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1、guide sex further enhanced, documents handle and running of speed obviously speed up, program gradually specification, conference service and Chief reception of quality and level has has new of improve, Logistics support capability further strengthened. Document management, confidential, confidentia

2、lity, duty, letters and other items have been significantly improved. 4, Office construction increased at all levels. City Government offices adhere to strengthen and improve the construction of the system as a breakthrough, has developed a series of code of conduct, continuous improvement of operat

3、ional mechanism, sound and the implementation of the rules and regulations, and adhere to the system of managing people, according to the rules, the work gradually into the orbit of institutionalization and standardization. Focus on strengthening ideological and political construction of the conting

4、ent of cadres, and actively carried out various business training, knowledge of the Office team structure has been optimized, to broaden the range of knowledge and operational capacity grows, nurtured a political firm, sharp, professional and innovative staff, created solidarity, striving for the to

5、p, pragmatic, dedication, good image. However, with the State Council and the provincial Government of the national, the provinces Secretary-General meeting of government offices under the new situation the functions and priorities compared to the requirements of our gap is still very big. Main is d

6、aily in the passive meet of more, active research of less, service also has not timely, and not in place of problem; work in the meet Yu traditional of, and program of of work way, develop innovation spirit and service innovation capacity not strong; supervision information work and promoted decisio

7、n implementation of contact enough close, feedback situation not active; research resources of using enough full, research results of into degree not high; some sector documents running not specification; Municipal Government Office on the County (district) and municipal government sector Office wor

8、k of guide enough, No real form interaction and close collaboration, promote the implementation of the work. These problems, we must effectively be addressed in the future work. Second, serve the overall situation, carry out their duties, improve quality, and strive to create a new situation of syst

9、em of government offices in the city since last season, meeting the Secretary-General of the State Council and the provincial government has held a government system, from a global and strategic height, scientifically analyzed the new situation and the newTasks on the system of government offices br

10、ing new situations and new problems and new challenges, profoundly expounded the work of government departments at all levels in the new era should be put in the situation to understand, to grasp, to deploy at any time and under any circumstances, should always focus on the big picture, firmly grasp

11、 the overall situation, increasing in the overall implementing in earnest the work of spontaneity, initiativeSecondly, we should strengthen the team. A unit is a team in various sections of the unit inside is also a small team. A unit with a team spirit, formed a team responsibility, cohesion and co

12、mpetitiveness. You want to make a unit, a Department work improvement, must be melting inside a feeling of solidarity and mutual help, for a common goal and determined to achieve the spirit, cultivating a strong collective spirit and team responsibility, sense of honor. Therefore, we need to start i

13、mproving office work and enhance the efficiency of Office work and strive to build a concerted . Fault. In accordance with the requirements of modern management science, establishing strict responsibility system of management by objectives. A work who is in charge, who is in charge and who is respon

14、sible, what right do these people have, what responsibility, has to truthfully and clearly understood. Departments at all levels should strictly implement the check in the Office of party Committee evaluation, significant accountability and reward incentive system, pay close attention to duty cash a

15、nd making unity, rights, responsibilities, and to inspire each of cadres spirit and morale, Super courage. Investee insists, is a deep topic, is a real problem, is a big issue. Today, I just combined this year, the citys Communist Party Committee Office, had some rough talk and understanding, we mus

16、t strengthen research and exchanges in this regard in the future. Investee in the new year, we must hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents theory the great banner of, under the correct leadership of the CPC, adhere to the people-oriented, insist on truth, adhere first

17、to excellence, efforts to do Office work to a new level. Speech at the Conference on the system of government offices in the city around the development of service function to create a new situation in the work of the Office of the citys system of Government-speech at the Conference on the system of

18、 government offices in the city This system of government offices working in the citys main task is to study Government systems of administrative supervision, administrative information, administrative reception and information technology issues. For the meeting, the City Mayor Ma has made important

19、 instructions, the Municipal Government Office fully prepared brewing, combined with practical work to develop the notice on further strengthening the supervision work, the XX, Chief Information interim measures for 2005 and the citys system of Government Administration informatization construction

20、task statement and other documents. Before the General Assembly and organization of counties (districts) of the scene to observe the Government Office, achieve the purpose of exchanges of work, thought. Today, the Tang Mayor also attended the meeting and delivered an important speech in the midst, h

21、ope good grasp of implementation. Next, I would like to make a few remarks. A, and around Center, looks at development, strengthened service, city government system Office work rendering atmosphere in recent years, city government system Office to关于泡沫混凝土屋面分仓缝、排气孔的设置泡沫混凝土作为一种新型的建筑材料,目前可以依据的国家和浙江省规范、规


