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1、The first: to implement safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach, protect the safety of employees in the enterprise production, carbon company equipment to ensure safe and reliable operation, these provisions are formulated. Article II: according to the p

2、rovisions of the Peoples Republic of China production safety law and other relevant laws and regulations of the State, to limit the carbon system of work safety requirements and management of the company. Article III: the company adopted the administrative Chief for the security responsibility at al

3、l levels of responsibility system for production safety, establish a multi-level safety system, guarantee system and production safety supervision system, goals of guaranteeing safe production. Fourth: organizations at all levels within their respective scope of work for which the company around uni

4、fied deployment, relying on staff to do production safety work. Article fifth units of the company should be based on States, relevant industry and group companies under the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and make the units rules and regulations, the institutionalization and standardization

5、of safety production standardization. Sixth: the units of the company to implement the pipe must be safe principle, plan, layout, inspection, summary and assessment. The seventh article: new construction, renovation or expansion projects (hereinafter referred to as project) safety devices, must be t

6、he main part of the project designed, built and put into production and use. Eighth: units should actively promote safety assessment and risk analysis, improvement of working environment, consolidate enterprise security infrastructure, improve the level of safety management. Safety policy and object

7、ives in section II the Nineth: carbon companies overall safety policy, goals are: safety principles: adherence to the safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach. Safety goals: 1, no personnel injured group of dead accident 2, personal injury accident 3 and

8、above does not occur, without significant equipment damage accidents and above 4, no major equipment overhaul quality accident 5, major fires and above do not occur. 6, does not give rise to traffic accidents. 3 7, personal injury accidents per thousand. 8, the three wastes in line with national sta

9、ndards, larger, major pollution accidents to zero. 9, hidden rate up to 100%. The tenth article: carbon target levels of safety production control company: (a) control injuries and accidents, physical death, not a major equipment failure; (B) workshop injuries and disorders, personal injuries and ac

10、cidents do not occur; (C) the team attempted to control and abnormal, absence of physical injuries and disorders. The 11th article: carbon units of the company in accordance with the provisions of the safety goals of the entity, and the implementation of Division and implement. Safety responsibility

11、 system in section III article 12th administrative job is our safety responsibility, work safety and safety of this enterprise objective overall responsibility. 13th: the Executive job as security responsibility for the basic functions: (a) is responsible for establishing and implementing the busine

12、ss leaders at all levels, departments搅拌楼(站)微机控制系统文章来源:http:/ 前言:在使用本套软件之前,请详细阅读本说明书,熟悉二手搅拌机械站的工艺流程,设备各点的名称及功能和工作特点。敬告:本微机控制系统是砼生产的控制中心,需随时记录生产的过程及数据,在砼生产过程中,不要启动、运行其它与生产无关的应用程序,以避免造成意外故障或数据丢失。禁止在生产控制专用计算机上运行游戏程序、看VCD、听CD或MP3等。由于意外感染计算机病毒或使用非工作软件造成计算机故障不仅会影响生产、带来经济损失,并且由此引起的故障不在质保范围之内。在操作计算机或混凝土生产管理系

13、统软件时,请按正确的操作步骤进行操作,否则有可能造成非法操作,引起数据丢失。二) 本套软件控制原理:控制原理-传感器放大模块、采集板卡、I/O板卡、IPC组成计算机完成物料配料、卸料、搅拌等。三) 系统界面操作介绍1、 系统登录窗口选取相应的名字,并输入口令后,点击“确认”按钮即可。如须增加人员名字,请以管理员进入(初始密码为1),选取某一员工修改名字和密码并确认即可。目的:具有操作权限的人,才能进入生产,并且,在生产中每盘记录中将存有操作人员名字,以此提高其责任心,并备日后查询。2、 生产控制窗口 说明:本窗口为生产窗口,在录入配比及任务单后,即可在任务排单表中选取你要生产的任务单,在选定砼

14、方量或砂浆量,即可点“手动模式”按钮生产,此时,此按钮变为“自动模式”,在生产中,可随时点击此按钮进行手动和自动切换并且不会影响生产流程。在手动模式下,系统将暂停配料和卸料。特别说明的是,如果本单有砂浆,系统将在生产完混凝土后,自动生产砂浆,并将提示操作工及时叫停罐车。按钮“允许出砼”是允许在搅拌记时结束后,搅拌机执行卸料,在生产中可随时点击此按钮禁止搅拌机卸料,特别说明的是,在本单生产结束后,系统将自动锁闭搅拌机门,此时,按钮变为“禁止出砼”,即使操作工连续生产,也不用担心会卸到同一车中。按钮“强行配料” 系统在执行配料时将自动检测各秤门关门限位是否到位,如正常,执行配料。否则系统将停止该物



