/ not bad/ bad)()学习过程:学习任务一:Read the newspaper want ads.词组like to d

20、o sth.和like doing sth.的用法I like to work hard. I like working hard. Exercises:(Translate some sentences)( 1).我喜欢唱歌。(2).他喜欢游泳。(3)你喜欢写故事吗?自我评价 _( Great / good/ not bad/ bad)( )学习任务二:1. We have a job for you as a reporter. (1)job是可数名词,可以说a job. Work可以做名词,也可做动词,作名词时是不可数名词,不可以说a work.(2) as介词,当做,如:She wor

21、ks in a hospitai as a nurse.2.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事如:We want a P.E. teacher to teach soccer.3.Exercises:我想要一为音乐老师去教吉他。他想要我写故事。自我评价 _( )知识归纳:1.注意like to do,like doing 的用法2.want sb. to do sth.中的sb.要用宾格 3. Do you like totalk with people?Do you like to work hard?We want a music teacher to teach pia

22、no.学以致用情景活动:Imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS.write and explain why you are a good person for the job.Dear Sir or Madam:I am a P.E. teacher.I speak巩固提高: 1.课堂检测一翻译句子我想成为一个警察。你想成为学校距离的演员吗?我们有一份记者的工作给你。你喜欢跳舞吗?二句型转换I want to be a teacher.(划线提问)He likes to sing.(一般疑问句)2.课堂小结:小组讨论本节课的内容,在指名说。自我评价 _(

23、)3.作业设置利用本单元所学句子,编一段对话,要求内容完整,具体。课外拓展调查本班同学的爸爸妈妈的工作,写一段对话,准备表演。重庆南开中学初2010级08-09八年级上期末英语测试题1 注:l本试题共十一个大题,满分150分,考试时间l20分钟。2第I卷的答案填涂在机读卡上;第卷的答案写在答题卷上。第I卷(90分)听力部分(30分)I情景反应。(每小题1分,共6分) 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答句,并把答题卡上对应题目的标号涂黑,听一遍。1. A. Yes, I could. B. Yes, sure. C. No, I couldnt.2. A. Its funn

24、y. B. I was excited. C. It was boring.3. A. You should cut some apples first. B. You have to buy a blender. C. First, you need to turn on the blender.4. A. Really? B. Sounds great. C. Thank you.5. A. He was born in Chongqing. B. They were born in December.C. They were born in Chicago.6. A. I think I

25、 am going to move to Hollywood. B. Im going fishing.C. To be an actor.对话理解。(每小题1分,共6分) 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,听一遍。7. A. For 3 hours.B. For 4 hours.C. For 7 hours.8. A. Living room.B. Kitchen.C. Classroom.9. A. Its very far.B.13 hours.C.13 hours by plane.10. A. Yes, he would

26、 like.B. No, he wouldnt like.C. Yes, sure.11. A. Great.B. Fun.C. Terrible.12. A. Harbin.B. Beijing.C. Hainan.短文理解。(每小题2分,共18分) 你将听到A、B两篇短文,请根据短文内容完成以下题目,听两遍。A 判断下列说法正误,正确的记A,错误的记B,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。13. Everybody learns English at school.14. It is difficult to answer why so many people learn English.

27、15. Children learn English because they all like it.16. All the books are written in English.17. English is useful and helpful in peoples work and life.B请从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。18. What did the man give her mother on her birthday? A. Some money. B. A birthday cake. C. A parrot.19. What

28、can the bird do? A. It could do some housework B. It could sing ten famous songsC. It could speak nine foreign languages20. In the end, how was the bird? A. It was dead. (死的) B. It talked with the woman.C. It sang songs for the woman.21. How did the man feel when he heard the news? A. Excited. B. Sa

29、d. C. Happy.笔试部分(60分).单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目睥答案标号涂黑。22. I know he was born September 3, 1995. A. in B. on C. at D. of23. - do you go to the cinema? - Hardly ever. A. How often B. How far C. How old D. How long24. -Could you please sweep the floor? - Sorry, I . A. can B. co

30、uld C. couldnt D. cant25. Mom, I want to watch TV. Could I now? A. turn it up B. turn it off C. turn it on D. turn on it26. Dont play with fire. Its dangerous. You can table tennis. A. play the B. play with C. play D. to play27. There is going to a basketball match this weekend. A. be B. has C. hold

31、 D. have28. Theres homework to do today so I have no time to play. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too29. How long does it you to go to school? A. spend B. take C. pay D. bring30. -Tina, let us go to play computer games. -Sorry. Im a math problem. A. working with B. work on C. working on

32、 D. work at31. The competition has a history. A.70-year B.70-years. C.70 year D.70s year 32. How much is there? A. sandwiches B. yogurts C. salt D. cake 33. -Are they her friends? -No, they are . A. my B. their C. them D. mine34. You should still take more exercise, you feel well now. A. though B. a

33、nd C. but D. because35. I think this room is than that One. A. the more comfortable B. the most comfortableC. much comfortable D. much more comfortableV完型填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的标号涂黑。 Lofton (洛夫顿)is a little village not far from Manchester(曼彻斯特). Like many 36 villages

34、 near towns or cities, its clean and quiet. Not many families 37 there, so the people all know 38 . Most of them are friendly and helpful. Their homes are in Lofton, 39 many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in big factories. 40 work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by tr

35、ain. It usually takes them about 41 to go from Lotion to Manchester. In the evening a lot of people enjoy 42 TV. If they want to see a film or listen to a concert, they 43 go to Manchester. There are no cinemas in Lofton. Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as life in the 44 cities, but it can be

36、just as 45 as that in them. Thats why people in Lofton love their village.36. A. anyB. othersC. the otherD. other37. A. livesB. are livelyC. liveD. to live38. A. each otherB. other oneC. the otherD. each39. A. butB. nextC. andD. however40. A. LittleB. A littleC. FewD. A few41. A. a half hourB. half

37、hourC. half an hourD. half a hour42. A. to watchB. watchingC. watchedD. watch43. A. have toB. had toC. needD. shall44. A. more biggerB. biggerC. bigger than otherD. biger45. A. interestedB. more interestingC. interestingD. more interested阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并把答题卡上对应题目的标号涂黑

38、。A Little Peter is a boy of nine. He began to go to school the year before last and now hes in Grade Three. He lives not far from the school but he is often late for class. He likes watching TV in the evening and goes to bed late, so he cant get up on time in the morning. This term, Mrs. Black, Pete

39、rs aunt, works in Peters school. She teaches Grade Three math. She often tells the boy to come to school on time. Yesterday morning Peter got up late. When he hurried to school, it was half past eight. His aunt was waiting for him at the school gate. Youre ten minutes late for the first class, Peter

40、, Mrs. Black said angrily. Why are you often late for class? Every time I get to the street corner, I see a guidepost(路标). It says: SCHOOL-GO SLOW!46. Peter is at school for . A. one and a half years B. two years C. more than two years D. more than three years47. Peter is often late for school becau

41、se . A. he likes playing very much B. he goes to school slowly C. he cant sleep well at night D. he cant get up on time in the morning48. Mrs. Black is a . A. worker B. teacher C. farmer D. policewoman49. The first class begins at . A. ten to eight B. eight C. eight-twenty D. ten past eight50. The guidepost is for . A. drivers B. Peter C. workers D. teachersBHouse For SaleRed Rose Garden, Pudong, Shanghai3-story home.509 sqm (平方米) with 312.9 sqm garden.Asking RMB 13 million.


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