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1、many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves,

2、the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the bo

3、rder area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest societys weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of peoples livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-t

4、erm capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation where did the money come from still outstanding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irratio

5、nal structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calml

6、y, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disa

7、dvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nations most dare ring of green and organic food, but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and

8、pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the bord

9、er area, has been our weakness today as the country along the way, and long Jiang Silk Road building farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XXs situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the Mongolia-Russia economic corr

10、idors 65 policy and steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the Thirteen-Five period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long沥青碎石下面层施工组织计划一、工程概述 我公司承建的国道307

11、线改建工程第十一合同段。东起义居村东口,西至离石南关口,起讫桩号为K725+200K738+071.321主线全长12.6公里。采用二级公路标准:设计年限15年,设计时速40公里/小时,路面设计荷载BZZ-100。下面层设计为4.0cm厚沥青碎石。二、施工组织机构1、组织机构:施工负责人:杜建亮技术负责人:刘金旺 现场负责人:岳明亮试验负责人:刘新平质检负责人:张亚军料场负责人:高林顺机械负责人:冯文斌专职安全员:雷双马2、机械组合2000型沥青拌和设备套、洒水车2台、20T自卸汽车8辆、50装载机3台、WPD750型摊铺机、26T胶轮压路机12T双光轮压路机各1台三、施工工艺1、施工准备(1



14、学指标。绘制密度、稳定度、流值、空隙率、饱和度同沥青含量的关系图,综合选定满足各项指标要求的最佳沥青含量。 水稳定性检验:按选定的最佳沥青含量制作马歇尔试件,进行浸水马歇尔试验,检验是否符合规范要求,如水稳定性检验不合格,则需重新调整沥青含量及配比,必要时增加抗剥离剂措施等重新进行试验,直到符合要求为止。最后确定各种矿料(及抗剥离剂)的比例及沥青含量。2、沥青碎石下面层施工程序:测量放样挂线沥青混合料拌和运输摊铺碾压养生3、施工方案:沥青混合料采用2000型拌和站拌制。4.5m沥青混凝土摊铺机摊铺。4、施工工艺:(1)透层沥青施工材料要求: 沥青透油层:透层沥青采用慢裂洒布型乳化沥青PC-2。


16、工材料准备:各种材料的料场及沥青生产厂经监理工程师认可后,开始进料。拌和站严格控制各种用料的质量并备足够数量的材料,以满足施工进度要求。 沥青混合料的拌和: 根据试验选定并经监理工程师批准的原材料沥青配合比,进行沥青混合料拌和施工,并严格地按照操作工艺操作,以满足本合同段的沥青混合料质量要求。在拌和过程中,按要求进行各种检测工作,实验室至少每天上、下午各做一次沥青砼的马歇尔试验,以监测稳定度、流值、空隙率、密度、级配及油石比的指标波动是否满足规范要求,以便及时予以调整,同时检测每批进场沥青针入度、稳定度、软化点及抽验进场骨料的规格和材质等。沥青混合料的拌合设备拟采用60连续型和500间歇式拌制

17、设备,该设备生产过程全部自动控制,其步骤如下:向总控制室电脑输入沥青混合料的级配资料,然后由输送带将各集料装进相应的冷料仓,经初步计量后进入加热滚筒加热,自动控制加热温度,再筛分各热料仓,由控制室发出指令自动计量后进入拌合缸,同时自动加入经计量的沥青,充分拌合后进入储料仓,等待汽车装运。对于沥青采用导热油加热,加热油温度控制在150170范围内,矿料加热温度比沥青加热温度高1020,混合料出厂温度控制在140165,当沥青混合料出厂温度过高(超出高限30时),已影响沥青与集料的粘结力,混合料不再使用。沥青混合料的运输: 沥青混合料运输用8T以上自卸汽车,运输车的数量根据拌和站生产能力、运输车速