23、见下图(图中配套产品可以根据实际采购确认):关于分仓缝的分隔方式见下图附录:屋面泡沫混凝土施工工法工法编号:RJGF(闽)102008完成单位:中建七局三公司主要完成人:高洁琦 谢从铭 刘江波 1 前言随着社会经济的发展,无论从整个国际经济气候还是中国宏观经济大势来看,能源问题已经日趋严峻,建筑能耗已占全国能源消耗总量的27.8%,故节约能源势在必行,国家相应制定出台了一系列节能减排的措施及规定。近年来具有节能环保概念的建筑材料日益受到国家的重点扶持及市场的青睐,而泡沫混凝土作为一种新型的隔热保温材料,因其隔热保温效果明显,耐火减震,施工简捷且造价低廉,目前逐渐成为建筑屋面隔热找坡的首选材料之

24、一。其施工工艺通过工程实践,总结形成本工法。2 工法特点泡沫混凝土具有轻质低弹,隔热保温,耐火减震,整体性及耐久性高,防水效果好等特点,其施工过程无需任何振捣,可降低劳动强度,而且造价低廉,环保经济。3 适用范围本工法适用于一般工业与民用建筑工程的平屋面找坡保温层的施工。其构造见图3。图3 屋面防水隔热找坡构造示意图4 工艺原理泡沫混凝土是用机械方法将泡沫水溶液加压制成均匀封闭的气泡组成的泡沫,然后将泡沫注入到由水泥、集料、掺合料、水及各种外加剂等制成的浆料中,再经混合搅拌,浇筑成型,养护而成的轻质多孔材料。5 工艺流程及操作要点5.1 施工工艺流程工艺流程见图5.1。按设计要求,通过试验确定

25、配合比在发泡瓶中加入发泡剂和水水及外加剂加入搅拌机搅拌基层清理水泥、砂加入搅拌机搅拌标高控制,拉线找坡加压形成泡沫晶体混合搅拌形成泡沫混凝土在特定的部位埋设分格条基层洒水湿润,涂刷水泥浆将泡沫混凝土铺在施工部位表面按要求刮平泡沫混凝土终凝前后及时取出分格条以及切割分格缝浇水养护14天用密封膏嵌填分格缝验收图5.1 工艺流程图5.2 操作要点5.2.1 根据设计要求,试配泡沫混凝土,确定其水泥、发泡剂、水、集料及外加剂等的掺量。5.2.2 清理基层上的尘土、杂物和积水。5.2.3 按照泡沫混凝土层的设计厚度、设计坡度,用水泥砂浆贴点标高(贴灰饼),再拉线,冲筋。若设计无规定坡度值,坡度值宜为2%

26、。5.2.4 在屋面与女儿墙交界处及凸出屋面的构造物四周埋设分格条。5.2.5 在基层上洒水湿润,然后涂刷一道素水泥浆。5.2.6 在发泡瓶内加入发泡剂及发泡剂量1213倍的水充气加压36分钟,待空压机气压升压到0.60.8MPa后停机待用。5.2.7 在搅拌机内加入水和抗拉纤维(按0.7kg/m3配料)搅拌12分钟,再按水泥、砂及外加剂等的先后顺序加入搅拌机内搅拌23分钟形成稠状浓液,随后加入5.2.6中所述形成的泡沫搅拌。当搅拌机内泡沫混凝土坍落度增大到200220mm时,达到设计立方重量比后停止加泡沫,然后继续搅拌泡沫混凝土56分钟。之后将搅拌均匀的成品泡沫混凝土倾倒在基砰上。5.2.8

27、 采用分段流水作业摊铺泡沫混凝土,虚铺厚度为实际厚度的1.21.3倍,然后用长3米的铝合金刮杠刮平即可。5.2.9 在泡沫混凝土接近终凝时,应先取出埋设在屋面凸出部位周边及女儿墙边的分格条;待泡沫混凝土终凝后,及时用切割机具切割分格缝,分格缝间距宜为3m3m,分格缝的宽度按25mm留置,深度同铺设的泡沫混凝土厚度,养护期结束后在分格缝中嵌填PVC高级密封膏。5.2.10 泡沫混凝土施工完24小时后应浇水养护,养护时间不得少于14天。养护期内尽量避免人员在其上面行走及禁止堆积物品,以免破坏其中的气泡结构,影响隔热效果。5.3 劳动组织劳动组织应根据设备的组数以及划分的工作面、流水段来确定,以一组

