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1、Baoding LOCATION Baoding is located around 140 kilometers south of Beijing. It is nearly halfway between Beijing and Shijiazhuang, the capital of Hebei province. Coordinates: Baoding3810N-4000 N ,11340E- 11620E Dalian 3843N-4010N, 12058E- 12331E tourism Although Baoding is a small town , its history

2、 and natural scenery cannot be overlooked. Baoding leans against Taihang Mountains to the west and embraces Baiyangdian Lake to the east. YeSanPo, Baishishan and the Langya Mountains have become nice places for summer recreation to the people near Beijing city. YeSanPo YeSanPo, a national key scenic

3、 spot, is a famous tourist resort in the north of China. Special natural scenery , pure ecological environment, unique ancient cultural relics, strong ethnic customs. 早知三坡有美景,何必世外觅桃 源。 Yi River(易水河) 于易水送人 骆宾王 此地别燕丹,壮士发冲冠。 昔时人已没,今日水犹寒。 Yi River(易水河) In the Spring and Autumn period Yan dynasty establi

4、shed in Baoding. Yi River is located in Yi county(易县), and it branches into South Yi River, Middle Yi River and north Yi river.易水河因燕太 子丹送荆轲刺秦于此作别 ,高渐离击筑,荆轲合着 音乐高歌:“风萧萧兮易 水寒,壮士一去兮不复还 !”而名扬天下 。 Jingke tower Ranzhuang Ranzhuang is a small village in Qingyuan County, Baoding city. During the Anti-Japane

5、se War period, the militia (民兵 )in Ranzhuang dug the subways to fight the Japanese puppet Army(日伪军) . RanZhuang tunnel stand sites( 冉庄地道战遗址)are very important battleground of war sites on the north China in the Anti-Japanese War period . Baigou Baigou is a famous bussiness town in north China. Lugga

6、ge is an important support industry of Baigou. The luggage industry in Baigou stimulates the development five neighboring counties and more than 50 towns. It helps more than half ten thousand people took the path to riches. You may not know Baigou, but the bags you carry are probably produced in Bai

7、gou. 旅游名镇,购物天堂 Zhangfei Beijing Opera Facial Masks (京剧脸谱) According to the record, Zhangfeis hometown is Zhuzhou, a city belongs to Baoding and near Beijing. There are temples in Zhuozhou in memory of zhangfei. 勇气凌云,实曰虎臣 ; 勇如一国,敌号万 人。 蜀吴其翼,吴折麟麟 ; 惜乎英勇,前后绝 伦。 The triple gem of Baoding(保定三宝) 铁球面酱春不老 I

8、ron balls铁球 Iron balls is a piece of sports equipment Baoding people are very fond of , especially for the middle-aged and elderly people. You generally use a hand to hold the two iron balls and move them around in your hand. It helps move the muscles , activate collaterals( 活络) and strengthen the b

9、ody. Look at the old grandpa. I dont think I can hold five iron balls in hand as calmly as he does. Yishui inkstand(易水砚) Yishui inkstand can date back to the Tang dynasty. The material of the inkstand is drawn from the river bank of Yi River. The stone is a kind of violet(紫色的) and soft aqueous rock(

10、 水成岩). 雕山的砚台精美古朴,保潮耐固,易于发墨, 宜书宜画,书写流利。易砚因材造型,以型定 名,艺人因材施艺,精心设计,巧用砚石,刀 法精湛。 1978年廖承志访问日本,将“五龙戏珠”等 两方易砚,作为国家礼品,赠送给大平正芳 首相。 棒子面饼 coarse grains (粗粮) Corn contains rich nutrients and it is the world-accepted gold crops. But usually people eat coarse coin food only to improve their taste. shadow puppet涿州皮影 According to the research Zhuozhou shadow puppet is the source of the shadow puppet of Beijing, Tangshan, even Chengde and Liaoning province. END


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