18、、运距等情况综合考虑,合理配置。运输车装料前彻底清洗干净,车箱底板及周壁涂一层油水混合液(柴油:水分为1:3),但不在底板留存余液。自卸车箱后挡板卡扣每日保持清洁,易于卡紧、开启,以防汽车在行进过程中漏料,造成材料浪费和路面污染。为了防止下雨对工程造成不良影响,各运输车均备蓬布,一旦遇雨就及时覆盖,以免造成材料浪费和温度散失。沥青混合料的摊铺: 采用摊铺机施工。摊铺前,先对基层面进行调整,透层沥青提前3天喷洒,与其他构造物的接触面上,均匀地刷一薄层沥青,然后放出中线及摊铺边线,并挂标高线以控制各层标高和厚度。摊铺机就位,调整,检测各部位参数及性能,然后按试验路段获得的数据进行作业。 摊铺时,摊



21、 (2)弯道或交叉口的碾压:先从弯道内侧或弯道较低一边开始碾压(以利于形成支承边)。对急弯应尽可能采取直线式碾压(即缺角式碾压),并一转换压道,对缺角处用小型机具压实。压实中应注意,转向同速度要相吻合,尽可能用振动碾压,以减少剪切力。 (3)陡坡碾压:无论是上坡还是下坡,压路机的从动轮始终朝着摊铺方向,即从动轮在前,驱动轮在后(与一般路段碾压时相反)。陡坡碾压时,压路机的起动、停止、变速要平稳,避免速度过高或过低,同时,要求沥青混合料的温度也不宜过高(取压实时温度范围的下限为宜)。 接缝: 在基层的强度达到90以上,就可以进行沥青碎石下面层的施工,施工时,采用半幅施工,首先进行右半幅的摊铺,然

22、后进行碾压,当右半幅摊铺碾压100m时,进行另半幅的施工,调整好熨平板高度,预留压实量,以便压实到相同厚度,趁热用钢轮压路机沿缝碾压最后进行常规碾压。横向接缝施工工艺和纵向接缝相同,在施工过程中,沥青碎石下面层、沥青混凝土上面层的纵向接缝相互错开,形成台阶型,绝对避免上下面层的纵向接缝在同一位置。详见各层接缝位置示意图: 路面各层接缝示意图 沥青砼上面层 沥青砼面层纵向接缝 沥青砼下面层 沥青碎石层纵向接缝 15cm 路中线 气候条件a、在阴雨的天气和未预见的气候突然变化,造成路面滞水时,沥青混合料的摊铺立刻停止。如未经压实即遭雨淋,沥青混合料全部清除,更换新料。b、施工气温低于10时,停止摊


24、检测,奖优罚劣。对不合格的工程,坚决返工。4、严把原材料进场关,凡进场材料必须具有有效的产品合格证,必须经中心试验室检测合格方准使用。5、建立“工序质量记录制”每道工序从始至终都要有详细的记录,隐蔽工程要有图像资料,完善技术资料。6、深刻领会设计意图,技术人员对施工人员技术交底,并深入工地,随时解决技术方面存在的问题。7、每天召开一次碰头会,每月召开一次质量分析会,研究解决施工中存在的问题,布置下一步工作目标。8、强化质量意识,加强宣传教育,把工程质量保证意识做到人人皆知,个个自觉把好质量关。七、安全保证措施a) 建立安全体系。项目经理部成立了工地安全组,设专职安全员1名,各个分项负责人负责安

25、全监督,逐级明确安全责任制,责任到人。b) 建立各项安全制度,制定机械、车辆等技术操作规程,开展职工安全教育,奖罚分明,严格执行安全监督,防患于未然,杜绝事故发生。c) 施工现场采用标准化作业。根据指挥部施工中不中断交通的要求,我们采取挂牌施工,在施工地段设警示牌,尽量注意交通安全。以安全为第一,合理组织生产。 the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as

26、 concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them.

27、 (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for th

28、e accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel we

29、lds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6

30、 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vesselshort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opp

31、ortunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent

32、 weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions f

33、or the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development six big industry, the County District Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry posi

34、tioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most has development potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never ca

35、n took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yi

36、elds, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in or

37、der to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, along the way implementation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects

38、along the River, in the Thirteen-Five plan promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, p

39、romote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct land, water and air transportation networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play long fuss, in addressing the short work on weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


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