28、设备所需的施工人员配备为例,所需人员配备见表5.3。表5.3 各工种人员配备和工作任务序号工 种人 数工作任务1普 工3将施工材料加入搅拌机及发泡瓶,运输成品泡沫混凝土2机械操作工2操作发泡瓶及搅拌机,切割分格缝3泥水技工1将泡沫混凝土摊铺、抹平、收光4指挥人员(工长)1组织指挥、调度、工序安排5杂 工1现场清理、养护6 材料及设备6.1 材料6.1.1 水泥:P.O.32.5R以上普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥、粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥等均可使用。6.1.2 砂子:普通河砂或山砂均可,含泥量应小于3%。6.1.3 收缩补偿剂:一般为Cao-Al2O3-CaSO4 ,可有效提高泡沫混凝土的抗裂能力。6

29、.1.4 发泡剂:主要原料采用无污染的动物蛋白质油和植物油,无论是对生产者还是使用者及环境都不会产生任何负作用。其特点是发泡速度快,能使泡沫均匀,液膜坚韧,稳定性好,泌水率低,持续时间长,且对胶凝材料无任何影响。6.1.5 材料均应有出厂合格证,出厂性能报告,产品使用说明等,并按规定做相关的进场检验。6.2 设备所需机具设备有:发泡瓶、砂浆搅拌机、FG50风冷系列空气压缩机(含压力表)、水准仪、卷尺、铁锹、坍落度筒、铝合金刮杠、木抹子、切割机等。FG50风冷系列空气压缩机技术参数见表6.2。表6.2 FG50风冷系列空气压缩机技术参数FG50排气量(m3/min)排气压力(Mpa)功率(Kw)

30、缸径(mm)缸数储气筒容积(L)0.480.74.08031307 质量控制7.0.1 泡沫混凝土的配合比应根据设计标准强度、施工条件以及环境温度由试验来决定。各种原材料应符合其质量要求并应严格控制计量。(常用的配合比见表7.1)表7.1 泡沫混凝土常用配合比(kg/m3) 水泥(42.5R)中粗砂发泡剂(专利)配方料(专利助剂)水350300500311.5适 量(以坍落度来控制掺量)注:本表以容重为700900kg/m3的泡沫混凝土为例,坍落度为200220mm.7.0.2 泡沫混凝土的干燥容重为5001000kg/m3,导热系数0.22w/m.k。其容重、干燥收缩值、抗压强度按混凝土小型

31、空心砌块试验方法(GB/T4111-1997)、吸水率按加气混凝土体积密度、含水率和吸水率试验方法(GB/T11970-1997)、导热系数按绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定 防护热法(GB/T10294-88)的有关条款执行。7.0.3 屋面泡沫混凝土的施工及质量验收应满足屋面工程技术规范(GB50345-2004),屋面工程质量验收规范(GB50207-2002)及建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范(GB50411-2007)的相关规定。7.0.4 整体现浇屋面泡沫混凝土的厚度不应小于60mm,分格缝留置的面积不应大于4m4m,分格缝应用柔性防水材料填嵌;其坡度必须准确,符合设计要求,不能倒泛水

32、。7.0.5 大面积泡沫混凝土表面应平整,用2m靠尺检查,空隙不应大于5mm,并不得有疏松、起砂、起皮等现象。7.0.6 雨雪天或五级风以上的天气不得施工,施工的环境温度宜在540之间。8 安全措施采用本工法施工时,除应执行有关安全施工的规定外,尚应遵守注意下列事项:8.0.1 施工作业人员必须了解和掌握本工艺的技术操作要领,特殊工种(机械操作工等)应持证上岗。8.0.2 泡沫混凝土制作前,应对空气压缩机、发泡瓶、搅拌机等进行检查,且在试运转正常后方可开机工作。8.0.3 在施工中,要随时注意压力表的数值,严禁压力超标。并严格按操作规程及顺序操作空气压缩机和发泡瓶,防止空气压缩机气流管反弹伤人

33、。9 环保要求9.0.1 在添加材料时,施工人员必须带口罩等防护用品。9.0.2 要减少空气压缩机、搅拌机的噪声及震动或采取相应的隔离措施。施工时应避开居民的休息时间。9.0.3 泡沫混凝土为现场制作,所有材料应统一保管,剩余材料不能随意丢弃,尤其是各种外加剂及发泡剂等在工序完成后要及时收起,并妥善保管。10 效益分析10.0.1 采用泡沫混凝土作屋面隔热找坡层与其它的屋面隔热找坡层(如水泥砂浆找坡加挤塑保温板、膨胀珍珠岩,陶粒混凝土,架空预制隔热板等)相比具有自重轻,工艺简单,工序少,防水及保温隔热效果好等优点,且经济环保,有良好的综合效益。10.0.2 以福州万象商业广场为例,本工艺与目前