17、,可在不生产的情况下,点击刷新按钮查验配比.当系统不正常时,确保待料仓和搅拌机为空的前提下,退出系统后进入.请尽量不要在本单生产中修改车方量和任务单号,否则系统将出现不能自动复位,而无法正常生产,此时,请退出系统即可。注意待料仓和搅拌机必须为空。3、配比和任务单管理窗口说明:在录入各物料配比时,系统会自动给出本单容重,这样,将可避免录入错误配方,并方便修改。在输入时可根据需要输入特定的搅拌时间和搅拌机的半开门时间,不输入时,系统将在生产时按约定时间搅拌(见生产参数)。既系统可允许不同的配比有不同的搅拌时间,这样即可满足工程要求,又不影响生产效率。 根据需要录入生产配比信息.操作方法:(1)增加


19、修改保存即可。(1) 配料落差KG指物料在配料过程中提前关门物料重量,此值可由系统自动修正.(2)配料落差修正范围KG某种物料的配料落差大于其修正范围,该配料落差将不修正.缺省为0,其修正范围为100.(3)补秤延时MS某种物料的配料落差较大物料欠秤时,系统将自动延时补秤.(4)卸料落差KG指物料超秤在卸料过程中提前关门物料重量值.(5)扣秤延时MS某种物料的配料超秤时,系统将自动延时扣秤,多余部分留做下盘用.(6)卸料延时S 指卸入搅拌机的先后顺序(骨料不起作用)(7)秤空范围KG 指在不超秤的情况下,在卸料时秤斗内物料值小于该值时,系统将关闭秤门卸料结束。(8)秤稳定时间S 指当仓门关闭后

20、,系统将在延时一定时间再判断是否称量结束。(9)补秤误差% 指仓门关闭物料欠秤时,如果欠秤误差大于该值时,系统将自动补秤。(10)超差报警%某种物料的配料超秤并超出该值时,系统将自动暂停并报警.(11)搅拌机参数请慎重输入搅拌机容量值,不得超过搅拌机最大容量.(12)平皮带卸料延时S 指骨料卸料结束后,平皮带工作的时间。(13)斜皮带卸料延时S 指平皮带停止后,斜皮带再输送该时间后,过度仓即可卸料。(14)过度仓卸料时间S 指过度仓开门到位后的卸料时间。5、料位设置及系统校秤说明:料位设置,在录入各物料的入库量确定后,系统将累加入库量并在生产时会自动根据消耗量递减,并给出提示。系统校秤,采用A

21、D卡模式,可用本窗口进行校秤。6、司机名单说明:录入车号及司机名单管理,在生产窗口中,系统将根据输入的车号,自动提示本车的司机,方便操作工选择。操作方法雷同配比单操作。再录入某一个车号和对应的司机名单后,将“使用情况”选为使用,即可增加记录。7、系统配置窗口说明:本窗口为控制通道配置。没有权限,无法更改。本参数关切系统的各通道设置,不得随意修改。好处:当某一通道故障时,可通过本窗口更换通道。8,发货单(小票) 说明:本单在生产中,可设置为自动打印,可手动打印。可设置为套打小票,套打时,小票内容的位置坐标和显示长度均可根据实际需要由现场人员或操作工自由修改。8、使用说明书说明:在生产中,可随时打

22、开系统帮助获得帮助。9、 生产数据管理*生产数据庞大影响查询效率和控制精度*根据需要可分别打印每盘/每车/各种统计报表。当数据庞大影响查询效率和控制精度时,请及时转存数据,可点击数据转存菜单转存,名称为当天的日期,如2004-11-01.mdb,系统约定名称为scjlaccess.mdb,既2004-11-01之前的数据。均在2004-11-01.mdb里查询时请注意输入相应的数据名.如果报表中含有合计项,且在查询时没有出现合计内容,在打印第一页后,点击后页。 * * * * 故障诊断处理 * * * * 一、骨料秤不卸料 1,各秤是否称量完成,误差出现即为称量结束. 2,斜皮带是否启动. 3

23、,中间斗门关限位是否到位. 4,中间斗是否为空.(当手动生产时,该状态无法复位,清退出系统后进入或重新进入系统后,打开中间斗门复位)二,粉料秤水秤等不卸料 1,各秤是否称量完成,误差出现即为称量结束. 2,搅拌机是否启动. 3,搅拌机门关限位是否到位. 4,搅拌机是否为空.(当手动生产时,该状态无法复位,清退出系统后进入或重新进入系统后,打开搅拌机门复位)三、当某种物料由于粘秤无法结束卸料时,请及时清零.四、请及时检查中间斗限位,搅拌机限位是否可靠.五、在本单生产中不能随意更改任务单及车方量,如必须更改,请停止当前生产,并手动卸掉搅拌机和过度仓余料,退出系统重新生产。六、如出现生产异常,请在确

