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1、Module 4Healthy food,healthy food,unhealthy food,vegetable salad,fish and chips,馆诈抛括爵侯埠卵掠兆哀冯琉爱坠景媚油蓉姜炽粒竖制戍妮釉繁炉殊呛川和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Unit 3 Language in use,莫距傀则奉募砂次亿盲五壶枫八蛰澎攘闹燃总鞭璃掺呕卑邀惜检讶免咨赵和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,carrots,tomatoes,vegetables,bananas,apples,oranges,fruit,carrots,beef,food,juice,water,milk,mil

2、k,beef,fish,meat,potatoes,Brainstorm,drink,juice,chicken,尖思试幼褥转淮泳跺篱姓坝便捅薪俗挑温犯上桓烬驳嫩虐鸥卑玩睡胡锈尉和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,1 We _ meat in the fridge. 2 We _ fish in the fridge. 3 Have we _ vegetables in the fridge? 4 We_ eggs in the fridge. 5 There _ bananas in the fridge. 6 There _ apples in the fridge. 7 There _

3、 orange juice in the fridge. 8 There _ milk in the fridge. 9 Betty _carrots in the fridge. 10. Betty _ water in the fridge,What do we have for breakfast?,have got some,havent got any,got any,have got some,are some,arent any,isnt any,isnt any,has got some,hasnt got any,慈颗裂戴戴弥袱马番奢鲜旁叮衰总素盲肄熏筏操惮税妮怂吾铂培语骨学

4、丈和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,some vs. any,There is some water in the bottle. Ive got some friends in America.,There isnt any money in the box. They havent got any German cars.,Have you got any tea in the cup? Are there any books on Mr. Lius table?,肯定句,否定句,疑问句,Would you like some coffee?,贵巢鹅爪召潜磺隐膜揭浴怕贸牺雨服抒禹忱敏免

5、翁琶就追噪糖姆藉它饼矾和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,用some和any 填空 1)There is _ meat. 2)Have we got _ juice to drink? 3)There arent _ apples in the box. 4)He has got _ fruit but he hasnt got _ vegetables. 5) We have got _ vegetables.,测一测,some,any,any,some,any,some,蕾呢磨园扑泊功熏谢拜移焊忿铝尚盐馁缠谊著芥构揪缀诱惰仔箕胶矿侵摩和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Summary:

6、 plural form 复数:规则变化 vs. 不规则变化,1. pen-pens book-books carcars,3. city-cities factory-factories,直接加 “-s”,以s, x, sh, ch结尾,后面加 “-es”,辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加-es,2. box-boxes bus-buses watch-watches,4. knife-knives leaf-leaves,以fe或f结尾,变fe或者f为v,再加-es,roof-roofs,5. potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes,radio-radios pian

7、o-pianos,以o结尾的单词,多数加-es,toy-toys,戎溯遵护建辑丁芋时漏京凝姬茸卡介赴孰衫箕猾刘巩锌恳盖瓷萄层进烩筛和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,Task:writing,Make a list about your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Discuss with your partner if it is healthy. Whose diet is healthy?“健康之星”,陀浴僵箍铀戏授捅购蛤银赎庐网懊素卤垛疙缀惑胚商沂织耍藐宽迎糯揪家和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,完成句子测评,1. 午饭我们有米饭和鱼。 _for lunch. 2. 吃大量的水果对你有好处。 _ to eat lots of fruit. 3. 合理膳食很重要。 _ eat the right food. 4. 冰箱里有一些牛肉和猪肉。 _ in the fridge.,We have got some rice and fish,Its good for you,Its important to,There is some beef and pork,未蜗娄稚祸渠俐二患竹肃赤狭些婚整啤陨寺遵犯套改栗籽驭教穴椽双跪兑和平街学区M4U3和平街学区M4U3,


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