34、常用的水泥砂浆加挤塑保温板隔热找坡层相比,效益分析如下:(除泡沫混凝土为新型建筑材料,定额中没有体现单价,以市场价计算,其它单价均套用福建省2005年定额计算)1 用泡沫混凝土找坡隔热,屋面最厚处为150mm,最薄处为60mm,平均厚度为100mm,目前泡沫混凝土市场每立方米综合单价为250元/m3,即100mm厚每平方米单价为25元。2 若采用水泥砂浆找坡,按设计要求1%坡度,平均厚度为25mm。根据定额测算出25mm厚水泥砂浆找坡层每平方米单价为10.72元每平方米25mm厚挤塑保温板的单价为19.41元/m2故采用水泥砂浆加挤塑保温板作为保温隔热找坡层每平方米的单价为:10.7219.4

35、1=30.13元/ m23 相比用水泥砂浆加挤塑保温板作为保温隔热找坡层,用泡沫混凝土作隔热找坡层,每平方米节约费用为30.13255.13元。万象商业广场屋面面积以16000计算,共节省费用为5.1316000=66080元。 江苏省工程建设标准 DGJJXXXXX-2010 DGJXX/XXXX-2010现浇轻质泡沫混凝土应用技术规程(征求意见稿)2010-XX-XX发布 2010-XX-XX实施 江苏省建设厅 审定 发布目 次1 总 则12 术语、符号12.1 术 语12.2 主要符号23 材 料23.1 原材料23.2 配合比33.3 试验方法44 设 计54.1 一般规定54.2 现

36、浇轻质泡沫混凝土屋面保温层设计54.3 现浇轻质泡沫混凝土地暖保温层设计65 施 工15.1一般规定15.2 现浇轻质泡沫混凝土屋面保温层施工25.3 现浇轻质泡沫混凝土地暖保温层施工35.4 养护45.5 季节性施工46 验 收56.1一般规定56.2 主控项目66.3 一般项目6附录A 发泡剂性能检验方法8本标准用词说明10条 文 说 明11and steadfastness. And explicitly put forward the surrounding situation, pay attention to implementation is the core of govern

37、ment offices, requiring government departments at all levels cannot be Gramophone, mail room and the Messenger is not confined to paper communications, yinglaisongwang and upload issue. Must to has strongly of implementation consciousness, this is Government Office sector first bit of task, to first

38、, and is duty-bound, insisted reported truth, and told truth, and out confess, and do facts, and pragmatic effect, put work of to points real put to research solution reform development stable in the of major problem Shang, put to research solution masses production life in the of urgent problem Sha

39、ng, put to research solution work in the exists of highlight problem Shang, put an end to to Conference implement Conference, to file implementation file, never can makes superior of decision and deployment in a implementation Lost in the sound. System Office of the Government sector must take the l

40、ead in party and Government policies, the deployment and carry out specific targets, in the implementation efforts, for example on the implementation, on the implementation of a performance. City Government System Office to seriously implement implementation national, and Province Government system

41、Secretary-General Office Director Conference spirit, according to around overall, grasp implementation this a general requirements, insisted reform innovation, further change management concept, and management functions, and management system and management method; insisted quality first, ensure for

42、 led, and for grass-roots, and for masses provides quality efficient service; insisted strictly rule political, efforts construction a support political firm, and business master, and service political clean, and style excellent of Office team. Concrete work, and must deal with three relationships:

43、one is to handle well the relationship between passive adaptation and active service. Office service functions to the passive aspect of its work, which requires us to host lead when action must be strictly in accordance with the intentions and requirements for leadership, work within the limits of d

44、elegated authority, not offside, participation in the intervention, and not decision-making, coordination is not contemplated. Meanwhile, Office work and must become more conscious, give full play to the initiative and work to some foreseeable, be proactive, prepared, thinking ahead, providing infor

45、mation, active leadership, reflect the situation, ahead of good research, reference point, in key places to promote overall efficiency. Second, to handle the relationship between administrative services and transaction services. Administrative services and Services Office services complement the two

46、 aspects of the job. Administrative services is the core service is guaranteed. Note that combines both, adhere to government service as the main line, the Chief turns around the overall situation, turns around the district. On one hand, will attachthree a representative important thought for guide,

47、 efforts adapted new situation, and new task, and new requirements, tightly around city reform development of overall, further change functions, strengthened service, determined to innovation, Government System Office overall work of quality and level has has new of improve, for city economic social development made has due of contribution. 1, staff assistant for further strengthening. Around the focus of


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