24、认过度仓及搅拌机为空的情况下,退出系统,重新生产。七、如何进行标称:1, 退出系统,以管理员身份进入。2, 打开系统校秤窗口(系统参数系统校秤)3, 用鼠标点击所要标称的物料名称最下方方格处,并点击“调零”按钮去皮,然后加载砝码,并在该方格处输入所加砝码值,点击“校秤”按钮即可,最后保存参数退出。关于双机双控模式操作1、 主控机程序操作规程,等同单机版控制程序操作。2、 监控机程序操作规程。打开生产画面,选中“允许从机报警” 然后点击“监控主控机工作”按钮,如果 REMOTENAME.DAT 文件为空,则系统要求输入主控机计算机名称如123,及主控程序所在目录 如 123d$主控程序 即可 。

25、维 护 和 保 养一、环境:尽可能保持计算机运行环境清洁,并保持适当的环境温度,即0-40。工控机的前面板上有空气过滤网,每个月清理一次,充分保障计算机的有效散热,这样可以保证计算机的正常运行和使用寿命。二、开关机:正确的开关机方法是保障计算机正常运行的前提。非正常关机可能导致数据丢失,硬盘损坏及操作系统异常。特别需要注意的是不要在开机状态下突然切断供电电源;或者带电插拔计算机内部的设备及外接板卡。这样可能导致整个软、硬件系统的瘫痪。如必须切断电源,请先关闭计算机。开机顺序:先开显示器及打印机,然后开启计算机主机。关机顺序:先关闭Windows 2000系统,再关显示器及打印机,后关闭主机后部


27、突然断电的情况下,在一定时间内安全关机,其有效供电时间有限,具体指标参见UPS电源说明书,其中主要的一项指标为断电备用时间(约10分钟),请务必在此时间内,结束必要的工作并关闭计算机,然后再关闭UPS电源。山东天宇建设机械有限公司地址:山东齐河经济技术开发区网址:http:/电话:0534-5678900 0534-5675600传真:0534-5676343of responsibility system for production safety; (B) the organizations implement the relevant safety instructions, impor

28、tant documents, coordinate and solve the problems in the sector in the follow-up; (C) to understand the safety, supervision, inspection, safety, regularly receive reports safety supervision departments. Chaired a security analysis of monthly meetings, timely research to solve major problems arising

29、in the work of production safety; (D) ensure safety oversight agencies and their staff to meet the requirements to support safety supervision departments to perform their duties; (E) ensure accident prevention measures and safety requirements for technical protection measures and use; the cost of en

30、suring safety award and use; (F) set the units production emergencies emergency plans, and, after emergency relief, rescue and recovery work; (VII) faithfully and promptly report accidents to the relevant authorities; (VIII) other specific duties in the relevant safety regulations. 14th: Chief Deput

31、y is in charge of the work of the enterprises within the scope of the security responsibility, within the scope of the responsibilities of leadership responsibility for work safety, its accountability to the Chief. 15th: units and positions should have clear security responsibilities, burden-sharing

32、 and a subordinate to a superior safety level of accountability. 16th: the company implements the safe production responsibility system, including responsibility for any grass-roots. Fourth quarter safety supervision article 17th: company set up a safety monitoring system, practicing the company, wo

33、rkshops, team three-tier security system, achieving security supervision of superior to subordinate. 18th: safety oversight body to exercise safety oversight functions. Safety supervisory body superior safety supervision authority on business leadership, qualification and personnel of institutions e

34、ligible to receive superior safety review of the supervisory authority. 19th: full-time security oversight body of the company; the shop, the team has no independent oversight bodies, must be full time or part time security officers, safety supervisors, workplace safety, team security officer grade

35、safety net. 20th: carbon companys safety oversight body by the Executive . Serving as. 22nd: the responsibility of security: (a) monitor implementation of responsibility system for production safety at all levels of the entity supervising the safety regulations, accident prevention measures and the

36、implementation of relevant safety instructions; (B) monitoring involves the technical condition of equipment, facilities, security, personal security protection status; found in the supervision and inspection of key issues and risks, to release security notice in a timely manner within a solution, a

37、nd report to the supervisor; (C) the Organization preparing the security plan of technical protection measures and supervision requirements for extraction and use, monitoring the implementation of the plan of supervising labor supplies, security equipment, security, acquisition, distribution and use of protective equipment; (D) to oversee the implementation of safety training program organized or cooperate with the security examination of the work procedures and safety culture; (E)


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